Political veteran Benson Ebanks dies aged 87

| 31/03/2022 | 31 Comments
Benson Ebanks with his daughters, Judy, Gina and Janet (from social media)

(CNS): Local statesman Benson Ebanks (87) has died. The former West Bay representative’s passing was announced by Premier Wayne Panton on Wednesday, as government flew flags at half-mast to mark the passing of the Caymanian political icon and business leader.

Ebanks was the architect of the Cayman Protection Law and served in the Legislative Assembly as a representative for his district for 30 years. He served on the Executive Council (now Cabinet) and was a champion of education and instrumental in the establishment of the Sunrise Adult Learning Centre.

Ebanks was a founding shareholder of Cayman National Bank and chairman of the board from its establishment in 1974 until 2010. He also had several retail businesses, including the hardware store in West Bay. Panton said Benson was committed to political stability, good governance and the careful, managed development of the Cayman Islands.

“On behalf of all us in government, we extend our deepest sympathies to his children, grandchildren and extended family. He embodied the truest essence of being Caymanian and will be sorely missed. May his soul rest in peace,” said Panton.

Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart offered condolences to the Ebanks family on behalf of the opposition, saying that his place in the history books was undisputed.

He said that Ebanks’ life’s work extended beyond government and parliament and his “contributions to our Islands through politics, business and socially helped make the Cayman Islands a better place and positively impacted the lives of countless numbers of Caymanians”.

The Chamber of Commerce also issued a statement about Ebanks, who was its first president in the 1960s, stating that he “leaves behind an indelible mark on multiple areas of Cayman Islands society”. The Chamber also lauded his work and contributions to the development of the Cayman Islands.

“He embraced Cayman’s culture and society on all fronts and was a keen supporter of the arts and preserving Cayman’s history. He was truly a Caymanian son of the soil who helped to lay a foundation in politics, in business and in the community. His outstanding contributions will benefit future generations,” said the Chamber’s executive.

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Comments (31)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Easily the next National Hero, and well deserving of the honour. Pity it was not granted while he could actually appreciate the honour.

  2. Anonymous says:

    One of the few who didn’t sell out to the deep back pockets of the mega rich.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Real north west points! Hold your head high Cayman people they all wish they could be us!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Can you imagine if we had Mr Benson’s in Cabinet today. Oh what a great place we would be in.

    To all the current MP’s read the comments here and ask yourself. If I died tomorrow would I be described in a similar way. Please be truthful with yourself.

    Scary huh!

  5. D Thibeault says:

    My sincerest condolences to Mr. Benson’s family for your loss.

  6. Anonymous says:

    RIP Mr. Benson. He should have been knighted years ago.

  7. Anonymous says:

    May his soul rest in peace.in Mr Benson days he did not sold out cayman .in those days we had a talk and some one to listening to us today our little island is finish with

  8. Anonymous says:

    The only blemish on his career was introducing McKeeva into politics.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Sincere condolences to Mr. Benson’s family. He was a great statesman for his beloved Cayman Islands and leaves a legacy of which we can all be proud. A man of unquestionable integrity who was not afraid to take a stand on anything that he felt was not to the benefit his constituents and also to the wider Caymanian community. A man with the intellect and foresight to make contributions that were greatly needed. My heart is full of gratitude for the fearless advocate that he was for his people and our Caymanian heritage. Thank you for your selfless service Mr. Benson. May you Rest In Peace.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Benson was a great caring man, who always though of Cayman people like he did of himself. NOT like the Policiations of today whom only cares about themselves giving themselves 16 % raise of pay while giving others little or nothing. R I P Mr Benson.

  10. Michael Day says:

    …. Just to add to the nice heartfelt comments: in addition to his many contributions….. I would like to thank Mr Benson for raising, along with their amazing mother, three wonderful daughters – Gina, Janet and Judith.

    Instilled with their parents’ ethics and love of country they will continue their parents’ legacy.

    RIP Mr Benson and much love to his girls x

  11. Anonymous says:

    Deepest and sincere condolences to the children, grandchildren children, extend family and friends of the Hon. BO Ebanks . May his soul Rest In Peace ☮️. This country could sure use a few could politicians like him now!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I was turned down for a scholarship 20 yrs ago…benson heard about it..pulled some strings…i am a successful caymanian now..that you mr benson…heaven doors await you with open arms! 😍

  13. Anonymous says:

    Benson Ebanks – a man with ethics and integrity who did not lose them when he became a politician, a rare breed indeed. Thanks for all your service.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said 5.28.
      He brought honor and dignity to West Bay and to his role as a representative for his district.
      Sadly, his political successor has besmirched that dignity and integrity , reducing the district to a shameful den of ghetto malfeasance.
      May he Rest In Peace, and may his memory serve to inspire future West Bay politicians that they don’t need to lie with dogs .

      • Anonymous says:

        “reducing the district to a shameful den of ghetto malfeasance.” I guess that’s why most of the new real estate money is spent in West Bay?

        • Anonymous says:

          The real West Bay don’t start until the fire station.

          • Anonymous says:

            01 @ 1:50 pm – So, I guess you haven’t been on Northwest Point Road recently? Check all the high $$ construction!

            Not for the average Caymanians though.

            • Anonymous says:

              @6:56 pm

              The cost of coastal properties the world over are not affordable to the the average income bracket of any nationality.

  14. Orrie Merren says:

    My sincerest condolences to the family and loved ones of Mr. Benson O. Ebanks OBE.

    Mr. Benson contributed significantly, both in the public and private sectors, to the success enjoyed by the Cayman Islands.

    Mr. Benson will be remembered as a pioneer in the banking sector as well as for his contributions in both the legislative and executive arms of government (as an elected member for West Bay).

    Mr. Benson was a true Caymanian patriot and a Nation-builder.

    I am humbly grateful and honored to have been able to call Mr. Benson “my friend”.

    Praying for comfort and strength to Mr. Benson’s family and loved ones at this time.

    Let us cherish the loving memory of Mr. Benson.

    God bless,
    Orrie 🙏🏻🇰🇾

  15. Anonymous says:

    RIP Mr. Benson O. Ebanks Jr. OBE, JP.

    His political service to his country remains honourable and is appreciated. His availability to his constituents, acquaintances, neighbours, friends, et al for his JP services (which by mandate are free of charge but can and do intrude at times into a holder’s personal time) is appreciated. As a past customer, his family business was convenient and appreciated. As a community figure he was respected.

    Mr. Benson’s generation of Caymanians (my parents’) and my own (baby boomers up to the late sixties) can directly relate to his presence in our community and younger generations are also impacted in many ways. His decorum in public office could and should be considered as a model to some of his successors in the Cayman political arena.

    Cayman has lost another of the Old Guard from the political landscape of the 60’s – 80s, a crucial time in our development. History will record Mr. Benson’s politics as being in the best interest of ordinary Caymanians, without sacrificing personal integrity, ethics or respect for the public purse.

    It’s ironic, though, that the political landscape following Mr. Benson’s exit will eventually cultivate its own OGs…. but it won’t meant “old guard” anymore, more like today’s pop culture meaning!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Condolences to the family. Mr. Benson was a great person, who gave of himself to his country.

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