Booze sales banned on Good Friday except in hotels
(CNS): Liquor licence holders are being reminded that music, dancing and the sale of alcohol are all banned on Good Friday in most bars. Only hotels and restaurants with an appropriate licence are exempt. Liquor stores will also be closed on Good Friday, while grocery shops and gas stations with liquor licences are not permitted to sell any alcohol. According to the Liquor Licensing Board, bars must serve their last drinks on Thursday night ten minutes before the end of the establishment’s permitted hours, and the music must be turned off at 11:59pm.
Music and Dancing licence holders must stop all music and dancing at 11:59pm on Thursday. No music playing or dancing is allowed on Good Friday. The board said that this restriction applies to all licence categories except for hotels, restaurants, airports and ‘port areas’.
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Category: Business, Food and Drink
The Bible doesn’t give specific instructions on dancing and music, and neither are prohibited. The Old Testament (Exodus) hints at the inappropriateness of mistimed revelry in solemn situations, but Jesus hadn’t yet shown up to spread the Good News, die for our sins so that some might live eternal, giving cause for celebration at the end of Lent.
Bizarre. I’ve lived in cayman over ten years and still can’t understand why they have this ban. Absolutey ridiculous.
This is crazy. Jesus made water into wine. This is not a Christian concept. Just some power crazed moralists.
Don’t push your shtt on me. I won’t push my shit on you.
Church has no businesses in state affairs.
The root may be in Christian culture. You might as well rail against traffic law. This is LAW. Don’t like it? There are several avenues to change it.
All of our existing laws are rooted in the old testament.
Like it not.
No, you did not invent, nor are the source of morality as much as you may like to be.
Like the biblical law where if I fancy your virgin underage daughter, I can rape her, then get the legal right to pay you off to marry her?
Our laws are rooted in Common Sense. If you need the threat of eternal damnation to not be a bad human perhaps you yourself are the root cause of the problem.
Shame business has to suffer because of ancient zombie fiction.
There is no rules to banned alcohol on good Friday. It is up to the person to drink or not! I know many Christians still drink on Good Friday anyway. Not good for tourism business.
All the haters getting triggered! Don’t like it, go somewhere else.
Caymanians going where…?
Literally nowhere in the Bible.
What comes next, the comfy chair?
oh voice yours too repeat repeat
What would Jesus think about widespread usury? What does the bible say about usury? What does the bible say about the love of money and the love of God?
Prosperity gospel is heresy.
Grow up, you child. It is the law. You want to change it, initiate a PIR, or otherwise lobby to change the law. Your eternal winging over this one day is tiresome.
nah…we leave when we want. in the meantime, we will stay and continue to highlight the hypocrisy and stupidity of locals laws
Should I go to your country and try to change things against the predominant culture? Do I have the right to even try?
Can I use my leaf blower?
No, and you also can’t chop up your wife, since you want to extend your angst to all facets of law.
ISIS and the Taliban also regulate Music and Dancing.
I suggest you go there and protest.
Here, you are allowed the grace to say what you want, therefore the comparison is really quite silly.
these kinds of law is a reminder that the people who are in charge of drafting it have no morals. they will bend like a pretzel if the price no matter how hypocritical and stupid the law is. I would be ashamed to be associated with creating and enforcing that.
This is one stupid comment. Are drafters supposed to ignore the directions of the Government? These laws have been on the books for a long time and reflect the religiosity of the society which continues. If the Government is lobbied to change it by enough people then it may do so. At the this time who does not like it can lump it.
the only thing stupid seems to be you. in your rush to argue you miss the point being made, which is all these things are prohibited at every establishment except hotels and restaurants. why do they get a pass?
it used to be only Hotels and should have stayed that way. All the White and Ghetto bars were open. One even had Pole dancing.
Vote Elvis 2025!
Thanks a lot, Jesus.
people who believe in the zombie Christ can’t help but impose themselves on others
If you knew how wonderful Jesus is, you’d be a little more gracious.
Having said that, He does not condemn you, but gives you every opportunity for the salvation of your incredible, eternal soul.
All the best.
When is he coming here to smite the banksters, merchants, liars, adulterers, false prophets, the ramblers, gamblers, and back-biters?
We don’t know the hour any more than you. Difference is that we are looking forward to it.
Oh I can’t wait fam.
People who believe in nothing can’t help drifting through their lives wanting to share their emptiness with others. I am truly sorry for you.
I will pray for you.
Save them for someone who needs your false hope.
People who don’t approve of Cayman culture whine like babies.
Respect Cayman’s heritage crybaby.
I wish we had freedom from religion.
God has not mandated religion. He mandated free will. Use it as you see fit.
As with absolutely every decision we make, there are knock on effects.
We can still sell crack and beat and molest women though, right?
Sounds about right for you, Bobo.
Yes. You can also make lots of noise and light pollution any time day or night next to residential areas if you’re in construction. Anything else goes it seems.
You have to love the hypocrisy – no alcohol on Good Friday – unless it interferes with certain business interests. Drinking in a hotel or restaurant, or music and dancing, is disrespectful in a bar but not in a hotel. Got it.
HE literally turned water into wine.
HE didn’t really, though that is what the hypocrites choose for believe and attempt to impose on others.
Not just any old wine. It was the best.
Better than Mad Dog 20/20?
Tail wags dog.
So let’s petition to have ALL liquor licensed establishments observe a dry Good Friday then !
You want to ruin the time for visitors, then knock yourself out. That is what you are talking about. Hotels are allowed to serve because they have visitors.
Don’t you get just a little tired of whining about ONE day?
The reason for the exception is to not disenfranchise our visitors. Yes, it is inconsistent. Yes, it is a compromise. Yes, you will, in fact survive these terrible, horrific days without bars and dancing.
So sorrowful. We can’t stand having three days out of the year in which alcohol isn’t sold. Apparently we lack the foresight to purchase that which we want for home use the day before.
Pretty pathetic when you think about it.
3 days? Does the ban include Saturday?
No. There are two other days throughout the year in which bars are closed.
Reckless driving to maim and possibly kill still allowed.
Stay alert, everyone!
It is not allowed, dipshit. Your position has nothing to do with the ONE day where music, dancing, and alcohol aren’t allowed in BARS.
Your position is that if we cannot do whatever we want one ONE day, then we should be allowed to do whatever freaky unlawful thing we want on every day. Does that really make sense to you? Really? Grow up.
Que all the anti-Christian bigot posts.
Banning music and dancing is not Christianity. Have you read the New Testament? The Good News? The Golden Rules? We should rejoice that HE died so we might ascend. It should be a celebration.
Google “bigot etymology”. Good luck.
They can’t spell cue. Good luck with etymology!
This post is hilarious because not only do you not know how to spell the word ‘queue’ but you also don’t know what the word bigot means
Bigotry implies some unreasonable dislike or hatred for a group – except in this case the dislike is quite reasonable, non-christians don’t like Christians imposing their religious system on them through the legal system and are free to voice that dislike the only bigots here are the far right evangelicals who want to inspect women’s genitals, limit their access to healthcare and their decision making and who go around forcing everyone else to play their silly games
You seem to have serious problems. I hope you get that sorted out. In the meantime, please obey the existing laws.
Oh the irony. Maybe learn what bigot means.
I usually stop at Pop a Top on Sundays after church.
Did you sip at church too..? LOL
No you don’t. How do I know? You infer that you go from attending church to go to Pop-a-top. You would be ashamed to walk across the street. If what you meant is that you go to Pop-a-top after church has let out and everyone has gone home, then I believe you.
I’m not religious so won’t be partaking. I plan on dancing my ass off.
Thank you, so do I in the same pool that I pay for n have been told I cannot use on Sunday because booked for strangers…never stop dancing

Blue sirens arrest at pool….

Come on down to the pool from which I am forbidden for strangers n you a stranger and dance…just don’t drink n drive
Nobody is trying to stop you. Dance your ass off every day and night for all anyone cares. The law says that for a few days out of the year, you can’t dance your ass off in bars, you, being the entitled whiney person you are, choose to make a big deal out of it.
Go check the bars on Good Friday and who sittin n drinkin in them.
Why was one open on harbour front few years ago on Goid Friday, with those in black in white van followed by a bashed up car, days later phoning n threstening who happened to be in plain clothes then asking for it to repaired….wanna talk about Police with guns at bars open on Good Friday..who else was sat at that bar..
Thumbs down are the guilty ones, now the others please…
We got 4!
ok now we have many more to go…
Won’t stop me watching internet porn all day and drinking a bottle or two of rum but to each their own I suppose.
Be your best you. Stock up on what you need.
Don’t let this distract you from the fact that some blood Caymanians had to fight a near civil war with the Church in order to be granted equal rights to LOVE each other.
Meanwhile KA and et al led protests along the lines of “they’re forcing their lifestyle on us!”
Who is forcing you not to go to church any day of the year? That’s what I thought, so who are you to force me to observe YOUR holy day?
Will you come drink a glass of wine with me to celebrate Halloween?
what is wrong you people and inferencing physical violence whenever people disagree with you? a near civil war, really? please do some reading where civil war actually happen and let us know where you ever saw Cayman being close to that happening regarding equal rights.
So god damn backwards. Pun intended.
We can’t dance on a Friday? The hell are we, a theocracy stuck in the year 1924?
How about getting your shit together and buying your liquor the day before? Bye Felecia
1. Music, 2. Dancing, and 3. the sale of Alcohol. Those are three things this state is seeing fit to ban due to selective application of religious bias. Why not ban the colour yellow while they’re at it? It would make about as much sense.
Oh boo hoo! Grow up. Didn’t your mommy ever tell you ‘no’? There are cultural ideals which Caymanians honour. You aren’t required to honour them, but you can take your whining and stuff it. You are lucky to live here.
No, you’re lucky to live here. Google Diego Garcia.
if you had just choose to read to understand then you wouldn’t be talking about liquor when the poster is talking about dancing.
1650 actually.
Sexual assault, murder and robbery still ok?
Don’t forget the drugs.
Jesus take the wheel…………
….take it from John John…
Come Sunday morning however, we can get tanked up to abandon. It’s what He would have wanted.
Why should this day be any different for you? Tank away.