Tag: Protect Our Future
Hundreds of shoes cleared from Little Cayman beaches
(CNS): Volunteers collected hundreds of shoes from several beaches on Little Cayman and Owen Island this weekend during the latest Plastic Free Cayman clean-up event. More than 3,000lbs of garbage was cleared from three beaches by the 30 volunteers, and most of what they picked up was plastic, especially plastic slippers. The NGO, which is […]
Teen activists wade in on Brac protest
(CNS): As work continues on the controversial private airbase on Cayman Brac, posing a threat to rock iguana habitat, teenagers from Protect Our Future are also now urging a halt to the project. The young activists were on the Brac recently lending support to the campaign there in the face of the environmental threats posed […]
Young activists call for road safety improvements
(CNS): With Coach Greg Simcoe still in a serious condition after he was knocked down on the West Bay Road last month, students who have been campaigning on the environment are now using their voices to push for improved road safety. Some of Simcoe’s students who are members of Protect Our Future told CNS that […]
Activists keep up battle against plastic
(CNS): Activists from Plastic Free Cayman joined forces with young environmentalists from Protect Our Future and local divers in three separate beach and ocean clean-up events this weekend in Beach Bay, George Town Harbour and Smith Cove. Between them, volunteers picked up and hauled out over 1,250 pounds of garbage, much of it plastic and […]
Earth Day activities confined to yards
(CNS): Earth Day activities in Cayman this year will be restricted to people’s yards, and the start of a regional mass tree planting campaign will be confined to preparing seedlings and compost ready for when the curfews are lifted. But the first silver lining to come from the COVID-19 pandemic is the breather it has […]
Activists press on with battle against plastic
(CNS): As the world celebrated Wetlands Day on Sunday, activists in the Cayman Islands were cleaning up beaches on the Sister Islands and in West Bay, as well as preparing for more action on the myriad environmental threats, including the removal of mangroves and plastic pollution. Students from the Protect Our Future campaign and other […]
Students furious over dump failings
(CNS): Students from the Cayman International School are furious after the latest and certainly one of the most serious dump fires on Friday, and say they have many questions for government about its failure to address the growing landfill and wider waste-management problem. The private school, built by the Dart Group, is extremely close to […]
Cayman’s POF activists demo in Madrid
(CNS): The three young Caymanian environmental activists representing the National Trust for the Cayman Islands at the UN climate change conference in Madrid this week were in the thick of the demonstrations at COP25. After Greta Thunberg took to the stage and berated world leaders for their complete failure to deal with the imminent climate […]
POF students head to UN climate conference
(CNS): Three Caymanian teenagers from the local student activist group, Protect Our Future, are on their way to Spain to attend the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25), which opened this week. The students are part of an International National Trust Organization (INTO) delegation drawing attention to the importance of heritage conservation in the […]
Drivers show support at eco-protest
(CNS): Dozens of drivers ‘honked’ their support for the students and adults protesting at Hog Sty Bay on Friday evening. The peaceful demonstration, part of a global protest against environmental destruction, was organised by Protect Our Future. While the teenage activist group is all about protecting the environment generally, the protests have been focusing on […]
Young protestors challenge Dart over site clearance
(CNS): The clearance of more than seven acres of mangrove and natural habitat in West Bay, removed by the islands’ largest developer for what turned out to be a one-off event has stirred up the young activists from Protect Our Future, who are questioning the move. The area cleared to provide space for the KAABOO […]