Flow’s service troubles continue with BT outage

| 05/03/2024 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Local telecommunications provider Flow struggled with its internet service Tuesday and was forced to apologise to its customers for a broadband outage across the Bodden Town district, just days after the company apologised for problems with its phone and voice services last Thursday. The utilities regulator, OfReg, said that it had met with Flow Country Manager Cristina Spratt today “seeking an urgent update on the extended and unresolved outage on its network”.

OfReg stated that this latest outage has affected residents and businesses in the Bodden Town area since Monday, 4 March.

“We called a meeting with Flow this morning to get a full understanding on the nature of the problem on their network in the Bodden Town area,” OfReg ICT Director Sonji Myles said. “Many customers currently have no access to internet services and some also have issues with voice calls and TV service. This is extremely concerning. Flow has identified that the problem is hardware related and are working to resolve the equipment failure as soon as possible.”

Myles added that the company’s executives were not able to say when services would be fully restored but Spratt confirmed that she has focused all resources at resolving the issue in order to get customers back online. “We will continue to actively monitor the situation closely,” Myles added.

Complaints about Flow’s poor service provision and customer service are nothing new, despite the high costs, but this is the second major outage in less than a week. On Thursday, OfReg issued a release stating that it was actively monitoring Flow’s work to address the voice network problems to determine if further intervention from OfReg is required sooner.

In November last year, OfReg expressed “deep concern” over an unscheduled outage on its fixed-line network, which impacted calls to emergency services, including 911.

At the time of that service interruption, Myles noted that outages generally, but especially those that impact 911, are a matter of concern. “We are pursuing a comprehensive understanding of the incident,” he said, adding that OfReg expected the resolution report from Flow to shed light on the cause of the outage, the steps taken to rectify the situation, and “plans put in place to prevent any reoccurrence in the future”.

It’s not clear what consequences, if any, there have been to Flow for the recent poor service, but the company was fined $400,000 in 2022 for over-charging business customers.

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Category: Business, Politics, Private Sector Oversight, utilities

Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    FLOW been around many years now and they still screw up pretty much everything. I hope the rumor of another telecommunication company coming in is true. Bet you then FLOW, Digicel & Logic will get it together over night & rethink their prices! Competition on this island is so needed in every market! Next up CUC and the water companies *fingers crossed*.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hope it won’t end like AT&T stepping foot down here after Ivan. They barely got their feet wet before leaving some free T-shirts and then high tailing it back home. C&W AKA sLime AKA Low FLOW still wield serious power here. Some monopolies are not easily toppled.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Worst service and no value for money. They don’t even have phones in stock!

    • Anonymous says:

      Little Cayman is stuck with 15mbps internet ,for $ 85.00, can’t upgrade if I wanted to. Equipment dates back to yesterday,or the day before.If you contact Flow about improving service,all you get is stupid answers/excuses.Grand and Brac gets 300mbps for $90.00, that is $ 5.00 more than Little Cayman for 15mbps. I would call that a ripoff.

  3. Caymanian says:

    What is sickning is the MBPS crap ads. I have 400MBPS and performing like Logic 50MBPS.

    When I test online I get much lower.

  4. SwordoftheCayman says:

    C& W/ FLOW / Liberty Latin America got rid of loyal Caymanians or did not treat them well, then brought in mercenaries and is managed from Miami or elsewhere. As I understand, the guys on the ground take instructions from other territories to resolve issues. Why not a Cayman manager?
    What do you expect to be better?

  5. Anonymous says:

    The FLOW is starting to dry up! OfREG also needs to have them respond to the ridiculous automatic $10 charge as you step off a plane outside of Cayman. I do not ever recall signing any contract that said FLOW could choose to bill be randomly for services I DO NOT WANT!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    FLOW struggles with its service, in general.

    POS company!!

    Someone said “F***ing Lime Only Worse”. Perfect description!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I spent so much money on mobile data to get my essentials done. I appreciate things can break down, but this was too long.

  8. annoying says:

    To be honest, they should really change their name to DRIP!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Take a break from Tv and Internet. Sitting down at dinner and afterwards, talking to each other, the. Children…taking a break from Texting.
    Ah..the Olden days of Cay-man.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ah Flow. Aka F**king Lime Only Worse.

  11. Anonymous says:

    How could this happen in the private sector. Will heads roll.

    • Anonymous says:

      We appreciate you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Little Cayman is stuck with 15mbps internet ,for $ 85.00, can’t upgrade if I wanted to. Equipment dates back to yesterday,or the day before.If you contact Flow about improving service,all you get is stupid answers/excuses.Grand and Brac gets 300mbps for $90.00, that is $ 5.00 more than Little Cayman for 15mbps. I would call that a ripoff.

      • Anonymous says:

        appreciate Flow? For what?

        • Anonymous says:

          It is evident that comprehension is not your strong suit. Nobody is suggesting anyone needs to appreciate Flow. Flow are *awful*.

          This was a jab at the morons calling for heads to roll in the public sector each and every time anything goes wrong, with the implication that it wouldn’t happen in the private sector due to “accountability”, as though that is any more prevalent on that side of the aisle (as is witnessed by this scenario, and a myriad of others just like it.)

          • Anonymous says:

            To 10.28. the commenter you are responding to never mentioned Flow but you did in your response. Looks like comprehension is lacking on your part.

  12. Anonymous says:

    OfReg or whoever is responsible (never going to happen as they are a vested interest but let’s pretend)., go to OTS, walk around the building, observe the damp in the air, the unlocked windows xP laptops, the server racks with no sides or doors, the huge fans desperately trying to keep their customers hardware from dying. Start there.

    No surprise we are held hostage by some minimum return company that can’t deliver anything on any island with any quality.

    Ground floor, crooks, next floor crooks, floor above that, crooks.

    That’s ITO, FLOW and “CANDY” although that stopped being cute about twenty years ago.

  13. Guido Marsupio says:

    I’m sure FLOW will credit all bills with rebates to the affected customers for the portion of their bills when they were not able to provide the service contracted for. Only right. OfReg will ensure this is done.

  14. Elvis says:

    Cant wait for my refund on my bill next month

  15. Anonymous says:

    Will we get a 2-day credit on our bill next month for this monthly fee paid but no service provided for 2 days now?

  16. Anonymous says:

    “We called a meeting with Flow this morning to get a full understanding on the nature of the problem on their network in the Bodden Town area,” OfReg ICT Director Sonji Myles said”

    And all we get as an answer is “the problem is hardware related”?

    Not good enough from either FLOW or Ofreg

    • Anonymous says:

      OffReg serves no purpose. They have no answers for fuel or communications problems.

      • Anonymous says:

        Literally have a complaint (about Flow, surprise surprise) open with them since last year. I chased flow for almost a full year, now I’ve been chasing OfReg for months instead. They are a toothless joke of an organization.


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