Archive for September 13th, 2021

16 travellers positive for COVID over weekend

16 travellers positive for COVID over weekend

| 13/09/2021 | 22 Comments

(CNS): There were sixteen positive cases of COVID-19 among travellers over the weekend, five of whom were vaccinated, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee said in his latest report. Three people who tested positive were at the end of the five-day home quarantine period, while the rest were at the end of ten or fourteen […]

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Ossie to chair health services board

Ossie to chair health services board

| 13/09/2021 | 63 Comments

(CNS): Former health minister Osbourne “Ossie” Bodden has been appointed as the chair of the Health Service Authority Board. Bodden ran for office in this year’s election on the same ticket as Premier Wayne Panton and Heather Bodden, the MP for Savannah, but was defeated for the second time by Dwayne Seymour in Bodden Town […]

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Fourth suspect in 2017 home invasion on trial

Fourth suspect in 2017 home invasion on trial

| 13/09/2021

(CNS): Four years after a couple suffered a harrowing armed home invasion at their house in Patrick’s Island, Shane Connor (44) from George Town is the fourth man to go on trial charged with the crime. Connor has denied having anything to do with the aggravated burglary and the other associated crimes as he maintains […]

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CIG to consult UK officials on opening plan

CIG to consult UK officials on opening plan

| 13/09/2021 | 146 Comments

(CNS): Government has a difficult decision to make about possible changes to the current quarantine regime in the Cayman Islands and whether to stick to the plan to lift the five-day isolation period for fully verifiably vaccinated visitors and travellers next month, Governor Martyn Roper said on Friday. As a result, he said, Cabinet and […]

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Vaccine numbers grow, mask mandates re-emerge

Vaccine numbers grow, mask mandates re-emerge

| 13/09/2021 | 99 Comments

(CNS): Businesses and government agencies began implementing mask mandates at the weekend as fears that Cayman’s COVID-free community bubble has burst. The concern has also fuelled a surge in the uptake of the vaccine, with an additional 514 people getting shots over the weekend. The national vaccination rate of people with both doses is now […]

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Bird hits CAL windshield on Brac to GC flight

Bird hits CAL windshield on Brac to GC flight

| 13/09/2021 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Passengers aboard Sunday night’s Cayman Airways flight from Cayman Brac to Grand Cayman had an unnerving moment when the B737-8 aircraft turned back shortly after takeoff because a bird had struck the windshield. The captain did not declare an emergency as the windscreen was not damaged and the plane was functioning normally, but out […]

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Man seriously wounded in stabbing

Man seriously wounded in stabbing

| 13/09/2021 | 33 Comments

(CNS): The Strand Plaza entertainment complex off the West Bay Road was the location of yet another violent incident this weekend, which resulted in a young man being taken to hospital with serious stab wounds. Police said they responded to a report at around 12.30am on Sunday, 12 September, and found a 25-year-old man from […]

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More breaches as COVID isolation cases grow

More breaches as COVID isolation cases grow

| 13/09/2021 | 102 Comments

(CNS): The risk of more community transmission in Grand Cayman increased over the weekend as seven more breaches of isolation rules were reported, as well as another jump in positive cases of the virus among travellers that were due to be released from quarantine. While the Public Health team continues to investigate the contacts of […]

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