No sign that Speaker Bush is making charity donations
(CNS): The Cayman Islands House of Parliament is unaware of any payments to any charity being made “directly or indirectly” by Speaker McKeeva Bush and does not know of any “mechanisms that are in place to facilitate such payment(s)”, an anonymous freedom of information request has revealed. However, there are no reporting requirements for the speaker to document donations made to charities, in line with conditions he agreed to in order to return to his prestigious office.
Following the horsetrading after the 2021 General Election, the newly formed PACT group made the controversial decision to accept Bush’s support in order to form a government. In return, Bush resumed his position as speaker of the House, but because he was still under a cloud because of his 2020 conviction for assaulting a woman, he first had to make a number of commitments.
Bush agreed to the immediate implementation of a Code of Conduct for all Parliamentarians, where any infractions by an MP would lead to immediate dismissal from their position — though that legislation has not yet gone before members for a vote. Bush also agreed to donate 10% of his monthly salary to the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre and to continue supporting women’s issues.
However, after this deal was announced, the Crisis Centre released a statement that they were unaware of the “understanding” between PACT and Bush but would, in any event, refuse the donation. The CICC is entirely dependent on donations and recently received $1,200 from money collected at a jubilee service earlier this month.
If the charity had accepted Bush’s donations, it would be receiving much more than CI$1,200 every month, but the board declined the money to avoid the perception that it condoned the speaker’s behaviour. “Violence against women, men or children is unacceptable and we pledge to continue to work on eradicating this violation of human rights from our islands,” the board said at the time.
Since then, there has been no indication as to whether or not Bush is making contributions to other charities that support women’s rights or advocate against violence. Throughout his political career, Bush has made many public claims about the cash he gives away to help people in his constituency, such as paying mortgages and assistance for young people in college.
However, the deal with PACT aimed to specifically address public concerns about Bush’s conviction. The case had played a key part in the election campaign and he came close to losing what had been one of the safest seats in the Cayman Islands. Nevertheless, Bush drew on his long experience in the political arena to manoeuvre himself into the position of kingmaker in the post-election horsetrading.
While Bush enabled the formation of the PACT government, as speaker he has not played a part in government, according to Premier Wayne Panton. Like all MPs, he submits requests on behalf of his constituents, but he does not attend caucus and has no role in shaping government policy. However, it is clear that Bush remains very close to several members of PACT on both the front and back benches.
Bush will be joining his three fellow district MPs for a public meeting in West Bay on Thursday evening. Planning Minister Jay Ebanks will also attend.
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Category: Politics
Pact need to show they mean business and look into Mac’s donations – or not
Have some accountability please!!
Accountabilitty….. PACT? No!, PPM? No! , CDP? No!, C4C? No!
Sorry, folks…. There seems to beno sign of accountability in parties in charge of the
Cayman Islands! Sad, ain’t it!!! Money talks in the Caymans.
Oh, really, CICC? So accepting what amounts to a fine can be perceived to be condoning the errant behaviour that resulted in the fine? I wonder if the courts and C.I. Treasury are aware of this? According to the Crisis Centre way of thinking, the C.I. Treasury has been condoning a hella lot of criminal activity for a hella lot of years. I am so happy that the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre is so flush with cash that they can turn the penalty money down. They need not look forward to any further contributions from me.
And how many have you made to date exactly?
That is irrelevant and certainly not a refutation. Try again. Maybe put some thought into your comment next time.
But didn’t the charity say they didn’t want his money?
Wouldn’t ensuring Bush made the charitable payments something not only the court would follow; but also his attorneys?
Why has it taken an FOI request to find out that no parties involved with this order are making sure its being adhered too?
CNS: It wasn’t a court order and has nothing to do with the legal system.
So a back-room handshake to donate to charity; that explains it.
What does it say about Cayman politics that the most successful politician of all time is McKeeva Bush?
I think it should probably be first determined in how success is defined
It says that money talks…. But he maintains that his hands are clean! He is a despicable man and an embarrassment to the Cayman Islands. If you have ever spoken to him when he was drinking, you know how crass and crude he is. If you have ever spoken to anyone who has dealt with him outside the Cayman Islands, you know he is considered a bumbling idiot. But he keeps his West Bay voters uninformed and dependant on his paultry hand outs. Mac, get out of “our house”! No one wants you around.
12.05pm Do you mean “poultry” or “paltry” as both apply?.
Literally everything
No finer representative of the people and the culture. A true man of the people.
No sign that McKeeva Bush is a Moral man but he represents the Caymanian People and it’s leadership.
Calling bush a stain on the islands. Caymanians voted him in! So he’s there because the voting public decided the man should be part of the government. The disgrace is with the people who have no morality or brains. That’s why the island is being lost to expatriates because the local population just doesn’t have the capacity to make good decisions
No one should be surprised that Mac has not met the stated obligations.
People do not be fooled, as long as Makeeva Bush is in government he has a hold over many other MPs who do not want him to spill the beans on their skullduggery, so he gets away with doing as he pleases, we suffer.
Mac is definately to a large percent controlling the actions of Kenny and Jay, some others to a lesser extent and some not at all.
When we saw the Wight brothers and Mac become buddies, you know we are in serious trouble.
The Wight brothers were correct on all counts against Mac, he has not changed, so that means it is the Wight brothers who have compromised their standards and positions on various subjects. It is sad to see people compromise their good standards just for politics.
Mac is continuing with all of the tricks he has always used, while we the Caymanian people suffer.
What’s new?
His heart is pure and his hands are clean though.
Clean, compared to what? A rat’s ass?
Carrots and milk
Assuming Bush can read I hope he is reading these comments.
MacKeeva can read. It is Jon Jon Seymour who it is surprising can read.
Mac “Amber No Payments” Bush.
What an absolute disgrace.
See you next tuesday.
I’ll be hungover.
How’s the head feeling?
Did we really expect someone of this character and nature to make them? A stain on these islands.
Bush is a repugnant, disgraceful stain on the Cayman Islands. He sullies the political process, the very conception of natural justice, and whatever moral or ethical standards still exist in the Islands.
He needs to be removed from office, removed from any current or future public role, and removed from the Islands.
Utterly, utterly repulsive individual who should by rights be in Northward.
So will WB vote it out?
01 @ 3:57 pm – Mario Ebanks came within 28 votes of beating McKeeva Bush in our last elections. Now Mario is no prize himself as a viable politician but, as a WBW voter, Mario certainly presents a much more moral, slightly better educated option.
If Mario comes out next election he just might win.
Another example is where Fin Cayman has claimed credit for a conservation project. A CNS article explained how Fin placed pictures on their website taken from the Cayman Eco Divers’project to restore the coral. No permission had been provided and no donation had been made. The pictures are still on the Fin website. Does anyone know if a donation has been made?
Fin claims the credit.
Response from Cayman Eco Divers
I agree that he should have never had another opportunity to sit in the Speaker!s chair or any other chair in the LA. However, if he is removed the rest of the PACK should also be removed. They made him Speaker again!
This so called “PACT” government is a sham. What meaning work have they done in their time in office? Nothing of note. A complete embarrassment led by a leader who was so power hungry he did a deal with the devil himself. Let’s be honest, Mac was never going to be held properly accountable for his actions.
Good example of Alden and PPM government over the past two terms before the Pact now.
Progressives said NOTHING.
Silence means consent. They kept him.
Had it. Not been for mini Mac Kenny, Bush would have been out.
Why. Does. This. Fool. Still. Have. A. Job!!!??? He is a disgrace.
because our political process is so broken and divided that it often comes down to charming free agents like him to determine who is in power.
Now as to why he keeps getting re-elected in the first place… well I can only assume his voting base all really loved the new fridges and roofs.
Want to see new rooftops ? Check out Newlands
Despite having been convicted of a serious criminal offence (despite laughable sentence), nobody important has petitioned the Honours Forfeiture Committee to have his OBE revoked for cause. Since 1979, the Queen has only revoked an appointment 15 times, and it would certainly be newsworthy.
Bernie was there too.
Was Bernie “not for sale” at the Mac meeting last night?
Nobody familiar with the dossier can be surprised. Surely Wayne Panton is the ultimate person with a duty to supervise compliance with his own government’s terms of agreement with McKeeva Bush? Where is HIS comment on this? One has to wonder if anybody in the governmental spheres can take ownership of their responsibilities and mistakes in the Cayman Islands?!? It is truly like nowhere else!
Even ‘His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular’ doffs his cap to the corruption on this rock.
Responsibilities? What’s that?
The Mac attack is back!
This disgrace to country keeps getting elected by the uneducated desperate Jamaicans he gave status to.
I think you mean the uneducated, desperate, and many Caymanians that have made him their tribal leader no matter their country of origin. Where did your ancestors run away from?
Nonsense. Many generational West Bayers and Caymanians from other districts flock to his side.
They flock to the man that pays them.
I am NOT one of them!
PACT….”one pop” government.
PACT supporter.
I believe you are correct, PACT supporter. Disgusting, isn’t it?
Katherine Wilks should be ashamed of herself! Mac introduced her at the meeting last night as his Deputy Speaker and she was just beaming with pride. vomit!!!!
She had joined the protests against Mr. Bush when he was first facing charges. She does need her job so she will go with the flow.
Kiss the ring
So enlighten the people on what the purpose of last nights meeting was. I wasn’t on the guest list because i don’t support these idiots. So far its PACT – NO ACTION other than hiring high priced consultants to do ‘something’. All I see them doing is flying all over the world at our expense. KW has been on at least 6 official Gov’t trips in the last year. A complete joke. I am wondering if last nights WB meeting which included Jay was the start of something led by Mac? Do tell?
What a disappointment
The defendant’s personal mitigation:
19 character references!!!! What an angel he is!
The Purpose of Punishment
17.(iv) of exemplary character
Re OBE, the Honours Forfeiture Committee reflects on any case where it could be considered there is evidence to suggest that the retention of an honour would bring the honours system into disrepute.
Surely the very busy Protocol Office would not have time for this.
PPM, man you guys digging hard too.
5:20, Doesn’t have anything to do with political parties; but you and others appear to be too thick to realize that?
The PPM-led Unity Government was formed with Bush’s CDP to avoid the independent PACT regime we now have…and we’ll likely never learn what those conditions of alliance were. We can infer Speaker of House and lifelong impunity to be among them…he did appoint the Attorney General via coup in 2003!
MacKeeva did not appoint the Attorney General. The Governor did. Big mistake, because the Attorney General, who is unfit and out of his zone of competence, now needs to resign and retire.
The real sour here is Wayne’s supposed endorsement of McKeeva was contingent on this negotiated agreement for the sole purpose of forming his Govt. I have to lean that Mr Panton is equally if not more so the real scallywag here, – right, anyway, next name from the hat please as the draw for this years winner of ‘Mr Rectitude 2022’ continues.

You are correct, but, in fairness, he is tactically snookered by a fractured alliance: to remove Bush would remove government majority and trigger an election. This is what the PPM have been thirsting for. They too slept in the same bed with Unity.
A fair comment 12:24 but the question is does ‘tactically snookered’ justify still pocketing the black when a red is not on. There absolutely should be accountability especially when the formation of a Govt party hinges on a precedent with them taking power and not adhered to. It throws integrity of the process completely out the window and ultimately the real truth of deceit and corruption wins again. It’s saddening but The CICC from multiple aspects was streets ahead on this one
Unna foofool a wah? Unna nah hear charity begin at home?
Is anyone surprised? Anyone? The man is a disgrace and an embarrassment.
He is much more than that, and it’s all bad!
So Happy .. I stopped him from singing & praying over my grand father funeral a few years back in a West Bay Church. Like some politicians say “ Try to go to most weddings …. But Can’t miss a funeral “ sad .
Have to admit that MacKeeva is one of the best singers I have ever heard. Seriously.
So disgusting, and a blight on these Islands. PACT got in bed with this convicted abuser to further their own goals. Sends a message of zero credibility for PACT. It also tells victims that if your abuser has money they will face not real consequences. Truly, truly horrific and disturbing.
He is a disgrace, and ANYONE associated with him is complicit.
Especially Wayne Panton. The fake Premier.
Would that include Mini Mac Kenny..?
Of course.
Cayman has the government that it deserves. Voters if you wonder why there is pervasive corruption on this islands perhaps you should look in the mirror.
His silence speaks volumes!.
Pure, unfettered greed and arrogance. The two guiding principles of Caymanian politics. And Wayne, you are personally complicit in endorsing this vile man through a lack of sanction against him, instead rewarding him with the speakers position. You had a chance to make a stand for integrity but completely blew it. The Pact clown car just keeps on rolling.
Wayne’s silence speaks even louder. Thought he would have been different, I’m taking my vote back next election
Wayne is the biggest disappointment in all of this. At least we knew what the country had elected with McKeeve, as terrible as it is. But Wayne’s cut throat “by any means necessary” to take the government reins was the absolute worst.
Wayne is unfit to lead. PACT is, at best, a placeholder until 2025, when both PPM and at least most PACT need to be voted out.
New blood, who are competent and have integrity, need to take the reins.
U know he Has told tales in the past right?
Standards? Accountability? Principles? Governance?
We don’t do that here…
At least not PPM or PACT.
You must be confused about where you live.
Only in cayman
Who’s REALLY surprised?
Take the money please. You need it and do important work. Accepting the money does not condone Big Macs behavior.
Accept money from a homophobic, misogynistic, convicted woman beater? Ram it thank you very much. Well done the crisis centre. Integrity before money. Wish Caymanian politicians would follow suit.
Accepting his money would make him feel exonerated..Nothing he does would wipe clean his years of the most disgusting behavior.
Money are for the victims, not for administrative expenses. So it is not up to the Adm to decide . So get off your horse and face the reality.
Oh,please! Rake and demand more!
What an idiotic comment.
Mac is not homophobic. Not disputing the other things.
3.54. They turned down over $1200 pm to have to scrounge around for a one time sum of $1200? The People who made that decision should be sacked.
Is anyone really surprised? This guy blows more hot air than my car’s A/C system…
Unna did expect him to REALLY make payments??? #Delusional
Not at all surprising! But still amazes me how he gets reelected EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. … SMH
He gets elected by illiterate uneducated hangers on who are responsible for the shame he brings to Cayman.
That’s because there’s no IQ test required to be a voter!
Apparently there is no IQ test to be in parliament, either!
You haters need to leave honorable Bush alone. He helps us Cayman peoples and foreigners so much yet you pick on him all the time. This whole thing was a set up anyway. We love you Honorable Bush
Your ignorance is mind-blowing.
A set up? You saw the video? You realize he was convicted?
You are an apologist, and even an enabler. You may even be the product of a corrupt cabinet grant. You diminish Cayman and all that the Caymanian people have strived for.
You need to shut up, Honorable Bush is a great man
He not honorable. He not a great man.
Heart is not pure and hands are not clean.
A big man- not a great man. There is a huge difference.
To put a positive spin on this, I can confirm that all of the PACT Government members have matched McKeeva’s donations to charity over the last year.
Which is ZERO?
Yes, which was the punchline to that joke. No wonder these guys get voted in..