Search Results for 'heat weather'

CUC warns rising heat could cause power cuts

CUC warns rising heat could cause power cuts

| 28/05/2024 | 136 Comments

(CNS): Grand Cayman’s sole power supplier, CUC, has issued a statement warning that its shrinking reserve margin means customers could soon see rolling power outages as the mercury climbs this summer. Growing demand driven by already record high temperatures, economic growth and delays in OfReg’s bid for new generating capacity for the grid means that […]

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Weather service warns of hot, wet summer on GCM

Weather service warns of hot, wet summer on GCM

| 07/05/2024 | 36 Comments

(CNS): After a very dry start to 2024, the Cayman Islands National Weather Service is predicting a hot, wet summer on Grand Cayman, with 50-59% above the annual rainfall averages between now and the end of July. The CINWS says it will then get even wetter for the remainder of the rainy season, with predictions […]

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Climate policy in limbo as more heat records broken

Climate policy in limbo as more heat records broken

| 06/03/2024 | 52 Comments

(CNS): The data for global temperatures is expected to show that last month was the warmest February on record after spring-like conditions across the Northern Hemisphere caused flowers to bloom early from Japan to Mexico, left Europe’s ski slopes bereft of snow and Texas sizzling at 100°F. The Cayman Islands may have enjoyed cooler weather […]

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Cayman boiled in record September heat

Cayman boiled in record September heat

| 05/10/2023 | 30 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands did not escape the impact of a warming world last month when, like much of the northern hemisphere, heat records here were broken yet again. The CI National Weather Service recorded the highest temperature for a single day in September on the first of the month, which reached 94.5°F (34.7°C). The […]

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Forecasters warn of stormy weather ahead

Forecasters warn of stormy weather ahead

| 07/08/2023 | 18 Comments

(CNS): As the Atlantic hurricane season enters its peak period, professional weather forecasters are warning that the next three months could produce some very bad weather. NOAA is expected to deliver its mid-season update on Thursday, but over the last week, the UK’s Met Office and meteorologists at Colorado State University have issued warnings that […]

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Local heat records broken as the mercury rises

Local heat records broken as the mercury rises

| 03/08/2023 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Despite being the land of soft, fresh breezes, the Cayman Islands did not escape the global heatwave last month. According to the National Weather Service, 21 July recorded a new high temperature for the islands of 95.5°F (35.3°C) on Grand Cayman. But on 13 out of the month’s 31 days, the mercury climbed past […]

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Oceans heat up as 2021 lands in top 5 hottest years

Oceans heat up as 2021 lands in top 5 hottest years

| 11/01/2022 | 19 Comments

(CNS): The year 2021 was the world’s fifth hottest on record, with greenhouse gases surging and oceans warming to new highs and for some countries it was the hottest on record, scientists from NOAA in the US, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service and university researchers have reported. The US saw its fourth hottest year […]

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Atlantic hurricane season ‘heating’ up

Atlantic hurricane season ‘heating’ up

| 07/09/2020 | 5 Comments

(CNS): The hurricane experts at Colorado State University have warned that the second half of the Atlantic hurricane season is going to make 2020 a very busy and well-above average. In their latest forecast the weather watchers said they now expect a total of 24 named storms. “We have increased our forecast and now call […]

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Heat and salinity kill off fish in Brac pond

Heat and salinity kill off fish in Brac pond

| 16/07/2020 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Hot, dry weather in Cayman Brac, which missed out on last weekend’s rain, and a rise in salinity at the Westerly Ponds seem to be behind the death of dozens of fish. Early investigations by the Department of Environment point to a significant fall in the water level at the ponds due to the […]

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Euro heatwave melting Greenland

Euro heatwave melting Greenland

| 01/08/2019 | 76 Comments

(CNS): Scientists working in Greenland who are measuring ice sheets and collecting important data for the northern European country are alerting the world about the massive melting taking place there after the heatwave that hit the UK and continental Europe moved north. Danish Meteorological Institute, the official weather service of Greenland, said “almost all the […]

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PAHO issues warning about heatwaves

PAHO issues warning about heatwaves

| 16/07/2019 | 14 Comments

(CNS): With weather forecasters calling for a heatwave this summer in the Caribbean region, as well as in Europe and other parts of the northern hemisphere, the Pan-American Health Organization is urging countries to come up with contingency plans to address the potential impact on people’s health and save lives. This current heatwave is expected […]

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