Road collision victim placed 3rd in ultra-marathon

| 12/09/2018 | 83 Comments
Cayman News Service

Geoff Cornwall

(CNS): Geoff Cornwall (56) was the cyclist killed in yesterday’s collision on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has confirmed. Cornwall, a resident of Grand Cayman working for a local bank in the IT sector, was a keen sportsman and had placed third in this year’s Off the Beaten Track 50k ultra-marathon. Police have still not revealed how his bicycle collided with the car or any details of the vehicle, but it appears he was riding in the designated cycle lane on the stretch between the Yacht Club Drive and Batabano roundabouts at around 7:30am. 

Writing on social media, friends said he was out training on his bike when the collision happened, and described him as a very active, versatile athlete who competed in cycling, swimming and multi-disciplined races.

The RCIPS said it had taken some time to locate Cornwall’s next of kin in Australia before they were able to confirm his identity.

They also raised concerns about pictures circulating on social media within minutes of the fatal crash and urged people not to post or circulate them, given the nature of the content.

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  1. Vicki Strelan says:

    Vale Geoff Cornwall. Great guy. Great friend. Today i learned of Geoffs death. In Australia we had many adventures. My nickname for him was “fearless”. He reached out a hand to save me once and on another occasion i reached out a hand to save him. I am so so so sad to know he will not walk on in and say hi in Australia ever again. Remembered always. Vicki

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is insane. He saw a man dying a took a photo and posted to social media about his day instead of trying to help the cyclist? Wtf? I believe this guy pulled over seconds before passing him. Happened to me but I was lucky to be looking up and not going very fast. How inconsiderate are these people?!?!?!

    • Tyler says:

      A serious question – once the ambulance has been called, what more can be done to “help” in that scenario by someone with no medical training or knowledge about whether they could actually be making things worse….

      • Anonymous says:

        Yuh, I guess your right. May as well start getting ‘Likes’ on your social media til the clean up crew arrives.

        • Anon says:

          Why not address the question, rather than acting childish. Grow up!

          • Anonymous says:

            What do you want? Are you defending taking pictures of dead or dieing people and posting it on social media to make yourself feel good. What are you after here Mr. all grown up?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yikes, Tyler. Yikes.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Nice photo in the Compass today showing friends at the sit. But where did all those people park?

    • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        That is the most important question to you both in all this?

        Taking smug satisfaction from this tragedy puts you both in the same category as the driver for his Instagram posts.

        Horrible people.

  4. Follow the Law says:

    I hope this is being investigated. A life has been lost! Its owed to the cyclist and his poor Family to get a PROPER investigation. I did not know him but my heart goes out to those grieving…..this could have been avoided. Is a phone call that important?! Please people stay off your phones when your driving. Wait till you get to your destination…phones are too distracting and we all have loved ones we want to come home safe to us at the end of the day! Lets start to save lives and pay more attention to the roads PLEASE!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I hope this is thoroughly investigated. I’ve had people intentionally pull off the road right in front of me, almost causing me to hit the back of their car. The driver has proven himself to be an insensitive idiot. Is there more?

    • Anonymous says:

      Any way you want to lay blame on the cyclist for this accident & loss of life , one fact cannot be ignored in that the vehicle pulled over into the bike lane and as a result, the cyclist collided with the vehicle that resulted in a fatality. The driver failed to observe and pay due attention in his action ( pulling over ) into the path of the bike rider. How does a driver doing the posted speed limit pass a cyclist , who is in plain view out the front windshield and not take notice the cyclist is in motion , in the same direction of the vehicle? There can be no more than 2 meters of space from the cycle lane to the traffic lane, possibly less. To not notice that the cyclist was in the cycle lane ( in motion , and at a speed that may be approaching the same speed as the general traffic ) illustrates that attention in driving is not being taken. Further..that loss of attention in driving due to a distraction is an offence. The use of a cell phone without hands-free operation is an offence , yes ? If you pick up your phone off the seat or console because it is ringing (while driving…) , to view who is calling or texting you & see that you must pull over to continue a conversation or enter text messaging , you have committed a traffic violation & an offence. The Mercedes driver could have chosen to drive to his destination & become stationary before looking at his phone to see who it was ( in other words , to ignore the caller ) but chose not to. I do trust that a thorough investigation into the drivers actions are analysed , so as to reveal the above basic facts and lay bare any culpability by the individual in this fatality. His actions resulted in a fatality , it cannot be ruled a miss-adventure.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So sad.Did not know him but as a cyclist who quit because of cayman traffic some of the comments make me so mad. The photo.which is only an example of the total disregard and lack of respect for life here is no explanation of what happened. You are a horrible human being to post that. I hope you read my comment.

  7. RJ says:

    The buke lane needs to be kept clean. All the debris forces riders to ride close to edge to avoid punctures and spills. And no car should park in the bike lane EVER.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I worked with Geoff at Butterfield years ago and he was a really nice guy. My heart sank when I heard the news. Thoughts go out to Butterfield they lost a good one! Praying for his family.

  9. Jotnar says:

    According to the Marl Road, Mario Vibestime was the driver and posted on social media (copy of the post included, along with a photo of the accident):

    “I will never forget this day. RIP my brother. Just not my day today”.

    To Mario Vibestime – “just not my day today”? Really? Sure as sh*t wasn’t Geoff Cornwall’s day either. You get to go home and worry about the dent in your car. His family gets to bury him. Guess what dude – its not all about you.

    • Anonymous says:

      I was so appalled when I saw that post as well…it says a lot about him as a human being.

      “Did you break a nail? Chip a tooth? Trip and fall? Girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you?”

      “No I just ran over someone today and killed them.”

      “Oh wow! I guess today’s just not your day…”


    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently that was the “cleaned up” instagram post. The first post was more along the lines of “Can you believe this fool ran into the back of me”. That was supposedly deleted after his followers reacted badly.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m very sorry to hear another human being has died. But as a driver on the road could or would we consider the possibility of a vehicle breaking down? An accident on any road anywhere in the world would most logically be parked off the road. Would it be prudent when driving on the road to not use safety and watch where you’re going? Please try to understand I’m sorry and I apologize for this persons’ death. It is against the law to talk on the phone while driving. If an emergency happens, would it not be prudent to pull off the road and talk and not get a ticket? As much as we claim we want to protect the environment we will always have faster and faster vehicles to drive. It would be political suicide to raise duties on vehicles so that there would be less vehicles on the road.
    We reduced the speed limit on west bay road, are they all slowing down? No. So a warning to all bicyclists and anyone using the road becareful on the road.

    • Anon says:

      You don’t pull off in the bike lane at all, plain and simple… but you DEFINITELY don’t pull off in the bike lane RIGHT IN FRONT of someone using it.
      & If your phone rings while driving guess what? You can always CALL BACK once you’ve pulled off in an appropriate place.

    • Anonymous says:

      A warning to ALL road users, yes. Not only cyclists or pedestrians. The driver of the car is the one using a 1 ton machine at high speed. Even if the cyclist is ‘wrong’ and do not ride single file or in the cycle lane, the driver of the car is still the one who will survive the encounter. Yes, the cyclists in my example are not considerate road users. But as the driver of the car you are the one who will live with the outcome. Don’t pull off to answer the phone, don’t answer the phone at all!

      You can see from the location of the dent on the car that the cyclist possible attempted to swerve out of the way towards the right. If this is so, then that indicates to me a sudden stop by the vehicle.

      His social media posts are unacceptable with complete disregards for the life of the man he has taken. I hope justice will be done.

      I’ve had drivers slowly drive up to me and shout out their window. Every single cycle there is at least 1 near miss incident.

      Both cyclists and drivers need to do better as human beings and as a community.

    • anon says:

      but the driver didn’t have an accident – he pulled over to take a phone call – abeit well done for pulling over, however the bike lane is not there for phone calls. only in an extreme emergency should the bike lane be used by vechicles

  11. Jotnar says:

    This afternoon, less than 36 hours after this accident, I see another motorist parked in the bike lane on the ETH at Yacht Club yakking on his phone, giving me the fish eye when I indicated he should get going. An guess what, not 200 yards behind him was a cyclist coming up the lane. You cant fix stupid/ don’t give a f*(& motorists – RCIPS needs to get out there and enforce the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      “…giving me the fish eye when I indicated he should get going..”

      How did you indicate?

      • Jotnar. says:

        I mimicked answering a phone, waved my finger no and shook my head. Just wished had my phone with me to film him continuing his call completely oblivious to the cyclist coming up behind him.

    • Ron Ebanks says:

      Jotnar , I completely agree that the Police should be enforcing laws and these kinds of tragic deaths could be avoided . But road and people’s safety won’t be corrected until government stop thinking about money , and start thinking about the safety of people and roads .

      My prays to Mr. Cornwall and his family and sorry for your lost .

    • Anonymous says:

      There are no police monitoring anyone, anywhere. I am not talking 10 mph over the speed limit, I am talking 40-50mph over the speed limit!!! I live out that way and it is dangerous for cyclists, joggers and other motor vehicles. RCIPS needs to step it up with the traffic laws. People need to start losing their licenses around here as these are some of the worst drivers I have seen in the world.

      Geoff was a good friend to me and I worked with him at Butterfield years ago. This is a tragedy, he was such a great guy. RIP Geoff.

    • Anonymous says:

      Jotnar, the RCIPS do not care about road safety. They have demonstrated that time and time again. They would rather collect $$$ from handing out tickets for speeding 5 mph over the limit, than promote safe driving habbits. Just look at the driving culture here. No one uses indicators as if everyone can read minds (including the RCIPS). Bus drivers endanger motorists and their passenger’s life on daily basis, and I have yet to see them pull a bus over.

      With so many road fatalities over the years, one would think there would have been a road safety board made up of civilians, RCIPS and NRA representatives to come up with ways to make the roads safer and more efficient for commuters. Look how long it too them to think about putting the plastic looking poles on the round abouts on WB bypass to stop cars from cutting the corners.

      • Anonymous says:

        I had a (assumed because of the flag hanging from the rear view mirror and the bumber sticker) Jamaican pull out in front of me by Flow and Eastern Avenue. He was turning left and literally forced his way into the 15 – 20 feet between me and pick up in front of me. No indicator, didn’t even stop at the light. Drivers here do not give a f**k. Saw a brand new Audi SUV this morning that apparently was so expensive they couldn’t afford indicators.

  12. Anonymous says:

    so sad for parents and family to hear this news from abroad. Pray that his soul is resting in peace.

    when will the stupid drivers behind these car wheels learn that no matter where they are headed that place they are headed to will still be there when they reach,
    Be safe, think of others.

  13. Keith & Anne Neale says:

    Condolences to the family.
    I think we have serious social problem that needs to be addressed.
    What kind of person would actually take an image of an accident and post it.
    What kind of upbringing did this person have,I am shocked.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only a sociopath. I saw the image the driver posted on Instagram. He made mention of that day just not being his day. I mean, really guy?!? Your car car collided with and killed a biker and you’re going to take a picture and post it up on Instagram and write something like that?

  14. Anonymous says:

    so sad that this happened. His family must be devastated.. 99 percent of the people driving on these roads should not have a licence or own a car,.
    Prayers for his family.

  15. Say it like it is says:

    If it is not an offence to circulate photos of deceased victims of accidents then the law needs to be changed. The behaviour and the comments of the lowlife driver of the vehicle involved were disgusting. He has been named but now he needs to be shamed.

  16. Adams Apple says:

    Does anyone know if Butterfield be holding a memorial service? I worked with Geoff at the bank a number of years ago so he was a long standing employee. As a Butterfield Alumni I would like to show my respects. Geoff was a great, genuine guy that loved his job.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, who are these people posting pics and to what social site? WHY?? What is wrong with you??????

  18. Chastine Rankine says:

    My condolences goes out to Mr Cornwall.
    May his soul RIP ????????????.
    Prayers for his friends and co workers.

  19. AC says:

    A lovely man, always cheerful and helpful and the best Landlord too. We will miss you, may you rest in eternal peace. Prayers for your loved ones.

  20. Anonymous says:

    RIP Geoff. I really wish that people were taught about responsible social media in school as it seems there are way too many idiots in this world that think it’s okay to post this stuff around without any thought for the families involved. Sadly it’s not just a Cayman thing. Common sense isn’t that common.

  21. Anonymous says:

    When will the road authority understand that until they build real cycle path that are either separated from the main road or elevated from the main road, these avoidable road kills will continue to happen…RIP

    • Anonymous says:

      Law dont do crap in cayman wake up people

    • Anonymous says:

      After similar accidents in the real world, those concerned with safeguarding the lives of their electorate/residents, bolt in rumble bars, armadillos, or lane fencing similar to what we often encounter arbitrarily installed around Cayman for no purpose expect to waste money…eg. northbound at Lawrence Blvd. Our MLAs are more concerned with cancelling the fire and capacity safety measures at nightclubs and acquiring more durable honor badges.

    • Anonymous says:

      The dim wits that designed and implemented the new roads don’t have an agenda for safety. Take a look at the south sound road going east. No consideration for cyclist or peditrians to ride or walk but we have a $1.3M board walk for use and part of the way of the road. SMH!

      • Anonymous says:

        My heart is breaking for this gentleman’s family and friends and I don’t even know him. Everyone who knows him says he was a gem and we all wonder why him? I guess we will never know but we should all use this incident to change some things and make us a little better human being. Let us all bring back caring about each other while driving is a good place to start. We all have to share these few miles of road that we have here, so let us be a little more gracious about it. Do not let this beautiful persons death be in vain.

    • Anonymous says:

      how high do the cycle path need be?

  22. Training Buddy says:

    My friend Geoff, times we shared will never be forgotten; the roads and sea will be quieter; my life will have a void from missing you at our training and events together. You did so much for the fitness community in volunteering and coaching many of us freely and without any fanfare. You will be missed my dear friend; . #humble #athlete ????

  23. Anonymous says:

    One of the nicest most polite, helpful and genuine guys you could hope to meet or work with.
    My condolences to his family, he will be truly missed.

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      A lovely guy – a competitor, but happy to congratulate you if you beat him or commiserate if he beat you. One of those guys that make you wish you were like him – a true gentleman and a sportsman in the true sense of the word. So long Geoff. Sorry I wont be sharing the post marathon breakfast and mimosas this year.

  24. Anonymous says:

    He has aero bars just like me. When I’m on that stretch, I lower my body and point my head down to increase aerodynamics / reduce drag to keep at a high speed. I use the two white lines to guide while I’m not looking up, but glance up every few seconds.

    Unfortunately it seems that he held aero position too long without looking up, or didn’t notice the car in his glance. Rest in peace friend.

    • Anonymous says:

      Friend, it is never safe to take your eye off traffic. At no time should you be looking down.

    • Jeremy Patton says:

      It is sad that you automatically assume it is his fault. As a cyclist yourself you must have noticed that some drivers do not give cyclists a fair chance. Victim blaming before the details are known explains why cycling is so unsafe in so many places. The Cayman authorities need to address the behaviour of all road users if cycling on Grand Cayman is ever going to be safe.

      • Anonymous says:

        1:08 Check out the photos. He rear-ended the SUV hard enough to break the bike’s frame. The dent in the tailgate is on the offside and the cycle lane is not, as has been suggested, blocked. It’s a tragic incident and for members of the cycling fraternity to come on here trying to blame the vehicle driver for it is an insult to this man’s memory.

        • Jotnar. says:

          Could have hit the offside in a failed attempt to swerve around the car. And as for the bike lane not being blocked, there must be all of 18 inches of free room left between the curb and the car. And the the car is way over the bike lane white line. Id call that blocked for all intents and purposes, quite apart from the face that the vehicle shouldn’t even be an inch inside the bike land, or on the hard shoulder at all absent an emergency. And having to make a phone call or deal with your social media is not an emergency. So yeah, I think I will continue to blame the driver. Shouldn’t have been there, difficult to believe an experienced cyclist wouldn’t have seen him and passed him if he hadn’t pulled over abruptly, and any concern I have or willingness to hear the drivers side completely evaporated when he decided to post pics on Instagram.

          • Jimbob says:

            I wonder whether the comments here would be the same if the cyclist had rear ended a jogger slowly going along the side of the road rather than a parked SUV….

    • Cesar says:

      The road before the spot is a straight long road. No blind spots, no curves. He is an experienced cyclist. He would see if the car was parked in there. And if the car was parked in there for a long time, he would know it for he do loops and that time is about his time to finish his training and his on the side going home. With the attitude of the driver. He pulled to the side immediately after passing Geoff, ignoring him. He got the nerve of taking a pic of him and posted it in his Instagram. He loves himself so much, it’s all about him made me think he as on his phone busy socialising and needed to post a comment so he pulled to the side without consideration. I believe he saw Geoff but doesn’t really care. That explains, he was s quick to post it in his social media account.

  25. Anomy says:

    Rip Geoff. You were a staff at Butterfield when I used to work there, and I am sure they will miss you.

  26. TE says:

    RIP Geoff. Great guy and always a pleasure to be around. You’ll be missed in many communities on island.

  27. Anonymous says:

    While I don’t know the circumstances of this tragic accident I would like to ask the RCIPS what is being done about the growing number of electric and motorized bicycles on the island?? Are these things legal? I think it’s only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed by one… It’s happened in London already!

    CNS: Auntie has answered this question – When is a bicycle not a bicycle?

    • Anonymous says:

      Electric assist bicycles are not illegal and speed limited to no more than a fit person can ride a road bike. They should encouraged to reduce congestion and for a greener environment. Your comment has no structure or justification. You might as well say someone was killed in New York on one. A more relevant question would be what are the police doing about, unsecured loads on trucks, driving while using a cell phone, poor lane discipline, poor use of indicators, poor use of roundabouts etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would like to ask the RCIPS in person! They are useless, and do not make the roads safer for us in any way! There is higher chance of getting killed on Cayman roads than ever being pulled over for not using an indicator.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the real question to the RCIPS should be, why was that car parked in the bike lane to begin with?

      • Anonymous says:

        I would imagine that such a basic question would form part of their investigation into the matter

      • Anonymous says:

        look at the bike lane at fosters strand, always people parked there. as a driver coming out you can’t even see if a car is coming down the toad let alone a bike.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed. It seems unlikely that an experienced cyclist would plough into the back of a vehicle that had been parked for any length of time on a straight section of the bicycle lane. That SUV would have been visible from very far away.

        Geoff was a super guy. Condolences to friends and family.

        • Jimbob says:

          Here’s a link to a YouTube video of another experienced cyclist doing exactly the same thing (thankfully without being hurt)

          So your assumption about what is “unlikely” is a completely false premise. Indeed, a bit of googling will inform you that cyclists crashing into parked vehicles is unfortunately a reasonably common event

    • Anonymous says:

      what?…using this to try and blame slow moving, environmentally friendly scooters/bikes….smh
      its like saying bicycles should be banned…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyday people lose their lives in car collisions too. Should we ban cars?


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