Barrel washes up with hazardous material

| 22/03/2023 | 9 Comments

(CNS): On Monday evening, the Cayman Islands Fire Service ignited a military flare inside a barrel that washed ashore near Pirates Cave in Bodden Town. According to a government release, CIFS responded to a 911 call about the barrel around 5:34pm on 20 March, which triggered a multi-agency response that included the RCIPS, Hazard Management Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard and the Department of Environmental Health.

The area was quickly cordoned off to allow a thorough on-scene assessment by responding agencies, the release said. It was determined that the barrel, which was labelled “phosphorous”, contained a military-grade flare, which was ignited within the barrel. 

RCIPS and CIFS officers continued to monitor the barrel until around 1:15am this morning, Tuesday 21 March, at which time the fire was extinguished.

CIFS is currently making preparations for the barrel’s proper and safe disposal in collaboration with the National Roads Authority, officials said.

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Category: Local News

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Straight to the dump no doubt.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Was this the ‘explosive devices’ reported on that bastion of reporting truth CMR? I mean her beloved cult followers imagined it was a bomb 🙄

  3. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    Yay! A happy ending. Thank you Fire Services, RCIPS, HMCI, CICG and DEH for your response and efforts.

    Let us not forget HMCI funding when the budget is created; Hazmat identification chemicals, kits, reagents, sampling pumps, rad meters, cannisters, Dräger sampling tubes and detection systems and the training that goes with the use of all of the above, is not cheap. When it comes to Hazmat response, there should be first, second and third string responders at the very least.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Removal involving the NRA…. I smell a traffic jam in the making


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