Two women appointed to OfReg board

| 06/04/2022 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Two women have been appointed as non-executive members of the OfReg board, filling up the empty seats on the previously entirely male environment. Accountant Bonnie Anglin and lawyer Natasha Bodden will serve for a period of three years on the beleaguered governing body at a time when public attention is likely to remain focused on the regulator’s efforts to protect consumers.

Board Chairman Rudy Ebanks said the members were very pleased to welcome them.

“Ms Anglin brings knowledge and experience in economics and public policy, and Ms Bodden brings experience and insights in law, public policy and business,” he said. “We now have a Board that comprises members of diverse and necessary skill sets, and which is more representative of our country and community. I look forward to working with two Caymanian women of such high esteem.”  

Anglin has a Master of Business and a Bachelor of Business Economics degree. Her professional experience includes economics, accounting and public policy. Bodden has a Bachelor of Laws degree and is a practicing attorney.

Deputy Premier Chris Saunders, whose portfolio includes OfReg, said he was pleased to see two such accomplished and capable women join the board as non-executive directors “following a rigorous selection process”.

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Category: Jobs, Local News, Politics, Private Sector Oversight

Comments (41)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A waste of government! close it down !!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    LOL – I always know it can get worse, and you’re right about one thing, it has!

  3. Anonymous says:

    You could appoint Jesus, Gandhi and Mother Teressa to the Board of OffReg and even they couldn’t save it. Someone shoot this dog.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you could appoint Jesus, Ghandhi and Mother Teresa and the rabble wouldn’t have one good word to say about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Congrats guys. As a woman, I am proud every time one woman gets a break. High time.

      And don’t worry about the naysayers. You are in good company. An African-American woman was tonight confirmed as the first black woman to sit on the Supreme Court. And the Republican old men whose forebears enslaved her ancestors of not too long ago walked out of the Chamber rather than celebrating her success.

      That’s the way things are—but the winds of change are gaining momentum.

  4. Anonymous says:

    PACT cronies on every Board

  5. SJames says:

    Can OffReg explain why today diesel is $6.66 a gallon at one gas station and at another half a mile further down on WBR is only $5.24?

    • Anonymous says:

      The real question is are consumers searching for the lowest prices and only buying from those gas stations? It seems to me there is a lot of complaining but people aren’t utilizing the power of demand to lower prices. And if we aren’t doing that then is the complaining only for complaining sake?

    • Anonymous says:

      How about applying a little common sense. One provider immediately passed on the rate increase while the other didnt.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? Just go to the cheaper one and be happy.

    • Anonymous says:

      I suppose the oil companies would point to that as proof that they are not colluding to fix prices.

    • Anonymous says:

      One is a rip off and the other is not? Do you need someone in government to tell you this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gas at stations on the SMB corridor has always been at $1 more than the rest of the island….it’s about ripping off the tourists mainly.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Do either of them have any experience in utilities whatsoever?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Major congrats to both ladies on their recent appointment to the board. I am super proud of Natasha in particular, she is a hard working and diligent. I know she will make an impact

  8. Anonymous says:

    Who cares what gender they are. All that matters is if they can do the job.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I am very curious to see where these individuals received their degrees from. Omission makes it seem like they were obtained via diploma mills and they are just window dressing designed to gussy up their qualifications but without any real substance.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good question 5.47.
      A ‘Masters’ from say, California coastal university, is a joke obtained on line .

      • Anonymous says:

        I like how you two punks immediately jump on to the “oh their degrees must be fake” thing. Good job.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not suggesting they are fake, just commenting that some qualifications are not exactly a reflection of the bearer’s intellect or abilities implied by the degree.

          • Anonymous says:

            Why would you automatically want to ask that question? The worst part of it is you are speaking about two people that are very intelligent. Their degrees aren’t even a reflection of their intelligence. But my point is that the thing that’s inside of you that caused you to ask that question is a nasty little monster masquerading as intelligent discourse.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lazy troll.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you’re curious, you might actually search on your own. Anglin’s degrees are readily located online. Bodden’s not so much, but she is a practicing attorney, so there’s that. Is ICCI a diploma mill? You tell me.

  10. Lomart says:

    Tell me again what is the purpose of OfReg?

    • Anonymous says:

      As with most Government bodies, it’s primary purpose is to employ Caymanians unable to hold down a job in the private sector.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Can we not have a board member who is one of the tbousands who struggle to feed their families?

    • Anonymous says:

      What names you think the two women are not struggling like everyone else?

      Congrats Bonny. You have been through some tough times and holding your own now. Happy for you.

      I am sure OfReg will not regret it. Best wishes.

    • Anonymous says:

      While I have no comment on the two individuals appointed to the board, you should ask yourself a couple of questions like:
      1. When I am feeling sick do I consult someone who is struggling to feed their family or someone who attended medical school?
      2. When my car breaks down do I call someone who is struggling to feed their family or someone who has experience in car repair?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, they sound like they would be suitably qualified to deal with the complexity of OfReg.

    • Anonymous says:

      Common sense is needed on these boards, yes common sense goes a long way.

  12. Anonymous says:

    No way to go but up!

    • The zero effect says:

      Well these two should at least perpetuate the bobble head effectiveness of OfReg in relation to its regulated entities.

      • Anonymous says:

        The bottom line is, OfReg is only wasting tax payers money, they do nothing to help the consumers. It would be the same if they was shut down, and it could save millions of tax payers money.

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