Tag: National Conservation Law

DoE reminds public of lost wetlands

DoE reminds public of lost wetlands

| 18/06/2019 | 30 Comments

(CNS): At the request of a number of people who attended a recent meeting hosted by the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, the Department of Environment will be publishing comparative maps showing how much important natural habitat, such as wetlands and mangroves, has been lost on Grand Cayman over the last four decades. As […]

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People urged to lobby MLAs over NCL threat

People urged to lobby MLAs over NCL threat

| 06/06/2019 | 21 Comments

(CNS): At an educational meeting hosted by the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Wednesday night, attendees were urged to contact their MLAs and lobby them about concerns over mounting threats to the environment, especially from development, and to offer their support for the National Conservation Law. Many people in the audience felt that there […]

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POF urges people to contact MLAs over NCL

POF urges people to contact MLAs over NCL

| 30/05/2019 | 6 Comments

(CNS): Local students are not letting up on their growing campaign to force government to do more to protect Cayman’s natural environment. And with many of them concerned about the threat to the National Conservation Law and government’s current review of the legislation to water down some of the provisions, the young members of Protect […]

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National Trust raises concern over threat to NCL

National Trust raises concern over threat to NCL

| 27/05/2019 | 4 Comments

(CNS): Members of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands have raised concerns about the government’s decision to review and water down the National Conservation Law and how changes could impact the well-being of the local environment. Following a surge of enquiries by ordinary members to the Trust’s board requesting more information about the law […]

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Listen Up! Gutting the Conservation Law

Listen Up! Gutting the Conservation Law

| 15/05/2019 | 21 Comments

(CNS Podcast): Just last week a new government committee established to review the Cayman Islands National Conservation Law had its first meeting behind closed doors. The decision to review and, as most people suspect, water down the law comes at an alarming time for our planet. In Episode 4 of ‘Listen Up! with CNS, podcast […]

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Terms for conservation law review under wraps

Terms for conservation law review under wraps

| 14/05/2019 | 36 Comments

(CNS): The new committee formed to review the National Conservation Law, after government expressed ‘concerns’ that the legislation is hampering development, met for the first time last week behind closed doors. Government officials said that the committee, comprising around two dozen people and chaired by the premier, will be engaging with the public, though CNS […]

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Developers get seats on NCL review board

Developers get seats on NCL review board

| 29/04/2019 | 99 Comments

(CNS): A board has been established to review the National Conservation Law, which government has signalled it wants to water down because some people think the legislation designed to protect the Cayman Islands’ threatened and dwindling natural resources is standing in the way of development. Premier Alden McLaughlin will be the chair of the committee […]

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Minister dodges NCL review in Earth Day message

Minister dodges NCL review in Earth Day message

| 22/04/2019 | 30 Comments

(CNS): In his message to mark Earth Day, Environment Minister Dwayne Seymour claimed achievements in conservation in the Cayman Islands, but made no mention of the planned review of the National Conservation Law (NCL) that is expected to remove some of the protections for the islands’ natural resources. ‘Protect Our Species’ is the theme of […]

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NCC presses on with land protection

NCC presses on with land protection

| 01/03/2019 | 12 Comments

(CNS): The National Conservation Council has recommended another ten environmentally important sites, nominated by the community, be protected under the conservation law, following a public consultation period. The ten sites cover all three islands and include a diversity of natural habitats, from wetlands to primaeval forest. Following Wednesday’s meeting, the council voted to present the […]

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Conservation law makes it to five years intact

Conservation law makes it to five years intact

| 13/12/2018 | 9 Comments

(CNS): The National Conservation Law marked its 5th anniversary on Thursday still intact, despite ongoing concerns over government plans to review and water down the legislation, which was originally steered through the Legislative Assembly with unanimous support on 13 December 2013. Wayne Panton, the former environment minister, the only minster to ever hold the portfolio […]

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DoE seeking to protect 20% of Cayman’s environment

DoE seeking to protect 20% of Cayman’s environment

| 03/12/2018 | 23 Comments

(CNS): Five years after the historic passage of the National Conservation Law, the Department of Environment said that so far it has managed to designate 3,477 acres of land across the three Cayman Islands as public protected areas. Another 634 acres on Grand Cayman are pending for protection, which accounts for just over 6% of […]

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