Turner blames communication breakdown for resignation

| 13/01/2023 | 74 Comments
Cayman News Service
(L-R) Health Minister Sabrina Turner, Premier Wayne Panton and Dr Marc Lockhart

(CNS): Health Minister Sabrina Turner has blamed “a breakdown in the communication flow” for Dr Marc Lockhart’s resignation from the Mental Health Commission, which he said was due to delays with the Long Term Residential Mental Health Facility (LTMHF). Turner said the ministry was understaffed when she took over with numerous people in acting roles, which had impacted the work. But she said she was committed to seeing the facility open at the earliest possible opportunity.

“We all recognise the urgent necessity for this LTMHF to provide long overdue services to our community,” Turner said in a press release responding to news of the senior psychiatrist’s resignation. Dr Lockhart raised a number of concerns about the failures of ministry staff to come up with and implement the necessary plans to get the facility up and running.

He said that he had resigned because, despite the best efforts of the commission to steer the project forward and offer guidance to the ministry to open the facility, nothing has been done to make that happen. He said the buildings were complete and most of the remaining work was cosmetic, but there was no sign of the facility opening any time soon.

Dr Lockhart’s resignation prompted the minister to undertake a review of the situation, and on Wednesday she and Premier Wayne Panton met with him to discuss practical ways to accelerate the outstanding work to staff and get the facility operational. According to officials, a new chairperson has been selected from the commission members, pending formal appointment by Cabinet.

Thanking Dr Lockhart for his decades of tireless service and contribution to advancing the cause of mental health, ministry officials contradicted him about the state of completion of the facility. The release stated that the construction of the facility wasn’t finished and wouldn’t be until March.

The Public Works Department (PWD), which is managing the project, had experienced multiple delays over the past two years, officials claimed. Blaming COVID-19 followed by supply chain issues, the release said a phased opening of the facility was expected, which may take as long as a year to fully implement.

Turner said that since taking up the job as health minister, she has had to re-establish the ministry.

“I joined a team with no confirmed chief officer, no deputy chief officer, and only two policy advisors dedicated to health, and this lean team had worked almost exclusively on the national management of COVID-19 since early 2020,” she said. “For years, the health ministry has been severely understaffed due to budget cuts, hiring freezes and other constraints which negatively impacted its internal capacity.”

Now there is a confirmed chief officer, one deputy CO, a full-time chief medical officer, an epidemiologist and three policy advisors.

Since Dr Lockhart’s resignation, Panton and Turner have been in talks with Deputy Governor Franz Manderson to address his concerns and achieve the government’s objective of opening the facility as soon as possible.

Turner also refuted Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart’s claim that when he left office, the project was close to completion and this government had let things languish as a result of the premier’s “dithering”.

“When I took office, the LTMHF was under basic construction and was nowhere near being close to completion as the opposition suggests,” Turner said. “The project had already suffered a number of delays, some of which were due to COVID-19. As has been borne out, the buildings were still far from completion. As such, the comments from the opposition suggesting that it was nearly complete is blatantly untrue, and can only be described as an attempt to deliberately mislead the public.”

Turner noted that mental health issues have a profound impact on the entire community, and the enduring consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic had made the need to manage the challenges even more acute.

“Along with our community, I not only recognise the importance of the… LTMHF, but acknowledge that it is a project that has been long overdue,” she said. “In spite of significant challenges, my commitment to this project is steadfast and I will continue to work with my ministry team to address the gaps and chasms which I inherited while advocating for the strengthening of the ministerial team and building capacity.”

Turner pointed out that she is prohibited from any involvement in staffing or recruitment but said she had actively encouraged and supported efforts to rebuild the ministry team.

“We must ensure the Ministry of Health is staffed and operated with adequate capacity and capable, qualified professionals who are able and willing to serve the needs of the community, and in tandem, the team at the Ministry of Health create and enshrine a culture which focuses on a more proactive approach to health and wellness,” she added.

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Category: Health, Mental Health

Comments (74)

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  1. anonymous says:

    Minister Turner is completely incompetent and this latest example is yet another example her inability to take responsibility for not doing her job in serving the people of this country. There has never been a greater need for a health care facility in this country and the PACT have once again taken a project that was on track and derailed it. I also understand that all of the medical equipment and millions of dollars of specialized equipment within the facility no longer has warranty because of the delays. Wayne sits back and watches the daily destruction and does nothing because his group of “independents” have him by the short and curlies.

  2. Georgia Carol Kenney says:

    So many excuses, so little time. Surprised she even showed up for work.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Minister Turner is a complete joke, this is what you get when you vote for someone who would have trouble running a bath nevermind a Ministry.

  4. Anon says:

    How about people in government: DO YOUR DAMN JOB.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ministers not listening. . . well there’s a thing!

  6. Annon says:

    Who is the Chief Officer and Deputy? We need to hold them accountable as well as Deputy Governor. This is not world class civil service. One of radio hosts rightly called them out when you hear the mental health stats, this is entirely deplorable. Would be good the get those 3 on one of the radio shows the explain and take calls.
    I would not think the Minister gets involved at this level and it appears Dr Lockhart did the right thing to resign and expose the incompetence.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Anyone else noticing a trend here. Chair of Cayman Airways resigns and Kenneth blames a “breakdown in communications”. Dr Lockhart resigns and Sabrina blames a “breakdown in communications”. Guess this is the go to excuse for politicians these days.

    News flash. Blaming a breakdown in communications is effectively blaming yourselves. Get you heads out of your proverbial ass and get things done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why did the NRA chair resign?

    • Anonymous says:

      Joey Who also blamed the Smith Cove debacle on miscommunication. In a way they are all right because when you don’t listen to what you are being told, it’s a form of miscommunication.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course it is breakdown of communication! If someone tries to explain something and the other person cannot understand, is too dumb to comprehend then that is a huge breakdown.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anybody who uses “a breakdown in communications” with Doctor Lockhart as an excuse, must be from another planet.

      The fault is on your side Minister Turner, accept the fact that you have not done your job.

  8. Anon says:

    It seems we could get a lot more accomplished if we just identified the problem (which I believe Dr Lockhart did in his resignation letter) and start finding solutions rather than finger pointing.

    A lot more could get done in the government if we just stopped finger pointing. Here’s looking at you PPM (Roy).

    • Anonymous says:

      I gave thumbs down because I think the job of the opposition is to call out the majority to do better. For years, LA members who were elected but not part of the majority just sat in the LA, took a nap and collected their pay checks. I’m glad PPM is calling out PACT and holding them to account. I just hope there will be someone as proactive on the opposition when another party is in power.

  9. Anonymous says:

    “Turner noted that mental health issues have a profound impact on the entire community, and the enduring consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic had made the need to manage the challenges even more acute.”

    The profoundly misguided, distructive and dishonest management of the pandemic is what we’re suffering and will be suffering for a very long time.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure it was hurricane Ivan’s fault. Or Covid.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I vote Dr Lee for new minister of health. We need that man back!

    • Anonymous says:

      Leave Dr. Lee where he is. If he has to work with these last elected bunch of morons he would end up as a patient in the mental health ward.

  12. Anonymous says:

    ‘A breakdown in the communication flow’ otherwise known as ‘political speak’ or in common parlace straight old BS.
    More pointing fingers this time from the elected official. Wonder if the Chief Officer will keep this game going. Stay tuned.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Vote better government. Please.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Sabrina was safely blaming PWD on Marl Road. If it was a Ministerial Communication problem, then this is right back on her lap again. PACT need to take some deflection and misinformation lessons from the pros at the PPM.

  15. Anonymous says:

    When Sabrina had her own small business she charged me $50.00 per Notary Stamp, I had three done at once. Well beyond the law’s pricing guidelines.

  16. Anonymous says:

    She had one job!

  17. Anonymous says:

    The reality is Chief Officers run the show. Elected officials are the stooges who think they are in charge. DG does not hold most senior officials accountable so this happens all the time

  18. Anonymous says:

    She needs to learn the difference between breakdown in communication and no communication. Now she is trying to play the hero with the ‘oh but look what I have done’ tone. Just accept responsibility as you should.

  19. Anonymous says:

    This government is an absolute shambles.

  20. Nautical-one345 says:

    Sabrina and crew are indeed a self-serving lot. Dr. Lockhart said clearly that the main reasons he resigned were that there is yet no operational plans and that communications had completely broken down. Clearly he was right to do so – given how quickly they are now “communicating.” Albeit to do no more than blame others and make excuses!

  21. Another says:

    The pass-the-buck blame game is never ending in Cayman. What a joke!

  22. Elvis says:

    What a load of dribble. Open asap. This thing been opening for 5 yrs now and still not open

  23. Anonymous says:

    She sounds like the democrats in the US, always blaming someone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      I see what you did there

    • Anonymous says:

      Public Works Dept and general contractor are the ones that should be in the crosshairs. Frankly, the PWD has so much undone to explain

      • Anonymous says:

        I see they have the contractors that took more than a year to install a few pavers on Cardinall Avenue back at it again at the South Sound Community Centre. We’ll see that open again in 2025, maybe.

    • Anonymous says:

      says the person blaming democrats….

    • Anonymous says:

      Communication breakdown was probably she didn’t set up appointments with the good doctor! When you are in a job that you have no knowledge of it must be very difficult to hold appointments and communicate with others. If she had had spent even 10 percent of the time she took to blame everyone and his cat and deflect etc., she would probably have had a few meetings and she might have gleaned a little knowledge along the way. When you are the Minister you have to take responsibility, apologize fo the doctor and the public and get cracking on the issue at hand. Wining and spinning won’t cut it. In the interest of the people who are being let down so terribly I hope this situation improves asap.

    • Anonymous says:

      You sound like a US Republican that lies, and lies, and lies. Sheesh, please keep the politics to Cayman, not needing to visit the issue up north.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why bring the US testosterone wars into this thread? Must be a troll from Georgia. Stay home, please.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, Turner blames anyone but herself and her party and it’s history, but don’t drag the US garbage into here – we have plenty ourselves; fix your own problems.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sabrina does not belong to a “party”. The only actual “party” in existence is the PPM.

    • Anonymous says:

      The previous group were like the Republicans. Taking credit or all that they do while only looking after their own backsides while pretending to be working for the people.

    • Slacker says:

      No. The facility was “stolen” and it’s all a “conspiracy”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Try again troll.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Turner can blame…how grown you are..and have done nothing! Blame game is on you and whoever voted to put you in that position against an educated aware Doctor! Go sit down and disappear Turner along with your former ignorant one. Why are these people put in these positions? Dr Lockhart…Chief of Health and Medical!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Dr Lockhart so sad that a true honest qualified person that has done so much and did not expect glory or greed is again allowed to be swept aside by mindless greedy self gratifying people that their own voted to become politicians for their own self gratification. Who has gained from this?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Sabrina has NO experience managing anything. As does most all the MLAs.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we quit using Covid-19 as an excuse for gross incompetence. If you’re put in charge of a multi million dollar building project the second step is staffing – duh. Sabrina, following in the footsteps of DuWayne the Brain 🧠🧠🧠

      • Anonymous says:

        That is right. Sabrina is following the same modus operandi as Dwayne (“The Brain” 🧠) Seymour.

        Perhaps getting a seat in Cabinet is not all it’s cut out to be, especially when incompetence is uncovered.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Give this woman a mop and make her clean up the mess before you let her go. Worst minister ever in this role.

  28. Anonymous says:

    The truth is this health minister has no idea what she is doing and has done nothing in the nearly two years that she has been in Cabinet. Thank God for small mercies that there is no press briefing for her to tell us off like school children for daring to ask what on earth is happening with the mental health facility.
    As for that picture with Dr. Lockhart, talk about capitilizing on an opportunity. Call the poor man for a meeting to discuss his resignation and his concerns and then snap a picture in the meeting room with a cell phone camera and send it to press, making it seem like all is well in the gov’t world. We are on to your PR games. This PACT administration is such a sham. Nothing of real worth for the country produced two years, but let’s get the people to tell us what to do in terms of the much needed country’s development plan and whether to legalise gambling and ganja and waste money on an unnecessary referendum – shame!

    • SMH says:

      S.55 of the Constitution and the Public Service Management Law is clear that elected persons cannot hold civil servants accountable. That guarantees a level of non-performance with zero consequences for most civil servants. The DG does not hold senior ministry staff accountable and Ministers are finding out their careers rest on the mood of Chief Officers and ministry staff if they feel like. Ministers are easily replaced every four years but the incompetence and negligence of the civil service continues unchecked. How many millions have been wasted yet all the public gets are excuses from the Deputy Governor singing the song about a world class civil service? SMH

  29. Anonymous says:

    Minister Turner lost the plot or more to the point never had it. Blaming construction delays when these delays in now way affected the ability to plan staffing and operational framework.
    We need a competent leader of this ministry not dregs and dunces like Turner and her regressive predecessor Seymour. Seems she’s only in it for the prestige and perks. Maybe if she restrained herself from posing on social media and lifted her illegally tinted shades she might see at least what’s really going on but I don’t think so…
    Another election and another deadbeat Cayman politician making excuses for their complete failure.
    3rd World Class!

  30. Anonymous says:

    Pathetic. And what we now expect from any government entity on Cayman. No accountability, no responsibility, and definitely no class.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Ummm, no chief officer or deputy chief officer is confirmed following a change of government. Seriously, please tell me people see through this farce of a statement, deflecting shamelessly.

    Sabrina, you are completely out of depth and I look forward to the next election where we cast our Prospect votes and fix this situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      To all Prospect voters; next election please vote for Michael Myles, a man of integrity and who knows first-hand the challenges working Caymanians face. His voice is needed in our Parliament as Sabrina has shown to be of little substance. Tragedy that a man with so much experience and know-how fell victim to the gerrymandering that the PPM implemented through the horrendous One Man One Vote.

      • Anonymous says:

        who??? another one? he a doctor?

        • SupportMM says:

          Look at the front page of the Compass on Jan 13 to see what impact he is having.
          That man is doing a lot for Caymanians despite the lack of government assistance.

      • Anonymous says:

        Prospect had a competent young leader who was not only learning the corners in government by serving in every capacity asked but was also there for his people. He was one of the few that answered his phone and when he could help he did. Now I expect the trolls to fight against these comments but these are the facts. You may not have liked him for other reasons but he was and still remains a servant of the people. Prospect made the Wrong choice !

      • Anonymous says:

        ONE PERSON ONE VOTE is the only real democratic way of voting. This is the system worldwide. What we need are decernimg electors, who will elect smart, educated, honest persons of integrity to represent them.

      • Anonymous says:

        No thanks. I’d take Matthew Leslie first.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh hell naw !!! I’m hoping someone new comes along because Michael is another Kenneth waiting for the opportunity to run his mouth

    • Anonymous says:

      Blaming her predecessor at the ministry of Health is surprising, since UDPact invited JonJon to join their ranks because of his…..” Skills, talents and experience”.
      We know this because Duhwayne said so , when he jumped ship.

    • Anonymous says:

      unfortunately no one is better than the next. they are all uneducated money grabbers.


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