MP not breathalyzed after crashing into pole

| 31/10/2022 | 318 Comments
Cayman News Service
New Parliamentary Secretary Dwayne Seymour with Governor Martyn Roper, 1 December 2021

(CNS): Parliamentary Secretary Dwayne Seymour MP (BTE) was not breathalyzed last Friday night after he crashed into a CUC light pole on Shamrock Road in Prospect because the police officers who were sent to the scene did not suspect he had been drinking, the RCIPS has confirmed. Seymour was heading east when he collided with the utility pole at around 11pm. He was unhurt though his vehicle and the pole were damaged. No other cars were involved.

An RCIPS spokesperson said that the “collision involved material damages only with no injuries. There was no suspicion that the driver of the vehicle was intoxicated, therefore no arrests were made.”

Speaking to Cayman Marl Road over the weekend, Seymour said that he had come from his office and was tired.

Seymour, the health minister in the previous PPM-led administration, was in opposition until November last year when he crossed the floor to join the PACT Government. He was appointed as parliamentary secretary on 1 December, supporting the ministries of housing, labour and transport.

In parliament earlier this month, Seymour led a confidence motion in the government in response to the PPM’s no-confidence motion. But he was called out by former premier Sir Alden McLaughlin (RED) as the person who had been leading the charge to bring the PACT Government down. “I had multiple conversations with Dwayne Seymour,” McLaughlin said recently as the opposition pointed to disloyalty in the PACT ranks.

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Comments (318)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Did a supervisor go to the scene or was it left to the constables as usual.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So wait, did Panton really turn up to the crash scene? And coincidentally the officer saw no reason to breathalyse Seymour? At 11pm, on a Friday night, after crashing into a CUC pole? Really? Do we have anti-corruption police? If this doesn’t warrant being investigated for perverting the course of justice, what does?

    The Governor is responsible for the good governance of these islands; any word from him?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Seymour, who is the most intellectually challenged MP, has provided so much comedic relief it is not funny.

    I wish Mr. Seymour would eventually do something funny, where we are laughing with him, rather than just laughing at him.

    I wonder what was going through Premier Panton’s mind when he was called out to the scene of the accident by Seymour, who probably thought he was doing the right thing.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Nothing will change until we stop importing useless corrupt uneducated policemen from Jamaica who cannot even spell and stop electing morons like Dwayne who don’t have two brain cells to rub together.

    I had an encounter with a JA officer once and he was too busy checking me out to take a statement from me. When he finally got around to it, it was gibberish because he could hardly read or write.

    We have to do better Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, it’s pathetic when you have to help a policeman spell and use sufficient grammar just in order to report a crime.

    • Anonymous says:

      OMG I had that exact experience with two different JA officers.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think it was their fault on this occasion. I would be pretty confident they were sold they’d be fired if they did anything and then he gets the premier to come along too. It’s intimidation.

    • Anonymous says:

      How does this get to be a “Jamaican office” story? It’s foremost a Caymanian MP story. The old trope of “Jamaican police give Jamaicans a boy doesn’t really work when the driver is a Caymanian, does it? Yet you drag it out again. SMH. Well, if Dwayne hadn’t hit a status light pole at 11 pm on a Friday there wouldn’t even be a story.

    • Anonymous says:

      what about the Premier who came out to save the moron ?

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’ll bet he’s having a good cry while having these comments read to him.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This place reeks of corruption.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Well well! Dwayne is getting as many posts as when the topic is gay marriage. A real achievement.

  8. Anonymous says:

    PACT continually use Cayman Marl Road to white wash their dirty laundry. Absolutely disgusting. The officer who didn’t test Seymour should be reprimanded.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps he would have taken a taxi if they weren’t so extortionate, or a bus, if there was one.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I am of Jamaican decent BUT can the RCIPS PLEASE STOP HIRING THE JCF REJECTS????!!!!!

    I am speaking as someone who have observed their inadequate qualifications and inability to interpret and explain the very Acts that informs their functions. They can’t even write simple statements for evidentiary purposes.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Donut not RCIPS policy to breathalyse anyone following at Road traffic collision.
    If so, police officers have failed in their duty!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Working hard and tired. Sound familiar? Didn’t Rolly use that one already?

  13. Anonymous says:

    He would have been better off riding his donkey. At least the donkey would have known not to hit the pole.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Just a heads up for the police so they don’t waste their resources pulling me over, I’ll be working late this Friday, probably until around 11pm.

  15. Anonymous says:

    So I did a Wayne Panton ‘tag’ search on CNS and scrolled through approx 20 pages with multiple headlines looking for achievements by him & his Govt over the past year. The result is pretty disappointing, this is what we have,

    Civil servant retirees receive bonus
    Drink driving limit cut
    Civil servant cost of living increase
    Light bill help
    EWA extension to ease traffic congestion
    Plant 1330 trees ? (From Feb, how’s that going
    ‘Plans to make real changes’ (from Jan)

    Besides helping out his pal with a light pole crash there’s a lot of ‘intentions’, a lot of ‘plans to’ but pretty much everything else is scandal related and there’s a lot of it. I hope your cabinet appreciates what you do for them Wayne, – 🛌

  16. Anonymous says:

    Do be fair to the police, this man is incoherent on a regular.

  17. Anonymous says:

    And the statement from the Governor is…..?
    If it was something oppressive like forcing masks on pre-schoolers, he would have been all over it.
    Martyn Roper is a disgrace to Great Britain and the Cayman Islands and needs to be repatriated as soon as possible.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Say it like it is says:

      1.25pm Some ignorant people blame the Governor for everything. Try blaming your politicians they run this country, not the Governor who is the King’s representative.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Governor retains responsibility for the police actually. HM Government doesn’t trust that or national defence to local politicians. So squarely under his watch. Unfortunately it would appear the safeguard of having the RCIPS responsible to the Governor to free them from political coercion or favouritism has fundamentally failed in this case, as has the Governor isn not doing anything about it once the story came out.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be honest, the Governor is the worst of them, you can’t expect much from our uneducated politicians, but you’d expect the Governor to actually do something more than just walk round shaking hands and smiling at people for 4 years – shame on him, get back to the UK

      • Anonymous says:

        The last time a Governor actually tried to do something he got hauled back to London in double quick time. Don’t want the Governor upsetting the local powers after all (and by local I include the region….).

    • Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:

    Most articles end with ‘Police are investigating.’. This one should have been ended with ‘Police are not investigating.’

  19. Anonymous says:

    A swiss cheese story if there ever was one.

  20. Anonymous says:

    All of Cayman’s residents now openly wonder what criteria the RCIPS use for Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion, if hitting a fixed immovable object off the road surface at 11pm on Friday does not meet their minimum standard, with a legal BAC lowered to 0.07% (ie. one mixed drink).

    To restore a semblance of public confidence, the CoP should order an investigation, including the MPs post-impact outbound phone call logs, and messaging; the attending officer should be put on leave, and get to the bottom of this. The probability of a “help me Jesus” interference call, after the impact is nearly 100%.

    • Darlene says:

      Maybe if it was a common most vulnerable little small from our streets. Maybe every law in the book would have been aggressively shoved too the furthest in that person not on that person

  21. Anonymous says:

    Well … since he is usually at The Office on a Friday night, I guess he was coming from work !?!?!

  22. CYNICAL says:

    Worth trying to monitor future similar car crashes and see on how many occasions the RCIPS officers do not request a breath test to determine blood alcohol level. This seymour case seems to cry out for an official independent enquiry to confirm, among other things, what is the PRECISE RCIPS procedure which must be followed when dealing with the driver(s) in ANY motor vehicle accident.
    Forget the “Separation of Powers” – this is one for the Governor to demand that the Premier gets an explanation from the Commissioner. Otherwise the credibility of RCIPS in the perception of Joe Public is utterly destroyed – and could lead to motorists in accidents asking for the exact reason, when asked to take a breathalyzer, why the Police Officer thinks they are intoxicated.

    • anon says:

      Might I suggest Mr Seymour hires a chauffeur, that’s how the ex Speaker got around his problem, except the taxpayer was landed with the bill.

    • Anonymous says:

      Credibility….RCIPS??? ROFL Yeah that is non-existent.

      • Anonymous says:

        To be fair, testing people for DUI if it was stuffed under their nose in the form of an accident was one of the things they actually did. Now it seems even that is beyond them.

    • Candid says:

      Yes, the damaging of infrastructure calls for an investigation.

    • Anonymous says:

      You could always base results on past outcomes where high ranking officials are concerned. Plenty of data already there to work with.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Most be nice being part of the 1% where command laws don’t apply to you and you can do whatever you so please on doing. Once again good job to the RCIPS.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Whether or not Seymour had been drinking cannot be determined now. What is clear is his driving was deficient, by his own admission, because he was tired and he crashed.

    He hit a CUC pole. He could have hit on on-coming car. Is driving impaired, albeit by tiredness, not an offense? Is he being charged with careless driving or whatever the appropriate charge would be?

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot driving a car is not a valid traffic offence. If it was, Grand Cayman would not have the traffic issues that exist.

    • Candid says:

      Yes, according to the law, if you ram into a pole, it is presumed to be careless driving, drink or no drink. Otherwise, even if he had crashed into another car, they would not have charged him since he was tired. Folks, it is allowed to be tired but not drunk. Remain tired, my friends!

  25. Anonymous says:

    I was always brought up to be respectful of police but this lot are useless and corrupt.

  26. James says:

    Did he come from his office in government building? Would be interesting to see if a FOI request of some sort (security log, fob) could confirm the time he left. Wendy?

    CNS: Anyone can make an FOI request and you can do so anonymously using an email address. We’d be happy to publish any response you receive. Warning: it can be quite time-consuming.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am afraid one of the grounds for refusing is breach of personal data – the time an individual clocked off work almost certainly falls into that category. Wouldn’t stop the police but then again they don’t seem to be interested, and at this point conducting an investigation would be tantamount to admitting the original decision not to breathalyze was either incompetent or corrupt.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Absolute nonsense. Someone crashed into me at 2pm during the day, the police were called and we were both breathalyzed.

    This place is a joke.

    • Anonymous says:


      • Candid says:

        Interesting. Clearly, Wayne needs Seymour, the mover of the motion of confidence. The same one who was allegedly the lead negotiator to pull the carpet from under Wayne’s feet.

  28. James says:

    Premier Panton was called to the scene and was there. I wonder why John John wasn’t tested? mmmnnnnn. Would be extremely embarrassing if one of the few pieces of new legislation approved by PACT caught one of their own members.

    • Anonymous says:

      You sure that new legislation was not ultra vires?

    • April says:

      Why was the premier called? and who called him? and what was his task there? Intimidation of the Police?

    • Anonymous says:

      Say it ain’t so!!!! Please tell me Panton had better sense than to have attended the scene or entertainment anything other than telling the Police Officer to do his job.

  29. Yea I said it... says:

    It’s funny how he was not tested but for everyone else, we would have been in an instant. Spare me with the “fell asleep” excuse. XXX To make matters worse, he called the Premier to show up to protect him and cover it up!


  30. anonymous says:

    So Mr. Seymour wraps his car around a CUC pole at 11pm and there is no suspicion at all. Give me a break! The PACT cares so much about drunk driving that they lower the limit – but don’t breathalyze anyone. How much of this BS are people willing to take! Wayne you are looking very bad – first MAC and now JonJon.
    Low IMPACT Marl Road Gov’t will ruin this country if they are allowed to continue.

    • Anonymous says:

      on a mf’in Friday night!

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne doesn’t control the JCF — err, RCIPS. Don’t blame their corruption on him – that falls directly on the governor’s lap.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not that they won’t breathalyze anyone – just won’t breathalyse MOs on the government benches. If it had been Roy McTaggart suspect the Premier wouldn’t have turned up.

  31. Anonymous says:

    another glorious day for the cayman islands police farce…..

    • Anonymous says:

      This is corruption, wether Jamaicans realize it or not.
      Abusing your position of authority, is corruption, even if nobody is looking.
      Mr Byrne please explain that to your policemen.

      • Anonymous says:

        Someone tell that to the DOE officer who is conducting his private business during working hours in a black govt truck.
        No, didn’t think so, that would be accountability and Cayman doesn’t do that.

  32. Hancock says:

    He hit a banana in the republic.

  33. Anonymous says:

    rolston anglin must be wondering what he did wrong back in the day….another weasel who tried to squirm out of the situation.

    • Candid says:

      But Rolston was not so lucky. He called the then head of traffic but she still fried him. No wonder she is now a lawyer. Wayne should be the head of traffic.

  34. Anonymous says:

    any comment mr governor?
    or are you just going to sit back and do/say nothing about this clown-show of a government?

  35. SKEPTICAL says:

    If the RCIPS officer who saw seymour can visually determine if drivers are intoxicated he should determine how and why, and Patent the result – there would be Police forces all over the World queueing to buy it…………

    • Anonymous says:

      Especially with the new lower limits. One shot before ‘leaving work’ & you would be over the new legal limit

      • Anonymous says:

        Not actually true. Someone JJ weight could probably take about 3 standard shots in an hour and pass 30 minutes later.

    • Anonymous says:

      RCIP is going to deploy him over the Christmas/New Year crack-down. He can just look into the car window as they drive through the check-point. No need to stop driver, visual intoxication test.
      Pass…Move along Madam, Suh.

    • Wayne says:

      What is the point of reducing the drink/drive limit ( as recently enacted) if the police will only breathalyse a driver ( even in the case of an accident) if they can smell alcohol! One beer will take you over the new limit & I challenge anyone to detect alcohol after one beer.

      So it appears our glorious plod will only breathalyse drivers if they smell alcohol – probably about 1/2 dozen beers or a bottle of wine!!! Why the low limit them? What’s the point? Again, our politicians legislate but never enforce. Ridiculous & pathetic.

  36. Anonymous says:

    working till 11?…that should be easy to prove. where was he working, were there witnesses?

  37. Anonymous says:

    lets petition the governor for an independent investigation of this incident?

  38. Anonymous says:

    Whatever shred of credibility the RCIPS might have had left is gone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait til the Police Service Commission publish their promotion results. Then ask the same question.

  39. Anonymous says:

    classic caymanian wonderland tale….and people wonder why the public have little respect/trust for the police?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why Caymanian? Those responsible are almost certainly Jamaican. Reporting to an Irishman. Reporting to an Englishman. Consulting with a Jamaican. Overseen by a Jamaican.

  40. Anonymous says:

    This is a complete joke, Governor, anything to say? – You’re responsible for law and order and good governance aren’t you? – Or are you too busy planning your next job?

  41. Anonymous says:

    Considering you can be over the limit but not look intoxicated with the new limit this is BS. Pretty sure we can check he was actually just leaving his office and not just da station.

  42. Anonymous says:

    I have a 5-year-old dog that I swear is smarter than John John.

  43. Anonymous says:

    I guess one rule for us and a different rule for the donkey. He was tired coming from his office. LMAO!!!

    Wayne these stupid clowns are making you look very bad!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Time for Roy to bring a no confidence vote again but this time a little bit broader

  45. Cheese Face says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Think I’ll just sit in stunned silence for now.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t laugh or cry. I just spit.

    • Wayne Cowan says:

      If I ever wrap my car around a CUC pole I’ll be sure to call the premier. The politicians & police force never cease to amaze me – just when you thought they couldn’t sink any lower………

      • Silent majority! says:

        @8:47am. what a precedent this sets! Now, everyone who runs off the road and crashes into a CUC pole, just have to be working late. utter rubbish!

      • Candid says:

        The Premier was wrong to show up. He prejudiced the investigation and was in breach of trust. He should be charged with breach of trust and interfering with an investigation. If lawyers cannot comply with the law, who will comply with it?

  46. Anonymous says:

    Considering they just changed the DUI law perhaps he should have asked to be tested to remove any doubt ? Instead he called his new BFF Pantin smh what a clown show! So we all are subjected to the new DUI regime but not the politicians ? Thanks Wayne!

    • Candid says:

      John Wine crashes. Panton shows up panting to save the day – and his ricketty government. BTW, will he pay for the pole?

  47. Anonymous says:

    No suspicion?? I wonder if the Premiers presence had anything to do with that ? Why call the Premier before you calling family to say you are ok ?

  48. Anonymous says:

    Nothing to see here folks, it’s just that Gun Square, Bodden Town state of mind.

    • Candid says:

      The Ministerial Code of Conduct says in 2.6(5): Openness – Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for doing so.

  49. Anonymous says:

    I do like his Halloween costume though.

  50. Anonymous says:

    When the officers arrived on the scene John John greeted them in Dutch, German, Farsi, French and it’s rumored even English! Leading them to believe he was sober. He then rode off on his ass by the light of a full moon.


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