Disabled cargo ship pulled away from Little Cayman

| 03/04/2024 | 10 Comments
SC Montana

(CNS): The SC Montana, a Liberian freighter vessel that had engine failure late Tuesday evening, was still in local waters Wednesday morning off the southwest coast of Little Cayman but is bound for Cuba. The ship has been given assistance from the LEFKES and the Aruna Cihan bulk carrier vessels to keep it away from Little Cayman’s coastline.

The Navigator, a port authority tug, has also been sent from Grand Cayman to help, according to the Cayman Islands Coast Guard, which is monitoring the disabled ship and coordinating the efforts to keep it from running aground.

Neither of the docks on Little Cayman and Cayman Brac have the infrastructure to handle the stricken vessel, and while all crew members and cargo on the Montana are currently safe, it is not clear how the ship will be repaired. It is being kept afloat and away from the shoreline of Little Cayman, but the Department of Environment remains aware of the potential risk and is ready to act if necessary to prevent potential marine pollution.

Acting Governor Franz Manderson and Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly met yesterday night with representatives of the CICG, Hazard Management Cayman Islands, the DoE and other key stakeholders to discuss mitigation steps.

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  1. Anon says:

    Way has Mr. Raymond Scott’s contribution last night not been noted?

    • Anonymous says:

      Raymond is quite capable of patting himself on the back as we will no doubt hear on the talkshows.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you really have to disparage Mr. Scott.

        For many, many years in many ways Mr. Scott has assisted mariners.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Don’t we have a Coast Guard? What is their job again?


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