OfReg says it’s monitoring Flow’s latest service issues

| 01/03/2024 | 20 Comments

(CNS): After local telecommunications provider Flow sent messages to customers that there were problems with its voice service, OfReg issued a public service message Thursday stating that it had requested information from Flow about the issues and what it is doing to resolve them. The utilities regulator said it had been provided with some information and that preliminary inquiries suggest that some customers may experience intermittent dropped calls or degraded signal reception. Some customers may experience no issues at all with their voice service.

The information did not indicate that the issues impacted calls to 911, but OfReg said it was making further inquiries. 

“The regulator is actively monitoring Flow’s work to address the issues in a reasonable, timely manner. Evaluation of the work will determine if further intervention from OfReg is required sooner,” the regulator stated.

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Category: Business, Politics, Private Sector Oversight, utilities

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  1. Anonymous says:

    OFREG couldn’t monitor paint drying.

  2. Anonymous says:

    FLOW internet service has been out for almost 24 hours in Savannah and Bodden Town. there is no way to get any information about what happened and when it will be restored. I hope Off Reg is paying attention to this latest fiasco with Flow as the news media hasnt..and its appalling customer service is useless..if you can even get through

  3. Anonimous says:

    Had this sent to me by a friend overseas on March 16 2023 and responded with a lengthy responce

    Watch this! This lady speaks hard truth always. PM of Barbados.


    Thought you might find this interesting regarding the Barbadian Prime Minister’s plea recently🤓👍🏼

    Global Taxation

    What is it really all about and why the Global Tax Initiative is so important for a global equilibrum or countries globally to have a balanced employment opportunity to operate, grow, develop and reduce crowds of illegal mass immigration migrants seeking business and employment opportunities for a better life

    Yes i did find it interesting, she is saying the same thing i have been trying to say for years

    When i went to university in Tallahassee, i was basically hounded by a few people involved in questionable activity who wanted to become friends with me simply because i was from the Cayman Islands

    All they saw was the option to have someone they could build a relationship with to open an account and do businesses in the Cayman Islands to aviod paying taxes

    Fastfoward to what Mia Montly is saying about other countries who should be included but is exempted and omitted from list like the FATF Gray List

    What i mean by this is that the Global Taxation Bill or Initiative aims for businesses to pay taxes where they operate and try to correct the problems she is describing, which is why thier global goal continue to take shape and is becoming a reality

    Places like the Cayman Islands will continue to be attractive to lucrative shady deals for investments of individuals focused on the taxation loop-holes we have

    Which is why the Cayman Islands In-Direct Consumption Tax System need to be changed and mordernized to be in line with the rest of the world if we wish, like she does for her Barbados and Caricom Countries to stop being used and targeted by clever businessmen who open businesses and transfer there wealth to the lucrative financial locations like New York, London and Luxinberg creating international crimes that leave developed countries in a constant struggle to collect there taxes, operate, develop and grow smoothly without an operating deficit

    A good example of what am trying to say is that for years, we in the Cayman Islands have seen our Banking Industry ran by foriegn businessmen who have cheated thier own countries and neighboring countries out of collecting taxes to smoothly run, operate, develop and grow thier country

    For example, for years the Cayman Islands Bankers Association was ran by a Brazilian banker who was replaced by a banker from Argentina


    What relationships like that have done over the years, is increase the number of Offshore Foriegn Private Banks in the Cayman Islanda as there head quarters for operations.

    These Private Banks are ran by only a few foriegn nationals, “none or very few Caymanians” and Monies deposited, managed and invested in places like New York, London and Luxinberg evaded taxes in those countries, create international tax crimes and in-justices comitted in places like the New York Stock Exchange while depriving the said countries like the Brazilian Government unable to collect thier Taxes

    Therefore, if we wish for places like us here in the Cayman Islands to stop being used as a vehicle for such international wide spread criminal activity like Tax Evasion, we as a people need to firstly better understad why we pay taxes and what taxes pay for.

    Then we will have to carefully review and change our Consumption Tax System to an Income, Sales and Property Tax System and be a better partisipant in the Global Tax Initiative and become tax transparent, compliant and for us to be allowed to ease restrictions on opening bank accounts

    Otherwise, countries like those Third World Countries and other developed countries around the world that have monies deposited and managed in the Private Banks here will continue to be kicking, knocking and screaming to collect there taxes for thier countries to operate, develop and grow smoothly


    As long as we continue to be viewed internationally as a place for multinational corporations to base subsidiary entities to shield some or all of their incomes from taxation, we will continue to be listed as a place for Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism


    Which is why they had a big write-up in the Cayman News Service reoprting that “we” the Cayman Islands is not doing enough to fight financial crimes

    Because of this, people in small Caribbean Nation States like the Bahamas that financially operate similar to ours, realize why Caribbean Islands are being intimidated and confused with banking regulations and restricting for banking consumers to not be able to cash checks above $15,000 without a declaration on the source of where funds come from; and in her “Mia Motley” words Driving our citizens Underground to find alternative ways to send remittance money back home to thier families and are asking for a level playing field, meaning that when checks are drawn in the US, the UK Canada and Europe, checks over $15,000 to send money back home to small Island States, they should also be required to sign a Declaration on the source of where thier funds come from


    Hence, which is why the Bahamas have found themselves committed to introducing an Income, Sales, Corporate and Property Taxes to be compliant with the Global Taxation Initiative

    As a result of this, i believe that when our people in the Cayman Islands understands this, that our country will follow the same path of becoming fully tax transparent and compliant


    If Mia Motley’s plea for a level playing field in the global banking and financial industry does not become a reality, where the same rules apply to everyone on a global scale, the problem of Tax Evasion and related criminal activity will not be resolved and the efforts accomplished by the Global Tax Initiative to identify and resolve tax evasion and related crimes would prove to have just been an excerise to understand why developed nations like Nearly half of the countries of the European continent, 40% of the countries of Africa, and 30% of the countries of Asia, South American countries like Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Argentina, have all declared bankruptcy at some piont


    Therefore, Mia Motley is basically saying the same thing our former Priemer Alden McLaughlin said in his Hard Talk bbc interview, which is the same thing the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve is saying, every government is failing to collect its money for thier country operate smoothly, develop and grow

    Is there anyone on our island who is able or could to advise your audience how many online businesses are registered in the Cayman Islands???

  4. Anonymous says:

    Monitoring is just another way of saying ‘doing nothing’.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps they could look at C3 too? In Prospect & service terrible. Every week internet stops working. Six hours it was down yesterday (claimed CUC issues) & 3 times today already. They had the nerve this year to start charging more – claiming increased speeds. Garbage. Trying to collect $’s to repay their fine.

  6. watcher says:

    There is ZERO-NO regulation of:

    Fuel Costs
    Insurance Costs
    Power Costs
    Internet/phone Costs
    Anything else
    Nothing else
    Don’t worry
    Be Happy

    Government supports itself, and those outside of it pay the dues, without renumeration. That’s the way it is. If you aren’t part of government, you pay without getting anything.

  7. Anonymous says:

    OfReg is always monitoring, never enforcing!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    How’s about OfReg monitor CUC’s service issues? Or their rip off rates? OF course they won’t!! Too many CUC shareholders in high profile positions along with too many closed-door-brethrens in OfReg & just about every branch of CIG.

    Business as usual in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      No backbone, no enforcement, no action, no teeth. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz…

    • Anonymous says:

      01 @ 10:48 am – CUC delivers!! Yes, we pay more per kilowatt usage than say, Florida but CUC’s service consistency is unmatched in the Caribbean or in our Central American neighbours and so are their repair times. Whenever we do have power outages, they are relatively short. With CUC, we get what we pay for – good service.

      Definitely can’t say that with FLOW. Have you ever tried calling their Customer Service line, especially when there’s no Lana?? I cancelled my voicemail service over a year ago and am still being billed every month for it; not paying so I’m showing an “overdue balance”. They can carry that as “overdue” til I die!!

      Also, gas stations need OfReg attention, unfair markups and let’s not forget pumps calibrated in US gallons!! I experienced that!!

      Leave CUC alone! No, I don’t have shares.

  9. Anonymous says:

    OfReg is “monitoring FLOW’s latest service issues”?? What a bunch of crap! FLOW itself is a service issue, they have the WORST customer service of ANY service provider in these 3 islands….even worse than CIG and Sagicor!!

    That’s saying something!

    • Anonymous says:

      spot on!
      I would be embarrassed to say I worked for Flow. If I was an employer looking to hire and the candidate had Flow in their work history, I’m sorry to say I wouldn’t hire them. Whilst I do believe the culture starts from the top,
      individuals can make a difference.

      • Anonymous says:

        01 @ 10:09 am – I fully agree! Yet, CIAA and other SAGC and core Government departments are full of “early-retirees” from FLOW! I think a couple landed at OfReg too!!


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