Charged pageant queen still gets scholarship, stipend

| 27/09/2022 | 129 Comments
Miss Cayman Islands Universe 2022 Tiffany Conolly

(CNS): Tiffany Conolly, who was crowned Miss Cayman Islands Universe last month despite facing criminal charges, has already received the $70,000 scholarship and is currently receiving a stipend from the tourism ministry, officials have said. Last week the pageant committee said she would retain the crown until after the outcome of her trial next month but would not make public appearances or give interviews. But the beauty queen has been making several appearances on social media as well as getting the government education funding and monthly allowance.

Officials have also confirmed that if Conolly’s impending October trial is delayed for any reason and pushed back until after the Miss Universe 2022 contest, she will still be able to compete. The international pageant is now set for January 2023 in New Orleans to avoid any potential global viewing clashes with the 2022 FIFA World Cup taking place in November and December this year.

Conolly is facing several charges in relation to an altercation at her former lover’s home in West Bay last year. She was charged in January and pleaded not guilty in Summary Court in March, after she had already entered the contest.

Miss World Cayman Islands Leanni Tibbetts

While CNS has learned that Conolly misled the committee in regard to the severity of the charges she is facing, the ministry had been supportive of her remaining in the competition, despite the controversy it caused after she won the title. If she is convicted next month, it is understood that she won’t be able to compete in the Miss Universe contest in New Orleans but she will retain the scholarship she has already received.

Meanwhile, on Saturday night Leanni Tibbetts was crowned Miss World Cayman Islands 2022 in the competing local pageant. Melissa Bridgemohan was announced as first runner-up, and Latoya Jackson was second runner-up. Shortly after winning that pageant Tibbetts was on duty as part of the Cayman Cadet Corp taking calls in the National Emergency Operations Centre, as Cayman braced itself for Hurricane Ian.

Tibbetts will go on to compete in the global Miss World contest but the date and location for the 2022 pageant has not yet been announced.

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Comments (129)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I believe in the saying that you are innocent before proven guilty but I cannot see why this girl was not vetted by the Miss Cayman Committee before she was allowed to enter. This is their RESPONSIBILITY and you cannot tell me that they did not know anything about Tiffany facing charges for assault.
    Her trial MUST take place BEFORE the Miss Universe contest and not allowed to be delayed as we need to know the outcome BEFORE she represents our Islands on the worldwide stage.
    The worldwide press will be all over the news reporting that she has criminal charges pending in the event that she is not cleared before she goes. This would be a National Disgrace….in fact it could be in any case!
    Obviously she is being supported by people in power or she would not have received her $70,000 scholarship money already. Has she even accepted into a reputable school of further education yet or does she get to spend the “scholarship” money how she likes?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Some “leaders” of Cayman over the past decade+ have been the worst examples to our young people!

    All young people see are instances of corruption, lack of decorum, failure to follow rules and lack of accountability. Entitlement culture!

    What an example to follow!

  3. Anonymous says:

    This whole this is a GOD DAMN MESS and DISGRACE on the Ministry of Tourism and the miss universe cayman committee! Take a close look everyone….. compare the situation of the PACT government requesting speaker bush to resign from his position…. but this wild gal tiffany is allowed to run in a pageant, obtain the crown and prizes and get paid a stipend… all while having pending criminal charges for her disorderly behavior which has happened before on several occasions!!!
    Though both positions differ somewhat in terms of the level of responsibility , they do have many things in common such as being a representative of the people, example for the young people to look up to, being accountable and honest. Yet, we allow and enable poor behavior…. but then we wonder why so many young people feel discouraged and depressed… bullying and fighting one another on social media or in schools, frequently engaging in anti-social behavior and have lost hope!!!!


    • Anonymous says:

      An “example for the young people to look up to”? Seriously? What a huge disservice you do to the thousands of brilliant women on this island, from olympians to self made millionaires, from doctors to charity workers, from chefs to lawyers, from business owners to nannies. Beauty queen? Give me strength!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm – seems that she may have observed that at least one other person from West Bay (robe and funny wig) is profiting from not resigning when it is appropriate to do so.

    Just saying, given that the West Bay wig man is continuing to stay in post and collect pay and nobody is doing anything about it, it is not surprising that this person is too.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, whatever happened to that resign by close Friday or else? It get blown away with the hurricane? Or is Wayne negotiating the votes for the vote of no confidence.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nothing will happen about this latest scandal because no one will come forward to press charges. Will be brushed off as “fake news”. As for the Miss Cayman controversy, you already see that has been swept under the carpet.

      • Anonymous says:

        Shows how much power Panton has! Foiled again LMAO

    • Role Model says:

      what a female role model for cayman young women.

    • Anonymous says:

      “profiting from not resigning when it is appropriate to do so.”

      And that folks is what its all about.

      What a shining example the Speaker, Tiffany and a litany of others cast on our youth.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why would she be personally paid the “scholarship” already? A scholarship would be paid to a qualifying educational institution, no?

  6. No says:

    The state should have no role in such outdated events. Even Absurdistan.

    • Anonymous says:

      You love Absurdistans currency though..

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh yeah I just love getting ripped off by our garbage banks “FX desk” buying KYD. Our stupid currency is the scourge of Cayman!

        • Anonymous says:

          Doing better than pounds. .

          • Anonymous says:

            So is practically everything else other than the ruble. Fact its pegged to the dollar has something to do with its performance against the pound, rather than the international demand for Cayman dollars. Which of course are completely valueless outside of Cayman.

            • Anonymous says:

              Actually the Ruble is doing better than USD but that’s due to currency controls rather than real economic strength. The point the poster makes about GBP is completely irrelevant to the USDKYD ripoff spread however.

          • Anonymous says:

            The cost of buying and selling KYD against USD has nothing to do with pounds. It’s economic illiteracy like this that lets them get away with it.

          • Anonymous says:

            Congratulations on missing the point completely.

        • Anonymous says:

          The downvotes should do a little research into how much money our rip off banks make just sitting there charging 0.82/0.84 all day long. I’ll give you a clue, it’s tens of millions, which comes out of all of our pockets.

      • No No says:

        It doesn’t have one.

    • Caymanian says:

      Really. When she represents the country?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Beat a woman and get convicted – get a high office position with more pay
    Sell drugs – get elected and then offered a ministry
    Assault a cop and ex and face charges – get a scholarship

    Any more to add?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Tourists are warned to properly dress when in public.
    Gays are discriminated.
    Lowest minimum wage and highest prices.
    Corrupt, abusing, molesting politicians.
    Church controlled population.
    Sunday everything closed.

    But we can display a few women in sexy outfits to be judged on their bodies.

    The double standard of caymanian christianity.

    Absolutely disgusting.

    • Anonymous says:

      hypocrisy and ignorance…cornerstone of ‘cayman christianity’

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh stop it about “Christianity”. Do you know that Jesus died on a cross to save you from your sins?
      What has that got to do with anyone else? It is between you and God.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you know that every time you see a rainbow god is having gay sex?

        • Anonymous says:

          That made me smile at the image.

        • Cheese Face says:

          This is now my favourite comment on CNS ever.

        • Ima Speak says:

          I guess that’s why the whole of UK and yourself was oohing and aahing when there was a double rainbow spotted over Buckingham Palace when the Queen died! Be careful how you speak of God in such a blaspheming way…He is Almighty and can strike you down where you stand like the little minion you are!!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Then it all crashes down
    And you break your crown
    And you point your finger
    But there’s no one around
    Just want one thing
    Just to play the queen
    But the castle’s crumbled
    And you’re left with just a name
    Where’s your crown, Queen Nothing?

  10. Anonymous says:

    What standard? This place has standards?

  11. Anonymous says:

    I have said this before and I am going to say it again. This girl is going to take home the title for Cayman. It will be history as Cayman has never won the crown

    Many young ladies around tve wlrld are face with the same problem.Ms. Tiffany I have said before you will be asked the question be prepared to shine because only you know why.

    Congrats and go get that crown my dear!!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    She is smarter than the Committee.
    Why does Government have to sponsor a Beauty Pageant again.??
    When there is another private one (Miss World) that’s great!
    Put that cash to help old people and kids.

  13. Anonymous says:

    No big deal, just add her to the list of people getting paid to do nothing.

  14. Anonymous says:

    This needs to be taken to the higher media outlets. The worldwide outlets so they are aware of what Cayman is producing and sending off. Only then will Cayman government take a step back and realize they do not want to have a bad reputation to the other higher ups in the world… and perhaps actually do something about this.

    • Anonymous says:

      lol. Which “higher media outlet” do you imagine cares how CIG wastes our money?

    • Anonymous says:

      They already know; she’s been interviewed however we are going to send her anyways and allow her competition to point it out to the world instead and then blame foreigners.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymans reputation is still the same as it ever was and always will be for all the right reasons.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Are those “winner” funds dispersed under condition they be fully refunded by contract upon a guilty verdict and/or other disqualifying “loss of crown” event? Is there a contestant contract and/or a code of conduct? Having already mislead the neglectful Pageant organizers, it’s surprising they haven’t sought recourse and passed the crown. The funds dispersed should become a receivable for the Pageant and immediately rerouted to the first runner-up. One would expect these to be boiler plate rules and conditions in any dispersed pageant, bursary, or competitive merit-based award – especially if these are public’s funds.

  16. Anonymous says:

    So if she is convicted, does the runner up then get another scholarship, or does Tiffany have to return the first one 😉

  17. Anonymous says:

    If she has not been removed as Ms Cayman (Universe) then on what grounds what she not get the rewards that go with the win? Note that they did not hold the award of the title in abeyance until her court case is decided. (Even then they just said she can’t represent as the title holder at least until the court case is decided. Implication there will be a decision afterwards, but not clear what the decision might be or what the options could be under the contest rules.)

    • Anonymous says:

      Educational scholarships shouldn’t be dispersed to individuals, they should be ring fenced for tuition and remitted to the learning center, for the benefit of that individual, and there should be other conditions attached.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Someone FOI the ministers communications on this issue please

    • Anonymous says:

      You have as much chance of getting his communications on this as you do on providing Jamaica with air lift at our expense.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Has she decided yet what colleges/universities (i.e. U.S., U.K., Canada, etc.) she hopes to attend?
    There’s also Online Education Programs where Ms. Connolly may never have to leave Home/(Cayman Islands); so, she can “stay put” and remain focused on her tertiary studies without international rift or fanfare.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gets a criminal conviction she won’t be able to go to a US college or transit through the US anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      You would have thought a place at University would have to have been secured prior to the payment of any so called scholarship. It is obviously more like a cash payment than a scholarship but then, does it surprise anyone that any aspect of these tragic pageants is more base than presented. The real shame is that there are undoubtedly Caymanian kids who could really use the money wasted on this garbage to further their education.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Why wasn’t her previous conviction sufficient to bar her from the process anyway? Oh yeah, because although she was found guilty, her conviction ‘wasn’t recorded’ so that she would be free to continue to reap all the benefits without having to suffer any penalty for her actions.
    Bit like someone else we know recently, and look how that turned out.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone provide a link to Kenny’s statement?

    • Ah almost ready fe ona says:

      Kenny? Who are you you no good witless wurless piece of garnafpgec garbage @13:21. He Jah Minister of the Cayman Islands government and as such should be respected whether you like him or his actions or not. Youvsqualid oiece a Shiite mind ya manners round here ya hear or I’ll come by. Bye fe now!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Brac has been my home for over 30 years. I love my island and my people. When I look around at the friends who have become like family to me I see mostly people who are beautiful in every way. It is disheartening to me to see that a person chosen to represent our islands is potentially a felon and that one of the top governmental men is an abuser of women (Twice!). This is a poor way to represent our islands and I, for one, do not respect these choices as they do not speak for the quality of individuals who live here. Can’t we do better than this???

    • Anonymous says:

      12:06 pm, don’t forget we have a convicted cocane dealer as our minister to represent us overseas, what a cess pool mess we have got into.

    • Caymanian says:

      Not while we got KB.

      He is the Cayman Islands weak link.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Seems we hold all individuals that have a role in this country through an election process to a lower standard.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not just elected official. Crooked civil servants often get long-term paid vacations for bad behavior.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Disgusting! When she wastes the scholarship and returns from her studies with nothing, OR when she causes drama at the first international competition she attends, the powers will see how wrong they are now. Or will they?

    Then we’re paying her to be unemployed – per her own actions??!!

    “OK all folks who have been fired from your jobs because of your own failures, please line-up on the right. The Minister of Tourism will be right out with your pay packets!”

    • Anonymous says:

      The Committee has spoken. Ms. Conolly [] will retain her crown & enjoy ALL benefits associated with her Title, as ‘Miss Cayman Islands Universe’.

      Therefore, the case is closed at Peagent Committee Level, but not yet at C.I. Judicial Court Level.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look if Bush can get away with his crap and keep all his jobs and big pay, then why can’t this girl? This is the Cayman Islands and they do not care about anything!

  25. Anonymous says:

    I say that everyone boycott Miss Cayman Universe next year.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would say this even if this wasn’t about this particular woman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is she the first or only Miss Cayman to be embroiled in a pending court matter or charged with an offense (e.g. felony) before or while holding the Title, “Miss Cayman Islands”?

      The Pageant Committee Members (whoever they may be) really botched their duties, based on the scope of revelations in the news media, to date. Shameful.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have boycotted it for the last 45 years.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I just don’t understand why all these creepy old men are so keen on these nauseating pageants.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully the funds are used as intended, That is education not legal fees.

    • Anonymous says:

      Legal Fees?
      Scholarship recipients are required to submit proforma invoices (ahead of the new semester) & verified purchases/payment receipts at the end of each Semester.
      The Scholarship Committee will be looking for a well-balanced spending habits.

      • Anonymous says:

        The scholarship committee lol. Yeah right. Same as the degree of care and attention that went into deciding to let her run, deciding to award the scholarship despite the outstanding trial, deciding to pay her to “work” at DoT even though she can’t actually turn up for work. Sure the “Scholarship Committee” will be extra vigilant. Bet you think Jay and Mac were in Honduras negotiating the supply of fruit as well.

        • Anonymous says:

          Mac won himself Minister Jay Ebanks, another Puppet in politics, who deceptively ran on an Independent Candidate ticket.

    • Anonymous says:

      Best way is for Govt to make direct payment to her “college”.

      • Anonymous says:

        MY UNDERSTANDING: It is more diffucult to adjust for tuition overpayments, adjust for student reimbursements,
        or to claw-back wire payments sent in error; so, the burden is on students to walk with two “fat” checks (1) to settle tuition costs & another (2) to settle & maintain accurate records of living expenses – i.e. accounting for the total semester/quarterly scholarship allowance at the end of school term. Summer Tuition & Other Expenses, including Lock-Step Summer Programs, are discretionary, and funds for this purpose are NOT guaranteed (that is, in-full or in-part). Summer Sessions are not constituted as ‘Regular’ Semesters. Only Fall & Spring Semesters are considered ‘Regular’ Semesters.


  28. Anonymous says:

    but she has shiny white teeth

  29. Anonymous says:

    This stinks more every time something else comes to light about it.

  30. Anonymous says:

    If there was ANY doubt that Cayman is stuck in a time warp then this is it. Archaic, anachronistic, sexist garbage. Get rid now. And ladies, you are doing a massive disservice to your peers. If you really want to be taken seriously then surely what’s in your head is more important than a ridiculous crown on it?

  31. Anonymous says:

    There seems to be a trend here for rewarding violence with money

  32. Anonymous says:

    such a shame and disgrace! Someone facing criminal charges should not have been allowed to enter in the first place.

    • Anonymous says:

      While Derri-Lee Dacres is the only Committee Member being called-out for this ‘Sh!t Show’, who are the remaining voting Committee Members who, with concensus or maybe unanimously, to retain Ms. Conolly…?

      Yes– Names, please?!?

      • Anonymous says:

        From their website:
        Kimberly Pearson-Murray, Nicole Scott, Latrese Haylock, Ariana Seales, Lynn Whittaker, Derri Dacres, Cassandra Powell, Lovenia Ebanks, Judy Ebanks, Donna Bush, Wendy Mellaneo, Kevin Dawkins, Heather Bodden and Dawn McLean-Sawney

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac and Kenneth set those precedents.

  33. Anonymous says:

    And Mac is still Speaker.


  34. Anonymous says:

    CNS, can you make some inquiries to be sure that what you said is correct? “Miss Cayman Islands Universe last month despite facing criminal charges has already received the $70,000 scholarship“.

    If it’s a university scholarship, then my understanding is like any other educational scholarship, it still remains contingent on being accepted into university and getting passing grades each year in order to maintain the scholarship.

    If $70K was handed over to her, that’s definitely NOT a scholarship. Perhaps the Education Department and Tourism Department can provide information on what happened with previous scholarship recipients. At the very least, a FOI request should be able to provide some answers.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Only in Cayman is it that obvious that rule 1 is always look after your favorites with public funds

  36. Anonymous says:

    Miss Cayman Islands Universe, a complete and utter shambles and a laughing stock. It was hard to take these beauty pageants seriously before this, hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of CIG using our tax dollars to pay for this garbage.

  37. Anonymous says:

    maybe they she call it a drama queen competition.
    and always ends up in failure on the international stage.

  38. Anonymous says:

    The chairman and her members must resign now!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Poor judgement from all parties involved especially the Committee in charge but typical of how things operate in these islands

  40. Anonymous says:

    The miss cayman committee should be ashamed of themselves and allowing the contestant to enter the pageant. They must now all be made to resign their posts. Their poor judgement will bring further embarrass to the pageant and the country this winner represents.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Something is going on there.

    It will soon come to light.

    • silliness says:

      yes like what does she have over some senior politician(s)?!

    • Say it like it is says:

      8.23am You are right, this support from the Pageant Committee can only be attributed to influence in the true Caymanian tradition.However following precedent the identity of the influencer will almost certainly remain hidden.

      • Anonymous says:

        Often times it’s family & friends in high places or associated with influential people that keep them in jobs &/or out of jail. Everything is personal.

  42. Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    Just Another Day in Absurdistan

  43. Anonymous says:

    And the poor girl with the hot legs and lips that came in second has to wait this out. What a s&$t show!


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