Workers to go back on road as NiCE project extended

| 10/01/2023 | 24 Comments
Participants in the 2021 NiCE Christmas Clean-up at Smith Cove

(CNS): Cabinet has approved another two weeks of work for unemployed Caymanians who cleaned up roads and other public places over the holidays under the National Community Enhancement
Project (NiCE). The infrastructure ministry said work would resume this week, from Wednesday 11 January. However, there was some confusion Monday when people turned up expecting to work. Minister Jay Ebanks said the start had been delayed to allow ministry officials who run the project to return after the holidays.

In a press release, Ebanks said the programme over the Christmas break was a success and his PACT colleagues decided to extend the offer of a stipend to those who are available to continue the work this month. “With the continuation of the economic challenges being faced by our people, especially during this period right after the holidays, we are thankful that we can provide a reprieve at this time,” he added.

Officials state that some people who worked in December and are still unemployed have reconfirmed their availability. Any newly unemployed eligible Caymanian may also sign up at the office of their local MP.

Applicants are required to show proof of immigration status at registration. This includes photo identification and voter card, birth certificate, passport, Caymanian status certificate or a stamp in a valid passport for Caymanians, and photo identification and Residency with Employment Rights Certificate as the spouse of a Caymanian or a stamp in a valid passport for people married to Caymanians.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Must be another employment survey coming up. Thanks for ditch cleaning jobs PPM and PACT.

  2. Nautical-one345 says:

    With the enormous amount of trash along our roadsides this programme could be done every quarter (every 3 months).

  3. Anonymous says:

    There are already government departments tasked with the clean up work that is being performed here at additional cost to us. If they are unable to keep up then have the prisoners do it or those who have been sentenced to community service.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a lot of work not getting done, that needs doing. Someone needs to do it. Staff/overhead thinning is a separate and necessary exercise. Slopping yellow paint on curbs wouldn’t be anywhere near my highest priority.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve said this for decades. SMB (what’s left of it) all pristine while the rest of the beaches (other than public beaches in each district) island wide are neglected with piles of trash and rotting sargassum. Prisoners should be cleaning all those beaches all year round so they are pristine too. I’ve lost count of the number of tourists who are saddened by this too.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I love the way you apply through your local MP. It is beyond parody!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Time for these real estate companies to pay for this clean up programs and pay their fair share now Cayman contributing to a lot of this garbage and waste site rubbish .

    • Anonymous says:

      CITA should be financing the painting maintaining and beautification of the hotel tourism zone. That means full bike lanes along both sides of West Bay Road, if nowhere else. Build a sidewalk on east side of the street. It’s only the heart of the Hotel/Tourism Zone. We have crosswalks that steer tourists over to a crumbling shoulder fenced with landowner overgrowth. Apply some thought.

    • Anonymous says:

      The stiff that washes up on our beaches on South Coast comes from the cruise ships. COVID proved that 100% true.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Please paint bicycle lanes from South Church Street through RedBay, PLEASE. Bicycles riding two abreast should be fined and take their bicycles away. Enough is enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      Since 2020, Sharrows on South Church allow cyclists to take the full traffic lane. Faster vehicles closing from behind have to hold and overtake when safe to do so, allowing them a minimum of 3 feet space. Northbound traffic speed limit is only 25mph from around Paradise Bar north to Public Beach. It doesn’t matter how people feel about the rules of the road when they have them wrong.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most stupid waste of time and money in the history of the Cayman Islands

      • Anonymous says:

        It doesn’t matter to a cyclist that they are entitled to use the entire lane when the moron driving the car or SUV gives them as much consideration as they would a piece of litter on the road. 3 ft clearance my ass – you are lucky not to get clipped by a wing mirror.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hold on. Married to a Caymanian, but has to go to pick up rubbish for the lack of a stable job? How long does one look for one, and if it is the case, what kind of a burden spouse is that? Supermarkets always seem to hire.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Some of these crews might be considered to be taken-on full time to support painting and maintenance of miles of bike lanes that are supposed to be included on every NRA road layout since 2015, and cleaning the shoulders of debris and trash. Lots to do, that is supposed to be getting done for many years. Switch the yellow paint rollers for blue or green and re-task to save lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      These crews should be full time due to the culture of littering and illegal dumping. Bike lanes? If you think bike lanes are a possibility on Church St and South Sound Rd, I have ocranfront property in Arizona for sale.

      Never been a better time to buy!

      • Anonymous says:

        There are sharrows on those roads already. But, there aren’t bike lanes safely connecting the population to this area. eg.Full southbound length of West Bay Road, the heart of the hotel tourism zone has no traffic buffer. Northbound lane was partially installed from Captain’s Bakery to south of Westin Hotel in 2020. Nothing on Eastern Avenue or through North South Road – lots of room, and many cyclists. The Cayman public paid for delivery of these in every NRA Budget Plan since 2015 (NRA have subsequently removed this document from their website, but I have a copy).

  9. Anonymous says:

    the nonsense don’t stop in wonderland.
    paying people who refuse to work, to pick up their own litter while not enforcing littering laws….zzzzzzzzzz
    writing cheques and handouts are all that no-plan-pact are good for.


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