Cop’s carnival capers not a protocol breach

| 10/08/2021 | 86 Comments
CayMAS 2021 carnival (from social media)

(CNS): The RCIPS has confirmed that there is no investigation into the motorcycle cop at the centre of a viral video on social media that shows the officer astride his police bike while a female CayMAS Carnival dancer, riding pillion, is whining on the officer. But officials said the police were exempt from the social distancing protocols that had been imposed for Saturday’s carnival. The police also confirmed that there were no major incidents of violence at the carnival or COVID-19 protocol issues, though nine people were arrested for driving under the influence.

While social media was awash with complaints about protocol breaches, excessively lewd behaviour in the streets as well as drunken brawls breaking out, it appears there is little record of such events. Organisers of CayMAS 2021 said it had been a successful event which would not have been possible without the people’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Thank you to all of our participants for getting vaccinated in order for the parade to happen,” organisers said on social media. “Thank you to the Minister of Tourism and the Government for allowing us back on the Road… the Mas Bands and the many volunteers and staff to pull this off… and to the RCIPS for the hard work keeping us safe.”

Carnival dancers had been required to be vaccinated before they could jump and, as was the case with the Pride parade the week before, spectators and dancers were supposedly being kept apart, with the carnival itself being split into two separate parades, as organisers juggled the jumpers to keep under the current crowd limit of 1,000 people. While it seems the lines were blurred at times and despite some backlash, it appears the carnival was a success.

In the end, on yet another scorching hot summer day, hundreds of people still came out to enjoy Cayman’s first Caribbean carnival for two years.

See video of the motorcycle cop in the parade on social media here.

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Comments (86)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It would have been nice if the police were a bit more thoughtful in their answer. “the police were exempt from the social distancing protocols”. When carrying out their duties or otherwise acting appropriately to the siutation. If the police officer had been dancing in the street with the reveller would they still have been exempt? I’m also not suggesting that the police should not engage with the public in a friendly manner. Including, perhaps especially, at events like this. It humanises the police. And builds community raport. So I have no problem with the member of the public on the bike, i.e., the police integrating with the aprticipants in a friendly manner. (The classic example of police doing a dance move with a group before returning to more formal ‘on patrol’ appearance.) We can argue whether the interaction was approrpiae or not sepertely fromteh question of social distancing. But if there was a rule against physical proximity, as is implied by the police beign exempt from it, then saying ‘one person was exempt’ doesn’t really address the issue. It just comes across as high-handed and tone-deaf and disinterested in doing things right. Not the message the police want to be sending.

    • Anonymous says:

      A policeman should conduct himself with more dignity than that. Doesn’t matter that it’s legal. It’s a bad look.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh geesh.. go back to your church and long dresses..Don’t watch the parade if all you are going to do is complain about what you saw..This is 2021 not 1936.

      • Anon says:

        Agreed. I’m sure he was being paid as an officer of the law and should conduct himself as such. How can he be policing if he’s participating? Officers of the law should hold themselves to hire standards especially when on duty.

      • Anonymous says:

        More dignity than sitting on his bike and not engaging with the woman at all?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Only since 2003

  3. Anonymous says:

    Cayman, 20 years behind 1st world countries. Sad. I know Cayman isn’t a country and only a territory, but still, let’s get out of the dark ages and enter the enlightenment shall we?

    • Anon says:

      20 is generous. Try 30 plus. Look at the Government civil services, things like abortion are illegal, the local vaccine hesitancy. More like the 1960’s in other nations.

      • Pray for Anon says:

        Anon. Why are you still here? Isn’t Cayman the worse place on Earth.

      • Anonymous says:

        There are these things called repatriation flights, check them out. You don’t have to suffer here.

        • truth says:

          As soon as we can rid the islands of the parasites WE can then have the island life we worked for and I am not talking about the expats brother. I am talking about those who only vote for a living.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:23 PM, Anon, what are you doing here, if here is so bad, come on man you must really be stupid to think here is so bad, but you won’t leave here and go back to your country if there is so good. We put you down for fool of the year award, you earned it.

    • Say it like it is. says:

      7.56am Come off it, we are still world class in the Civil Service!.

    • Anonymous says:

      If we wanted to be in all those other countries we would.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I must say the Gay Pride Parade was better organized and people behaved well.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Very good. As the CayMas dancers and pridae parade participants were required to be covid vaccinated there shouldnt be any problem in ALT supermarkets liqour stores asking staff get vaccinated and also restaurent and bars entry rule for all

  6. Anonymous says:

    I am pretty sure this could be classed as an assault on a Policeman. I think there is a law regarding physical contact with a uniformed Police Officer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Imagine if that had been a female Officer a man winding up like that on her. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    Hey guys..what is cayman airways doing up in barbados today? Acvording to radar it about to land from there?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Surely the bigger concern is that the police can’t drive, indicate right when going straight on at a roundabout, don’t use the inner most available lane, but still stop people near camana bay targeting the rich and issuing 200 dollar traffic fines for going 10 mph too fast in a non residential highway, whilst being unable to stop mass shootings,

    • Anonymous says:

      CI police are the worst possible joke. Total incompetence.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only new money in camana bay

      Real rich people don’t live or hang out there

      Too seedy, mostly frequented by people that wanna be rich.

      If they speeding, fine them

      • Anon says:

        Cayman is all new money! Was empty as recently as the 1970s

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually, Cayman’s most prosperous/notorious surnames established their fortunes long before, during previous four centuries of illegal transshipments, wrecking, salvaging, and periods of sanctioned and un-sanctioned piracy, crew kidnapping, captain-led insurance fraud, and cargo extortion. Nobody likes talking about these darker chapters, some of these rackets still going.

    • Anonymous says:

      They obviously are too busy thinking about getting whined on to be bothered to drive like a decent human.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, glad it’s not just me…

      • Anon says:

        It’s ridiculous. They should have their licenses revoked and be made to take a proper driving test

  10. Anonymous says:

    It seems we have no standards anymore. If an officer on duty has no Pride in our uniform or this Island we need better leaders to set the stage! All this new government is doing is reducing is to not much! I’m all for some fun, but respect too!

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you just crawled out of your hole? Standards, Honesty, Integrity and Transparency vanished decades ago, so I am not sure how you can blame the new Government.

      • Anonymous says:

        New Gvt, Old Gvt… Both deserve credit for the incompetence. And the uneducated electorate is really to blame. Cayman residents are woefully willingly ignorant. (I did not say stupid… ‘willingly ignorant’ means they DO NOT WISH TO BE INFORMED WITH LOGIC AND FACT… Sorry to be shouting, but some do not hear very well………..). 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        Yup and it was hot n miserable up in dah hole.

        Yeesh it was a street parade of dancing to Caribbean music and celebration of some of the Lil freedom we enjoy here.

        As for the PoPo. If they friendly unnah complain. If they nah friendly unnah complain.

        And NO I personally am not a supporter of the Wutless behavior was going on and it too hot, but yeeeesh all the complaining.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s only a costume

  11. Anonymous says:

    God help us….what next…gay parades….caymas….mass shootings….MP salary raise…

  12. Anonymous says:

    I thought the participants of the parade were supposed to not mingle with the spectators. I have seen lots of video footage that shows both groups interacting and nothing been done to prevent it happening. How come the rules were different for the Pride Parade? Pride was way more classy and family friendly.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Those girls! Those costumes ( or lack thereof)! What would Miss Annie say?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Just as well this didn’t occur at the Pride event!

  15. Anonymous says:

    I am surprised, as a non-Caymanian reading from afar, to read about the the lewd behaviors and the less than conservative state of dress at these recent Caymanian parades. My impression was, and I am not judging here at all, but I thought that Cayman was a “Christian” lead country. The learnings I have from the study of world religions suggests that Christians were to be modest in dress. Not much modesty in those costumes. Has the country changed in its values or is my understanding of its demographics incorrect?

    • Anonymous says:

      Your understanding of most things is incorrect. The USA is led by a Christian president, but you don’t apply the same logic there do you? The UK queen has a title of ‘defender of the faith’ but that doesn’t mean the whole country is Christian. So why are you trying to promote an argument on faith when it is disconnected? Who knows who these women are dancing suggestively half naked, but no doubt they will likely be the same ones complaining about sexual harassment.

    • Anonymous says:

      From watching the carnival, I would be more concerned for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure…covid…especially in a big population of the women walking down the street. No disrespect intended, but very young need to think of their health.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only “Christian” when it suits them.

    • Anonymous says:

      The demographic has changed. The Eastern Caribbean/Jamaica now dominates whole areas of society. Thankfully the old Cayman can still be found, but is increasingly under threat.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your understanding of the demographics are incorrect , so is your assumption of how so called Christians dress in shiny costumes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently, you are viewing world events from a 17’th century viewpoint.

      Sorry, but you are many centuries behind times.

      It is a shame that Misogynists have ANY public forum.

    • Al Catraz says:

      The God-fearing men and women of Cayman take their children to watch this parade lest they be confused by parade where fully-clothed people carry a rainbow flag in celebration of what God made them.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Good – he handled himself just as he should. She on the other hand, has FINALLLLLLY gotten all the attention that she so desperately craves 24/7. Yawn……..nothing to look at.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Whiners, gotta love em!

  18. Anonymous says:

    one rule for us…one rule for them…
    welcome to wonderland.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The protocols themselves are a pretty good example of our dry run attempt at a dystopian farce.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Police are in paid vacation…non-existentent hardly on road? U guys see amt of drunk driving abd speeding going on? Lord

  21. Mikey says:

    if you na whine on a cop in the parade its a waste says the ladies 🙂

  22. Anonymous says:

    The police officer in question is the victim of sexual harassment. If the roles were reversed and a female police officer was being dry-humped by a man the man would be in jail today. The incident speaks to and confirms the double standard that exists within our society as it relates to sexual harassment and sexual assault.

  23. Anonymous says:

    We have become a nation of complainers. And all those complaining are probably singled or a reason and live a very boring life

  24. Anonymouse says:

    There is never a shortage of things to complain about!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Bloooooooooooooddddddd clllllaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt

    He just whining it up BOBO!

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