Tag: Joey Hew
PPM calls for cruise policy as numbers fall
(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart (GTE) and his PPM colleague, Joey Hew (GTN), the deputy leader, took aim at the PACT Government this week for its failure to develop a cruise policy in the face of falling passenger numbers. Hew said that if Cayman is going to move out of the cruise business, it needs […]
Opposition looks for answers from PACT
(CNS): The PPM has filed eighteen questions for PACT to answer during the next meeting of parliament on topics ranging from the controversial ReGen project to the Deloitte Transport report. They have also tabled two motions, including one to mandate a private schools bus service. Chris Saunders, who will be taking up his new seat […]
Gambling bill sent to select committee, ID bills pass
(CNS): As Premier Wayne Panton wrapped up the debate on the Gambling (Amendment) Bill, 2022 on Monday, he told MPs that it would go to a select committee of the House, where changes to address some of the concerns raised could be made. During the same sitting, both bills paving the way for a national […]
Hew admits dump contract needed work
(CNS): Deputy Opposition Leader Joey Hew (GTN) has accused Premier Wayne Panton of manufacturing claims about the previous government’s deal regarding the dump, which was signed just weeks before the general election in 2022. In a long statement, Hew claimed the delay in relation to the ReGen waste management project should be blamed on Panton, […]
Panton sought deal with opposition, Sir Alden claims
(CNS): Sir Alden McLaughlin has claimed that Premier Wayne Panton recently approached the opposition about forming a government with them. Speaking at a PPM press briefing on Friday after the opposition members boycotted parliament, the former premier said the Progressives had brought a no-confidence motion in government because various members of PACT had been speaking […]
PPM seeks no-confidence vote in PACT
(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has filed a no-confidence motion in the government, blaming what he said was Premier Wayne Panton’s lack of effective leadership and the belief that the Cabinet is split, opening up a political opportunity for the PPM to take power.
McTaggart: Gov’t has room to cut all fuel duty
(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart said the Cayman Islands Government should cut duty on fuel to zero, removing the 75 cents tax it adds to each gallon at the pump and the 25 cents it charges CUC, until the end of the year to help people deal with the soaring cost of living. Speaking Tuesday […]
Harris hosts new PPM social media talk show
(CNS): The opposition has created its own political talk show produced by the former talk radio host and one-time MP, Austin Harris, who lost his Prospect seat last year. The show, “Let’s Talk”, which is being streamed on social media, is not an interview with a journalist asking hard questions, but rather a forum for […]
PPM accuses PACT of sleepwalking into dump disaster
(CNS): Almost a year ago, less than three weeks before the 2021 elections, the PPM-led Unity government signed a deal with Dart for a waste-to-energy facility, and the PPM, now in opposition, is accusing the current administration of “sleepwalking the whole country into a horrific environmental disaster”.