Local man admits double stabbing at 7M shops

| 12/12/2022 | 33 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CN): Nicholas Romano Forbes (31), from Bodden Town, pleaded guilty on Friday to two charges of GBH, admitting that he stabbed one man in the stomach and another in the eye at the parking lot at Seven Mile Shops in June. No details of what led to the violent stabbing were revealed in court, but despite the serious charges, Forbes was bailed until February, when he will be sentenced. His defence attorney argued against a curfew, although Forbes is wearing an electronic tag, as he said this was an “isolated incident”.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (33)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Word on the street is that this young man was defending the honour of two so-called-friends that in turn have since suddenly and “inaccurately testified” against him, shall we say. There was also video evidence from the plaza that supports this information also, but not sure if the RCIPS bothered to secure this recording or if this has since been disposed of too. Money talks in Cayman, and that’s all people listen to!

    Young people, be very careful of the company you keep out there! They will use you and turn on you at the drop of a hat if it saves their own backsides!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Watch your “friends” and those you defend. Because in the end, when their backs are against the wall, they will tell pure lies to save their own skins! IYKYK….

  3. Anonymous says:

    Everybody only worried about what he did. So what happened about the two SOBs that ganged him? He did what he had to do to protect himself!!!

    OBVIOUSLY, it was self defense!!! Two against him one!!! Him and him alone!!!

    What happened if it was them that stabbed him and possibly killed him?

    Would the story be the same? Wouldn’t you say he should have carried a weapon to defend himself.

    Do you think he deliberately stabbed him in his eye?!?! There was probably so much movement that it happened at that part of the body.

    Y’all are so friggin twisted!!!!

    Can’t please unna a-holes on this island! Makes me sick!

    • Anonymous says:

      Took a knife. Got in a fight. Stabbed 2 people. Pathetic. Why did he think he needed a knife? What had he done? Sounds like he went looking for trouble and found it. “Ya’ll”, “unna” make your mind up, you a Florida community college drop out or a bad boy yardie. Grow up.

  4. Anonymous says:

    wonder if that the best his lawyer cud do. Maybe if it went to court he would get off on self defense if he was ganged up on. Seems like them two think dey run things at that club. I suppose people might be fraid to say anything bout them so that why lawer say plead guilty.

  5. Anonymous says:

    How does the court let him out on bail after he is convicted of a crime that obviously requires jail time? He will get credit for all time served. Judge, please consider public safety.

  6. Jacan in Cayman says:

    Bully’s got more than they bargained for both parties need to sent to jail ! Caymanians need to stay in Dey yard if the can’t behave dem selves .

  7. Anonymous says:

    I do not know the circumstances around this and did not witness the event… but anybody who goes to seven mile shops armed with a knife does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. Go to jail thug

  8. Anonymous says:

    What kind of POS loser carries a knife on a night out?

    • Anonymous says:

      Biggest loser out there!

    • Anonymous says:

      @9.36 may be one who got ganged up on.

    • Anonymous says:

      I carry one here all the time for work and for protection. I would carry a side arm if I could!
      This island has become like our neighbors and it’s a lawless island. All you have to do is look at the driving here to start and our leaders of this country.
      Garbage in garbage out!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely pathetic sentence coming in 3..2..1..

  10. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like they tried to gang him and he caught them back with the element of surprise. It was clearly two vs one. He will definitely get jail time for using a weapon.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Was bailed ??? This is madness.

    • Anonymous says:

      Two try to gang him and got the worse of it. Why they not charge too.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Gang him”? How OG of you. Do all your loser friends carry knives?

        • Anonymous says:

          Do all your loser friends travel in packs and gang up on natives?

          • Anonymous says:

            Funnily enough no. Don’t hang out with losers. Never been in a fight. Never felt the need to carry a weapon. I’m obviously not as tough as you tragic little dollar shop gangsters hanging out at 7 mile shops. LOL

        • Anonymous says:

          Gang – Caymanian slang. Two or more individuals together take part in a violent altercation involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons against a sing individual.

      • Anonymous says:

        He attacked the one he stabbed in the eye, the second victim tried to break it up he took the knife out and stabbed the guy splitting them up. Cowardly pos should be in jail now.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The man stabbed two people and he isn’t in jail? What kind of s—Show is this? Seriously.


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