Opposition challenges bond but mum on o’seas offices

| 03/02/2022 | 62 Comments
Cayman News Service
Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has released yet another video criticising the government over plans for a 30-year bullet bond as a method of financing new and existing borrowing. But the PPM leader is keeping mum over allegations that the previous administration, in which he was finance minister, misspent some $6 million and mishandled the process of opening overseas offices.

Following the revelations in a report by the Office of the Auditor General that was leaked to CNS this week, McTaggart said the PPM was “eager for the full facts to be known to the public”. But he urged respect for the ongoing inquiry process and described the leak as “regrettable” and a “deplorable attempt to pervert the course of justice”.

However, at this stage, there is no police or anti-corruption investigation underway, only an internal civil service inquiry. Although the OAG’s report found the previous administration breached the Public Finance and Management Act (PFMA), the Public Service Management Act (PSMA) and the Constitution, there is no indication of a criminal probe. Therefore, the matter is not sub judice and the opposition is at liberty to explain what happened.

Last week the opposition had sought to criticise the PACT administration for “dithering” on the overseas offices, but now that the reasons why the current administration took a step back on this policy are apparent, he has opted to stay silent.

McTaggart has returned to the criticisms relating to borrowing. He said that the government should only borrow for what is necessary and stop trying to roll out its agenda in two years but spread the projects out.

“Government should seek to achieve its goals by first spending money it has and borrowing only for what is absolutely necessary,” he said, as he accused PACT of returning the country to half a billion dollars of more debt.

“This government, just as the two previous governments did, should prioritise their plans and spending over the whole four-year term and not try to get every project that every minister wants completed in only two years.”

MacTaggart said government has the right to move its agenda forward but it should manage the people’s money “prudently”.

See McTaggart’s video message below:

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Category: Government Administration, Government Finance, Politics

Comments (62)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The whistleblower is a hero.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Last week the opposition had sought to criticise the PACT administration for “dithering” on the overseas offices, but now that the reasons why the current administration took a step back on this policy are apparent, he has opted to stay silent.”

    This here speaks volumes. Guess Roy,like the Governor was caught with his pants down and not expecting the shit to hit the fan so quickly after making that speech. Instead he has resorted to what the PPM does best, “deflect.”

    I am only surprised that he didn’t come out in support of the Governor calling for the head of the Whistle Blower. Maybe because he needed to deflect to something else to try to remove the focus on another of their dastardly deals.

    I was sitting here with my popcorn waiting to hear what he and Joey would say.. and nothing…I have just put another bag on waiting for next round of “leaks.”

  3. Anonymous says:

    An indictment on his party has been served up and he just chooses to ignore it.

    This is the reason the PPM will never be the party in power again.

  4. Anonymous says:

    At least he trimmed his eyebrows for this photo…they always scare me..

  5. Anonymous says:

    Poor Roy, it is so sad to see how he has allowed the PPM to drag him down. I knew him personally when he worked at KPMG and to be honest he has totally lost my respect, some of the things I hear him saying now makes me wonder whatever happened to him.

    I realize that he likes to be the head of a political party and the power that comes with it but when it becomes blatantly obvious that his party is no longer what the people want and instead of dealing with and trying to defend his own party’s debacle he is more interested in bashing the PACT group.

  6. accountable says:

    Should there not be a judicial review of the actions taken in this fiasco which would include the actions of the Cabinet, Governor and Chief Officer?? How can the Governor conduct an internal review if he was apart of the matter?

    • Anonymous says:

      nah, Governor will likely just fire the Auditor General and then haul ass out of Cayman.

      Guessing his little retirement in Cayman Brac with his Cayman Status isn’t looking to good now.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the appalling crux of the matter…those now exposed by the truth are seeking to muffle their own investigation and destroy the whistleblower. Throw another barrel of gasoline on the blacklist fire. Queue Helen Garlick. Help!

    • Anonymous says:

      Send your complaint/comment to reportingconcerns@fcdo.gov.uk .

  7. Anonymous says:

    And don’t leave out this administration with their wish – list spending with borrowed funds.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Both of these parties are fools! No other country as wealthy as Cayman has an open dump that catches on fire every few weeks or a crumbling road network. All they do is fight over crumbs from their wealthy benefactors while the average Caymanian struggles to cope with skyrocketing inflation. All these bums should be thrown out on their asses!

    • Anonymous says:

      👍 Smack on!

    • Just sayin. says:

      The Dump Issue was on the way to being solved with a modern waste to energy plant and the landfill capped – with CO2 gasses to e piped to the waste to energy plant.

      But the PACT Government are doing nothing about it. Nada, Nil, Nein. That economic disaster will be on their political shoulders when the dump is full in two to three years and nothing is there to replace it.

      All talk about environment and yet leaving one of the biggest environment problems to fester and the solution to wither and die.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The PPM sounds like a bunch of spoiled children. You LOST the election, your no good, dirty deeds have caught up with the bunch of you. Roy, try go sit down.

    • Just the facts please says:

      Amazing.. there is finally an Opposition willing to do the work of an opposition and hold the government to account. But you complain that they lost the election and should shut up. Yes Roy & company are not in the government but he is the leader of the Opposition and is doing his job. I for one am grateful that he is. His points about huge debt and this dangerous bullet bond are valid. Let’s not get to where Bermuda is please. If it was not for the excellent financial management of Roy McTaggart and the last two Progressives Governments we would be sucking sorrow now. That is a fact.

  10. Orrie Merren says:

    Of significant interest here is whether (or not) the current Hon. Leader of the Opposition (LoO”) had knowledge (and/or was in connivance: i.e. turned a blind eye) to certain issues raised in the recently leaked report of the Office of the Auditor General (“The Dubai World Expo and The Cayman Islands Overseas Offices — Examination of Potential Breaches of Legislation”, November 2021).

    Reason being, the LoO was, at the relevant time, Minister of Finance. As such, it begs the question what involvement, knowledge and/or connivance was extant?

    • Orrie Merren says:

      To clarify, given that Parliament was prorogued from February 2021, the Hon. LoO would have been the outgoing Minister of Finance.

    • You Must Acquit If The Glove Doesn't Fit... says:

      Orrie,,, I finally had a chance to read the report and what I understand is:
      – The Dubai deal was being done together with the UK Government and would have had the support of the Governors Office.
      – No where in the report does it say that an elected member was involved – no where.
      we all know that the hiring process is handled by the civil service and so the Deputy Governor would have been aware.
      – The Governors Office applied for the approvals to open the offices in Brussels and Washington – so the Governor was aware.
      – There is no law or regulations in Cayman that say that hiring, or policies, that started before an election should come to a complete halt when an election is called. So I am not clear how any laws were broken. Perhaps someone can explain it.
      – I would only add to the above that if indeed that is the case then all of Government would come to a grinding halt for four months after an election is called. The UK’s election period is less than a month.
      – The report keeps referring to’ new or novel policies; but it seems that the overseas offices and the Dubai event were in train for some time and were approved long before the election was called. Before there was thought of any early election even. So the Auditor General referring to them as new policies seems wrong in my view. But perhaps some one can explain how they are new.
      – The current government have agreed that the offices are needed and are carrying through with them. So was halting them only a political maneuver? I don’t get it.
      – The issue with adding in names that supposedly did not qualify for jobs will need to be explained by those in the civil service who did the hiring. I don’t understand it.

      When it is all said and done, what I see is an Auditor General with an opinion of wrong doing that is not really backed up (using only my common sense) by the report (no new policies, no rules about what can be done after an election is called etc). I may have missed it but she has not provided any legal opinion that any laws were actually broken. Its her opinion alone. Let me know If I missed the legal opinion.

      And there is nothing in the report that says the elected members were involved – but it seems obvious that the DG and Governor were aware/would have been aware, if not involved.

      Indeed the report confirms that the things that is being complained about were approved in a Cabinet chaired by the Governor and includes the Attorney General and Deputy Governor. Surely if something was being done wrong the powers that control the civil service would have been able to stop it.

      It does not make sense to me. I think this is being blown out of proportion. But again I am just using my common sense after reading the report – something more people should do rather than just relying on other people’s opinions and views. Have a good weekend all,

      • RES IPSA LOQUITOR says:

        The above post by “You Must Acquit If The Gloves Doesn’t Fit” appears to be the foundation for the narrative that will be used by the PPM, Governor Roper, Deputy Governor Manderson, former Premier McLaughlin and the Chief Officer Eric Bush in an attempt to wiggle out of this public embarrassment and National scandal.

        Over the next few weeks and months the theme of the post will become the official defense of those who are embarrassed by the Auditor General’s report in order to protect Eric Bush and justify his actions and their roles that resulted in breaking several laws.

        “The significant breaches committed by Chief Officer Eric Bush include the willful and deliberate breach of section 55 of the Constitution and section 7 (3) of the Public Service Management Law, as well as section (12) 2 of the Public Management and Finance Law. These were made after the ministry recruited staff and signed five-year and open-ended contracts with five senior staff for the overseas offices in breach of the relevant laws.”

        That level incompetence, abuse of power and public malfesance cannot be rewarded with a nice retirement or severance package for a friend of the Deputy Governor. This is a significant issue and speaks to a Chief Officer making the rules as they saw fit with the instructions and consent of elected and senior management of the Civil Service including the Deputy Governor and the Governor’s office.

        It is important to note that potential criminal acts occurred during this period highlighted by the Auditor General’s report. Breaking established laws are deemed to be criminal acts. There is no grey area when a laws as significant as section 55 of the Constitution and section 7 (3) of the Public Service Management Law, as well as section (12) 2 of the Public Management and Finance Law are involved.

        This must not be allowed to be swept under the rug. There must be consequences that are serious which do not include an exit package for the unlawful actions that have caused a national scandal and wasting public funds.

        This matter should now be formally investigated by RCIPS and the Anti-Corruption unit for abuse of office by the public officer Mr. Eric Bush.

        No matter what spin is attempted to cover up the wrong doing, the findings of the Auditor General’s report are clear and only one person signed the deals and executed the decisions that broke several laws.

        These are the facts.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well said.

        • Anonymous says:

          @8.57am It will never happen because the Governor and Deputy Governor is involved and we know that we could never go after our “Governor appointed” Knight…

          The RCIPS and Anti-Corruption operate at the pleasure of the Governor. There is no way this could end well.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not sure if these people are all on the same team?

      • C’Mon Maaaaaaaan says:

        Can you imagine if this had occurred during the UDP or PACT governments time at the helm and not by the PPM administration?

        I would bet anything the reaction would not be foolishness about “this thing is being blown out of proportion” or “Indeed the report confirms that the things that is being complained about were approved in a Cabinet chaired by the Governor and includes the Attorney General and Deputy Governor. Surely if something was being done wrong the powers that control the civil service would have been able to stop it.”

        That is how the games are played and they try to trick the public into believing no laws where broken so nothing to see here. Read the report laws where broken. Wrong is wrong don’t matter who did it. Senior government officials breaking laws should have the same consequences as the average citizen who breaks any law.

      • Anonymous says:

        Eric Bush signed the contracts and broke the law. He may have been instructed or allowed to do so but the accused is CO Bush and his accessories DG Manderson, former Premier Alden McLaughlin and the PPM Cabinet members. The buck stops at the top.

        The key question is what did the PPM led Unity Cabinet member and Governor know and when did he sign off on the course of action that caused CO Bush to breach the laws stated in the Auditor General’s report?

        That rabbit hole gets deeper by the minute.


      • Anonymous says:

        The singular and most fundamental principle contained in the Public Service Management Law prohibits civil servants from getting politically involved. This is essential for good governance. Unfortunately both the Governor and deputy governor have undermined this with various precedent setting appointments that the principle is no longer worth the paper it is written on. Laws were broken there must be consequences for those responsible and transparency.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Old man continues to yell at clouds, more at 11.

    I really wish news agencies would stop giving a mouth piece to this fossil. If the current regime all walked into the LA tomorrow and unanimously agreed that the world was round, Roy would be out in front of the camera by lunch declaring the government has rushed the decision and is should hear out the flat earthers.

  12. Anonymous says:

    PPM are pirates that cannot be trusted. Roy please stop the foolishness!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Roy McTaggart knows full well what the PPM did and the games that were being played as Finance Minister by the main characters who encouraged and directed Eric Bush to break several laws in the name of politics. They did not think the public would ever find out. The question now is what else did the PPM and senior Civil Servants do during their time in office or after the Parliament was prorogued in Feb 2021 that may have broken laws and committed the public purse and new government to excessive spending or wasting public funds?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Roy has drunk Alden’s kool aid and sounds like an idiot. I expected better from him


    The actions of Eric Bush represent gross misconduct where several laws were breached. The PPM Cabinet members and former Minister of Finance Roy McTaggart now leader of opposition had to be aware of the potential breaches if they were vigilant and cared about rules, processes and following the laws.

    The significant breaches committed by Chief Officer Eric Bush include the willful and deliberate breach of section 55 of the Constitution and section 7 (3) of the Public Service Management Law, as well as section (12) 2 of the Public Management and Finance Law. These were made after the ministry recruited staff and signed five-year and open-ended contracts with five senior staff for the overseas offices in breach of the relevant laws.

    That level incompetence, abuse of power and public malfesance cannot be rewarded with a nice package for a friend of the Deputy Governor. This is a significant issue and speaks to a Chief Officer making the rules as they saw fit with the instructions and consent of elected and senior management of the Civil Service. Potentially criminal acts occurred during this period highlighted by the Auditor General’s report.

    This cannot be swept under the rug. There must be consequences that are serious and do not include an exit package for his unlawful action that have caused a national scandal and wasting public funds.

    This matter should now be formally investigated by the Anti-Corruption unit for abuse of office by the public officer Mr. Eric Bush.

  16. anonymous says:

    Roy is absolutely right in raising the alarm! If any of you care to do the maths this is an atrocity, especially for our children. If the ESO is correct, there are about 18,000 children under the age of 21, who in 30 years will be saddled with debt of $54 million debt EACH. And when the expat kids leave because they can – you can double that. At 3% interest $400 million becomes $970 million and that doesn’t even take into account the $100 million plus from the UDP Bullet Bond that is still outstanding from 15 years ago. It seems the only way for Wayne to keep this crew together is to allow them to spend wildly and create a welfare culture that will bankrupt this country. Pray for this country!

    • Anonymous says:

      Think you need to explain your math skills a little better.

      • Anonymous says:

        it’s going to be a minimum of $58500 per child.

        Though there’s zero chance it will be 3% compounded over the next 30 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      What you charitably call welfare culture, is in fact blatant buying of votes from the illiterate who vote for Mac, Saunders, Kenneth and Seymour..
      Jamaica here we come.

      • Anonymous says:

        No. With their lax immigration policies, on a foundation built by Mac, a building designed and perfected by Alden and Eric, and now being operated by Chris and Kenny, Jamaica is coming to us. Either way, unless there is a dramatic change of course, the Caymanian people are screwed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mek di Dep. Premier do di maths for yah!

  17. accountable says:

    I think its pretty clear this is not a case of PPM amnesia or dementia but thier usual DenyAreea! Pun Intended!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    pact/ppm…who cares….both incompetent and not fit to run the country.
    direct rule please.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Blah blah blah, again Roy as a mouth piece for Alden

  20. Anonymous says:

    To be clear this is the PPM that mismanaged every capital project they got their hands on? The PPM who managed to maintain government surpluses by doing things like allowing employers to have carte blanche when it came to work permits while doing things like maintaining duties on essentials that regular people need.

    In order to fuel their budget surpluses they did one thing over their 3 terms (2005-09,2013-2021) rather than improving standards of living, they boosted the number of consumers and sat back and let the residual income roll in

    The budget was in the black I’ll give them that but at what human cost

    • Anonymous says:

      PPM supporters are like those Trump supporters living in trailers bragging about how great the stock market looks.

      All they can understand is, number go up.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ignorant comment 5:48. Democrats are the brainwashed ones who watch the alphabet news and believe the lies no matter what.

  21. Anonymous says:

    PPM is the greatest – Sir Alden we need you back to straiten out this current bunch. Praises to you all PPM!!!

  22. As We Came into the Clear says:

    The idea that anyone in Cayman takes the PPM seriously on money management or capital projects after Alden was the minister who spent hundreds of millions on schools that were years late and over budget is still hilarious to me (the airport project being years late and millions overbudget a much more recent example of the PPMs project and money management chops)

    It would be like Mckeeva critiquing anyone on ethics or behaviour

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually Mac/UDP had a big hand in the school cost overrun.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh my. You really are delusional. The debacle – which is still ongoing – was born and bred in the 2005-2009 PPM administration. There’s no way the PPM should have given Tom Jones the contracts for a bill of goods sold to them by a UK consultant.

      • Anonymous says:

        @12:37 How? Alden was the Minister for education and in charge of the school contracts..I don’t like the UDP either but that isn’t one that we can blame on them.

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