VJ and Skylar remain in jail

| 04/01/2021 | 26 Comments
Cayman News Service
Vanjae Ramgeet

(CNS): Both Skylar Mack and Vanjae Ramgeet remain in jail, Prison Director Steve Barrett has confirmed to CNS. The governor’s office has also stated that they have not been released and no pardon has been given by that office. Expected to serve another three weeks in HMP Fairbanks and HMP Northward respectively, the notoriety of the couple’s exploits and punishment appear to be fuelling false rumours about a potential early release.

Social media has been on fire with speculation of a pardon and even the idea that an extra Cayman Airways flight had been scheduled just to take Mack home after her family petitioned the US government and senators in her home state of Georgia to pressure the UK, and by extension the government here, to release the American teenager

The couple breached isolation regulations after Mack removed her iMsafe wrist band while in isolation and Ramgeet drove her to a Jet Ski event he was competing in. They remained locked up throughout the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Their attorney, Jonathon Hughes, also said he had not been informed that they had been given or might be given early release by the prison.

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Comments (26)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Looks like their champions from the state of Georgia will lose interest. That leaves sad, unloved Eric Trump as their last hope to be able to break the law and get away with it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why has the scumbag on Marina Drive, with a “connected” mother not been tried and committed yet. A complete mockery to the system. Let’s stop reporting on these two idiots now it’s old news.

  3. Shawn says:

    I’ve seen the future , cayman island sold to highest bidder as tourism dollars disappear or are you going to get into the manufacturing sector or lumber business how about mining any gold mines or nickel on cayman , no? Maybe you should try and stay in the tourism business as it’s all you have , that’s it . PR kinda matters then doesn’t it

  4. Cruyff says:

    Shame on Sandra and CMR. How could CMR be so wrong so many times. My mom told me 30 years ago never believe anything you hear on the marl Road.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What?! You mean the Cayman version of the Enquirer propagated false news? No! Could never!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I for one minute don’t disagree that Skylar (Miss Entitled) should not serve out her full sentence but what I disagree with is why the DISHONORABLE BUSH is not serving time alongside her as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      The courts in their ultimate wisdom did not see jail time as serving any useful purpose. I believe the courts should be looking at cases and not personalities. How else in the world could the speaker be given a little slap on the wrist? Did the courts even consider the message they are sending to the public as it relates to violence against women? This is a dangerous precedent in my opinion. What is also troubling is that the women in parliament have not to my knowledge, spoken out against this disgraceful behavior.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why is Marl Road still allowed to spread lies? What was the point of the court case?

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    Free..ee VJ and Skylar.

    You know the tune.

  11. Ef says:

    this story getting stale now

  12. Anonymous says:

    Can we stop wasting time on them and giving them attention? This is what her and her family want. Why do you think her grandma was all over the US media??

  13. Say it like it is says:

    Meanwhile our 19 year old two time anonymous offender sits at home and presumably so do the others “under investigation”.If the Crown Prosecutor is going to use the trainer defence i.e. “insufficient evidence” then he should admit it.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Good. Shame we didn’t do what Barbados is considering doing to another stupid, self entitled bimbo.
    They are seeking to impose a 12 month sentence and an £18k on a British, former Love Island’ contestant. I sincerely hope they get their way and cage another vacuous idiot who thinks the rules don’t apply to them.

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