NHDT plans to develop land picked for conservation

| 10/03/2023 | 57 Comments
Cayman News Service
Sunrise Cottage sign (from social media)

(CNS): The National Housing Development Trust is seeking planning permission via an application from the Lands and Survey Department for a 54-lot subdivision on Austin Conolly Drive, East End, on four parcels of crown land, part of which has been nominated to be a protected area. The nearly 20-acre site includes Sunrise Cottage, a retirement home that closed in 2019, and according to the agenda of the Central Planning Authority meeting, a new old folks home will be part of this latest low-cost housing project.

However, the site is ecologically important where the land is mostly primary dry forest habitat as well as geological interesting in the rocky parts. It has been earmarked as a possible ‘Hell East’, given the unique landscape, to compliment other nature- and history-based attractions in the area. The National Conservation Council has already resolved to consider the area for conservation, the Department of Environment confirmed in its submissions to the CPA.

The site is relatively close to the National Trust’s Lighthouse Park, a stop for guided bike tours in East
End. Making this crown land another attraction could help with the government’s aim to reduce tourist pressure from the western half of Grand Cayman and add value to the Eastern Districts. But the project as currently planned would prevent that from happening.

“If the site is developed with the proposed subdivision, the opportunity to create a tourism attraction or protected area is permanently lost,” the DoE said. “We recommend that the type of development proposed here by the National Housing Development Trust is reconsidered so that it can meet multiple objectives, including wellbeing and environmental sustainability objectives.”

The DoE suggested a compromise: using the southern part of the site, which is already man-modified. The department said this area could be developed with the proposed old-age home and higher-density housing with greater land-use efficiency for the affordable homes. The dry shrubland in the central area could then be retained in a natural or semi-natural state with walking paths or seating areas, while the northern part of the site, which is sparsely vegetated rock, could incorporate a viewing platform and signs, creating a crown-owned tourism attraction.

The project should, in any event, include 5% Land for Public Purposes (LPP), which would be just under one acre. However, the application is seeking to cut that down to just over one-sixth of an acre, though no explanation has been submitted for the variance request. There are no submissions from either Lands and Survey or the NHDT for this application in the CPA agenda.

However, in response to the DoE’s comments, the planning department indicated that it believes the government has decided what it wants to do with this land,

“It must be noted that Crown owns the parcels in question and the subdivision has been submitted by
a Government agency (Lands and Survey Department) which demonstrates clearly the government’s preferred option for developing the parcels which must be in line with Government’s broader policy goals,” the planning department stated.

But given the DoE comments and the indications from the NCC, both of which fall under Premier Wayne Panton’s portfolio, various parts of government appear once again to be in conflict over policy. This is not the first time that the planning ministry, headed up by Jay Ebanks, who is also the minister responsible for the Housing Trust, has held a different policy view on development.

There is no indication that representatives from Lands and Survey or the NHDT will be in attendance for the CPA meeting next week. The application is currently listed to be considered on the written submissions.

See the application on the agenda for the meeting in the CNS Library.

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Comments (57)

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  1. Anonimous says:

    In all fairness to the PPM since they took over the running of our government and our country affairs from the UDP when our government finances was in a mess and our country’s currency was in question of being devalued

    We have seen tempers flair, relationships strained and many changes of improvement implented for a more sustainable Cayman Islands

    Much like the nearly half of the countries of the European continent, 40% of the countries of Africa, and 30% of the countries of Asia and the South American countries like Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica who all at some piont made a declaration for bankruptcy.


    When we in the Cayman Islands were on the verge of going bankrupt and doing the same as those other countries, our leaders were very busy with the International community, namely “Moodies” comparing the value of our currency and confirming our country’s currency stability, which saw a transfirmation of views looking deeper into the future and making 20 and 30 year projections for a smoother infrastructure, development and growth

    Because of this, it was identified and determined that 75% of the land in the three Cayman Islands was undeveloped that raised questions and concerns about expanding the Hospitality and Tourism Sector opportunities in the outer districts with the Go-East Initiative

    The Go East Initiative

    Pg #10

    Explained that under the current zonings for Bodden Town, North Side, East End and Cayman Brac, that there is in theory, scope for up to 14,800 hotel bedrooms, “(a total of 30 hotels with 500 rooms in each hotel)” or 5,700 apartments and condos within the hotel/tourism zones.

    To put this in context, there are 2,100 hotel rooms and 1,970 condo rooms (for rent) along Seven Mile Beach that attracted a wide variety of aggressive business investors who were the only ones with privilaged information on the development plans during and after the Cayman Islands Owen Roberts Airport expansion

    “The long-anticipated climate change policy which was expected last September, has still not been unveiled and the proposed development plan remains under wraps.”


    where we were informed that we had 500,000 visitors a year, 41,667 visitors a month and 10,417 each week before the pandemic


    The revelation of this proposed Go-East Inotiative development also raised additional questions of sustainable government land revenue collection should the 75% of undeveloped property on the Island be sold to developers to build Mix-Use Developments with offices, retail stores, restaurants, hotels, condos and homes to create jobs

    The permanent lost of government revenue on land sales is where the discussions of a Sales, Property, Income and a Corporate Tax surfaced for our government to be able to continue to receive sustainable income to operate, build infrastructural roads, development and grow

    These issues has been the primary focus of our government leaders since the PPM inception of taking office and have reduced the time they require to properly address and implement important topics like Job Creation and Affordable Housing

    Lack of Communication has caused us in the Cayman Islands to be confused and frustrated straining relationships and tearing apart families

    Its time for us to all be more Open, Honest and Transparent!!!!!

  2. Anonimous says:


    Go East Initiative

    Pg #10

    Under the current zonings for Bodden Town, North Side, East End and Cayman Brac, there is in theory, scope for up to 14,800 hotel bedrooms, “(a total of 30 hotels with 500 rooms in each hotel)” or 5,700 apartments and condos within the hotel/tourism zones.

    To put this in context, there are 2,100 hotel rooms and 1,970 condo rooms (for rent) along Seven Mile Beach.

    After the Cayman Islands Owen Roberts Airport expansion, we had 500,000 visitors a year, 41,667 visitors a month and 10,417 each week before the pandemic


    NTMP – National Tourism Management Plan

    The NTMP calls for a variety of Mixed-Use Developments that include hotels, restsurants, retail & merchant stores, offices, apartments, condos and homes


  3. Anonymous says:

    11:27 did he raise his wages and other MPs wages during the Covid lock down ? while other Countries Governments was cutting their wages to help out during them bad times ?.

  4. Anonymous says:

    A retirement community for people from across the whole island and adjourning community nature park. Tourist attraction upgrade. Beach cabanas on sea side.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What is wrong with these people? Seriously! It’s like your own Caymanian politicians hate Cayman and don’t care for future generations.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Time to recommend some of the few parcels of land on WB Peninsula for protection. There are a few pieces that have mangroves on them.

  7. Anonymous says:

    A place to look at hell land is not much of a tourist attraction.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It should be a retirement community and nature park for the entire island. The Light house area is a great tourist attraction and needs parking.

  9. Anonymous says:

    and all to create another failed social housing ghetto…..zzzzzzzzzz

  10. Anon says:

    Someone needs to implement free birth control, and clamp down on permits and development. Cayman’s population growth is out of control.

    West Bay and George Town are already ruined. Bodden Town nearly finished. All that is left is North Side and East End.

    Yeah and forget the chicken and cat cull, they are not your problem. The cats can kill the rats and chickens you will needs for food if this unchecked breading and develolment continues.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Road through the wetlands,Gum Club in the Wetlands, resurrected port idea in Breakers now this. Seems they want to move all their shit out here but how the heck is the Hurleys bottleneck going to cope with it all when it’s already crippled gridlock twice daily?

  12. Anonymous says:

    It is disgraceful that Minister Jay Ebanks continues to show a total disregard and total lack of respect for the Premier.
    It would appear that some PACT ministers forget they have collective responsibility and accountability.
    The amount of money this government is spending just because it is available from record revenue from land sales is staggering. I hope the public remembers that they just borrowed $150million and let’s see what they do when the $400 million treasury bond comes due. Remember instead of cancelling the line of credit they drew down on it and placed it on a treasury bill fir 2 years. We are paying interest on that $500 million even though the line wasn’t needed.
    This group will leave a legacy of debt for our grandchildren.
    Why are we using up so much land to build homes? Better to do apartments and use less land.
    Does the public know that these same homes are heavily subsidised by government and the homeowners get the land for free? Does the public know how many millions of public money this is costing to prepare the sites etc?
    Can the Auditor General please step in here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Jay and Kenneth are laying the ground work for their inevitable Premier runs. They got their foots in the door now and are making the most of the time they have, getting in good with the major developers xxxxx

      • Anonymous says:

        First they need to learn how to read the laws, understand the laws and abide by the laws. I said it before and will say it again, so far Sir Alden was the only Premier so far who suited the role and didn’t embarrass us on the world stage.

        • Anonymous says:

          11:27 did he raise his wages and other MPs wages during the Covid lock down ? while other Countries Governments was cutting their wages to help out during them bad times ?.

    • Anonymous says:

      He pick this busload of dimwits to govern us. premier at all cost.

  13. Anonymous says:

    empty lots all over east. build there first, don’t cut down pristine forest for a subdivision that will never be built

  14. Anonymous says:

    I live next to this land, and have received no notification of planning applications.

    this land is beautiful, unspoiled dry forest, full of parrots, snakes, indigenous species, and old large trees. I cannot see there being any benefit in tearing it down, especially as there are 3 unbuilt subdivisions next door, with lots for sale, and virtually no houses built in the last 10 uears.

    • Anonymous says:

      They want to create another ghetto. When I was growing up in that area, if anyone ever mentioned such rubbish they would be run out of the district.

  15. Anonymous says:

    What is so hard about the DOE, Planning, Lands and Survey and the two ministers having a meeting to come to a compromise before the submission to planning ? Why are these contentious applications happening ? How many Governments do we have ? This looks really bad on PACT! They clearly are at cross purposes with public policy and it’s becoming embarrassing now. We did not vote for a Government that seems to be drowning in inward conflict! At the very least the last Government was on one agenda and plan. We are shooting ourselves in the foot with PACT!

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman has NO ethical political party! This is an easy decision to protect the land, but will be ignored and destroyed.

      Cayman, the officials are who YOU elected. Grumble all you want as you again go to elect corrupt officials. No sympathy, but plenty of prayers of what your ignorance has lost.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, well too many did. I know I didn’t vote for either one one of them. I knew from the get go that they were just a bunch of loudmouths with no brains. So sad for our Beloved Isles Cayman.

  16. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Who did you vote for in the last 4 elections? YOu get who you voted for.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t make me laugh. Out of ALL the political candidates we’ve had since the 80s there’s not one who gives a shyte about the environment more than Wayne Panton. But he’s surrounded by greedy sharks and ineptitude. Praying our educated and socially aware youth succeed all these idiots soon. Otherwise we’re doomed.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Na it doesn’t need to be another Tourism site – signed an East Ender

  18. One Love One Cayman says:

    You know what it’s time for these inconsistencies in the PACT government to stop. Gentlemen and Ladies you have been elected to provide one singular thought process in the creation of laws and processes to benefit all the people of these islands. Instead sll that is occurring is these controversies that are not of benefit to the peoples benefit but rather are dividing us, making us all look like fools and only serving your self serving egoes, and of course making you all the joke of the day amongst these people who you so graciously approve to come and live here amongst us.

    It’s becoming tiring you people . We understand your inexperience, but we know you have good common sense do use it nah! Isn’t what you’re doing the way you’re behaving leading to Your own demise as representatives can’t you see that?

    Straighten up and fly right PACT do your duty to the oriole of this country and to your children and future generations of caymanians. Do the right things for the right reasons or else. Be nice nah or else!

    One Love One Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      One Lie. One Corruption.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are not ‘looking’ like fools… You ARE fools. You elected clowns, now enjoy the circus with your KFC.

      • Anonymous says:

        Being fair, when you only have clowns to choose from its clearly a gamble no matter who you pick!

    • Anonymous says:

      I differ on the “common sense bit” no experience but a whole lot of pomposity, ignorance and noise. I suppose we can take a grain of comfort in the fact that they keep coming out with these mind bending announcements but thank goodness nothing gets implemented. The more they fight with each other the less time they have to actually put their hare-brained ideas in motion. Let’s hope this continues.

  19. Anonymous says:

    You wanted a Catron led government. Jokes on you.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I tell you man it’s like these politicians know they are not getting back in so their wish is to destroy anything and everything.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wayne where’s the sustainability and preservation of our environment you promised us??

  22. Anonymous says:

    ha ha ha ha! they probably sell protected land next…lol

  23. Anonymous says:

    CPA = Harlem Globetrotters


    DOE = Washington Generals

    Rinse and repeat. Fire up the excavators and concrete mixers.

  24. Anonymous says:

    East End is bad enough, but it will be so great to continue clenching a little bit longer for the new roadside scares of Gun Bay on our way around the island. Maybe they could reenact pirate times by slapping tourist windscreens with a cow cod as we drive past doors locked. DOT should get involved with real carjackings for at least a month every November. Not like there are cops in the vacant seaside station out there. Morritts guests will love it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Surely a little post-concession negotiation could induce the major health operation out there to partner on a rest home facility. Plenty vacant land around the hospital. And guaranteed patients.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would anyone suggest putting our senior citizens in an area surrounded by a bunch of low income residents, fighting and bitching all night . These politicians obviously make these decisions during a nightmare. A rest home should be peaceful and tranquil where our seniors can live out their last year’s in peace and dignity.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Comedy gold.

  27. Anonymous says:

    anyone care to guess how this is going to go

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman will lose unspoilt prime habitat forever, and someone will get rich.

      same as it ever was


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