UCCI begins search for new president

| 26/11/2021 | 32 Comments
Cayman News Service
Dr Stacy McAfee

(CNS): The current president and CEO of the University College of the Cayman Islands, Dr Stacy McAfee, is not renewing her contract and the board is beginning the search for her replacement. According to a release from UCCI Board Chairman Gilbert McLean, the job will now be advertised overseas as well as locally. McAfee took up the post in 2018 on a three-year contract, which ends on 31 December. She replaced Roy Bodden after he retired at the end of a successful tenure at the helm of the local college.

Thanking her for her service, McLean said, “Dr McAfee has decided and given notice that she will no longer continue as President and CEO of the University College of the Cayman Islands. She has indicated that she will be relocating to the USA with her family.”

He said that an interim president will be appointed to serve until the recruitment exercise finds a permanent candidate.

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Category: Education, Local News

Comments (32)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You obviously know nothing about Mr McLean, his qualifications, experience and abilities. To opine that he has “no clue how to execute this position” is ludicrous. However, regardless of his qualifications and experience as an educator, along with stellar experience and track record as a former Permanent Secretary, District Commissioner and Member of Parliament at Ministerial level, we have to remind ourselves that this is Cayman. In the eyes of some being a son of this soil would be the single disqualifying factor against Mr McLean, which provokes the ire of some characters, of which you are obviously one.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was general knowledge that President McAfee had asked in May for her contract to be extended the additional three years as contemplated by the agreement. The question for Mr McLean is did he agree to that renewal or not? If not, then his statement that “Dr McAfee has decided and given notice that she will no longer continue as President and CEO” only means that her contract will just run out at the end of December and not that she changed her mind and turned down a three year renewal. If he did not agree to the additional three years as contemplated by the agreement, why not?

  2. Anonymous says:

    She has been a shambles from day 1. Fire Caymanians, hire friends, can’t justify requests for more cash. And never gave money allotted to Brac Campus.

    • Hubert says:

      4:13, Why is it that people who were top in their field in education come here and within a short time they are in shambles here?

      Seen it so many times here the past 10 years.

      Guess we are just a brilliant people when it comes to all matters related to education. But if we are so brilliant why do we keep bringing in experts in education from abroad?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Let’s get one thing straight. President Stacy McAfee did NOT resign. Her employment contract was for an initial three years and contemplated an extension for an additional three years. She was required to give notice in May of her intention to continue as President as contemplated and she did so. Under the contract, the Board of UCCI had until September to give its notice as to whether or not it had decided to extend the contract for the additional three years. Extending the contract or not would have triggered the general legal requirement to publicly post the position in either case. No such posting has occurred. So her contract is simply expiring in December.

    Why this is happening we do not know. That is because the last Board minutes posted on the UCCI governance website are from March (minutes are required to be public under the Law) Further. the Law requires the Board to produce a public Annual Report. No annual report for 2020 has been made public and a request for a copy resulted in the response that the Board had not yet approved one.

    • Anonymous says:

      Damage control, at its finest.

      I wonder who would know all of this information besides the board of directors…..

      You need help. What a narcissistic control freak!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Dr. McAfee is a wonderful woman all she wanted to do was help. The first meeting I had with her I knew she wouldn’t last a couple years. She couldn’t even get emails answered by her leaders never mind proper funding. Thats what you get when your country leaders are hired on ethnicity rather than qualification. It will never get better.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Michael Myles for UCCI President! Why? Despite not having the “glowing” paper qualifications as some of the past post-holders (although we now know some of them were fake anyway), Mr. Myles has proven that he has a a better sense of addressing tertiary-level education than past UCCI leadership, the leadership of the Education Dept. and of course, the leadership of the Education Ministry.

    Mr. Myles has delivered results from his “low-budget” academy and God knows he has the passion and genuine interest to help people develop themselves.

    I’m partially joking of course because we know the favoured approach – hire someone with a book full of degrees who will not advance the educational output one iota!

    But really, could Mr. Myles do any worse at UCCI than all the past thermometer Presidents?

  6. Anonymous says:

    That whole place needs to be torn down and begun anew.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good riddance…..

      Student graduates from high schools like CIS and CHHS are often taken more seriously than UCCI graduates.

      Take it as you may.

      • Anonymous says:

        try hiring someone who has graduated fro there. they have no knowledge of anything. from the accounting graduates to the hospitality students. Absolutely clueless! it would help if the teachers and the head of the programs had worked in the field maybe more than a week….

    • Anonymous says:

      From 20 years ago.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ran off another one… Cayman until you can get enough your people educated to run things, you must depend on and embrace overseas staff that have the abilities, education and background. You need to have staff that can HELP do this so that someday they can take the helm.
    This is why we find ourselves in a situation with the government leaving us nothing to choose from nor depend on to run the government.
    On that note, we cannot keep voting in the ‘connected’ old school self-serving people that do not want the best for us. They only want to feather their own nest. (I’m looking at youse Alden, Mac and all your cronies from the last gowerment. You too Roy)

    • Anonymous says:

      You can add Kenneth , to that list .
      Roy does not deserve to be on your list, he needs neither the money nor the hassle of being a politician. He’s there out of a sense of duty.

      • Anonymous says:

        I actually used to feel the same way about Roy but then as we moved along… You will always eventually show your true colors as we can see now.
        What is that saying about being ‘tarred with the same brush’ or ‘birds of a feather’?
        I Just kind of feel like he went down to ‘wallow with the pigs’, so to speak.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just like in the past they ran off good people brought in to run Cayman Prep.

      Modern ideas in education brought in by expats are rejected by the Caymanian / Jamaican educational and political establishment here.

      This is the reason we are going nowhere with our educational system.

      • ann says:

        My gosh if the mention of Jamaica wasn’t included you all wont feel good. Ever thought that the constant reliance on certain people that you all see as gods They don’t have any vested interest in you all but for money wake up!!! You all don’t love your own ! Gosh try leave Jamaica out you all problems for once nuh

    • Anonymous says:

      Dr Williams for president! Best teacher I ever had at UCCI. Brilliant, professional, and concerned for our youth.

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    I think that UCCI would be in a better place if it was Mr. McLean who resigned rather than Dr. McAfee.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree đź’Ż with this comment, the man is in deep water and has no clue how to execute this position that has been visited upon him. That said, I understand that the real puppet master is the Ministry and he is just the hatchet man.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do they have any other $4,000 per month hatchet jobs that only require you to show up at meetings once per month?

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know that her resigning was of Mr. McLean’s doing? He only just took up the post as Chairman so it would seem that issues must have been brewing prior to his arrival.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Kenny for president!

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