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Defendant wins appeal for KC in murder retrial

Defendant wins appeal for KC in murder retrial

| 05/12/2023 | 17 Comments

(CNS): The Grand Court has overturned a decision by the Legal Aid director not to fund a King’s Counsel from the UK for a man facing a second trial for murder. Javon James Dixon successfully appealed the decision in the Grand Court, arguing that there were no KCs on the island who would be able […]

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New government won’t meet the press in 2023

New government won’t meet the press in 2023

| 04/12/2023 | 181 Comments

(CNS): Government officials confirmed Monday that the United People’s Movement and its new leader, Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, will not be holding a press conference before the end of 2023. In an unprecedented move, the new administration, which formed after an internal Cabinet coup ousted Wayne Panton from the position of premier, will not face the […]

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Special bulk waste collection added for holidays

Special bulk waste collection added for holidays

| 04/12/2023 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The Department of Environmental Health is conducting a special clean-up exercise over the next two weeks to remove bulk waste for the holidays after all. The annual seasonal clean-up traditionally conducted in December moved to May this year ahead of the hurricane season, but officials said this additional collection will help with the transition.

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Methane deal made but tensions surround COP28

Methane deal made but tensions surround COP28

| 04/12/2023 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Major fossil fuel countries and companies reached a deal on Monday at the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai to significantly reduce methane leaks. The deal is significant and if implemented could prevent up 0.5°C of future climate heating. But despite this agreement, the phasing out of fossil fuel remains the main source of […]

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Inquiry opened after male skeletal remains found

Inquiry opened after male skeletal remains found

| 02/12/2023 | 27 Comments

(CNS): The remains of a male body was discovered by a member of the public in East End on Thursday morning at about 11am, and the police have opened an investigation to determine the person’s identity and how he died. The skeletal remains were in a secluded mangrove area and a team of officers were […]

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GT man arrested after car shot up and gun found

GT man arrested after car shot up and gun found

| 01/12/2023

(CNS): A 39-year-old man from George Town was arrested Monday over the possession of an illegal gun after a vehicle was shot up on Sunday night in Eastern Avenue, George Town. Police from the Firearm Response Unit attended an undisclosed residential location at about 9:30pm as a result of illegal activities involving a gun. After […]

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Fresh local lobster back on menu as season opens

Fresh local lobster back on menu as season opens

| 01/12/2023 | 35 Comments

(CNS) The close of the hurricane season and the start of December means that its not only beginning to look a lot like Christmas, local fresh lobster is back on the menu. The lobster season is now open until 29 February and extra day long season because of the leap year in 2024. However, this […]

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Cayman escapes busy storm season unscathed

Cayman escapes busy storm season unscathed

| 01/12/2023 | 21 Comments

(CNS): Another record breaking hurricane season in the Atlantic has come to an end and once again the Cayman Islands remained out of the eyes of the many storms that brewed, The season was above-normal with 20 named storms and unusual because this is an El Nino year, a weather phenomena that usually dampens down […]

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Offshore related fees won’t increase in coming budget

Offshore related fees won’t increase in coming budget

| 01/12/2023 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Firms operating in the Cayman Islands most important and lucrative economic pillar will not be subjected to any fee increases in the forthcoming budget, expected to be presented to parliament next week. According to a circular from the Ministry of Financial Services sent to stakeholders business fees across the financial services sector will remain […]

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Activists propose cheaper, greener route for EWA

Activists propose cheaper, greener route for EWA

| 30/11/2023 | 75 Comments

(CNS): The route chosen by the government and the National Roads Authority for the controversial East-West Arterial Road from Newlands to North Side is not the only one available. Local environmental campaigners, Sustainable Cayman, have in partnership with the UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds issued an assessment of route options for the […]

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Cabinet approves Christmas increase in duty free allowance

Cabinet approves Christmas increase in duty free allowance

| 30/11/2023 | 40 Comments

(CNS): Cabinet has approved a temporary increase in the duty free allowance for all residents for the holiday season. Anyone taking a shopping trip will be able to bring back CI$1,000 worth of goods through the airport before having to pay any duty on their purchases for all of December. This is double the usual CI$500 […]

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