Bush’s OBE under forfeiture review

| 21/10/2022 | 98 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush in Finance Committee

(CNS): UPDATED: The royal gong awarded to former speaker of parliament McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) is under review after a request was made to the UK’s Honours Forfeiture Committee. Bush received an OBE in 1997 but CNS has learned the award is now under the microscope. Anyone can make a complaint about an honoree who they believe has brought the honours system into disrepute. The committee then considers the reasons presented.

The committee is especially likely to strip people of honours when the individual has been found guilty of a criminal offence and jailed for three months or more, has committed a sexual offence or has been censured or struck off by a regulatory body.

There are other reasons on which a decision to forfeit an honour can be based, including past issues coming to light or conduct that occurs after the award is made. The committee’s recommendations for forfeiture are submitted through the prime minister to the monarch, and if approved by the king, notice of forfeiture is usually placed in the London Gazette.

While CNS has not been able to confirm where the request to review Bush’s OBE came from, it is understood that Bush has already stopped using the letters after his name in some formal correspondence.

Bush was pressured into resigning from the position of speaker earlier this month following another scandal surrounding an incident when he was intoxicated. Bush allegedly behaved inappropriately to and sexually harassed several women at a Caribbean Tourism Organization cocktail party. While the police have said they undertook an investigation and were expecting to submit a file to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Bush has not been arrested and to date, no charges have been brought.

Since posting this report CNS has learned from other sources that Bush has revised his resignation letter to the clerk of parliament to confirm that he left office on 12 October after originally saying he would not step down until 30 November. As a result, we understand he is no longer being paid by the public purse. We have however, still not had this confirmed by parliament.

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Comments (98)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Unless convicted of sexual assault he is unlikely to lose it. I stand to be corrected but from information available no one has lost it due to common assault.

  2. Leon C says:

    “……..it is understood that Bush has already stopped using the letters after his name in some formal correspondence.”
    Because he is so thick he forgot! Trust me, he will continue to use those letters after his name long after they are taken from him.

    • Anonymous says:

      Criminals are often found to be anything but “thick”, in fact, jails are full of white collar criminals who were once deemed “brilliant” by society.

  3. anonymous says:

    Best article I have read – he brings disgrace to the honours system and all the genuine people who have deserved them must feel the same – strip him of it and make it quick!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Take it away!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    This should be a petition filed by the entire Caymanian community.

  6. Anonymous says:

    WBW had their chance. They chose free beer and new fridgeraters over a morally sound opponent. good luck to us all

    • Anonymous says:

      This comment ignores the fact that if we hadn’t had an early election Mario would have won. He lost by a handful of votes and was the closest anyone would have ever gotten. WBW wasn’t given the amount of time needed to sway 40+ years of indoctrination

      • Kmanman says:

        It really shouldn’t matter when the election was. The records of both candidates were clear. You’ve got to blame the voters of WBW for this.

      • Anonymous says:

        Mario did a great job running against Mac. If Mario were to run again, I think he will win.

      • Gray Matter says:

        Tell me how a early election waved Mario away?

  7. Anonymous says:

    In an ideal world there would be a simple, impartial and effective legislated process for permanently ending the right to use the term ‘Honourable’ when a person’s conduct demonstrates that they clearly are not.
    Unfortunately PACT will never pass such a law when the man who is still the role model for many in PACT would be affected.

    • Anonymous says:

      If I would never see him pictured in any news article, or hear him on any radio or in person, it would be a wonderful thing for me and other sane Caymanians!

  8. Anonymous says:

    ‘honourable’ for life in cayman islands. a title and law he brought in.
    welcome to wonderland

    • Anonymous says:

      Voted in by constituents he gave status to. Monitored by an Attorney General he gave status to. Overseen by judges he gave status to.

      You literally could not make this shitshow up.

      • Nostatus Grant says:

        Where is the evidence for your claims? Show me the numbers. I’m no fan of Bush. Having lived in West Bay for many years I will not be surprised if he wins again status holders or not. Bush’s base is West Bayern’s. Status holders do think and act strategically but I would challenge the assertion that they determined the outcome.

        • Anonymous says:

          His West Bay supporters used to be responsible for his election. However since the status giveaway real Caymanians are outnumbered. In 2021 Mac actually thanked Cubans and Jamaicans for his election. He didn’t mention West Bayers.

          • Mackie says:

            So the West Bay base voters have not stopped voting for Mac, they are the hard core base. So don’t blame his win on status holders although they may increase his margin. Mac’s core base is solid and remains so.

  9. Say it like it is says:

    I said all along his delayed resignation is due to his pure naked greed, he has no sense of decency, yet this individual (he can never be called a man) was elected Premier more than once

    • Jonathan Adam says:

      Said individual would not have become premier if the Cayman Islands had a viable and/or valid and/or sustainable system of democratic process. The construct which saw him gain said position is not democracy. He was appointed by a very small group of self interested people, not elected. Therein be the underlying problem which needs to be changed, regardless of who it may be chosen. The position of premier (if it needs to exist in the first place) is one which has to be a decision made solely by the electorate themselves/ourselves and to the explicit exclusion of any and all others.

      • Anonymous says:

        Time to get rid of the garrisons and have a national vote. Give everyone 3 votes, whoever gets the most is Premier and the next 8 make up the rest of Parliament. It ain’t rocket science.

      • Anonymous says:

        Then, like the US, we would be stuck with said person for 4 years with no option of removal as exists now. Sounds like you are a fan of him afterall.

    • Kmanman says:

      He was only elected Premier once – in 2009. He seized power by a so-called coup in 2001.

      • Anonymous says:

        22@2:12 pm – He was NEVER elected as Premier, in fact no one has. McKeeva was appointed as Premier, like Alden and Wayne.

  10. Anon says:

    Where is the current Govt AND backbenchers with an Ethics Bill??? Soon pls!!
    No excuses are good enough.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is there a petition where citizens can support this forfeiture proposal?

    CIG is overloaded with dubious self-inducting awardees that were paid to resemble their honour description. Meanwhile, non-governmental selfless volunteers give their time and attention, plying-on without medals, ribbons, or other staged media acknowledgements. Those are the people that should be recognised for civic distinction.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Happy Friday 😀👏

  13. Anonymous says:

    About time. Should not have been awarded in the first place.

  14. Anonymous says:

    OBE? By all accounts he more interested in OPP.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I so hope this happens this monster has been loose on our lovely islands for too long not one person he has ever come into contact with has not been amused in someway. I have witnessed first hand his sexual harassment of women. And to any gender he felt he could abuse and get away with it. Next strip him of his “big” wealth and compensate the long list of his victims.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you. It’s refreshing to see the word ‘loose’ used properly in a post on CNS.

      • Anonymous says:

        😂🤣 The word “lose” is commonly misspelled as “loose” in the CNS comments. I, too, have noted that.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Finally something sensible regarding this misogynistic troglodyte.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Where are the Police and DPP. Very quiet.

  18. Anonymous says:

    What good is calling a general election when the same network of morally-impaired remain eligible for office? Voters need to petition to change the Election Law criteria to disqualify everyone with a criminal conviction. They shouldn’t be eligible for positions of trust.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Bush has not been arrested and to date, no charges have been brought. – What the hell is taking so long 🤔🤔🤔 Taking away his OBE is a good first step and why can’t we hear the women’s side of the story? Obviously, he knows where all the bodies are buried.

    • Anonymous says:

      McKeeva installed the Attorney General by coup in 2003.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t have to be arrested to be investigated by the police.

      You don’t have to be arrested to be interviewed under caution.

      It takes months for the DPP to process files of this type.
      Even if Bush were arrested and interviewed he would be bailed for about about 3 months pending a legal ruling.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Glad he’s still keeping his speaker’s salary though, must be hard getting by with “only” a MP’s salary plus “discretionary budget”. I feel for the man.

  21. Anonymous says:

    What about the doctorate that was purportedly acquired for him? He loves that one more.

  22. Anonymous says:

    About time!

  23. Anonymous says:

    If Mac has any self respect left he will resign from his elected post as well and allow a new election. He would be free to run and hopefully be voted against by his constituents. That would be the honourable thing to do

  24. Anonymous says:

    There’s a whole bunch of abbreviations used in criminal record reports that should be after his name, I really hope those will replace the gong in due course instead. 👮🏼

    • Anonymous says:

      W.M.Bush. HMP.
      That would be a good start.

    • We can be heroes says:

      Conservative Unionist National Treasure.

      • Anonymous says:

        I hope that attention is also paid to all the good that Mac has done for Cayman and Caymanians. Would be sad if only the bad things are considered.

        • Anonymous says:

          You mean kind of like collapsing a bank so we could enjoy Caymans only ‘gastro pub’ instead – that kind of bad & good trade off ? 🍻🍱

        • Anonymous says:

          IF and I do mean IF he did any good, I think only those that benefitted would make that comment. AND by those, I mean those that rec’d appliances and or cash. AND you know who you are and should be ashamed of yourselves.

        • Anonymous says:

          Mac is and has been a better man than Alden.

        • Anonymous says:

          Nullified in their entirety. His misdeeds prove his true character and supercede any other acts. Any ‘good’ done by this slimeball was only for his own gain

        • Anonymous says:

          Mac has never done anything that did not benefit Mac.

      • Anonymous says:

        Couldn’t have said it better, 3.21

  25. Anonymous says:

    Strip all of his titles! Undeserving scumbag.

    • Caymanian says:

      I remember while we were still suffering from the devastation from Ivan this man was faxing, using DOT fax machine to collect money for only GOD KNOWS WHAT. ???!!!

  26. Diver says:

    Best news. Please take it away. He doesn’t deserve it.

  27. Anonymous says:

    More of this witch hunt nonsense. Always picking on West Bay people like Honorable Bush and Miss Cayman.


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