Health minister and the press briefings

| 12/04/2020 | 196 Comments

Could we have an article about Minister Seymour please? There is a real discussion to be had. The fact is the man is saying things that speak to a minority of the population. He is talking to Christians with his Bible verses and work permit holders with his translations. And not one major announcement has come from him.

I would have no problem with him being on the panel if he was responsible for providing any of the information we actually want. I would listen carefully to hear statistics or plans from him. But he never has anything to offer.

Sure everyone on the panel has had to come up with their gimmicks, but:

Premier: customary world stats
Governor: full support of premier
Commissioner: policing platform is stable
CMO: test results
Minister: and now a reading from…I also wrote this poem…my new attempts to speak foreign languages for today are…

It just doesn’t work folks! I felt horribly for the man but he needs to be useful if he’s going to be up there. It’s partly Alden and the CMO’s fault for hogging all the announcements but then we KNOW that the minister does not have the communication skills to make them as well anyway, so do they, and that’s why he’s up there with nothing important to say.

What he does do is delay question time for the premier and the governor, and that also irritates people because they know the minister will not be saying anything of consequence and the takeaways from the briefings will continue when questions are being asked of the top officials. He just isn’t one of them.

Couldn’t he just say each time that he supports the HSA, Dr Lee etc, talk about the ministry’s work and be done with it? You know, “Good afternoon, I am the Minister of Health, here are some things you would expect a minister of health to say:”

But no we get Tagalog.

Minister, the problem is… you’re just not getting it and/or are not capable of performing in this format. Everyone else we hear from daily has acquitted themselves of their privilege to speak to us daily. We invite them into our living rooms. Clearly, the public doesn’t feel they need to hear from you if you’re going to continue using your time to speak the way you do. So make up your mind: do you want to be minister of health, or some other non-existent thing we don’t need right now?

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  1. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Few of us would absolutely shine at this time in the position and responsibility as Minister Seymour holds. I think everyone on the Coronavirus Press Briefing Update Panel serves a purpose and function. I think Minister Seymour helps keep the people grounded to the process. He uses his strengths to try to keep us all together.

    You don’t care for religion? Fine, don’t practice it — that is your right, but don’t try to spoil it for those who are inspired by it.

    You don’t want to reach out to the many expats and other countries around the world, sharing a similar condition? Fine, don’t learn anything, and for God’s sake don’t tolerate any sharing of resources during these troubled times — that is your right, but don’t try to ruin it for those with more altruistic endeavors.

    You think you could do a better job? Fine, run for the office — that is your right, but don’t run down the man in that position simply because he expresses his feelings when a few heartless assholes run him down.

    You think it’s your right to judge? Fine, go ahead. It isn’t your right, but that never stopped you before.

    Give the man a break. He is doing the best he can, and better than most. If you have criticism, let it be constructive and useful. I couldn’t believe some of the hurtful and hateful comments directed toward him. I don’t give a damn what he has or hasn’t done in the past; sometimes people are defined by their actions in a pivotal event, and this is certainly one of those. Some of us should be ashamed of what we have said about this man.

    I hope you continue to study and dig deep for inspiration, Minister Seymour, and continue to share it with us. Your positivity matters to some of us, and perhaps that is enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well written piece of English. Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      “His strengths”? Say wha’?

    • Anonymous says:

      Big Beau, I expect better performance from a Minister of Health being paid big $$$. Give him a break? Don’t accept mediocrity Big Beau. That is a problem in our society.

      He is in over his head and is simply not competent to be Minister of Health. I am sorry if his feelings are hurt but if you can’t take the heat in the kitchen get out.

      We deserve better leadership than this, at a time of the greatest health crisis in Caymanian history.

      I go to church on Sunday for inspiration, but I do not seek or want it from the Minister of Health. One is not a thoughtless asshole asking for better.

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘Hurtful and hateful comments’. What? Like last year’s quite horrific ‘Gaypril’ comment? I’d put that right up there in the top 10 of dumbest comments EVER made.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        I gave you a thumbs up because I agree that “Gaypril” was horrible. I hated that then and now.

        This is a different time; are people not allowed to grow, to learn to be better? I think Minister Seymour is trying to grow, trying to serve and trying to do anything that helps, and I give him props for that.

        What do we expect of him? Statistics? Dr. Lee and the Premier handle that just fine. Can he create any meaningful legislation? Probably not. That is not his purview.

        I think we should give them man room to grow. I like what he has become since last year.

        • Anonymous says:

          Okay. Then maybe, Donna, Reshma or Wendy can ask him what his thoughts are on helping the lgbt community during this crisis in Gaypril. I’ll wait with bated breath…🙄

  2. Anonymous says:

    As a Caymanian I am proud when my fellow Caymanians are not overlooked and excel in life but John John is not one of them. He is intellectually or morally unfit to be sitting where he is. I have a laundry list but will just mention two for now. The Gaypril joke was a total lack of judgement coming from a Christian and it demeaned a large community. The altercation at a hotel a few years back regarding his ex-wife and her boyfriend. Both matters went silent. It is time for John John and Alden to recognize your limitations and remove you because I do not know of anyone that continues to listen when it is your turn to speak at the briefings. We are all too embarrassed as Caymanians. Perhaps if there is a lesson to be learned here it is as a Christian and I use the term loosely “do onto others as you would have them do onto you”

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is simply a classic case of the higher up the tree you go, the more you show the world your A$$.
    Whenever I hear Minister John John speak, I am reminded of Plato’s erudite comment: “Wise men speak becuse they have something to say, Fools because they have to say something”.
    That is not to be interpreted as an endorsement for Alden, Dr. Lee or the man who yet or learn English l, or even the Governor, although I have to admit he does outshine them all.
    I myself have had to refrain from watching the press briefings, because watching Alden play God with peoples lives makes me sick. He so gladly went after Mario for his supremely stupid and disparaging voice note (I mean, geez, it’s Mario we’re talking about), whist still being absolute stoic about McKeeva’s most recent national embarrassment, is himself a disgrace and a profound disappointment, albeit in a while different level.
    What I don’t get is how quickly people tend to forget to hold Him accountable for the egregious error of allowing the first COVID 19 case into the country, a few days AFTER the WHO declared this thing a pandemic, thereby exposing a hospital and potentially hundreds, if not thousands of people to secondary infection. All because we couldn’t say no to the cruise lines. Go figure…
    And yet, he now gets to be the King of Scotland, aka “DaDa Alden“, who decides by Divine edict to issue unconstitutional secondary legislation, without going back to the LA to pass actual legislation, because we all know he can’t go back there, else Mckeeva gets removed and he loses his throne, right?
    This is the man who is leading us. And yet, he is held up and exalted as a great leader. So let’s not forget any of that shall we?
    But I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Minister of Health’s meltdown the other day. Not because I like watching grown men cry, but because when bullies get bullied, that’s fair play, no?? Who would’ve thought a gangsta could be so tender??

    • Anonymous says:

      With so much hatred and vitriol towards the health minister it’s only fitting to ask all of you to advise us on what the other members of panel have offered outside of the CMO. Please do tell since there seems to be such a profound difference.

    • Anonymous says:

      At 9.57am Firstly,The patient was not showing signs of Covid and was landed as a heart attack victim. Secondly since you are dissatisfied with Alden’s efforts and you are scared for your life, just feel free to catch one of the four flights leaving this weekend with evacuees. Doesn’t matter which one just catch one and leave.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It’s difficult not to agree with the overall sentiment that he’s out of his depth and doesn’t contribute anything meaningful to the press briefings. He is the Health Minister and as such should be front and center during this crisis, taking a leadership role, providing confidence and driving policy. Instead he’s grown increasingly surplus to the briefings, providing little more than some comical relief, and that’s being generous.

    I don’t think the criticism is surprising or unfair, and as a politician you should be both prepared and able to deal with criticism and personal attacks, this is part of political life. I’m in no way condoning these personal attacks of course. What this does highlight further his is complete unsuitability for the role, or any role in government.

    Luckily Alden, Mr. Lee and the Governor have been decisive in making the tough decisions and providing the leadership so badly needed. I’m very grateful the last premier (or two…) are not in charge, I very much doubt they would have been putting the people before business and their own self interests.

  5. Anonymous says:

    12k a month for bible verses and terrible translations 🤦‍♂️

  6. Anonymous says:

    A true Minister of Health should be negotiating with the Health Insurance Co regarding the monthly fees they charge, the lack of coverage for pre-existing conditions, for lower rates to senior citizens, or at least discounted rates for medical care and pharmaceutical discounts. For yearly Wellness examination coverage as preventative measures. There are so many issues regarding health care that are not being dealt with, or postponed or procrastinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      So well said 8:26. Maybe the Minister will read and act on your points. Certainly important.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I am a Christian and I am also an expat. I have been here for a little over 20 years. I have been watching the briefings like everyone else and like most persons while I was quite happy that the Minister chose to start his presentations with a word of prayer, the fact remains that he brings nothing else of value to the proceedings. Someone opined earlier that the Premier has usually take away all his thunder by the time it gets to him, but the failure of the Minister at these events can also be attributed to his Chief Officers.

    I expect the Minister of Health to provide information regarding the provision of the recent equipment, whether his Ministry are currently working on a protocol to have Island wide testing seeing as we now have community transmission. I need the Minister to let us know whether they have tested folks in the Pines and other Government run homes. I need to know what about testing of persons who need care.

    I need the Minister to provide factual information as it regards the health of the country and to give assurances that once we abide by the protocols that have been put in place, the timeline for the country to reopen and we return to some semblance of normalcy will be achieved.

    Yes, he will perhaps be repeating what the other panellists are saying but that should be his role.

    Finally, in order for every expat to obtain a work permit to work in this country, the Immigration Law requires that they sit and successfully pass an English test, if they are from a non-English speaking country. There is no doubt that the Minister means well in trying to connect with each nationality and that is commendable and shows his human side which is very much appreciated.

    It is said that in times of crisis leaders show their mettle. Minister Seymour’s call for the police to arrest persons who are critical of him does not show leadership but really shows him as a small man who is really not ready for leadership. The Minister should really apologise for that particular outburst as it not only threatens the media but threatens free speech which is guaranteed under the Constitution.

  8. M McLaughlin says:

    We are at a crossroad, my government can’t tell when will an antibody test be made available so we can move on with our lives.

    There’s absolutely no time and space to worry about hurt feelings or personalities, being a public figure one has to be able to take criticism, simple! It comes with the territory.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps Covid-19 is Jon Jon’s sacred vessel?

  10. Anonymous says:

    don’t blame jon-jon…blame the person who put him there and has kept him there…..alden.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Minister Seymour,

    Don’t be discouraged. 1 Peter 4: 14- If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.

    Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest Presidents of the United States, speeches and letters were filled with his references to the Bible and demonstrative of his dependence on prayer for God’s guidance. Minister Seymour, rest assured that many people in these islands are very grateful for your dependence upon the overruling power of God. Continue along with your panel; the Governor and the Premier, you are all doing an exceptional job navigating these islands during times of uncertainty. We hear you and feel your passion for the people of these islands. We are grateful that under your ministry, during this pandemic, we were the first UK Overseas Territory to conduct testing of the Covid-19, we have received over 200,000 test kits, assisted Bermuda with 35,000 test kits and Barbados with 20,000, we have over 40 ventilators, over 55,000 medical masks, additional PPE and a Covid-19 task force.

    It’s quite alarming that during this pandemic that the crab in a barrel mentality still exist and it must be eradicated if we’re going to see ourselves thru Covid-19. It is very unfortunate that CNS would post such an article during Easter, a time of togetherness in this country. This is not a time for division and tearing down our leaders and each other. This type of negativity is promoting destruction only. Having said that, I would like to close by saying to everyone to please recommit yourselves to show empathy, respect and love to one another.

    Station 3

    • Anonymous says:

      I completely agree with this. In times of crisis we don’t need to attack each other we are stronger united, unless of course the objective is not unity and if that is the aim of others then we are all better off without such voices.

      • Anonymous says:

        We need to get rid of people in power when they’re ignorance and incompetence can get people killed. Christian or not – he needs to step aside.

    • Anonymous says:

      The comments are NOT because he’s CHRISTIAN!!! They are because he’s INCOMPETENT! As Minister of Health he needs to be able to perform his duties in a crisis. If he doesn’t he will get people killed!! Wah! ….

      Every time some self-identifying christian is criticized for anything at all every other god squad member has to jump in and claim its ALWAYS because they’re christian. No, god forbid its because the man is incompetent or unintelligent or dangerous… nooo…. it must be because he’s christian. Unbelievable. Give us a break please. If he could just do his job he could wear the pope’s hat to the meetings and no one would care.

      How much input do you really think the wife beating, gaypril joking, god-fearing MLA had on getting the test kits from South Korea? Seriously, how much help was he behind the scenes acquiring them? Wait – no need to pray for an answer – I’ll tell you the god’s honest truth right now – zero. None at all.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I like many others turn off the briefings when Jon Jon starts acting like and evangelical preacher. That is not his job.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m fine with the religious BS as I think it gives comfort to some, so I’m happy to tolerate that bit out of respect for this so called Christian Island. But he offers nothing in terms of information that is important at this time.
      Do your prayer at the begining if you must , but don’t let him speak any longer please.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I am so tired of his bible verse readings. I tune into the updates to get updated on what the government is doing and what I need to know and do. . Not to get preached at by a narrow minded Christian who acts like there there is no other religion on the island than his. He is a disgrace to the people of the Cayman Islands and to true Christians. I have not issues with opening the briefings with a prayer. But after that John John needs to just shut up.

  14. Anonymous says:

    We DVR and fast forward Minister ramblings, Premier’s unnecessary selective “grim reaper report”, and all of Dwayne and William-Rodríguez if he tries to say something.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The man is a joke, a very bad one. He knows absolutely zero about Health and the Environment, and it shows.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is ours, we voted him there. You all are experts in mouth championing. Solid Caymanian, bless him.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I am a voter in Bodden Town East who for the first time did not vote in the last election because one man one vote gave us a hopeless choice. No one with real brains or tertiary education. When Mr Seymour came to my house, I asked him, amongst other things of course, what his views on gay issues were. He (and the three or four unimpressive youngsters behind him) looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights and he came out with the immortal line “some of my best friends are gay”. He is intellectually challenged and should not be an MLA let alone a Minister. But that is the system we have. I feel sorry for him but we really need to get to a place where MLAs understand that being a Caymanian and “licking dominos” in people’s yards is not enough for today’s Caymanian government. Mr Seymour is an embarrassment and his nasty gaypril ( wink wink) remark should consign him to the same history of other failed Caymanian politicians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Amen amen 6:12.

    • Anonymous says:

      That would let him and others off too lightly. We need to remember the successive boondoggles, dump fires, paid anti-gay lobbying, secret deals – there needs to be a full inquest of all the bamboozles we’ve had to fund , just these in last three years.

    • Anonymous says:

      We need to get rid of single seat constituencies and first past the post/West Minister style winner take all. One Man One Vote (“OMOV”) (pejorative and sexist term that it is, which says it all) is a marketing tag line designed to hide the disaster OMOV really is.
      What we need is:

      +Multi-Seat Constituencies
      – 4 or 5 district constituencies with 3 or 4 seats each
      – 1 Islands wide constituency with 3 or 4 seats
      – Voters to be able to vote in their district constituencies and/OR also in the
      Islands wide constituency

      SURELY we would then have some choice and someone to vote for.

      +Proportional Representation NOT First Past The Post (“FPTP”)

      +Ideally, REAL political parties based upon Left, Centre, Right or Green politics NOT based upon personalities, convenient alliances and “its my turn”, turtle stew politics.

      Single seat, OMOV/FPTP has been an unmitigated disaster for the islands. We were forced to elect a cabal of disparate, under-qualified, self interested “independents” who cannot agree to get anything done and certainly done properly.


      • Anonymous says:

        I have thought for a long time that a better system would have been dividing Grand Cayman into five roughly equally populated voting districts that elected three members each and then giving Cayman Brac and Little Cayman the same two seats that they get now. Single member constituencies brings us representatives like Austin Harris or even worse, representatives who become know-nothing ministers like Seymour. But, alas, voters saw OMOV as a way of getting rid of McKeeva and his four-member stronghold in West Bay.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 6.12pm That Gaypril thing was a creation of foreign homosexuals. He was only repeating what they were willingly supporting.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the award goes to 6:12. Congrats and well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anonymous says:

    For all the people who are talking about “support Jon Jon” – have you forgotten how In his capacity as an MLA he insulted the LGBT community here exactly one year ago in “Gaypril”? It was nice to have a laugh at a whole community of Caymanians in your own country, but now you want to literally cry foul now that the shoe is on the other foot. Buck up buttercup! If Donald Trump can take the heat I don’t see why you can’t…

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman needs to remember that most of the rest of the LA in attendance joined in yukking it up and commending the performance.

      • Anonymous says:

        Including a mute Governor.

        • Anonymous says:

          The Governor’s hands are tied. Because he has been stripped of his power during the past 10 years, he can now only speak about foreign policy issues and defense issues. Anything else is forbidden as he no longer has any other powers. This is very sad for many Caymanians.

          However, kudos on his work dealing with the American Ambassador in Kingston and also London to assist in getting medical supplies released.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well then, they should all be offering him tissue for his tears and patting him on the back to make sure he’s all right.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes Look at the video on You Tube and the MLA for George Town South was laughing hard too….Tick Tock, Barbara!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly! Which is why they all need to go. Alden has partially rehabilitated his reputation post-port for his calm, collected (If somewhat pessimistic) crisis communications, but this pandemic only highlights their overall general lack of preparation, education (Seymour particularly), broughtupsy and respect for their voters!

      • Anonymous says:

        @6:38 A particularly shameful day in the history of Cayman. Sickening to watch.

  18. Anonymous says:

    So this may not reflect the typical readership position for CNS (at least those that typically comment). I personally don’t think Minister Seymour contributes much to the panel as Minister of Health. However, it is evident he cares about the community and is seeking to connect to those of faith and, more importantly, those from other cultures and countries. Yes, he mispronounces every language, but he’s still trying to connect by using them. And I appreciate that human aspect and commend him in that respect.
    What I hope he takes heed of is that where he ventures from scripted comments and makes statements potentially contravening good medical or public health advice, he needs to cease as it could cause actual harm to the community. If I may, I would suggest that he maintains the script for those aspects and follows with his outreach, which despite many detractors, does hold actual value and comfort for many during this unprecedented and certainly frightful time.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hey MoH, if you are looking for pity here you have none. There is a so true saying “BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE.” Karma is a BITCH Bo Bo.

    Just maybe, you have to go through this to learn a lesson of humility. Let’s hope at the end of this ‘dark experience’, your transformation will be of an asset to CABINET.

    • Ouch! says:

      Wow fire and pitchforks much?

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, I am sure Gay people in Cayman felt that ouch as well, when a leader felt it is appropriate to make fun of them, whilst the LA was in session and televised.

        • Anonymous says:

          Over three full overtime sessions…squandering podium time on loosing hate speech, that lead to an economic blacklisting!

      • Anonymous says:

        Ouch, Is it really too much to simply ask the Minister Of Health to simply do his job? If he cannot handle the fire and pitchforks then get out. His job is not a hobby. It is politics in a time of national crisis.

  20. Anonymous says:

    And publish Aldens statistics online/on the tv channel outside of this briefing. It should be brief! Then maybe people will hear the important parts!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Funniest thing I’ve seen on live TV in my whole life. Reminded me of Paul Gascoigne in the 1990 World Cup semi final.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I have always said that it is a pity that tertiary education is not one of the MUST criteria for qualifying for a political seat in the Cayman Islands. But, on the other hand, which country does?

    Note: There is only one thing to do here. Step up to the plate and prove people wrong or as the saying goes Bo Bo “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

  23. Word of encouragement says:

    Happy Easter Mr. Health Minister. I am sorry that this opinion piece was done on Easter but I understand persons frustrations. As I do agree with most opinions written and the comments from the readers I want you to know that I hope most are still showing you respect with the position you were placed in and you can reflect on the comments to find ways on where you can approve. Know my family are praying for you and your colleagues that are dealing with a high stress situation and we know you’re trying your best (though many don’t appreciate it), but as I said I hope you can learn from the criticism and grow from it. Also note my family appreciate your bible readings and the reminder to rely on God during this time (again I know many don’t appreciate that). Have a blessed Easter sir.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I wonder what the rationale was for appointing Dwayne Seymour as the Minister of Health… and why he would even accept the role?
    Looking at his background credentials, I noticed the following;
    -No post-secondary education
    -No medical or healthcare training
    -No experience in the medical field (ie: working at a hospital or medical facility in any type of capacity)

    How can an individual who has zero prior experience or education in the medical/health industry be appointed as the Minister of Health for an entire country? And more importantly, why would someone want to take on a role they are absolutely not qualified for?

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s a Caymanian, 2:10, the only real qualification in life!

      • Anonymous says:

        If being caymanian is so useless then why do 90% of you, don’t just come here to work or live and return home but insist on staying and makin yourselves “caymanian” by applying for status ?

    • Anonymous says:

      And more importantly, why would someone want to take on a role they are absolutely not qualified for?

      For $15k a month mate. Kerching!

    • Anonymous says:

      How about Joey Hew as a business anything, or Juliana as Education Minister? These are just ceremonial titles to fill the ranks of this Coalition loser shitnami. Helen Kilpatrick should not have allowed the past sore losers to form a government and then falsely profess to have received an authoritarian consultation-free vote-based mandate. This is not how democracy works.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because he is the best and brightest of the lot available. This is the quality of people we elect here so we get what we deserve.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Posters on CNS should remember they have no scientific evidence that they represent the majority viewpoint. As difficult as it may be for you to fathom that.

  26. Pastor Alfredo says:

    Minister Seymour. You will have my respect if you are smart enough to recognise that your position on this panel is better given over to Dr Lee in this time of global crisis. A better man would realise this and step aside with some grace. You’re quickly losing the respect of the population which is the last thing anyone wants or needs at this time.

    Pastor Alfredo

    • Anonymous says:

      Speak for yourself “pastor”. Everyone on the panel is given ample time to speak including Dr. Lee. What more are you asking for exactly ? Could you’ve done any better given the current state of affairs ?

  27. Lets get together says:

    Like it or not this is a Christian Country.

    Bullying is NEVER justified either by the Minister of Health or those who have now chosen to belittle him. It is during this trial that we as HUMAN BEINGS should come together for the good of all who are residing in the Cayman Islands. I believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and if The Minister Of Health chooses to share his Christian views with us, he is more than entitled to do so. If you do not want to hear him then turn down the volume of turn off the television.

    “Respect is due a dog” and although I am not an atheist or agnostic that does not mean I hate persons who are. My beliefs are mine. This is a Christian country and people need to accept and respect this. Ever heard “when in Rome do as the Romans do”.

    Comments on this site referencing Mr. Seymour are to be considered bullying because they are bullying, and two wrongs NEVER make a right. Dwayne my dear, there is no book to tell you how to react to this pandemic that has hit the entire world. I understand that you have a strong faith in God and wish to share your faith and blessings with your beloved Cayman Islands. It is unfortunate that many have misinterpreted this. Don’t lose heart. Continue to be you!

    I wish all on these three Islands where I was born and which I have called home for the last 52 years all the best during this pandemic with all that we are having to endure. I encourage you to show kindness and consideration as you may need the very person whom you mock one day.

    Thank you Premier McLaughlin, Governor Roper, Commissiner Byrne, Dr. Lee and yes Minister Seymour!


    • Anonymous says:

      This rambling useless comment to support Dwayne’s rambling useless comments is a perfect example of how his comments are not only a total waste of time but take time away from actual helpful responses from other officials as I can’t get back the last few minutes of my life I wasted reading this comment that I could have spent learning something of value. Feel free to read this comment several times.

      • Anonymous says:

        Useless to whom? It is obvious that you are a selfish person. What you consider to be of no value to you can actually be of much value to someone else. Yes, call me a fool, but I find his christian commentary and biblical reminders comforting; of much value. The panel provides a balance for all. Take what you see as value to you and work with it. Others will do likewise. After-all, life always presents us with choices, let each choose according to his/her own conviction. Mr. Seymour, I pray that you will be strong enough to drown out the noise and keep your focus.

    • Anonymous says:

      Separation of church and state…

    • Anonymous says:

      You claim that Cayman is a “Christian country”. What does that even mean? Do you believe that atheist Caymanians are less Caymanian than you?m are? Are we second-class citizens in our country?

    • Anonymous says:

      Whereas his deplorable “Gaypril” bullying spawned days of like-minded overtime LA hate rantings against Caymanian citizens that had to sue for their legal recognition in society…and they are still fighting!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      A so-called “Christian country” with
      – one of the highest prison populations in the world, per capita (and No! they are not from JA, they are homegrown)
      – HUGE divorce rate (all those “Christians” breaking their solemn vows – “Till death d us part”)
      – alarming amounts of domestic abuse
      – alarming amounts of child sexual/physical abuse
      – large number of children being born out of wedlock (“fornication”)
      – large numbers of “babies having babies” (rape)
      – almost complete breakdown in the family unit

      I’d hate to think what the place would be like it it wasn’t a so-called “Christian country” !

  28. Anonymous says:

    Shame on the media for using their position of trust to bully anyone.

    A lot of bias opinions are reflected above in your article.

    Hope the powers that be hold you accountable, and I know God will!

    CNS: So part of the problem here is that you don’t understand the difference between an article and an opinion. This is a comment – someone’s point of view. By definition, everyone who doesn’t agree with it will think that it is biased just as people think your comment is biased. That’s how it works. As to bullying, the minister is in a vitally important position with a portfolio that literally means life and death for some people. If people don’t think he’s up to the task they should be allowed to express it. And if the powers that be hold the media (including CNS) “accountable” for that, you can kiss good-bye to democracy. Apparently, this is a point that the minister also does not understand.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS Thank you for being up to the task.

    • Chet Oswald Ebanks says:

      I couldn’t have said it better myself.

      Thank you to the CNS news team as always. Great reporting on the issues that matter always. And am sure some of you annoymous haters out there will have something hatefull to say about me. Remember what a old wise man once said. Karma is a b, and Murphy is following right behind. The minister needs to be relieved of his duties asap.

      Thank you,

      Chet Oswald Ebanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      A dictionary definition of bias is : “the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment” : in other words – as CNS suggests, it’s a personal view. This is true for both ‘for’ and ‘against’ comments and similarly reflected in the ‘thumbs up’ and ‘thumbs down’ hits. Provided those comments, reactive responses and ‘thumbs up’/’thumbs down’ hits are not adjusted/edited or otherwise interfered with, then CNS are doing a fair, honest and unbiased reporting. Essentially, this was not CNS’s article it was a post of a reader’s opinion.

  29. Hippocratic Oath says:

    Imagine going to a CPR meeting for info on the current port issue and getting a sermon from Pastor Ebanks instead about why we should pray about the issue. Some people need keep their fairytales in church. Just as bad as those Jamaicans who deploy loud speakers at night in West Bay to scream out bible verses. Shut. UP! They say the gay lifestyle is being shoved down their throats.. Hypocrites!

    And this man wanna get up there and cry about public criticism while putting himself in the public spotlight?? Bro you contribute more poems and bible verses than factual information! Keep it in ya Church Zoom meetings not one for the general public who may not subscribe to your belief system. Imagine this health minister defends the behavior by saying an Atheist foreign doctor recently converted to Christianity.

    Well sir, this Caymanian doctor recently left a hypocritical church. Stick to the facts and wipe ya tears bobo.

  30. Anonymous says:

    i have always had a dim view of jon-jon and he should not be in charge of the health/environment portfolios. his performance in government has been shambolic to say the least.
    when these covid press conferences started…i was pleasantly surprised…intially he came across as serious, intelligent and articulate. all he had to do was stick to some safe script and say some general paltitudes every day.
    however it soon became clear that he is seriously out of his depth. i feel sorry for him.

    as for alden….this event has been his saviour….does not have to deal with the port fiasco…the dump fire…or the the mac attack.
    strange how outraged he was about the social media message regarding the governor…but was strangely silent about mac’s recent incident???

    • Anonymous says:

      Come election time, our household are not going to forget any of the PPM/CDP BS of last 12 years. Ten minutes of band-aiding isn’t going to erase the volume of deceit we have had to endure and pay for. Now we don’t have the rainy day fund to weather this storm. Remember that Cayman!

  31. Anonymous says:

    It’s discouraging to see that the leader of government in this difficult time is not able to overcome the differences with the leader of the opposition Mr. Ezzard Miller who is the only person in the whole elected government with a legitimate medial back ground and is completely ignored. Instead we have a Minister of Health who doesn’t even take the slightest effort to educate himself and rather should be silent and let the experts talk.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just FYI. The leader of the opposition is Mr. Aden McLean.

      • Anonymous says:

        You both mean the Leader of the losers. The same one who with absent Al stabbed Ezzard in the back. The two of them Together can’t tie Ezzard’s shoe Laces.

    • Anonymous says:

      @1.03pm The fact that Ezzard is not the Minister of Health is entirely on him. After the last elections when there were numerous attempts to form a coalition Govt Ezzard did not want to be part of an Admin led by Alden or McKeeva and ended up on the backbench.

  32. Yvonne says:

    I have to support that writer of this post. Our Minister for Health has not contributed meaningfully to the panel. He has time to write poetry in a pandemic, which would clearly indicate that his inability to add anything useful to the sum of public knowledge is replicated in the performance of his job.

    There has been a number of terrifying moments (I’m thinking of his disastrous attempt at math) which just showed his lack of ability. His prolonged discussion of scripture, particularly on Friday, completely out of place at a public health press conference.

    Obviously I don’t want to see anyone cry, but honestly he is not up with the task.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon should write a poem about his experience. Here’s a line to get him started:

    One day soon, I’m gonna tell the moon about the crying game………

    • Anonymous says:

      12.50pm What a mean heartless animal you are. So why don’t you take your mean self back to where it is accepted.

  34. Anonymous says:

    sorry, a lovely chap, but health minister? less than a week ago, he thanked god for the heat killing the coronavirus. he’s embarrassing, and while i feel bad his feelings were hurt, he should know as a politician criticism comes with the job. dr. lee should be sitting at the head table, not this man-child.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not a lovely chap. Have we already forgotten his Gaypril tirades?!? I do agree there should be a legal review…of all the LA behavior, commissioned third party falsehoods, and refusals to abide judicial reviews of the last 3 years.

  35. nauticalone345 says:

    I find myself lately muting the MoH too. He’s really not contributing anything of value. Maybe they could rotate some Deputies and others with medical expertise to provide more useful information, whilst also giving themselves a rest.

  36. Anonymous says:

    My mother always said that if you don’t have anything useful to say, you should probably say nothing at all. Take heed Jon Jon.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s far better to remain silent and let people think you’re stupid than to speak and remove all doubt.

  37. Anonymous says:

    10:47am – I feel very sorry for you and the likes of you. We don’t need this kind of blasphemy at this time. God forbids that any of you negative posters get the full blown virus – I bet you will change your mind.

    Please at this time if you don’t or can’t find something positive to say. STFU. Government (the panel) is doing a great job – the whole world is struggling as no one was prepared – we need to get through this.

    If you are an expat please get out of here as quick as you can. You should be grateful for the privilege that has been extended you. Damn disgraceful.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously? What does nationality have to do with this?! The man is inept! Incompetent! It’s not blasphemy; we are in the thick of the worst pandemic of the past century. Government is doing a terrific job with the exception of one person…your John-John!

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, there are lots of exceptions on the Ministerial performance front. Nobody voted for this Unholy regime, who wrangled their way back to power after being soundly defeated last election – then misspent millions in public cash (we need now) fighting truth and pretending they had a mandate to do anything!

    • Anonymous says:

      The good old leave our country cayman kind. You’re a fool.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a ridiculous post. Change our minds about what if we caught covid -19? How bad Jon-Jon’s poems are? Wondering if he passed 10th grade math? Why is he wasting valuable time discussing the magic of warm weather? He’s the Minister if Health for Gods sake! He’s simply not up to the task and his incompetence in that role is damaging to the health of cayman. Are you saying we’d like his poems and magic and brilliant math skills if we were sick? You need to STFU and deal with reality and use common sense.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Every day I watch the press briefings I can see Jon Jon is in over his head he needs to step aside, as we all saw on Saturday the pressure is now too great to bear- For the
    “Health” of it Jon Jon step down, stress is not a good thing-

  39. Cayman Mon says:

    No doubt, this comment will not be posted by CNS…prove me wrong..I dare!

    CNS: If you read our comment policy you’ll see that I always delete comments where the commenter “dares” us to post it. One of my pet peeves and a blanket rule. So re-post if you like but leave out the dare. But I will answer one thing: if I deem your post to be so anti-gay marriage that it has become hate speech, I will delete that.

    • Cayman Mon says:

      Exactly as I thought; anti-Christian, anti-God. How come smearing Minister Seymour is not hate speech. How come making a mockery of our Christian beliefs is not hate speech. You are a disgrace.

      CNS: No, it’s not exactly as you thought. You are just not following what I am saying. We are not anti-Christian or anti-religion, but we will not allow people to use the cover of religion to bully a vulnerable minority within the community on this site. I have allowed people to express religious views on the matter but there is a line where it becomes hate speech.

      • Anonymous says:

        CNS you have made it abundantly clear in previous remarks posted by you that you support atheism and gay marriage. Ok fine, I respect that, but the bias is so strong it makes you very selective on what comments you post on those subjects.

        CNS: I actually do try to be fair, but on CNS the pain that homophobia inflicts trumps anyone’s right to free speech. That’s not going to change.

    • nauticalone says:

      Thanks CNS

  40. Anonymous says:

    Maybe he could just sit there with a facemask on as a reminder to people of how they should dress in public.

  41. Anonymous says:

    While it’s hard to watch a grown man cry in public, I cannot forget how crass and insensitive Seymour was with the “Gaypril” joke last year. Happy to brutally hurt people about probably the most sensitive aspect of their lives but can’t take legitimate criticism about how utterly useless he is on the panel. That’s pathetic, I don’t believe he has ever apologised to the LGBT community but wants the police to arrest members of the public and/or CNS owners because his feelings were hurt. Alden, he needs to be replaced asap.

  42. Anonymous says:

    The man has no formal education in medicine? How did that happen?

  43. Anonymous says:

    This comment is equally meaningless. Think of other things, hum a tune, pet the dog. You can manage somehow.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Nobody needs to see poor little John-John crying into his comic books at a time like this. I don’t know how he ended up Health Minister but this might be a good time to re-deputize him with a role that he is better suited to. Nobody needs de-moralising at this difficult time and he is not helping. Quite the opposite.

    • Anonymous says:

      He was needed to help Alden to form his unity goverment, plain and simple. Those power guys don’t give a hoot about the man, only that they retain power. The dump issue is not a health hazard? The Speaker beating up on women is not a crime that should warrant having that person step down at least while it is being investigated? The happiest that Alden ever was when Mario Rankine sent the dirty message tat went viral about the governor. If they were such big country first then when is the announcement that all MLA’s are taking a pay cut? These guys need to get off their high horse and get the country back to work before the whole thing collapses.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon not see nuttin yet.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Alden and the governor obviously answered IMPORTANT questions over and over wa you all want hear from the minister a Miracle…I think his talks is what some people of this country need right now and not hear stupid questions from reporters like alden. is two persons a group? Lmaooo ..good job to all the panel

  47. Anonymous says:

    Did he actually cry for public sympathy on yesterday’s briefing? What an embarrassment. Alden needs to remove him from the panel; he doesn’t have what is needed now in the pandemic.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately, this is true. Many folks I know have started putting the broadcast on mute when Mr. Seymour starts to give his portion because while it might be amusing, we are aware that is it not going to be adding any useful and important information and his rambling, stop-start, ‘pausing in the wrong places’ mode of speaking has become very irritating.

    Personally, I think he can sit off the podium and put Dr. Lee back up because Dr. Lee is certainly more important in terms of the information that is required and that is of interest to the general population.

    I hope Minister Seymour does not think from these comments that he is a hated person. It is just that in these times, the focus is different.

  49. Anonymous says:

    If cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen

  50. Anonymous says:

    Competent and wise leaders should speak to all Caymanians and not favor the ones who are Christian. It’s a huge myth that every Caymanian is a Christian. People would be shocked by how many Caymanians don’t buy into the whole god and magic book thing. Nonbelievers are ignored here because so many of us just keep quiet about our lack of belief out of respect or fear of social backlash.

    Government leaders should always strive to acknowledge, respect and include everyone.

    By the way, can we please acknowledge that prayer doesn’t work? Think of all the prayers flying around every moment, begging god to stop this virus. Isn’t it obvious that these are just powerless wishes and the only thing that is going to work will be a human-made vaccine? That’s not an arrogant comment about humans being in control of everything. We aren’t, clearly. It’s just realty.

    • Anonymous says:

      Could not agree more. Give Jon Jon and the pastors their own broadcast after the information update is over.

      • Yvette Noble- Bloomfield says:

        The Press Briefings are meant to offer critical information to the nation during these uncertain times. There are many who find comfort in competent statements that bring enlightenment ; hence it behooves each presenter to ensure that they offer that which add value each time.
        It is however difficult at times to define value as what might be valuable to some persons might be completely useless to others. We are however in a deep health, humanitarian , economical , spiritual and even perhaps a political crisis not only here in the beloved Cayman Islands but worldwide and hence precise information is paramount.
        For some persons, faith in God is what they will rely on to take them through these days. It is good to have certain faith in these uncertain times. It is known that each person has volition i.e. free will to choose whether or not he/she will believe in God. Those of us who believe also know that we cannot convert or save anyone , that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Our sole role is to proclaim the Christ we know and to make Him known to others by pointing them to Christ and not to ourselves.
        Surely persons who pray know that the wisdom needed to develop the vaccine to cure any disease is wisdom given to the scientists by God. We pray knowing that it is in God’s prerogative and God’s will to allow life or death. We pray according to God’s will because faith in God is integral to our life and wellbeing.
        Prayer has offered comfort and peace to many in their darkest hour . Prayers of praise and thanksgiving are offered when persons recognize that God is worthy or that they are grateful for some particular blessing in their life. Prayers of confession are made when persons recognize their trespasses and sin and seeks forgiveness from God.
        Whether or not we are allowed to pray during the Press Briefings , our prayers will continue because to pray is as natural as breathing for those of faith. Nothing or no one can control or contain our prayers because we pray in spirit and in truth, we pray in our hearts and our minds . Public prayers come from the inner recesses of our being and our prayers are predicated on our deep relationship with God in Jesus Christ.
        This relationship with God allows us to love and welcome all regardless of their state , lifestyle, power or possession. We help and support the most vulnerable and the marginalized. We stand against persons or systems that support or cause the stigmatization or provocation of any person. We also believe that each person must respect the life and dignity of the other person and hence berating and verbally disfiguring the other person is beneath us.
        We are also called to indicate to persons a moral compass that will enable them to live in the fulness of life. When wrong choices are made by persons , we are also willing and able to indicate their departure from constructive living and to offer counselling if they avail themselves to receive it.
        Many Christians are competently educated and yet remain faithful to their belief in God. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . I am not ashamed to be a Christian or a Minister of Religion and I am not ashamed to serve the people of the Cayman Islands when I am called upon so to do. I am also not afraid or ashamed to state my name as against using the pseudonym Anonymous.
        Blessings and Peace.
        Yvette Noble- Bloomfield

    • Anonymous says:

      I know some politicians only have a BA…he only has a high school diploma and is the Minister of Health trying to lead the country through a pandemic. If I was him I’d be stressed too and reverting to poetry and gay jokes. Poor guy.

    • Anonymous says:

      10.47am Why are you so afraid to hear about God?

    • Anonymous says:

      Great job CNS. Not only does your reporters invite whuchuntung during every press briefing now you are encouraging the spread of hate and critique in this time when we all need to stay strong. You arent a journalistic source. You have no integrity or sense of decency. But please proceed….we all know that idle and fearful minds have nothing better to do and you are the leader of the flock.

      CNS: What’s whuchuntung?


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