More condo projects emerge for NWP

| 15/06/2021 | 86 Comments
Cayman News Service
North West Point

(CNS): The North West Point coastline has been rapidly developed over the last two years, including a number of controversial projects, and more appear to be on the way. Although a $12 million proposal by NWPR Group Ltd was rejected by the Central Planning Authority in April because the “mass, scale and height of the proposed development” were not compatible with the adjacent properties, at least two more sets of plans for 5-storey condo buildings have been submitted already this month for this stretch of coast.

Although the area has long been zoned beach-tourism, the height restrictions were increased to five storeys in 2012. Since then, West Bayers have seen the area change dramatically, and having already lost sight of the coastline, they are now losing access to it as well.

In 2011 a report was compiled by a West Bay committee established to find out what people wanted in regards to future development of the district and to inform the review of the national development plan, which later emerged as ‘PlanCayman‘. In the report, residents made it clear that they wanted to retain the district’s natural environment.

A decade ago they called for sustainable development that would preserve ocean views along the coastline and undeveloped beaches, and for no development on the ocean-side of the road, allowing future development on the land-side only. The committee also found that the community wanted to see tourism-related developments that enhance the appeal of West Bay without depriving the district of its small-scale social and physical attractiveness.

Instead, the district has seen a rapid change, with continued luxury level development on the shoreline that is being sold largely to overseas investors, as most of the new projects are too costly for many Caymanians and long-term residents.

At a recent local meeting, concerns about development featured prominently, especially the controversial situation at Serrana, another new luxury condo complex on North West Point. When work there began, residents said it came as a complete surprise to them, including Marlon Crowe and his family, the neighbouring landowners, who are also being directly impacted by the construction of a 5-storey condo complex that will soon loom over the family home. The Department of Environment had also urged against granting planning permission to allow the developers to fill in the ironshore, but the CPA ignored their advice.

Crowe has said that his family did not received a notification from the planning department, as required by law. It has since emerged that very old addresses had been passed on by planning to the developers regarding the notifications. The department has also stated that they do not accept responsibly for that, maintaining that the onus is on residents to update addresses relating to landowners.

But it is understood that this is not an isolated incident when it comes to alerting owners, with planning passing on very old information to developers. Aside from a classified ad in the back page of a print newspaper, developers are only required to send out notifications by mail. Objectors then only get a very brief window of opportunity to challenge a development, since notices that actually get to the right people are often so late that they arrive very close to the deadline to object.

Although Crowe and his family now face myriad issues relating to the Serrana project, the planning department has told him there is nothing they can do to address his grievances.

The developer behind Serrana has defended the project stating that it is well within the planning law regulations and disputing that there will be any adverse affects to the environment. The developer said that they made the adjacent landowners well aware of their plans and dispute that it came as a surprise.

Those West Bay residents who made it clear in their submission to planning ten years ago what they did and did not want for future development of the district are likely to be disappointed as further development applications in the area, likely to create more friction with existing residents, continue. Furthermore, the much hoped for update to the development plan is also unlikely to resolve any of the issues that are fuelling runaway development on this and many other stretches of coastline on Grand Cayman any time soon.

The first public consultations for the ‘PlanCayman‘ project, which will focus on the Seven Mile Beach corridor, will start sometime this summer, but planning for the West Bay area will not start until 2023.

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Comments (86)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Posting complaints and ideas here will do absolutely nothing. There’s no stopping the runaway development.

  2. MR says:

    Stamp duty on waterfront real estate should be raised to 12.5% as it was many years ago.

    Unfortunately people, it takes money to run a country and we can complain about development all we want but with the tourism pillar crushed at present and our Gov spilling out hundreds of millions throughout 2020/2021 to keep afloat – our country has no choice but to milk whatever industry is willing to take the offerings we have available.

    Unless someone out there has an idea of how our Gov can maintain a billion dollar annual budget while paying all its staff and maintaining infrastructure through a global crisis then I suggest what we rally for right now is to raise stamp duty and get the ultimate value and benefits from the booming development industry and ensure our Gov does not grant concessions at this time.

    Our teachers, nurses, doctors and many other essential persons rely on Gov income for their own livelihood and we rely on these ppl to keep a job for the sake of our own lives as well.

    Right now our Gov is between a rock and a hard place – our country would be bankrupt if we didn’t have ppl willing to spend their millions and billions here.

    What we need are fees that reflect the exclusivity of the Cayman lifestyle ppl are willing to pay for so that we can get some funds in the public coffers for the rainy days ahead.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t agree to many posts here, but I agree with you. Development won’t be stopped – that’s simply not going to happen. So if folks want to buy in, they can assist the gov’t to keep the infrastructure and standard of living for Caymanians at it’s historically excellent levels. Living in Cayman is very expensive, those who want to invest here need to support their investment. I believe those investors will not blink on an increase in the stamp duty.

      Great suggestion.

      Now my contrarian side – This idea will go nowhere; it makes too much sense.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Here’s an idea. Any development greater than a triplex, must to pay 10% of its completed value of the project, as an Road works / Infrastructure fee. This money would be used to improve roads to handle the additional traffic. For example, Northwest Point road will soon be overwhelmed with cars and currently has one small entrance and exit by the West Bay Public Beach. Significant road works, including a large roundabout will be needed in the near future.

    Developers (not government) should be funding the majority of this needed road work. Oh, and to our Government, don’t wait until it’s a crisis before doing something about it!

    • Anonymous says:

      Umm…have you heard of stamp duty?

      • Anonymous says:

        Umm..could you not deduce that this would be a separate tax from Stamp Duty, applicable to certain developments?

        • Anonymous says:

          And put in a separate fund like the vehicle import recycling fee and the environmental I’m-act fees. Not used for anything, kept for times like now, when we need to use that to deal with the waste build up…. {crickets}

  4. Anonymous says:

    The laws currently require people to purchase property if they want to apply for PR.
    Then there are the ridiculous commissions charged by the self-regulating CIREBA.
    It would also appear that realtors are buying up all of the new-build properties the second they come onto the market(only putting down a deposit), thereby restricting what is available to purchase. One development recently sold out in 80 minutes!!
    These are partly driving the ridiculous prices of housing. It truly is out of reach for most Caymanians.
    It’s time for some changes.

  5. Anonymous says:

    All applications are now posted online for 14 days at If you miss it you can’t enquire to view the plans unless you are within the notification zone. You can also checkout the Facebook page called Cayman Development Watch and if you see something that worries you, share it with your neighbour.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What happened to the West Bay, that not long ago was scorned, and was the worst district in Cayman to live? Looks like a lot of developers and home buyers are breaking their necks to build/invest down here now.

    My once quaint neighborhood and quiet street has turned into a highway overnight, with disrespectful and rude former critics.

    • Anonymous says:

      Interior West Bay is the worst place to live. On the coasts are fine (because you can look at the ocean and not interior West Bay).

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure the “professional” realtors will advise prospective purchasers of what happened to NW point in Ivan. Hell even in a good Norwester it gets hammered. And good luck getting insurance.

  8. GT East says:

    The biggest problem all of these projects create is that it’s a eye sore until completed and we are now seeing this on many of the projects …take Finn they successfully negotiated with surrounding land owners to use there empty lots as lay down yards container storage and trash areas…and this will be the same with all these other projects especially around Hurleys and and future redevelopment sites …the btm line is we are living on a continuous construction site with no end in sight …non of the previous government’s have had the knowledge to make things work in there favor ie contractually make sure start and finish dates are adhered to just because it’s not been done before does not mean it can’t in the future ….30 years or more of governments been out of there depth has left us in this mess ….and it ain’t getting any better soon

    • Anonymous says:

      Uh, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, basic grammar?????

      If you want to be taken seriously as an intelligent person – learn!

  9. Anonymous says:

    How about all applications have to be hosted online, so anyone can view them. Those affected can submit their views via the website too.

    I mean, it’s 2021, is it not?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Can we get PACT to step in and stop this Cireba cartel once and for all? Mandate 1% commissions on all real estate sales. More than enough for slapping your face on a wooden board and waiting for the phone to call after drinking your tail off at the wine bar ‘networking’.

    Charging 5% on top of real estate prices is an economic drain on the country. The 5% is money for a good that never existed. All that happens is prices go up to ensure the seller can pay the extortion. The seller has to borrow that money, the mortgage payments and charges go up; the legal fees increase, etc, etc. The market suffers. The layman suffers.

    All because for some unknown reason, we allow Cireba to create these fee rates. Its time for government action. enough already. And when we’re done with Cireba, lets go after the taxi’s properly. And the banks. Probably the utility companies too. Lawyers. Dentists. health insurance.

    Paradise it is here i tell ya, paradise…

    • Anonymous says:

      Honestly, there should be a ban on work permits for anyone employed in real estate companies, local banks, and any form of HR department.

      I heard it is working wonders in Bermuda.

      • EducateMyChildren says:

        Great idea……. That will crash the country quickly. Sorry, but there are not enough Caymanians to fill the positions you mentioned. Some – yes, a lot – questionable, enough – nope.

        Just more “Nativism.” Cayman desires to survive and thrive in a world economy – get better education here first. You are actually implying that current Caymanians cannot compete for these jobs… my point exactly. Don’t erect a gov’t mandated safety net for under-educated Caymanians. Institute better education so that Caymanians can compete equally on their own merits for these prized jobs.

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree! In the past, It seemed our leaders didn’t give a damn about our children’s education. Now…….. I don’t know. Maybe there will be some changes.

        • Anonymous says:

          Why can’t they hire “under-educated” Caymanians when they have to train and educate the work permit holders anyways?

          • Anonymous says:

            Because sadly, uneducated Caymanians are not as good at them and have an attitude like “This is their Country” so they should be dumber and still get paid more. No way to run a thriving globally competitive economy and even PACT knows that

    • Anonymous says:

      The 5% and some should go into an affordable housing fund instead of paying retarded real estate agents that have no qualifications and can barely string a sentence together.

      • Kman says:

        Exactly provide affordable housing/land and also in training native Caymanians to become agents/brokers. You can count maximum 15 Caymanians out of the 250+agents working for CIREBA. I won’t buy nor sell through them as I know that they’re a Cartel, plain and simple.

        • Anonymous says:

          You can count maximum 15 Caymanians out of the 250+agents working for CIREBA.

          Fake news – and not even close.

          • Anonymous says:

            You forgot paper Caymanians, there are a ton of those in CIREBA.

            Wonder how they got status? Conveniently only the selling properties that are PR eligible.

            Conflict of interest anyone?

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually that’s a great concept, let Cireba charge the nonsense but 90% of it goes to affordable housing. Lets see how charitable these folks are

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow. What garbage.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe we should control the mark up that retailers are allowed to take also. How about the outrageous lawyer fees lets regulate those also. We could also regulate gas prices and doctor fees. How about the cost of food at restaurants. Be careful where you start regulating cause you might be the next to be regulated. There are non-CIREBA realtors available if you want lower fees. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

  11. MERVYN CUMBER says:

    Back in 1964, my late father who would have become an architect if WW2 had not come along, suggested to the Assembly that they should pass a Planning Law. He suggested that as Cayman is a flat Island that any tall building would look out of place Island wide, but particularly on Seven Mile Beach. There were hundreds of Casuarina Pines along the Bay and he suggested no building higher than them. Three stories high was decided.
    Now you have a situation that is already emerging where no one on Seven Mile Beach will see the sun until after Mid Day. The beach will be in shade until then. Rather sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey Mervyn – There is no possible way that Seven Mile Beach would ever be in the shade. You must mean West Bay Road.

      Either way, it is a true shame that this height moratorium was ever lifted.

    • Anonymous says:

      And these buildings are blocking the very trade winds that keep the beach cool.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mervyn, as you will know, that’s not the only initiative your dad, Sir John, introduced. He was indeed an ‘architect’ – the architect of the Cayman Islands’ transition from the “Islands that Time Forgot” into a new age and ultimately, a global financial destination. Some other initiatives of his include:

      The Cadastral Survey – to ascertain land ownership. It opened the way for real estate sales & development;

      Creation of the MRCU – it opened the way for development;

      Creation of the Financial industry (in association with a few legal & financial professionals) – assigned to a competent civil servant;

      Formation of a cohesive Civil Service – assigned to a competent civil servant;

      Formation of a Tourism Department – assigned to a competent ExCo Member;

      Formation of the Chamber of Commerce – assigned to a competent civil servant;

      ….oh, and an original concept for what is now the Esterly Tibbetts Highway!!

      Administrator Cumber was unquestionably the single person most responsible for placing Cayman on the track for well-managed success – before warped and greedy politicians after Nov. 1976 dragged us off the tracks and we’ve never got back on!!

      Sir John A. Cumber for National Hero – it’s past time!!


      • Anonymous says:

        I thought the Cadastral Survey and subsequent allocations were simply a huge ‘land grab’ that deprived many of their historical land ownership to the benefit of the Caymanian ‘power brokers.”

        • Anonymous says:

          16/06 @11:34am – your thoughts on the Cadastral Survey are obviously formed by misinformation – perhaps from some uneducated folks who may have hoped to get free property and clearly didn’t understand the purpose and benefits of that initiative.

          A little historical research would cure that!

          • Anonymous says:

            So said from someone who benefitted from the initiative, and is now selling land to those evil developers?

      • Anonymous says:

        Past time for Mrs Olive Miller to be made a National hero too. There’s not one other person who did so much for so many for so long. Served Cayman from 1946 to 2020.

    • Anonymous says:

      WW2 was a bit before 1964 Mervyn….

      • Anonymous says:

        Obviously you cant read. 1964 was when he proposed a planning law, and as an aside, the writer is mentioning that he would have become an architect in his younger days, but WW2 interrupted his plans when he was younger.

        Dont you now feel foolish?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Trust me, I’m a Caymanian and I too cannot afford to purchase anything in these new developments. I’ve been in my same humble home for 13 years and can’t see myself being able to afford anything grander in this lifetime but I’m still thankful for what I have. However, the only way I see feasible to curb these developments that many are against is if the government purchases the property and keeps it undeveloped. We can’t expect to have an open real estate market and then prevent people from developing land they have purchased for that purpose as long as it is within the zoning restrictions. And I’m sorry but we all need to realise that it isn’t going to become any easier for Caymanians to afford housing in Grand Cayman as long as Cayman has a good economy. Not unless the government can build and provide at a loss. I just can’t see how.

    • MERVYN CUMBER says:

      Join the National Trust and help their Land Bank.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, but will never happen. Caymanian youth need to get better education to be able to compete for high expertise jobs. Only then will they be able to save enough for more expensive housing.

      However, the greater question is: What are your priorities?” For myself, I could purchase a better home, but I have what I need. A more expensive home will not make me any happier.

      I am educated, saved, and have what I need – I am content.

      But I am amused when I hear some say:

      “I deserve to have an expensive car.”
      “I deserve to have an expensive home.”
      “I deserve to have expensive clothing.”

      BUT, they have a poor education, little marketable skills and refuse to start at the bottom and improve their situation.

      You want something? WORK for it.
      You want better officials? Don’t elect fools.
      You want laws to be enforced? Don’t keep criminals in power.

      • A. Teacher says:

        I agree.

      • Anonymous says:

        I call BS. Cayman has higher education rates than both the US and the UK.

        I personally know multiple Caymanians with graduate degrees that remain unemployed or underemployed.

        Stop moving the goalpost!!

        • Anonymous says:

          You have no idea of what you are talking about. Facts are facts, just because you are ill informed doesn’t make it true.

          Again… get educated.

          • Anonymous says:

            Put up or shut up, chump.

            • Anonymous says:

              “Put up or shut up, chump”.

              As expected, a very (un)educated answer to a serious lack in Cayman – We are not educating our youth adequately.

              Sadly, typical: If you cannot defend your position, start insulting. I also know many with Graduate degrees! A few are not worth the weight of the paper their degree is printed on.

              Let’s see; I believe Mr Bush pretends to have a Doctorate (it’s honorary), so I guess you would regard him as highly educated! (Gasp, sputter, gurgle)

              Oh, a dictionary is an excellent tool to broaden your vocabulary.

              “Chump” – A derivation most likely from 18’th century – ‘Chunk’, ‘Lump,’ ‘stump.’ Noun – ‘A foolish or easily deceived person.’

              Fine, I’ve been called worse.

            • Anonymous says:

              I correct myself! Mr Bush has an honorary Masters. Wikipedia:

              “Bush was educated in the Cayman Islands Government primary and secondary school system. At an early stage in secondary education, Bush dropped out of school. Bush was awarded an honorary master’s degree in humanities from the International College of the Cayman Islands.”

      • Anonymous says:

        Correct, but just wait for the ignorant ones who will disagree because they are embarrassed.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Get your pop corn ready folks! Remember…We are in a hurricane zone and we are now in the season! Least you all forget. I think this is the new form of money laundering, as the world changes out the old financial system, fools are parting with their monies/gold.

    • Anonymous says:

      So true. Rum Point and Kaibo areas are full of ‘money dump’ houses and condos that should be investigated by all authorities.
      This IS money laundering by any other name.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Cayman lost it’s island vibe years ago with too much building, traffic and the ugly tunnel. Now with the borders closed and the struggling of restaurants and hotels, not sure what the draw will be for visitors when opened w/out the quarantine policy in place.

    • Mike says:

      Cayman lost its island vibe when “durty reids “closed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Reid was a lovely guy and his food was excellent but the place itself was smoke filled and full of drunks ( including politicians and senior civil servants) obsessed with American sports. The so called island vibe was lost 40 years ago but Sunset, Seaview, Galleon and the old Holiday Inn and even Royal palms had it.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Serrana is a place in Brazil. It’s fitting, as the ecological ruin in Brazil is being mirrored here. We just need rampant cri…oh.

  16. WBW. Czar. says:

    That area is really a blight now and I welcome the new developments.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians selling out Caymanians.

  18. Anonymous says:

    PACT – One quick and easy fix would be extending the notice period for planning applications to something more reasonable.

  19. Joyce Burcombe says:

    Cayman New Service has blatantly published an untrue article and is perpetrating systematic hate and vitriol in social media upon ourselves as developers. It would be best if you corrected this today.

    *CNS: We stand by the article. See points below to refute accusations of false information. We have not retracted anything but have added clarification on a few points. We have also added a comment from you.

    Of particular note in today’s article More condo projects emerge for NWP:

    At a recent local meeting, concerns about development featured prominently, especially the controversial situation at Serrana, another new luxury condo complex on North West Point. When work there began, it came as a complete surprise to the residents in the area, including Marlon Crowe, the neighboring landowner, who is also being directly impacted by the construction of a 5-storey condo complex that will loom over his family home.

    FALSE – Notifications were issued as per Planning regulations. XXXX (Deleted accusations about neighbour).

    *CNS: We have made a slight adjustment to the text to clarify that Marlon Crowe lives in the family home. It is still registered in his mother’s name and she didn’t receive notification.

    The point clearly made in the article is not that the notifications weren’t sent but that some were sent to out-of-date addresses. You have not contradicted us on this point. However, while at no time did this article cast blame on any developers in this regard and it was clear that any confusion stemmed from the process within the planning department, we have also made a very slight adjustment to stress that the department passes those addresses onto the developers.

    The Department of Environment had also urged against granting planning permission for this project but the CPA ignored their advice.

    FALSE- The only objection that the Department of Environment had was to the filling in of the illegal boat slip that was cut into the ironshore by a previous owner and the location of the ancillary facilities (seawall) which is 30 feet from the edge of the ironshore or further away than existing developments in the area including the property to the West. See copy of DOE Reply attached. Kindly note that although the regulations state a required setback of 50 feet from edge of ironshore, our development (non ancillary) is 85 feet from the edge of the ironshore.

    *CNS: The advice given by the DoE, in the CPA agenda for the Jan 2020 meeting, was that it should not be built with reduced setbacks. The CPA agenda for the 4 March meeting (p133) stated: “The proposed development does not comply with the minimum required setback from the high water mark per Regulation 8(10)(f) of the Development and Planning Regulations (2018 Revision). Pursuant to Regulation 8(11), the Authority may allow a lesser setback…” and then went on to give its reasons for approving nevertheless.

    “Crowe has said that he never received any notification from the planning department, as required by law. It has emerged that planning sent the information to very old addresses and they do not accept responsibly for that, maintaining that the onus is on the resident to update the address. It is understood that this is not an isolated incident.”

    FALSE – The occupant to the West (Marlon Crowe) does not own the property, his name is not on the Land Register, and therefore he did not receive Planning Notification. See copies of attached notifications as required by the CPA.

    *CNS: The point of ownership has already been dealt with. The document that you supplied shows that the notifications were sent, as required by law. Nowhere in any CNS article is this point disputed. There is no sensible reason for you to be on the defensive about this.

    For the sake of clarity, the rest of this comment is not about anything posted on CNS.

    In addition to the above, here are some other false claims and fake news that has been circulated on social media.
    1) A previous (historic) property owner (around 1982) cut an illegal boat slip into the Ironshore and excavated adjacent to the boat slip for an illegal septic tank. I have attached a registered Lands and Survey PDF, which delineates the extent of our property boundary. As you can see, the boat slip (Barcadere) is our property, not part of the “Marine Park.”
    2) Ironshore has a hard cap (a chemical reaction formed over time between the calcium carbonate of the substrate and H2O). Unfortunately, this hard cap is very thin, and the underlying substrate is soft. Over the years (due to the illegal excavations performed in 1982), serious undermining has occurred and extends to the West. We applied to the CPA and subsequently received permission to rectify the undermining. A Coastal Works License was not required as the prescribed works are on our property and do not extend beyond our boundary line.
    3) Although we intended to utilize the less expensive pre-cast interlocking concrete blocks, we followed the advice of our Structural Engineers, APEC, who stated that interlocking blocks may not be strong enough and may cause more damage in the future. Therefore, we have followed their recommendations utilizing one-ton cofferdam bags placed (on our property, not in the Marine Park) to break the wave action so that poured a continuous reinforced concrete dam could be built. FYI, this method utilized to rectify the undermining IS the more expensive alternative.
    4) There are no construction materials, turbidity, bags of concrete, or silt introduced into the Marine Park. If you look closely at the video posted on FB, you see that the cloudy water from the dust on the rocks in the cofferdam bags is pushed by wave action into our property and NOT out to the Marine Park. Within minutes the water was crystal clear. The person posting the video did not include this in their post for obvious reasons. In addition to this, the statement made with the video was not only misleading – but factually incorrect.
    And other outrageous fake news circulated:

    1) We are not foreign developers; the project is 100% Caymanian owned
    2) The most vocal critic is the daughter of and the occupant of the property to the West. Who has claimed/stated the following:
    a. Planning notifications were not issued to nearby property owners – FALSE – Notifications were issued as per Planning regulations. The occupant to the West does not own the property, his name is not on the Land Register, and therefore he did not receive Planning Notification.
    b. The boat slip is a “natural marine cove,” has always been there, and is part of the Marine Park – FALSE; see attached historical aerial photos, labeled 1971 & 1994.
    c. The seawall and retaining wall is 15 feet high – FALSE Jesus! I Don’t know where they got this one…. it is the same height as the seawall/pool wall of the property to the East and is further from the Marine Park than the occupant of the property to the West has built his seawall.
    d. The developers are dredging the seafloor! – FALSE – What? We don’t have dredging equipment, don’t know where they got that one?
    e. The developers are stealing land! – This does not deserve a response.

    I look forward to hearing back from you with a retraction as soon as possible.

    *CNS: No.

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor Mr Burcombe..

    • PoorBurcombe says:

      Ouch, reality check score : CNS = 1. Burcombe = 0.

      (I clumped the issues together as they were all in one post, but in actuality the score is way more lopsided).

      And no, I’m not indebted to CNS, just an amused, informed reader.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Just put a bit of sand down and sell it as beachfront

  21. Anon says:

    Land sold by Caymanians
    Planning board approval by Caymanians
    Developed by Caymanian
    Blame expats and visitors

    • Anonymous says:

      Now don’t introduce logic and facts into the fray. The electorate can’t handle reality.

      (And for those with limited comprehension – I’m being sarcastic…). Yes, you know who you are – those who voted back into office a woman-beater, lier, scandal-ridden disgrace to Cayman Government.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Serrano people are status Caymanians.

  22. Anonymous says:

    We should fix all derelict buildings before any new ones can be built. Start with the glass house.

  23. Anonymous says:

    save the iron shore!
    save the the low-storey surrounding slums!!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    “Serrana”, Like Keisha is a horrid name for a condo complex. Who thinks these up??
    Google is your friend…

    As for Keisha.. Well that’s just stupid sounding. Someone trying to make up to their baby mama? Just guessing.

    • Anonymous says:

      The names are for all the yuppie investors so they have a catchy name to drop : “where do you live”?
      You will have to own a Range Rover to get in though.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Good just build up the whole place. Look at all the great jobs it creates, the loads of concrete and building materials sold and ll the great wealth passed on to workers with the high paying construction jobs. Keep it going till there is nothing left to build on!

  26. Anonymous says:


  27. Anonymous says:

    For the developers disregarding the rule of law and recklessly destroying our environment (closer to all than few), fine them up to their eyeballs.

    Since they seem to love money so much, it is high time for them to cough it up.

    It is the only way they will learn to follow the laws and wishes of the public. Locals are living with the consequences that most of these developers are eager to catch the first flight out from (damage from hurricanes, diminished livelihoods, bad press and criminal behaviour).

    All this development and none of it is priced to be attainable to the average Caymanian, young nor old.

    Flogging season is coming. I hope the PACT government has the courage and resilience to ensure that every last one of these runaway greed mongerers receive every last punishment due for these runts to have respect and reverence for these beloved Cayman Islands and for the people who call it home.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Stop trying to minimize and sidetrack objections. Require minimum quarter page ads for projects over $1 mil. and require mail notice to neighbors out to 1000 ft. Require applicant to verify addresses and advertise those that can’t be. Extend objections to 30 days on projects over $1 mil. Personally I’d say to allow objections from any property owner, voter or registered charity or advocacy group at anytime including at the CPA meeting. If that delays an application, so what? It deserves to be delayed. There is no public benefit to minimizing objections.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Can no longer see the sea.
    oink oink

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