Repeat sex-offender admits indecent act on beach

| 29/04/2022 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Ronnie Rodney Ebanks (53) pleaded guilty in Summary Court last week to an indecent act in relation to an incident in January when he was caught on video exposing himself on the beach in front of children. He is a known offender and was under a sexual harm prevention order from 2017, which was breached by this latest offence, for which has not yet been sentenced. Ebanks, who remains in custody, appeared in Grand Court on Friday, 29 April, for the higher court to address the breach of the prevention order.

However, Justice Cheryll Richards said she was unable to deal with this before the formal process to transfer the case to Grand Court had been undertaken by the lower court. It was not clear why this had not been done.

Ebanks was the first person in the Cayman Islands to be the subject of a sexual harm prevention order, effectively becoming Cayman’s first formally registered sex offender, and this was the first breach of such an order by a repeat offender. The order was made following Ebanks’ conviction in 2017 for a third sexual offence. He was described by the judge in that case as a “sexual predator and a danger to women”.

In 2010 he was sentenced to ten years after he pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to rape in very similar circumstances to the 2017 case. That happened just weeks after he had been released from Northward after serving part of a 12-year term for a rape conviction several years earlier.

The most recent case was returned to Summary Court for a hearing next week for the court to decide whether or not his sentencing should be formally transferred to the Grand Court so a judge can deal with Ebanks’ historic as well as more recent sexual offending.

The alternative option, the court heard, was that a magistrate could sentence Ebanks separately for the recent incident and leave the Grand Court to deal with any additional punishment in relation to the sexual prevention order, which has at least five more years to run.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Clearly we have a problem at our parole board level that so many recidivists are being released early, only to immediately re-offend. The gunslinger on the loose from this past weekend is also a parole board misfire. Cayman needs a much bigger prison to fit all the home-grown full-time criminals that should never be released a day earlier than their full sentence.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Whatever happens, it is clear that innocent victims (future victims) are at risk, if he were to be released again. I think he’s earned himself a life sentence, with no 2/3rd as time served, but rather life in prison (forever).

  3. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    If you think sexual predators can be rehabilitated at anytime then you know nothing about recidivism rates.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Chemically castrate him!!! There is no remedy for him otherwise!!

    • Robert Mugabe IV says:

      Chemical castration has never been proven to be a permanent deterrent for recidivism.
      The death penalty on the other hand has a zero recidivism rate. Who’s rights are more important? The criminals or the victims

      • Anonymous says:

        Stop killing people you twit

      • Eh? says:

        Is this person advocating the death penalty for indecent exposure?

        • Robert Mugabe IV says:

          Read the full article and see what several efforts at rehabilitation for R.R.Ebanks has done for law abiding civilized people.
          Sexual predators can’t be rehabilitated.
          I had earlier asked CNS for a reason they havnt shown a photo of RR Ebanks as they had done with an earlier story of a violent criminal that was on the run.
          Still waiting for an answer from CNS.

          CNS: I didn’t answer because it was a stupid question and it was the weekend, when I try to get at least some time off. We don’t have a picture of him. Duh! Next time, just think for a minute before you get your knickers in a knot.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s unbelievable that those man has multiple, lengthy custodial sentences for an aggreciois act such as rape and burglary with intent TO rape and allowed to roam the streets freely.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Lock him up and throw away the key. Crimes against children are the worst

  7. Swivellhips says:

    Lost cause if you want the honest truth

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s hard to conclude that the Judges care anything about protecting the people in Cayman. Unless I miscount, we’re talking at least four serious sex crimes and he is still hanging out at the beach with children free as a bird. Why don’t you have a law that says when these criminals offend again, the first thing they have to do is complete their prior unserved sentences. This guy wouldn’t have been on the street in that case. Toughen up your bail and sentencing practices!

    • Logic says:

      Just give him a life sentence, every time he is released he gets worst…Government going to wait until some woman or child is raped an killed to act appropriately..He is a predator an needs to be put away for good.

  9. Common Sense says:

    It might help if he actually has to serve the full sentences he has been given, then most of these cases would not have occurred.


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