Tag: Jennifer Ahearn

Carter retires from CS, ministry confirms

Carter retires from CS, ministry confirms

| 17/09/2018 | 43 Comments

(CNS): Roydell Carter, who was on some form of unidentified paid leave from his job as director of the Department of Environmental Health, has retired from the civil service, health ministry officials finally confirmed Monday. Chief Officer Jennifer Ahearn told CNS in response to inquiries that Carter had “opted to retire from the civil service”, […]

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MRCU aims to eradicate Aedes aegypti

MRCU aims to eradicate Aedes aegypti

| 30/08/2018 | 27 Comments

(CNS): The Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) has created a board made up largely of international and global technical experts with the ambitious goal of eradicating the Aedes aegypti mosquito from Grand Cayman. The creation of this specialist advisory board was revealed in a press release from government, which said the board would provide input on […]

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Two civil service bosses seconded to DEH

Two civil service bosses seconded to DEH

| 12/07/2018 | 42 Comments

(CNS): The director at the Department of Vehicle and Equipment Services (DVES) and the manager of the Recreation Parks and Cemeteries Unit (RPCU) at the Public Works Department have been transferred to the Department of Environmental Health to sort out the ongoing problems at the beleaguered department. In a press release from the health ministry, […]

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Manderson challenges PAC’s Ahearn allegations

Manderson challenges PAC’s Ahearn allegations

| 14/06/2018 | 101 Comments

(CNS): Acting Governor Franz Manderson has said that he will not be taking any disciplinary action against the health ministry’s chief officer, Jennifer Ahearn, because he does not believe that she lied to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), as claimed in the recent correspondence to his office. Manderson said her “recollection could be considered mistaken or […]

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PAC motion threatens CO with contempt

PAC motion threatens CO with contempt

| 12/06/2018 | 97 Comments

(CNS): Public Accounts Committee Chair Ezzard Miller has filed a motion in the Legislative Assembly on behalf of the entire committee asking parliament to hold the chief officer in the health ministry in contempt after requests to the deputy governor to discipline her were ignored. Jennifer Ahearn could face prosecution for giving false evidence to […]

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Dump turns away debris over equipment failure

Dump turns away debris over equipment failure

| 27/03/2018 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Trouble at the George Town landfill shows no sign of abating as the Department of Environmental Health has now announced that it has been forced to temporarily halt the intake of construction debris and vegetative waste due to equipment failure. Despite claims from officials earlier this week that it was getting back on track […]

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Miller: Health ministry being mismanaged

Miller: Health ministry being mismanaged

| 26/02/2018 | 43 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader and chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Ezzard Miller, raised his concerns about the mismanagement of the health ministry after yet another scandal emerged regarding finances at the hospital. Still reeling from the CarePay debacle and more recent and unexplained issues surrounding the Department of Environmental Health and the management of […]

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Confusion surrounds state of hospital drug shortages

Confusion surrounds state of hospital drug shortages

| 30/08/2017 | 78 Comments

(CNS): MLA Alva Suckoo struggled to get a comprehensive answer to a key question in parliament Friday about the problems with the supply of critical medications at the hospital pharmacy. Dwayne Seymour, the new health minister, whose chief officer was on vacation and therefore unavailable, struggled throughout the day to address questions about his new […]

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MLAs press for details on prison video scandal

MLAs press for details on prison video scandal

| 13/03/2017 | 8 Comments

(CNS): Following the reinstatement of Deputy Prison Director Natalie Aduke Joseph-Caesar after a settlement with government, independent members of the Legislative Assembly demanded answers last week over what happened in the scandal at HMP Northward, when unauthorized video cameras were allegedly found in a manager’s office. With Jennifer Ahearn acting as deputy governor, the chief officer in […]

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Live-in cops planned for NS and EE

Live-in cops planned for NS and EE

| 13/03/2017 | 21 Comments

(CNS): Police Commissioner Derek Byrne has revealed plans to post live-in officers at the North Side and East End police stations after renovations to the two stations that have been closed or unmanned for years are completed. The independent MLAs for both districts have been calling on successive RCIPS chiefs to do something about what […]

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Ministry extends public discussion on culture

Ministry extends public discussion on culture

| 25/01/2017 | 8 Comments

(CNS): The premier’s ministry has extended the public consultation period on its draft National Culture and Heritage Policy and Strategic Plan. In his role as culture minister, Alden McLaughlin said he was excited about the reactions from the public so far and it was appropriate to give people even more time. “As a result of […]

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