Tag: PPM

PPM leader baits premier on Bush’s link to PACT

PPM leader baits premier on Bush’s link to PACT

| 08/03/2023

(CNS: After McKeeva Bush was charged Wednesday in relation to allegations of indecent assault at a Caribbean Tourism Organization cocktail reception at the Ritz-Carlton hotel last September, Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart accused Premier Wayne Panton of attempting to disown the veteran MP. The PPM leader baited Panton after the premier referred to Bush as an […]

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McTaggart: Parliamentary code is almost useless

McTaggart: Parliamentary code is almost useless

| 05/01/2023 | 80 Comments

(CNS): The Parliamentary Code of Conduct drawn up by the government and signed by all of its members has been rejected by the opposition and described as “almost useless” by PPM Leader Roy McTaggart. Premier Wayne Panton announced in his New Year message that the long-awaited code for MPs had been finalised, signed by PACT […]

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Hew denies ‘abuse’ over pre-election spending

Hew denies ‘abuse’ over pre-election spending

| 01/11/2022 | 60 Comments

(CNS): PPM Deputy Leader Joey Hew has denied any abuse relating to pre-election spending on roads last year, despite the red flags raised by the Office of the Auditor General in a report, Financial Reporting of the CIG – General Report 2021, which found that almost 88% of the National Roads Authority’s budget had been […]

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OAG finds pre-election abuse of public cash

OAG finds pre-election abuse of public cash

| 21/10/2022 | 107 Comments

(CNS): The Office of the Auditor General noted an “unusual spike” in spending by the National Roads Authority during the two months before the 2021 General Election. More than $11 million was spent between the announcement of the early election and the day of the vote, Auditor General Sue Winspear and her team found during […]

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Premier: PPM priority is power not principle

Premier: PPM priority is power not principle

| 13/10/2022 | 62 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said the opposition was looking for power and was not really concerned about principles over the last few weeks since the former speaker was embroiled in a scandal and the premier asked him to resign. Panton said Wednesday that if the Progressives’ priority had really been about the need to […]

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Panton sought deal with opposition, Sir Alden claims

Panton sought deal with opposition, Sir Alden claims

| 10/10/2022 | 132 Comments

(CNS): Sir Alden McLaughlin has claimed that Premier Wayne Panton recently approached the opposition about forming a government with them. Speaking at a PPM press briefing on Friday after the opposition members boycotted parliament, the former premier said the Progressives had brought a no-confidence motion in government because various members of PACT had been speaking […]

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Opposition boycotting parliament until speaker goes

Opposition boycotting parliament until speaker goes

| 07/10/2022 | 221 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart said Friday that under the current government Cayman’s legislature is becoming a “kangaroo parliament”, as he announced that the opposition would not take part in the proceedings until Speaker McKeeva Bush vacates office. In a statement issued just after the meeting opened this morning, the opposition leader said that although […]

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Bush denies allegations in resignation letter

Bush denies allegations in resignation letter

| 06/10/2022 | 65 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED 8:30pm: CNS has now received a copy of the resignation letter given to the clerk of parliament on Thursday by McKeeva Bush. In the letter, Bush claims he did not assault anyone at the Caribbean Tourism Organization cocktail party last month, despite getting the date of the event wrong. But he said that […]

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Speaker’s prolonged stay unacceptable, says opposition

Speaker’s prolonged stay unacceptable, says opposition

| 06/10/2022 | 61 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart said last night that it was unacceptable for Speaker McKeeva Bush to remain in office until at least 30 November. He also questioned whether or not Bush would actually step down, given that his resignation letter has not been made public and this is not the first time he has […]

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McTaggart files no-confidence motion in Bush

McTaggart files no-confidence motion in Bush

| 30/09/2022 | 209 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has filed a motion for a no-confidence vote in Speaker McKeeva Bush, which was seconded by Barbara Conolly MP (GTS) and supported by the entire opposition. Alleging that Premier Wayne Panton “does not appear to have any intention” to remove Bush, McTaggart said Panton was “dithering” and blaming the Progressives’ […]

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Opposition motion complicates speaker’s removal

Opposition motion complicates speaker’s removal

| 28/09/2022 | 136 Comments

(CNS): With Hurricane Ian distracting the government and the country from the current political controversies, the deadline issued by Premier Wayne Panton to Speaker McKeeva Bush came and went Friday without any sign of the speaker’s formal resignation. As of Wednesday evening, Bush still hadn’t stepped down. But with an opposition no-confidence vote in the […]

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