Woman injured fighting off masked robber
(CNS): A woman was injured Saturday night as she struggled with a masked man trying to rob her outside a home in Prospect. Police said that the woman, who was alone in her car, had just parked outside the residence when her vehicle was approached by a stranger who opened her car door and attempted to rob her. A struggle ensued, during which the man struck her in the face. However, the woman fought back and the suspect fled the location on foot.
A 911 call about the incident was made and emergency services attended the location. The victim was transported to the Cayman Islands Hospital to be treated for her injuries and subsequently discharged. According to the RCIPS, police officers arrived sometime during the 40 minutes between 9pm and 9:40pm but did not say what time the emergency call was made, which is precisely recorded, or what time the EMS arrived.
The suspect had a dark complexion and was wearing a dark mask and dark clothing. No arrests have been made.
The matter is currently under investigation and anyone who may have witnessed the incident or seen anything/anyone suspicious in the area between 9:00pm and 9:45pm is asked to contact George Town CID at 949-4222.
- Fascinated 11%
- Happy 11%
- Sad 44%
- Angry 9392%
- Bored 00%
- Afraid 22%
Such a shame about Prospect, now the Little Kingston on Island. Cheaper rentals, attract the Jamaican mungrels of society. 12 people living in a one bed property, unlicensed cars everywhere, garbage all over the gardens/streets – disgusting, don’t they have any standards or morals? I’ve unfortunately left Prospect now due to this, used to be such a nice communal part of the Island.
Don’t worry… the cops will make them clean it up…. someday……..maybe.
It is a crying shame that Prospect has been ruined. What was once a nice place to live is gone. I guess the crime will continue and spread. Nobody seems to care. I think it’s time to find a better place to live.
Scotch bonnet solution spray
Ladies, anyone! Maiden Plum is legal! Don gloves and harvest some maiden plum sap (the milky stuff) into a spray bottle, add a healthy amount of Tabasco (legal) for immediate effect. Nuff said.
Not only will it be immediately effective but those effects will last at least a week and identification of the culprit will be assured!
Talk about monkey pox sores – they would be a pleasure in comparison!
I can attest first hand to the maiden plum sap, ended up on a antihistamine drip last time I encountered it following one of my trail runs. If you need it, it’s readily available along the cliff top between Pedro’s Castle and Beach Bay!!!
The criminals appear to be working hand in hand with the authorities to ensure that law-abiding citizens are unable to protect themselves against violent criminals. Never has a partnership been so successful.
Ladies pepper spray is illegal to carry, but you can arm yourself with a can of starter fluid, aim for their face and give your attacker a good blast, this will buy you some time to make your getaway,, if it gets in their eyes they will probably show up at the ER
There is not a women who wants to make sure they have pepper spray at hand before leaving a car, but they need it! Why? Because it’s the same old description as always and fear that nothing will change because we have officials doing the same on tape. If we won’t legalize pepper spray then as a nation invest in therapist because the mental anguish caused by these thugs is becoming too tragic. We all know someone or someone who knows someone who has been a victim. Don’t bother sending the police chopper to T&C – you need help with our own crime. It’s true, don’t trust the govt , but honestly if we need to carry a can of RAID for protection our officials are losing the battle. They have lost it.
OfReg, are we allowed to own flame throwers?.
Seriously doubt it.
Legalize pepper spray !
If we can’t carry pepper spray; I will be carrying a can of RAID bug spray! This situation is out of hand and women should have the right to defend themselves!
I am so happy this lady escaped with minor injuries and that this SOB wasn’t armed with a handgun like the usual cowards! Disgusting garbage!
Buy siren key fob that well make lot of attention around you than pepper spray. It is more easier to use as harder to find the spray in handbag.
Most of the criminals here are imported and most of the police here are imported. Do you see the problem? STOP IMPORTING BOTH AND WATCH THINGS IMPROVE!!!
Who is going to cut your lawn, wash your car, look after your kids, clean your house if you don’t import people who are willing to work?
Philipinos are willing to work.
The usual imports from our neighboring Island don’t like to work, and have poisoned life in Cayman.
The biggest problem is that the young Camanians don’t want to work. Whatchagunnado about that??
And whose fault is that?
It’s the parents and teachers!
7.06 Filipinos , that’s who.
They’ll do an honest days work and won’t steal from you.
2.01pm I have read comments like yours hundreds of times but every now and again an upright citizen points out that most inhabitants of Northward are Caymanians!.
7.59pm Northward residents include many Jamaicans with Status. Also the Caymnians tend to get caught but the others don’t as they’re experts.
Northward residents are either Jamaican , or 95% of them have been fathered by a Jamaican.
when you actively seek to employ the lowest of the low from any country so you can pay them less than living wage, you will inherit their bad behavior. take the best any brightest from any of these ‘imported’ country and put them against Cayman and lets talk.
Should we really expect that this government will take any action in response to rising crime levels when they cannot agree a Parliamentary Code of Conduct that might deter the misdeeds of their own members?
That’s something to think about!!!
Any updates on allowing people on this Island to carry Pepper Spray…..no, thought not.
Why even provide a physical description of the perpetrator? It’s always the exact same description
The just “copy and paste” the subjects description around here.
12.06pm It’s a bit like America.
Nah, the American police have guns.
Sabrina needs to get crime in her backyard sorted. this is appaling.
Just have a word with your fellow UDP colleagues Mac, Kenneth, Saunders, Seymour, so that they can ask their woters not to do those things please.
C’mon mon More details needed on the suspect than that! Whoever is in charge of detailing the suspect from the witness statement should be fired. How about the suspect’s height, weight, deep or squeaky voice, Long nails or gremlin hands, unscented or smells of Axe bodyspray or KFC, facial and body hair like Splinter or pure shaven like a bold jungle cat, wearing air Jordan’s or Cinderella slippers. This info is needed to crack the case.
or smelled like Popeye’s
Odds are the criminal will be somebody recently released from custody after serving 2 days of a 3 week sentence for a previous violent crime. Time to weld the revolving door on our “criminal justice” system closed as there is certainly no justice for victims with the present situation.
Ah, good ole backwards Cayman, where adult women can’t protect or pleasure themselves with pepper spray or certain toys, and god forbid she got raped because then she’d be forced to carry his seed to fruition due to laws created mostly by men.
– A Caymanian male
I hope no one is pleasuring themselves with pepper spray.. Don’t want to kink shame and all but….
Carry Hornet Spray.
It’s legal and shoot’s up to 12 feet!
Like my daddy!
It may be legal to carry but illegal to misuse it!
Good for her! Hope she managed to hit him where it hurts!
Yep, let’s keep pushing for that magic 100,000 whilst everything else falls around it and the blindly bellowed benefits.
What a coward! Good on the woman for fighting back!
When seconds matter, the police are minutes away.
Despite police being a reactive solution since they do not deter anyone from committing crimes, to hear that the a community patrol officer was added to the force and will patrol the streets doesn’t sound like anything new. The same old tactics to make it seem like they are doing something. All this money spent on government services that don’t meet objectives and the same old solutions. My solutions are considered “extreme” and “right wing”, but the direction in which we are moving with the regards to crime here, the ideas I have (which other people have as well) will be the only answer.
The people have tacitly placed the burden of responsibility for safety on the government. The majority population here wants the police force and government to keep them safe, yet that image of safety is slowly fading away. We are still one of the safest in our region but every year the standard falls. If the government wishes to continue to bear the responsibility of public safety it needs to act with decisiveness and intent now. Once enough people lose faith in the police system and the government it is going to be very difficult to regain that trust. The only way to get it after it’s gone is to forcibly take it back and lets be honest, we don’t want to end up in a nation like that.
Look at what happened in Uvalde Texas during the school shooting. Police did nothing but stand outside and hold back desperate parents who were fighting tooth and nail to get in and save their children. As a whole, I am not against the police (or defunding them) but it is frankly foolhardy to place all responsibility for your safety and well-being in the hands of the cops and government.
Government is responsible for our safety. A better model is one where citizens are allowed nonlethal defence. A better model would also create trust within the community by making certain that confidentiality of people who report or give tips to RCIPS.