Tag: opposition

New opposition leader takes aim at Miller

New opposition leader takes aim at Miller

| 24/05/2019 | 126 Comments

(CNS): In his first public statement as opposition leader, Arden McLean took aim at his predecessor, Ezzard Miller,  accusing him of staying on the job too long and reneging on a commitment made during the post-election closed-door talks two years ago. As the ink was drying on the instruments of his appointment, McLean’s office issued […]

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‘Opposition’ accuses premier of hypocrisy

‘Opposition’ accuses premier of hypocrisy

| 09/05/2019 | 98 Comments

(CNS): Some members of the ‘opposition’ have issued a statement calling on Premier Alden McLaughlin to apologise to voters for criticising them for electing independent members and accusing him of hypocrisy. The statement was circulated by Alva Suckoo, the independent member for Newlands, who triggered the recent split on the opposition benches. It takes aim […]

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Miller resigns as opposition leader

Miller resigns as opposition leader

| 02/05/2019 | 104 Comments

(CNS): Following the recent breakdown of the relationship between Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller and the other non-government independent MLAs sitting on the opposition benches, the North Side MLA has resigned from the constitutional role. In a letter to Governor Martyn Roper, Miller said that he will step down at the end of this month, giving […]

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Cracks deepen on opposition benches

Cracks deepen on opposition benches

| 16/04/2019 | 84 Comments

(CNS): The four independent members of the Legislative Assembly who had made up the official opposition under the leadership of Ezzard Miller have fallen short of asking him to resign but have asked him not to speak on their behalf. Alva Suckoo, Anthony Eden, Arden McLean and Chris Saunders all signed a letter, sent on […]

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Opposition leader staying put despite cracks

Opposition leader staying put despite cracks

| 02/04/2019 | 65 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller has said he intends to retain his position unless and until the remaining members of his group formally ask for his resignation in writing, as cracks in the group appear to widen. Speaking at a press conference Tuesday, after Newlands MLA Alva Suckoo quit the group, Miller said he believed […]

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Suckoo quits official opposition group

Suckoo quits official opposition group

| 22/03/2019 | 131 Comments

(CNS): Alva Suckoo, the member for Newlands, has parted company with the current opposition group and resigned as deputy leader of the official opposition. Suckoo, who has not given a reason for his decision, told CNS, “I remain part of the opposition to the government and will continue to represent my constituents and the people […]

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Opposition to open debate on policy platform

Opposition to open debate on policy platform

| 07/01/2019 | 25 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller has said the new alliance that he and his team will be working on this year is about attracting “independent thinkers” who will be able to openly debate the challenges facing the Cayman Islands and come up with real solutions. He said the aim was to tempt people into the […]

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Opposition plans People’s Alliance

Opposition plans People’s Alliance

| 31/12/2018 | 68 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader has signaled the creation of a political alliance next year, which he hopes will increase participatory democracy. In his New Year’s message to the people, Ezzard Miller said the movement’s aim was to promote Cayman’s success and to encourage greater engagement and involvement on the issues of the day by everyone who […]

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Mixed record for Unity government one year in

Mixed record for Unity government one year in

| 24/05/2018 | 25 Comments

(CNS) Take the survey below: It is twelve months to the day since the Cayman Islands woke up to a general election result that gave no single party a majority to take the reins of power. After a week of horsetrading, deals, counter-deals and a dose of double-crossing here and there, a coalition began to […]

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Opposition promises public input for 2018

Opposition promises public input for 2018

| 28/12/2017 | 41 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader has said that he and his colleagues will begin a series of fact-finding meetings in all districts in the New Year to find “workable, affordable and acceptable solutions to overcoming the challenges and seizing the opportunities” that he believes will present themselves over the next year. In his New Year’s message Ezzard […]

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Opposition plan to offer alternative budget

Opposition plan to offer alternative budget

| 31/10/2017 | 43 Comments

(CNS): Members of the opposition have said that they plan to propose constructive alternatives that offer action for the people when they engage in the debate on Wednesday on the government’s $644 million spending plan for next year and the $657 million budget for the year after. Having spent the weekend scrutinizing the budget documents, […]

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