US senators enter fray over jailed Georgia teen

| 29/12/2020 | 174 Comments
Cayman News Service
Skylar Mack arrives at the Cayman Islands courthouse

(CNS): Skylar Mack was in the US news once again over the Christmas break after the two sitting senators from Georgia called for her release from jail in the Cayman Islands. Mack and her her Caymanian boyfriend, Vangae Ramgeet, are both serving a two-month prison sentence for breaching local COVID-19 isolation rules. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who are both Republican incumbents facing run-off senate elections on 5 January, sent a letter this weekend to the Acting Consul General of the US Embassy in Jamaica asking him to intervene.

The senators said they were supporting her request for release and understood the right of the Cayman Islands “to enact appropriate regulations to protect the safety of its residents during this trying time and to impose fair sentences against those who violate such restrictions”.

But they said Mack had admitted guilt, regretted her actions and paid what they said was a substantial fine, and had been incarcerated for over a week.

However, the senators were factually incorrect, as Mack has not paid a fine but had paid costs to cover her stay at the government quarantine facility after she breached the home-isolation rules.

Mack and Ramgeet have now served nearly two weeks of their two month sentence and are expected to stay in jail for another two weeks unless they are released early on compassionate or other grounds at the discretion of the prison director.

The senators also raised the allegation made by her family that Mack has received “numerous threats against her life following the publicity of her case”, even though it is the family that is largely responsible for maintaining the publicity.

Mack’s family has also asked the White House and Georgia’s governor to intervene. They have been doing the media rounds in the US making a number of false and misleading statements about the case.

Meanwhile, here in Cayman Ramgeet’s family has remained silent about the plight of their loved one, who also spent Christmas in jail. Ramgeet aided and abetted Mack when he went to collect her from the place where she was supposed to be in home isolation and took her to a Jet Ski event where he was competing. The local watersports star won the race but organisers have since taken back the trophy and prize money. He also faces a temporary ban by the watercraft association on competing.

See the full letter from the senators here.

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Category: Crime, Prison

Comments (174)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, we had Bryce Merren try to sell drugs. He apologized, felt remorse, and was sent to jail. Did we ask for him back? Naaaaaa keep him, that what we said.

    Do the crime, do the time. Simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sing with me everyone – “It’ll be lonely this Christmas without you to hold; It’ll be lonely this Christmas lonely and cold”

    Seriously though – why is this garbage even in the news anymore.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ve not seen Ramgeet’s family kicking up a fuss, moaning, complaining about this and lobbying politicians to free him.

  4. Anonymous says:

    ‘US Senators enter fray’

    the headline could have stopped right there and be a symbolism of both their political histories. Keep your nonsense at home Mr & Mrs Insider trading, it doesn’t travel well

    • Anonymous says:


      They need to stop poking their nose into matters that do not concern them. They have no horse in this race; would focus on January 5 if I were them.

      P.S. I don’t see any cult dynamics on the blue team though.

  5. Anonymous says:

    forgive me for being redonk but, didnt these senators write to the wrong Fn country?

    • Anonymous says:

      No, there is no US embassy in Cayman. The embassy in Jamaica covers both (eg when Caymanians seek US visas, they have to travel to Kingston).

  6. Anonymous says:

    If she got 2 months for this, Bush should have gotten 2 years! He caused actual bodily injury, committed a hate crime and threatened the victim, or at least his enablers did.

  7. Big Poppa says:

    Lot of wound-up Caymanians and expat progressives here… Seems like ya’ll are ready for a good witchburning. Hmmh, yes, she deserved jail, yes she was completely disrespectful and, yes, she endangered the whole community – so she’s in jail, and serving her time. However, if only 1/10th of the passion anger, and indignation directed towards this girl would be directed towards your government officials, you know, Daldon Gotabigstickuphis Azz, McDonald’s, and all remaining smorgasbord of useless and self-serving PIGS (minus one or two decent ones) feasting at the public trough year after year, perhaps you’d be covered in far fewer fleas. My guess is that won’t happen, certainly not when you allow them to buy you up with toasters, microwaves, ovens and dryers, and any other type of third world country politricks. So to me, it sure seems like your energy ought to be directed towards more important things – Ms. Mack has been caught, she’s serving her time, and eventually she’ll be a little speck in history – luckily she managed not to kill any of you; not so sure about some of the politicians. The Honourable Joke McDonald’s will return for another 500 years and end up in Heroes Square before he calls it quits – seems he’s the bigger problem to fry. Just sayin…

  8. Chuck U Farley says:

    The hatred displayed in these comments toward Americans is disgusting. I was once a regular visitor to Cayman, no more. The former tourists, who now consider themselves “natives” and hate the new tourists have forgotten that your island is a giant mango patch in the middle of the Caribbean. No tourists, no economy. Good luck!

    • Anon says:

      Thanks for visiting. All the best wherever you go next. Bye now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Buh bye.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not hatred, it’s ANGER that a silly selfish spoilt brat could have shut down Cayman, after we have all worked so hard over many months to be where we are.

    • Anonymous says:

      People lump EVERYONE together. If you are an American Republican, you are automatically called racist, trumpster, redneck, etc (lots of horrible things).
      So you are right, but, look at any fingers pointing back at you when saying that.

      And to my fellow Caymanians, KNOCK IT OFF!!
      Just leave it. It is OLD news now.
      We need to worry about getting Mac’s sentence back to court. THAT is the shocking part. We have told all women beaters that it’s okay.

      Attention all you women beating Caymanians, you know what defense to use now so good luck. I know there’s a lot of you out there. Jeez, 2 of ’em are our elected officials!! LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      GO AMERICA! GO USA! All you haters can kiss my grits!

    • We will do just fine says:

      We do not need tourists that think that because of where they come from they can break our laws; go to St. Kitts, then – $4,500 fine or six months in jail for the same offence. Safe travels.

  9. Mikey says:

    The Skyler is the limit!!!

  10. Mikey says:

    My daughter na going nowhere in a PANDEMIC I na biznizz wha age she is!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Does anybody know when the judge will hear the case of the Caymanian kid who was actually Covid positive when he went to Cotton Club, the gym and who knows where else? Seriously, it’s past time for an update on that situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      I must have been living under a rock for 2 weeks – did he test positive? Missed that little bombshell!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    By the time anyone has a meeting to organize a meeting about this she’ll already be out! Give it a rest.

  13. Anonymous says:

    This is rich coming from Repub. scoundrels who supported not wearing masks and causing five times the number of deaths than americans dying in Viet nam over all those years. They are endangering nurses, doctors, and first responders. They are both up for election in a few weeks and if they lose, the senate will go Democratic.

  14. Anonymous says:

    We will trade Mack for Jeffrey Webb

  15. Anonymous says:

    As a parent, I just can’t wrap my head around how her parents allowed her to travel out of the country in a Pandemic, and to not even check the country she is visiting. What if once she arrived she would be required to stay until a flight is available? Would you not ask, where are you going to be staying? are you allowed to do your 14-day quarantine? Do you have money for food deliveries or groceries? No concern then but they are concerned now when she is in jail. I think I know where her attitude comes from

    • Anonymous says:

      I read that she told her parents that she was visiting her grandmom and didn’t tell them her plans to come to Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      She is an adult.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, but 18 in college. I’m sure her parent still have some control ? Not saying she doesn’t deserve her punishment but her parent obviously slack

    • Anonymous says:

      She’s an adult, nothing to do with her parents. She needs to stand up and take account for her stupidity.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if she had Global Entry into the USA. I believe that theoretically if you are convicted of a crime in any country then you should lose that privilege, for life. That will also be a lasting effect of her selfish act in the Cayman Islands.

  17. Anonymous says:

    To the State of Georgia from the Christian nation of Cayman Islands. We appeal for leniency for the 41 inmates currently on ‘Death Row’ in your State.
    We await your response.

  18. Elvis says:

    She knew where she was coming, what the isolation requirements were, she even went to have her bracelet loosened so she could go through with her idiotic plan to put hundreds of caymanians at risk. She then went back to her apt and slipped out of the bracelet and put hundreds at risk at a jet ski event.
    She was caught and is sorry. Well of course she is sorry , she got caught, i would say that too.
    Usa need to get over it and concentrate on their own mess they made of covid before complaining like its the end of the world.
    Get over yourselves ffs

  19. Anonymous says:

    My elderly parents were on the same inbound flight as this woman. “Mum” is very high-risk after nearly losing her three years ago at Health City (Cayman.) They self isolated for six months in the USA to stay healthy for their Thanksgiving trip you see their Caymanian grandchildren and stay until February (and hopefully vaccine)
    Skylar’s egregious acts hit too close to home with my family. Imagine: if she was positive and sitting next to your mother on the same plane?
    Also, recall Skylar’s August 29th FB page boasting “cough in my face” from her own posts she never took Covid seriously.

    • Anonymous says:

      And was it 4, FOUR , families that had to go into lockdown as a result of this selfish silly girl.? Four families with lost income , children missing school… Sorry Skylar ? Sorry.?

    • Anonymous says:

      I appreciate your comments, but we have no proof that your story is truthful. Sounds a bit ‘made up.” Just too precise to be honest.

  20. Take a hike, senators says:

    I was once held in Miami Immigration and when I said I thought I had a right to know why, the immigration officer looked at me like I was begging him for something and said, “foreigners have no rights in the US” – the piece of S**T.
    We must let their citizens break our laws, but we abide by theirs and they still treat us like delinquents. Hphm! And in the end, the hold-up was a misunderstanding on their side.

    • Anonymous says:

      I too have suffered the indignities of being held there, treated as a criminal by indifferent arrogant “this is the United States we can do what we want “ attitudes of petty officials with loaded guns.
      At least Skylar went through a civilized legal process and has been lightly punished .

    • Anonymous says:

      Funny, the same thing happened to my wife and 6 year old son departing Cayman 4 years ago.

      No reason, no explanation, no recourse for a missed flight, just… “do’in my job…”

    • Jesse Lee Gardner says:

      You islanders best stay in your own country the fact that you would go ahead and do this to an American but not do this to anyone else says that you’re biased against Americans therefore your no longer welcome In the United States You’re actions have damaged your reputation of coming to the United States people of the US will not give you a warm welcome this is our country stay out

      CNS: You are uninformed and being wound up by lies. Skylar was not punished because she is an American but because she knowingly broke Cayman Islands law, in exactly the same way as any other nationality would have been. No prejudice was involved. Notice that her Caymanian boyfriend received the same sentence. The people of the Cayman Islands would expect to be arrested and charged if they broke the law in the US. Upholding law and order is always an election issue in the US so I don’t believe law abiding Americans will penalize Caymanians for upholding ours.

      • Anonymous says:

        XXXX America, I have no plans for the rest of my life to travel there, I’ll remain here where I can live peacefully until the day I die and not like in america where if corona don’t kill you then probably an active shooter will.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s YOU’RE….

      • You're spouting nonsense says:

        Jesse Lee Gardner: I bet you think the USA is God’s gift to the universe and all foreigners are trampling each other to migrate there. Well, reality check: most of us do not want the school shootings, the ineffectual taxes, the runaways that end up turning tricks and murdered, the racism, the thousands of homeless people, the sexually-abused children and elderly, et al. Your country is only one in a huge continent (did you know?) and it is not lined with gold, but crystal meth so… keep it!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Just relax. Jesse Lee Gardener speaks for Jesse Lee Gardener… and no one else. Plus, Jesse Lee Gardener is a little wound up right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Uhhhhh. Someone’s off their meds. These trump supporters are really unhinged

  21. Anonymous says:

    The BIG question here is how and why and by whom was she granted permission to travel here in the first place. At first view it would appear that she does not meet any of the qualifications for admission.

    Someone knows the answers. Someone must tell the public the whole story!

    It’s called accountability.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s not the “BIG question” here at all!! It certainly is an interesting side issue. But let us not lose sight of the very clear focus of attention. Two people who, by their own admission, were aware of the law, decided to deliberately break that law, merely so that they could enjoy a social outing. They are not at all sorry for what they did or they would not have chosen to do it in the first place. They are only sorry that they got caught and do not like the consequences! They were utterly selfish in their pre-meditated act and were willing to place the health of general public at risk because they only care about themselves. The law makes provision for a much more severe penalty but they are already getting off very lightly!

      As for the Georgia politicians, they really only care about re-election. So this is just hollow posturing on their part.

      The Government of the Cayman Islands must stand firm on this issue and not contemplate crumbling any further. The reduction in sentence that has already been made is too lenient and if CIG allows it to be reduced still further then they will be a laughing stock and will lose more credibility.

      These particular laws were put in place to safeguard the population of the Cayman Islands from a very real, very serious and current health threat. They are not unreasonable, nor are the associated punishments Draconian. But the law is useless and toothless if the local enforcement authorities are not willing to uphold the appropriate sentences.

      The bottom line should be, if you choose to visit the Cayman Islands and elect to disregard the laws, then you can expect for there to be consequences. You may not like the consequences, after all they are intended to be a punishment for people that do not respect the law!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Where was her family when she said that she was going to Cayman to see her boyfriend? 1 minute of research on the internet and they could have predicted this. “It says you have to quarantine for 2 weeks but the race in this weekend” They couldn’t be bothered to inquire about their daughters trip and now suddenly they care about her?

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty sure she came here with her parents. Screw them and the dickhead senators

    • Anonymous says:

      Great post. Add to that the fact she had to apply to travel here and confirm she understood the rules regarding quarantine. Then at the airport she had to sign a declaration that she agreed to quarantine and understood the rules. Add to that she was fitted with a wrist band and told again and again that she had to quarantine and would be monitored.

      Then she absolutely said f*ck you Cayman I am an American millennial and being privileged the rules don’t apply to me. Guess what Karen you got what you deserved!

      And by the way grandma, give up your pathetic media tour. There is no sympathy here or even in the US for your spoiled brat grandchild.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This is crazy! What if she/they had started a community spread. Say what you want but our Government has taken the necessary actions to protect us and allow us to be able to see our families and friends. It only takes one person to hinder us moving forward or cause more lives to be to risk.
    They knew what what they were doing and if it was me let them both have the maximum according to the law

  24. Anonymous says:

    Grow a pair cig, threaten to pull all US persons without ci status from company and trust ownership. These politicians have trusts and goings-on here, that can’t afford to lose us over this kid.

    • Anonymous says:

      If that’s how you feel please stay in your own country because you won’t get a warm welcome in the United States As long as you go ahead and do things like this to Americans you’re not welcome in our country I can promise you you will a feel the unwelcomeness from Americans like me that hate your guts you This action to do this to Americans but not to other people from other countries shows biased prejudice against America and against American people and as long as you gonna act like that you not to be welcome in our country and if you do come to work answer you’re likely to get a fight you’ll probably get your a** kicked

      CNS: You are uninformed. Skylar was not punished because she is an American but because she knowingly broke Cayman Islands law, in exactly the same way as any other nationality would have been. No prejudice was involved. Notice that her Caymanian boyfriend received the same sentence. The people of the Cayman Islands would expect to be arrested and charged if they broke the law in the US. Upholding law and order is always an election issue in the US so I don’t believe law abiding Americans will “hate our guts” for upholding ours.

      • Anonymous says:

        XXXX America, I have no plans for the rest of my life to travel there, I’ll remain here where I can live peacefully until the day I die and not like in america where if corona don’t kill you then probably an active shooter will.

      • Anonymous says:

        As an American, I will say YOU ARE WELCOME here. If you don’t want to come, we’ll I’ll understand that.

      • Anonymous says:

        MAGA amiright?

      • Anonymous says:

        Time to re-read that Bible, child. You’ve got yourself all knotted up with Satan.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Stop caring about these hypocrite jerks. They can’t even control their “greatest county in the world”. Cayman is safe because of our controls. This kid is young but that isn’t an excuse. Her parents don’t give a darn about us.

    • Kel says:

      This is a young adult, not a “kid”. She’s old enough to attend university, get married, vote, join the military, sign legal contracts—and yes, go to adult jail/prison. We need to stop pretending she is a “girl”. She flew here alone as an adult, totally responsible for her actions AS AN ADULT. Let’s call her what she is. A grown woman. Not a “kid”.

  26. Anonymous says:

    A small point of irony lost on most Republicans, is that their team leader defunded and closed many of the international embassies they now seek this robust projection of influence from. Doh.

    “Fines for (COVID) Non-Compliance: The Government of the Cayman Island may impose fines of $10,000 and imprisonment for two years.”

  27. Andrew Barnes says:

    Man she needs to do the time she done the crime. I personally think she should be banned from Cayman for life. What if she had given a family member of yours Covid and they did not survive it. How would people feel then ? Make her do the full time pay the fine and ban her and her family from Cayman shores .

  28. Anonymous says:

    May your wife, sister or Daughter never make a mistake in life. Shame on you all!

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you saying she shouldn’t be imprisoned? If so, guessing you are an american. We can move freely because we aren’t disrespectful and arrogant like the US. We actually care, like the rest of the world, about the pandemic. Only americans are so selfish.

      • DB says:

        It is very sad that you say “only Americans are so selfish.” Not all Americans are selfish, not all Caymanians are uneducated, not all Jamacians are criminals, etc… She knowing broke the law, the Canadian couple also knowing broke the law, multiple times, why did they not not get a prison sentence? Double standards??

        Yes, our islands are Covid free but we sure don’t seem to be free of hate for Americans, or non-Caymanians.

        • Betsy Drummond says:

          The Canadian couple showed us the disregard that we would likely continue to experience if there weren’t proper teeth in the law. A simple fine isn’t an effective disincentive to many non resident travellers to Cayman. The objective of the penalty isnt to collect revenue – rather to incentivise the right behaviour to prevent a public health crisis.

        • Anonymous says:

          They didn’t get prison time because the law was changed between the Canadian couple’s trial and hers. Because people like the Canadian couple and a few others were breaking quarantine the government made the penalties harsher. They didn’t know that precious little Skylar was coming down to break the law!!

        • Rasta Kan says:

          DB ya a chat frukerise ya know what is true, all a you who support dis gal a a talk why the CIG didn’t do this and that need to na just read but to hundestand wa ya read. If the ratted law wid the ratted penalty was passed after dem first people, an tt only catch de gal dat tough sene.

          Cha me na bother wid hignorancy always protecting an na reflecting. Jah Rastafarian the Lion of Judah.

        • Anonymous says:

          US citizen: Excellent comment! Plenty of blame all around. Plenty of false blame going around. It’s all very sad.

          I cry for my USA, I cry extra hard for my Cayman. Yes, citizen of both.

        • Anonymous says:

          A very tempered comment, how disappointing there are 8 Dislikes. Some folks just cling to hatred.

        • Anonymous says:

          Very simple – when the Canadian couple violated the quarantine the LA had passed the new punishments law but the effective date had NOT started yet. There was a couple week delay between voting for and implementing the law. The court could only impose a max of $1000 w/o imprisonment. Mack is the first person to break the law with the penalties in force.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please don’t ‘ASSUME the comment was from an American. Probably not!

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow, ‘can move freely because we aren’t disrespectful and arrogant like the US.”

        Guess you turned your back on the Caymanians who visited the Strand last few days… And who would not come forward to identify a murderer.

    • Anonymous says:

      What mistake? Seemed very intentional.

      She mistakenly left her quarantine and went to a public event?

    • Anonymous says:

      All of us have made mistakes. However the majority of us has never intentionally broken a law. And especially even more a law in a foreign land. But if we did, it would be expected that we pay the price.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wasn’t a mistake you P.O.S it was just a self entitled little brat not abiding by the laws because she feels that it shouldn’t apply to her kind.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh but it wasn’t a mistake. It was deliberate! She knew what she was up to. Imagine, they want someone to come down to the ” Caymans” to get her, perhaps they think she is in Puerto Rico or the USVI. Also if someone. Really wants to come they probably can get permission to but they will have to isolate for two weeks as well. duh!

    • Anonymous says:

      I know a girl that was a student in the US and she traveled there with a expired student visa. 2 weeks expired… She was banned for life!!!!!!! She will never be issued another US visa all because an 18 year old caymanian student forgot to renew it in time. Life’s unfair, sometimes free passes are handed out sometimes they’re not.

  29. Anonymous says:

    How about she actually pay an ample cash fine to help cover all OUR expenses (not just what she paid previously to stay in hotel quarantine) and then turf her a$$ out!

    We are all sick of hearing about her and would prefer to never see her here again since she has no regard for our well being.

  30. Anonymous says:

    As an American currently living in Ohio. Please ignore any requests from our gov’t and especially the two morons from Georgia. Cayman may have many serious problems within your government, but taking advice from any Trump official is folly. May our government heal from the past 4 years and may Cayman also mature and vote out those you believe to be corrupt (not to suggest how to manage you affairs, I just read your news reports).

  31. Anonymous says:

    Was bound to happen given the run off Senate election in Georgia on Jan 5th.

  32. Anonymous says:

    She deserves what she gets for breaking the law, but how come the honorable drunk from West Bay got no jail time?

  33. Anonymous says:

    Everything in Cayman moves slow. By the time everyone gets back to work and focused again after the holidays, she’ll be out.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Send her home and she can serve some sort of custodial sentence like Mckeeva back in the USA. Also, ban her from coming back for five years. What do people here care about punishing her? This is a tourism destination, not a “punish the foolish with jail time” or “kill them if they have drugs” destination. What is the point of angering tens of millions of people in the USA, whether or not there are people that support it?

    • Minen says:

      The vast majority of Americans believe she was in the wrong and should do her jail time. This was no “accident,” this was a pre-planned manipulation, and let’s not forget the 4 families with children that were placed into 2-week quarantine because of her 7-hour mingling at the event, causing them a loss of work/income for 2weeks, children missing 2weeks of school, and a cost of $2600.00 per person for that 2week quarantine.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Let her go. #freeskylar

  36. Anonymous says:

    Our airport is, and has been, closed to recreational travelers since March. That was chronologically before this couple purports to have begun dating. Mack and Ramgeet, like everyone else, would each have been delivered the rules and conditions, along with traveler and host performance contracts with Travel Time/CIG which they would have needed to have countersigned to acquire tickets and/or “apply for repatriation” to Cayman. They consciously and willingly conspired to violate those contracts. How many times did they recreationally violate the limited permissible conditions/costs of travel since the beginning of 2020 in order to carry out this romance? How did she successfully “repatriate” as a non-resident girlfriend, and with a return itinerary of just two weeks stay? These last two questions are on Travel Time/Cayman Airways, and it points to political meddling and/or gatekeeper incompetence.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Time to let them go now.

  38. Lobbying by Grandma says:

    I believe that Grandma and the family’s PR firm have submitted partial truths that are misleading to the US Government.

    So not only is the Bimbo a lawbreaker, but her family are liars too.

  39. Mikey says:

    they don’t understand she broke the law or? maybe they need it sung to them in a nursery rhyme.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Cayman will pay for this one for a long time. US tourists have plenty of other places they can visit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please visit them instead. We’ll be just fine

    • Anonymous says:

      Tourists will not care or even remember this.

    • Chula says:

      Take a look at the comments from news stories. Almost all of them praise the actions of CIG, and condemn her actions when they know the facts. 90% or more in favor of her serving her full time. I don’t think Cayman has any worry… in fact, many Americans commented that they wish their country would take covid so seriously.

      Also, if you look around, many other countries have meted out similar jail sentences to quarantine-breakers, so the only thing that makes this unusual is her family’s loud protests.

    • Gray Matter says:

      Not as safe as this one. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You really think all the American tourists will abandon the caymans because of skylar?

    • Anonymous says:

      This will have no bearing at all on tourism. Americans will still come here. As a matter of fact many of them are itching to come here now because this is one of the safest places against COVID 19 in the world. I wonder how we got to be this way…HMMM

    • Anonymous says:

      Mout can say anyting, truth or even lies.

    • Anonymous says:

      The bulk of our American tourists are middle class and trust me they do not empathize with this privileged brat.

  41. Omega Jade says:

    Do the crime, do the time. She knew the rules. She should have complied.

  42. Al Catraz says:

    Good golly. It’s two months. She’ll survive.

  43. Anonymous says:

    US, maybe if you had put in place more stringent fines and rules, including putting offenders in jail, you would not be in the ‘shit hole’ predictment you’re finding yourself in.

    Remember the good ole rule “While in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

    Furthermore, mind your “Funky Business.”

  44. Anonymous says:

    Those senators need to stay the hell out of Cayman Justice system and mind their own business – why do they not ask for leniency for all those people of color that are locked up in the US-

    Please stay out of this and mind your own business- She came to Cayman broke the law and now suffering the consequences.. let her do her time

  45. Anonymous says:

    Let that be anyone in the US of a different flavor ice cream “admitted guilt, regretted her actions and paid what they said was a substantial fine, and had been incarcerated for over a week” See how lenient the courts are with them.

    They need to STFU and let princess pay her debt to our society.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile, grocery prices are ridiculous, MLAs beat up women and get away with it, kids are murdering each other, our tourism industry is in the toilet, we have a spate of muggings, and our ‘leaders’ couldn’t run a p1$$up in a brewery. 2 kids broke the law and are rightly paying for it. USA, fix your own country first yeah?

    • Anonymous says:

      Alladat is also going on in the US of A!! And so much more. No comparison whatsoever so don’t ever start with that. I feel a little bad for her too but she broke the law. I wish she hadn’t but she did. With this Covid thing and how deadly it is, please do not expect us to turn a blind eye. She is smart, apparently a premed scholar, so she clearly understood the risk she was taking. It is all on her.

  47. Anonymous says:

    She is just a spoilt brat, don’t let her back in to cayman again once she is gone and only hope she have learned her lesson that she is not in her yard

  48. Anonymous says:

    One can safely assume that all Republican senators representing Georgia are always wrong about everything.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Two corrupt senators trying to help a women who premeditated to break the law. Funny.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:07 Perfectly said.

    • Anonymous says:

      They broke the law. They should be punished like anyone else. If a Caymanian went to the USA and broke the law they would be punished. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s America, it’s the praise the criminal mentality. What do you expect?

    • Anonymous says:

      Should read: “Two corrupt white senators trying to help a white women who premeditated to break the law.”

    • Anonymous says:

      One of the is QAnon believer so she’s credible.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Ironic also, in that had everyone in Ms. Mack’s circle of influence just let her serve her sentence, the Prison Director may have elected to grant her early release; after all this kerfuffle and implied threats directed toward the Cayman Islands, I tend to doubt it will happen.

      Egads! Two Senators!

    • Anonymous says:

      Laws don’t apply to the members of the new Republican Party.

  50. Mercedes says:

    can we stop hearing about this stupid girl and get better news .

    she just needs to leave and not come back

    • Anonymous says:

      Deport her with no option of ever returning. Enough.

    • Hard Liner says:

      After she has served her time – in full.

    • Anonymous says:


    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Understand your sentiment. I think Ms. Mack was thoughtless and extremely cavalier with our hard-won safety, however, she appears to be pretty far from stupid.

      As said before, she made a very bad judgement error. She is paying for that and it will change her life, hopefully in a favourable manner. I’ve made several bad calls, two of them resulting in incarceration. I hope at my old age I’m finishing with bad calls, but I’m human and thus tend to doubt it.

      She didn’t infect us as a result of her actions, so all that remains is that she serve her sentence. I wish her well.

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