MLAs push AG to deport gay lawyer

| 24/11/2019 | 194 Comments
Cayman News Service
Dr Leonardo Raznovich

(CNS): Several members of the Legislative Assembly, led by Anthony Eden (SAV), who has made a number of homophobic statements in the past, were pushing the attorney general on Friday to deport Dr Leo Raznovich, who is a legal resident in the Cayman Islands.

The members questioned why he was still in Cayman and made unsubstantiated allegations about the lawyer that he was causing pain to people here by advocating for gay rights and that he had no right to criticise the recent appeal court decision.

Raznovich, who was a professor at the Truman Bodden Law School, is a human rights specialists, and advocating for the LGBT community is one of his jobs as a senior research fellow at the Intersectional Centre for Inclusion and Social Justice.

Eden said that Raznovich should not be allowed to criticise the traditions of this country on the international stage, and along with Ezzard Miller called for the attorney general to have him deported. While Raznovich no longer works at the law school, he is a legal dependent of his husband, who is a lawyer at Maples.

But the MLAs all criticised Raznovich’s outspoken support for the LGBT community in Cayman and his appearance in court at the lawyers’ table with Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden, the couple who have been fighting for recognition of their relationship and right to a family life here for some four years.

In addition to offering pro bono assistance on that case, Raznovich has supported and provided advice for free to Colours Cayman, the only LGBT organisation that represents the community in Cayman and fights for its rights.

As lawmakers began examining the money allocated to the Attorney General’s Chambers in the 2020/21 budget, they asked AG Samuel Bulgin to update them on the Day and Bodden case. The attorney general explained that they are currently discussing costs because government is trying to make the couple pay its costs, even though the court found that the government has been breaching several of their human rights.

Bulgin said he did not yet know if Day and Bodden were planning on taking the case to the Privy Council and he would await instructions from government if they did. But during the discussion about the case, Opposition Leader Arden McLean began implying that foreigners who oppose the court’s decision should not be allowed to speak.

Shortly afterwards, Eden said that same-sex marriage was not a human right, and yet every time he turned around “this individual” was abusing his place here. He accused Raznovich of “inflicting so much pain on so many of our people in Cayman” and asked, “Why are they rubbing dirt in our face?” He again claimed that no gay people who had chosen this lifestyle had ever been injured or harassed, as he again perpetrated the myth of a foreign agenda by the LGBT community.

Eden told the attorney general to talk to him about how he was still here and “bad mouthing people”. He also attacked Governor Martyn Roper, who had supported the chief justice’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage (which had been appealed by the government).

Miller asked the attorney general whether the border control law allows Cabinet to deport someone if they don’t like what they are doing. He then asked Bulgin to discuss the matter with Cabinet or the wider public to write in and ask for deportation of anyone they feel is abusing their place here.

However, Premier Alden McLaughlin again warned members that the Legislative Assembly must deal with the court’s direction to create a legal framework to recognise same-sex unions that would afford those couples the same legal rights as marriage. He said that if the legislature does not deal with the issue promptly in the New Year, he had no doubt that if the UK had to step in, it would not just impose civil unions or partnerships, but same-sex marriage.

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Comments (194)

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  1. ART says:

    Thank you Mr. Eden

    • JTB says:

      Thank you for being a homophobic bigot and embarrassing the Cayman Islands you mean?

    • Unison says:

      Ah yes, the ART OF SILENCE indeed. Many of us Caymanians watch in horror at the CNS factory of negative comments made against God, our people, and believers of Christ. I guess that’s why we hardly visit the site. Look below at how so many negative comments is needed by gay supporters to grow their camp. And yet our greatest strength is just to watch it all in silence, faith, and prayer. 🙂 A lion needs no attention from others to prove its the king. For truth is like the moon that shines by night, and the sun that shines by day – no matter how much arrows and insults you hurl at it, its not going anywhere. The Truth is a Rock. Real-life rights, must be based in harmony with God’s Natural Order. Any other practice or behavior enforced on everyone as a “right,” through laws or Constitutions, is sinking sand.

      If you KNOW the truth, it shall make you free. Free indeed from your self, sin, and pride. This is what Jesus taught and calls all sick with sin to His cross.

      Peace and love,

      • Anonymous says:

        The truth is that religion is a dying lie. Enlighten yourself, there is no sky fairy to shackle yourself to.

        • Anonymous says:

          Says someone who has never tasted the grace of God. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”
          If you haven’t tasted the food, your opinion is worthless.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Go on elected “officials”. I double dare you. You have given yourselves the right to deport anyone. Try it, and see what happens.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Eden, shall i give you a list of all caymanians that have no food for their children, no work and therefor no insurance.
    That have cancer or diabetes
    That will die soon.
    You intetested ?
    You wasted decades of your life, while you had the oppertunity to care.
    You chose to be an oppertunitist like all politicians.
    You are a disgrace.

  4. Anonymous says:

    May his political career Rest In Peace.

    Time for change here.

  5. Anonymous says:

    those comments about deportation are absolutely disgusting. No one should be threatened with the loss of one’s legally granted residence, the loss of one’s home and have their lives turned upside down because they dare to speak out against a government position. Last I heard, we don’t live in a totalitarian state. We are so lucky to enjoy many freedoms, like freedom of expression that many people literally die for. Also it’s not just a n LGBT issue, it could be any issue, affecting any of us. Reminds me of this poem:

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist
    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist
    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist
    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew
    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, but their house, their rules. Don’t like it, find somewhere else to go. That simple.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry, but this is a problem with local gay Caymanians and this is a lawyer who took a stand with them. Will you send them off too

      • Anonymous says:

        Umm, their rules are set out in their constitution. The gay lobby are just calling for the enforcement of the law.

      • Anonymous says:

        It was the Nazi’s, Pol Pot’s, Rwanda’s, Serbia’s, Imperial Japan’s, North Korea’s and Facist Italy’s house. So we just stand by and watch whilst bigotry and savage political/religious dictatorships remove those it does not like or agree with?
        What you are approving of is a vile affront to those who died in the cause of freedom, and you should be ashamed of the obnoxious and potential very dangerous language of closet nationalism.
        This is no time to tolerate the pacifist surrender tactics that have resulted in millions being displaced or destroyed. Stand up you coward and believe in the right to all human existence without threat or intimidation.

      • Anonymous says:

        But their rule book is not the bible but the constitution. Respect the constitution – respect to all people, regardless of their race, religion, sex & sexual orientation.

  6. Anonymous says:

    They must want to pay this man a gazillion dollars… Dumb move.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where is the Governor?? Remember his speech What is he waiting for? This is embarrassing to the Cayman Islands. Anthony Eden, so what you are saying Gay people shouldn’t be allowed to be married and shouldn’t even be on the Island. But it is ok, for adultery, father’s raping their daughters to name two. And the other moron stating we should get independence if they make the Cayman Islands accept marriage of same sex!! We are looking at a large law suit. Larger than anything the Cayman Islands has ever seen!! Keep it up MLA’s

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yep, deport people who are critical of the government or MLAs and see where that gets you. Especially an advocate for a minority group. And a lawyer at that. Minimum is you are going to be up to your ass in human rights lawyers, get the UK government imposing same sex marriage – not civil union – as they try and distance themselves from the press fall out, and just wait from the tourist back lash as e get black balled by every activist group. Way to go. Hell, why don’t you go the whole 9 yards on reputation destruction and hire Prince Andrew as Caymans representative in London.

    Are these people so bigoted that they are blind to the countries interest, even if we decide to completely ignore the morality and governance issues of excluding people simply because they say things that some do not want to hear?

  8. Indigenous Local says:

    Why are expats interfering in local issues they have no right to be? They should be deported same as those who come and commit crimes. You can’t vote so stay out of politics. You want to live in a place that does not recognize such unions, keep quiet, otherwise leave and find a jurisdiction that loves you. Let our traditions and culture be.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gay caymanians should have rights

      • Anonymous says:

        They already have like everyone else !!

        • Anonymous says:

          No they don’t. Chantelle cannot marry her partner here nor bring her adopted daughter up here as a Caymanian. If she dies they would not get her pension or assets as they are not recognised as a family

          • Anonymous says:

            That is because Chantelle and her partner are not married. Their union is not a marriage just like any other union. Our Constitution defines what is a marriage. It must be between a man and a woman. So again, yes, they already have rights allotted to them just like any single person.

            Now, the Court gives us a directive to create some legal framework for them. The problem is, when you do that, you open the door for other same-sex legislations that ends up leading to a case for same-sex marriage.

        • Anonymous says:

          yaaaa accept they dont.

        • Anonymous says:

          Why do you heterosexuals get married?

    • Anonymous says:

      And Nazi decided to send people to gas chambers.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are right. Mr Raznovich cannot vote, and he can’t run for office, and has no power to change anything other than move public opinion. So what’s your problem and why does he have to be deported? Don’t like him saying things that are unpleasant or difficult to hear, or that you disagree with? God forbid we should have to listen to people with a different view. Or is it because if he is right, your views by definition are morally wrong, and that’s not easy to hear let alone contemplate.

      • Anonymous says:

        Many of us can vote and support the LGBT rights we are already obliged to provide and defend! We won’t vote for any of these dinosaurs, and will sign any petition circlulated to oust them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reality check: Expats are humans who live on Earth and humans can stand up for human rights anywhere they happen to be.


    • Anonymous says:

      Freedom of speech allows you to spout that crap, so why can’t a representative of a minority be afforded the same right without being threatened by unprincipled, bigoted and uneducated bullies?
      Oh, and there’s no such thing as an indigenous Caymanian as you’re all originally immigrants, some inter racial and many probably interbred. The latter probably explains your naive and down right dumb thought pattern. Look around bobo, exactly who and what is a Caymanian, and what racial profile would you use to describe your ‘indigenous’ roots? Are you from the original British and Irish settlers or are you descended from Jamaican slaves or subsequent waves of immigration from your Jamaican dependency days. Maybe you are of Honduran heritage, or Cuban. Whatever you are shouldn’t matter, a Caymanian can be from anywhere and historically has been.
      The only saving grace is that soon, with status holders increasing and more educated Caymanian representatives coming through, you and your like will be a minority amongst a more enlightened generation of ‘Caymanians’. Hopefully they will succeed where you catastrophically failed.
      And finally, expats are the driving force on these islands and by far the largest source of revenue earning potential you have. Without expats you wouldn’t have the wealth or the opportunities that you currently enjoy. Perhaps one day all expats should stay away from work and watch as Cayman descends into chaos. Then we’ll see who really holds the power.

    • Anonymous says:

      The trouble is, “indigenous local”, that the influx of expatriates over the last 40 plus years also brought a lot of things that I would guess you don’t want to give up: supermarkets with wide food choices, air conditioning, television, a cinema you can be comfortable in (remember the old one?); a lot of jobs for Caymanians who rely on the law firms, banks etc (not everyone can work for government though the not so good locals do), construction jobs and associated employment and many other things. It’s called “progress”. I came here 50 years ago and the place was delightful in many ways but like it or not change has come and IT WAS BROUGHT BY CAYMANIANS…especially Jim Bodden, our original National Hero. So you can’t expect in this new world that Cayman will be the sort of society it was in the logwood, smokepot and thatch palm days (“let our culture and traditions be” to quote you). If you play in the big world, you have to go along with their rules. Tony Eden and Julianna and their followers in particular are really astonishingly backward in their approach to progress thanks to their jaundiced reading of the Old Testament (the New doesn’t seem to exist for these types of religious fanatics). They are old, they will die off soon and Cayman will not be adversely affected by adopting modern attitudes to issues like gay rights.

    • Anonymous says:

      Looking at the thumbs up and down, it must be clear to you, that you are alone.

    • Anonymous says:

      As an expat, I agree 100% with you. Your house, your rules. Can’t imagine having someone come into my house and wanting to change how I go about my business.

      • Anonymous says:

        As a Caymanian, I think we should send you off too

      • Anonymous says:

        Tell that to the German Jews from the 1940’s you coward. It was their house too and millions died to rid the world of the Nazi’s ‘house’ responsible for their campaign of facist slaughter. Learn from history you idiot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hating someone because of who they love isn’t a tradition.. it’s a backwards way of thinking.

      • Anon says:

        Nobody is hating or have phobias against anyone! The policies you guys are pushing, aims to negatively influence our children and transform our society. Of course, Caymanians have a fear and hate for such attempts. Please go somewhere else and push your Lgbt policies. Not on us!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah. 20,000+ expats all leaving. Last expat to leave, please put out the lights.

      • Anonymous says:

        Smh …. If 20,000 leave including yourself, 20,000 more will come and replace you, and do a fine job respecting our culture too. …. so, what is your point?

      • Anonymous says:

        Leave at least one light on so they can make some rope to sell.

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone idiots have plenty of time on their hands to create fake votes for the losing side.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yeah brilliant, get rid of the gay lawyer and the whole problem will go away.

    My god, who votes for these people?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Your hate has consumed your humanity. May it rest in peace.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Looking at how these thumb tallies swing in minutes, I have to wonder how much of our public cash is being misspent/diverted on anti-gay-bot campaigning? It’s just really sad to see. Extra brimstone and pitchforks for all involved.

  12. Right ya so says:

    Time to vote out the old guard. They’re still living in the middle ages.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why do normal people keep telling these hateful twisted Christians to read the Bible? That is not the cure for this disease. The Bible is the reason they are like this. Their creepy preachers read them the parts that encourage/require them to be fanatical jerks.

    Face facts, the Bible endorses genocide, child abuse, slavery, the abuse and oppression of women, tribalism, homophobia, anti-science stupidity, etc. It all there, plain as day to see for those who care to look. The Bible is NOT the solution to bigotry. It is a major cause of it.

    And you can’t even say, “but Jesus” because Jesus is quoted as saying he did not come to change any of the old laws. Yeah, that’s right. Jesus might have said, “Hey no more slavery, war, mistreating woman and children, and why not use your brains and think for yourself, too”. But he didn’t.


    • Anonymous says:

      I think their point was that there are hundreds of millions of centered Christians in 2019 that are actually tolerant of others, helping homeless, those addicted to drugs, and respectful of everyone’s rights including those to same sex marriage – even within their own senior clergy! Pity there aren’t more of those Christians practicing here, it would be nicer place to live!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, but the reason that fair-minded and love-centered Christians are the way they are is because they ignore all the bad stuff in the Bible. My point is that we will not make the worst Christians better by encouraging them to read the Bible. That book is the source of all this madness, evil and stupidity that plagues is.

        Under His eye.


      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed but keep in mind these love-centered decent Christians are that way because they ignore vast portions of the Bible. My point was that paying closer attention to what is in the Bible is definitely not what we want to encourage.

  14. JDIAEB says:

    I’m a Caymanian, where should I go?

    • We will Fight the LGBT Until Death ! says:

      I am a Godfearing Caymanian. Where should my children go if you enforced that same-sex should be taught in schools as a normal thing? Moreover, fine or arrest decent people for socalled anti-discrimination laws.


      It is either our rights or your rights ☝🏽

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry to hear you fear a non existing entity, planted in your brain by your parents.
        I really feel sorry for you.

        • Anonymous says:

          One day you will feel incredibly sorry that you hold this opinion. When your life is over, as it will be for all of us, you will stand before the God you refuse to acknowledge.
          The very One who gave you life will ask you to give an account of yourself.
          The result of that discussion will determine your eternal destiny.
          Good luck.
          Why do you think Jesus came?

      • Anonymous says:

        It is a normal thing. Maybe read a book or a newspaper, or watch the news form somewhere other than here. Cayman is being left behind when it comes to human rights. Welcome to *almost* 2020.

      • Anonymous says:

        Where should you go? Easy answer. Go back to the Dark Ages. You would love it because Christianity ran the show then and it was backward and disgusting as a result.

      • Anonymous says:

        sooo on the day that marriage equality is granted, (because lets face it, if you think our little islands can fight the whole western world on this then lol ) are all of you “till death-ers” going to to hold true to your words? is this going to be like a heavens gate/jones town thing?

    • Anonymous says:

      You can stay as long as you are not too visible, and don’t call out MLAs on their hate and hypocrisy.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Can we deport some of the MLAs?

    • JTB says:

      We could send them to Gilead. They’d like it there.

      Blessed be the fruit.

      • Anonymous says:

        All jokes aside, that really is the fantasy of these kinds of people. Their minds are so soured and demented by their destructive strain of Christianity that they would jump at the chance to impose a Gilead society.

        Not trying to be mean, but our fundie Christians are very similar to the worst of the world’s fundamentalist Muslims. Our only saving grace is that they are restrained by secular rule of law. Freed of that, there’s no doubt they would go full Taliban and jail/execute gays, put women in cloth bags, ban science, hold public floggings and beheadings for blasphemy, etc. You know it’s true because once you board the crazy train, religion can take anyone to evil destinations.

        Under His eye.


      • Anonymous says:

        Couple of weeks in Mykonos should do the trick

        • Anonymous says:

          Methinks there are a number of MLAs who would like that. If they are not careful they may get Stonewalled.

  16. Chet Oswald Ebanks says:

    Here we go again. I was raised in the church growing up. And I still believe in a higher power. Over the last 7 years, life hasn’t been kind to me but am grateful for everday am given. Yes am a born gay Caymanian. Have some family that love me and some downright to this day that refuse to acknowledge that I still exist. My moto is live and let live. We are supposed to spread love not hate. Last time I attended church it was to offer my support to a friend who had lost a love one.

    Happy that I went. I’ve been struggling since 2012 when I was diagnosed with HIV virus. Life hasn’t been easy, but I get up start my days, do my devotion and try my best to be as respectfull to everyone. I applaud my fellow LGBT brothers and sisters for fighting the fight. No I don’t believe in gay individuals getting married. Marriage is as it says between a man a woman. Others may disagree with me, but that is just my opinion. We all are created equal in the eyes of God. What bothers me is that in my country the Cayman Islands, when your fired from your job for becoming HIV positive, given no reason. I worked at a well known travel agency before, been told via email. I no longer had a job. I had no one or no where to turn to get the legal help and assistance needed to take my human rights violations to. The human rights commission said the Cayman Islands government weren’t in breach of my human rights, when the NAU refused me further assistance. 2 years later and having used up what pension I had to live, paying rent, food and every day expenses am right back with nothing. Yes nothing, but hope and life, but am still thankfull.

    Yes I have applied for many jobs only to hear most times before I leave the interviews, that he is gay and you know what else. He is HIV positive. Needless to say 99.9% of the times, I get no reply. Yes as 1 MLA said to me in an email when I reached out to him. Your fit to work and that is what we expect you to do. I have contacted 4 MLA’s even 2 elected for my district of West Bay. As always no one even responded. If the NAU, the chief officer in the ministry of community affairs, my MLA’S and the government won’t listen. Am left with no choice but to take the government to court. God’s willing come the new year that is what I intend to do, let the Cayman Islands courts decide if my human rights have been violated. I want to work but because am labeled as gay and have a disease that is treatable no one or company is willing to hire me. Try dealing with all these issues on a daily basis along with wondering if you will have food to eat or a place to lay your head when each end of month comes.

    I leave you all with this question. Am I hated that much just because am gay and have the HIV virus? Truth be told some days are harder than others but I still am here fighting to get someone who will see and have a heart to do the right thing. It’s time we as Caymanians stand up and be counted and unite. Why do you all keep electing those, who only care about themselves but could care less about us Caymanian citizens. I know the haters will quickly write in, but we as Caymanians must stand up be counted and unite. It’s the only way we will continue to live and survive in our country.

    As thanksgiving approaches. My wish is for my fellow Caymanians is to remember we all have a right to work and live in this country we call home. A country, my country the Cayman Islands I love. God bless you all and my country. Happy Thanksgiving day to all when it comes. Remember we are all only here on this great big earth we call home for a time, we are passing through. Let’s unite and take our country back.

    God bless you all,

    Chet Oswald Ebanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Governor Roper, perhaps you can explain to Mr. Ebanks what this “good governance” thing is, and how you are ensuring it with our world class government and civil service?

    • Anonymous says:

      Deepest sympathies for your medical situation, and hope you can right now access the life-giving care and medication you need without fear, prejudice, or retribution.

      Consider, hypothetically, that if you were married right now, that your same-sex spouse/partner might not be able to necessarily hold your hand, or comfort you in the emerg/intensive care area of the hospital, or legally be allowed to advocate, or oversee the medical terms of your living will (perhaps life saving), or (God forbid) inherit any co-mingled common property assets upon an untimely demise…and that if you had adopted children, they might not necessarily be recognized as such at probate.

      Same-sex rights are civil rights that the Cayman Islands are not only bound and obliged to provide (per ECHR), but also equally obliged to fiercely protect and defend. Your appalling firsthand experience demonstrates why we need to develop and mature as a society. Rights are not pie. Nobody gets short-changed if there are new rights created that never existed before – it’s just part of what a maturing society does to protect it’s citizens, residents, and visitors. ALL, not some.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wonderful explanation of where this hatred and our current laws leave gay couples, especially those with children. Thank you for writing it, this could do with being spoken about more and I will do so.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh Chet, you are the product of this homophobic place. You as a gay man don’t even believe in equal rights.

      • Chet Oswald Ebanks says:

        While you hide behind the big A. I print my name. Go spread your hate somewhere else.

        • Anonymous says:

          Bad take, but aside from the anti-marriage stance, your initial post hit the nail on the head.

          To be denied work, to be denied medical assistance is enough of a reason to break the back our current political structure and purge every selfish politician and beaurocrat that has abandoned the people of this island.

  17. JTB says:

    Item 1 – Cayman legislature pushes for greater constitutional autonomy from the UK

    Item 2 – Cayman legislature pushes for deportation of those who publicly disagree with Government policy

    I dread to think what item 3 might be.

  18. Anonymous says:

    How is it possible that our lawmakers don’t recall the brutal rape/violent murder of Frederic Bise? What is the source of this amnesia, and how do we wake them up?

  19. Last Zion says:

    Cayman Islands Bill of Rights:

    Section 11

    11.—(1) No person shall be hindered by government in the enjoyment of his or her freedom of expression, which includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and
    information without interference, and freedom from interference with his or her correspondence or other means of communication.
    (2) Nothing in any law or done under its authority shall be held to contravene this section to the extent that it is reasonably justifiable in a democratic society—
    (a) in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health;
    (b) for the purpose of protecting the rights, reputations and freedoms of other persons or the private lives of persons concerned in legal proceedings, preventing the disclosure of
    information received in confidence, maintaining the authority and independence of the
    courts, or regulating telecommunications, posts, broadcasting or other means of
    communication, or public shows or entertainments; or
    (c) for the imposition of restrictions on public officers in the interests of the proper
    performance of their functions.

    • Anonymous says:

      ???? like what does that mean ? You left out the other parts

    • Anonymous says:

      lol four thumbs down already; maybe you should have voiced your opinions before the constitution was adopted – oh wait, you want to prevent people from voicing their opinions if they’re different from your own bigoted and ancient beliefs. Good luck, dinosaurs.

      • Anonymous says:

        Alright, arguing about these thumbs is getting frustrating and pointless. Let’s talk about the issue at hand rather than arguing about some little thing that is not even official.

        Fyi, I am a lgbt Caymanian and I agree that this has gone way too far.

  20. Smiling on a Monday says:

    Mr McLean inspired us to a little deportation role-play this weekend. Thank goodness we still have those handcuffs. It was a little too influenced by the Outside video, but these things always are. Thanks, Arden, for your inspirational words.

  21. Anonymous says:

    As a Caymanian whose roots go as deep and any of the MLA’s (maybe deeper) I find these comments deplorable. My guess is that most of us can find a gay ancestor who, if allowed to live their life openly, would have wanted the option to have a loving adult union/marriage with a person of their choosing.
    What is so wrong?

  22. Last Zion says:

    What a horrendous thing for Mr Eden to say… He clearly does not understand freedom of expression.

    however in his honour, i think we should all sing.

    to the tune of santa claus is coming to town.

    You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    Better no pout,
    I’m telling you why,
    Antony Eden is coming to town.

    He’s making a list,
    And checking it twice,
    Gonna find out whose gay and nice.
    Antony Eden is coming to Town.

    He hears you when your talking.
    He knows when your thinking.
    He knows if you you’ve been bad or good,
    So don’t say anything bad for goodness sake.

    O! You better watch out!
    You better not cry
    Better not pout
    I’m telling you why
    Antony Eden is coming
    Antony Eden is coming
    Antony Eden is coming to town

  23. Let's take Cayman back says:

    You all need to listen to the House Sessions! The Monday following the same sex marriage ruling, Arden McLean openly stated that he missed the days when people could simply be picked up from their home at night and taken directly to the airport for deportation. The man in flippant and his answer for everything is “the people of East End keep electing me” – so I hope East Enders have already started scoping out their new MLA. Do not choose with your emotions, look at their curriculum and choose someone that can effectively represent you in the LA and abroad.

    • Anonymous says:

      We keep electing him and then he disappears. Then six months before elections, what do you know… he suddenly reappears. Houdini has nothing on him.

      • Anonymous says:

        He is always available and does so much for the people of East End but they still complan and lie about him.

    • Anonymous says:

      9:27, in the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king. Arden will be there forever.

  24. Anonymous says:

    How is this even legal?? He’s a legal resident who has not breached any law. So we’re allowed to deport gays but I guess the pedophiles in government can stay!
    And all the people who have children out of wedlock!

    Cayman is a place that uses God to put on a facade but underneath the surface it’s just as corrupt and evil as any other nation. Sad really.

  25. Say it like it is says:

    I hope the U.S. deports the Caymanian “pilot” who had sexual relations with a 13 year old girl, this is disgusting behavior.
    I have always respected Mr Eden and he is entitled to his beliefs, but they go too far and this is a classic example.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nov 14, 2019 – Tevin McLeod has been sentenced by a UK court for the rape and sexual assault of a child under the age of 13. According to court documents, McLeod, 28, from Cayman, pleaded guilty to both charges and was sentenced in Birmingham Crown Court last week. He admitted to raping and assaulting the minor between 2015 and 2016.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know he’s Caymanian. No one has checked to make sure. And he is in the UK, not the US.

      • Anonymous says:

        You can’t be serious. Many people know him, and he grew up here. One parent is blooded Caymanian while the other had status.

  26. Anonymous says:

    There are many registered voting Caymanians that are appalled by what we are seeing during this fanatical regime both in and out of the LA. I’d be okay with the UK seizing control, enacting SIPL, investigating every duplicitous MLA, and updating our Constitution to include all those marginalized or excluded from representation. This Opposition are no better than the Unity shills and it is bad for our Islands.

  27. would you like an order of shellfish with your homophobia? says:

    Does Mr. Eden take the prize for being the biggest homophobe and gaybasher on the island? One can’t be blamed for thinking he does. Last week he claimed he had never spoken ill of gays, despite shameless outbursts at the Assembly, and now we find out he wants to deport Dr. Raznovich, a wonderful champion of human rights, despite the fact that the Appeals Court found that it is the Cayman Islands itself that is in breach of providing, at minimum, civil unions to gays. Shame on you, Mr. Eden. And shame on you as well, Mr. Miller. A few days ago, you (Mr. Miller) urged the government to get on with providing civil unions — but now we find out that you also seek Mr. Raznovich’s deportation. You people think you’re Christians??? If you deport Mr. Raznovich, you will likely increase the chance that the UK will step in with an Order of Council that will mandate gay MARRIAGE. Of course, gay MARRIAGE is coming anyway, because hopefully Vickie and Chantelle will appeal to the Privy Council, and we can all guess how that will come out. You politicians need to realize that your homophobia is based on religious malpractice that has been handed down to you. The church may be right on some things — but its notions about gays are completely wrong — yes, despite the verse in Leviticus. Further, you people aren’t even consistent. You treat the Bible like a buffet — following the things you like and ignoring what you don’t: Just look at all the shellfish served in Cayman restaurants — just one of many examples — and not a peep out of government!

    • Anonymous says:

      Very well said, Tony Eden needs to be deported to Hipocracy Bible camp for life to learn what being a Christian or even decent human being is.
      Send Ezzard with him.

  28. Young Caymanian says:

    Cns, don’t know why you are defending this man. He is subject to the law just like everyone else. Stirring up nonsense.

    CNS: He is also defended by the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Young Caymanian, would you also deport gays who are Caymanian by birth and by both parents? Other countries would prefer them at their natural origin instead of their care because other countries have their own to deal with.

    • Anonymous says:

      Young Caymanian you have a lot to learn before you can truly grow up.

  29. Anonymous says:

    The thing Eden and the other throwbacks don’t seem to understand is that they are free to live their lives and raise their families with any “traditional” values they want. It’s when they start trying to force their foolishness on other people like Raznovich that they violate human rights.

    Raznovich isn’t demanding that Anthony Eden be gay. He is just asking to make his own choices.

  30. Anonymous says:

    any comment mr governor???.
    uk should impose direct rule for 6 months. that will teach these backward morons.

  31. L.D. says:

    Didn’t something like this happen in Germany starting in the 1930s. This was a Christian Nation, The S.S. belt buckles said “God is With Us”.

    • L.D. says:

      My error- German soldiers belt buckle had the “God is with us” on it. S.S. did not. result.

      • Anonymous says:

        “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

        Because I was not a socialist.

        Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a trade unionist.

        Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
        Because I was not a Jew.

        Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

        In this case Eden starts with the gays, but Ezzard has just upped the anti to anyone who criticizes the LA or causes a fuss. Caymankind in action.

    • Anonymous says:

      …and they silenced those that opposed them, looked for ways to dispose of inconvenient people, lied to those supervising their compliance, and created a militia to control and conquest…all of that is happening here, now!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Sooo these MLA just violated the constitution are about o be removed right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Bet if you put that on the referendum he would be OUT

    • Johnny Be Good says:

      Our constitution needs removing now that our relic MLA’s want to pick and choose which clauses they don’t like. And if Gov. Roper keeps up his silence he needs to go also. These dishonourable, regressive idiots need to be sent on a gay cruise that never returns for their penance.

  33. Anonymous says:

    mr eden, is it the christian way to deny the rights of a caymanian child just because that child is born out of wedlock? by not allowing mother to remain and take care of child until 18 yrs old as is the divorced mothers rights?

  34. Anonymous says:


  35. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Mr. Eden. We need more people like you who aren’t afraid of the liberal agenda and who stand for tradition, family values and the rule of law according to the Holy Bible and simple common sense. Don’t be dissuaded by their usual tactic of playing the victim and then calling out anyone that doesn’t agree with their agenda as a hater or the many other fancy name calling tactics they love to use as their defense. Truly an Honorable man!

    • Anonymous says:

      You need to go back to church or reread your bible. I am against gay marriage but I am comfortable enough in my lifestyle and religion to know that:

      1. What other people do doesn’t physically affect me unless they approach me and then I politely refuse.
      2. Don’t care what other people do in the privacy of their own home.
      3. Know that what they do, to me based on my religious upbringing is a sin, but that is between them and God.

      Next you know they will be trying to kick people out of the country if they are against the port. This is a slippery slope. Look at all the really fascist and dangerous regimes today and through history and they all deported those who were against what they believed. Last major time it happened was in a country in Europe where political opponents, minorities, the handicapped, Polish, Serbian and the Jewish people were “deported” and never seen from again.

      Have they sank so low? They claim to be Christian and act in such way. The lord said homosexuality is an abomination but the lord also said love they neighbor. They push away the LGBT community yet the lord hugged whores and sinners like his own brother and sister.

    • Anonymous says:

      I remember learning about this sort of policy when I was at school. Reinhard Heydrick was Himmler’s No.2 in Nazi Germany. At first, he thought the best idea would be to expel all the Jews from Germany to Madagascar. When that couldn’t work practically, he set up the Nazi death squads (Einsatzgruppen) and then when that was found to be too slow (they only murdered about 1m Jews, gays, gypsies etc,), he came up with the idea of the gas chambers.

    • Anonymous says:

      OMG, next it will be “any Jewish people with ginger hair need to be deported” as this does not match the true Christian profile of a person. We are in the 21st century – Grand Cayman is not some sleepy tribal island with people running around naked, catching food and living to “exist” – a growing, vibrant country that is recognized for the financial and legal business that it has built needs to stop being “two faced” and deal with the times.

    • Dan says:

      Holly Bible book not above the court law. Period.

    • Anonymous says:

      A truly honourable Fossil! Who dug him up in the first place?

  36. JDIAEB says:

    First they came for Anthony Eden and I did not speak out
    Because I think he’s a dinosaur-era homophobe who deserves to be removed from modern society.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey, if you don’t like our elected leaders, go somewhere else.

      • Anonymous says:

        What a well thought out argument!

      • Anonymous says:

        Does anyone like all of our political leaders? What a stupid thing to say.

      • Anonymous says:

        As a registered voter and with a long lineage of Caymanians on both father and mother sides, I do not like this at all. However, I have no where else to go because I am Caymanian through and through.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Anthony is a man of integrity. He is a man of wisdom.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Anthony needs some professional help with his anger management, and self acceptance on the causes of his anger. It’s not very Christian – at least Christianity as we know it post the 19th century.

  38. Sucka Free Cayman says:

    Yes let’s deport all criminals in government and their mistresses who can’t pass their Spanish test then those influencing and corrupting immigration and our workforce to employ their nationals who are inundating and undermining our economy and society. Frigging Hypocrites!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

    Bill of Rights of the Cayman Islands Constitution, specifically Section 11, guarantees freedom of expression.

    • Anonymous says:

      Eh .. like hate speech against Christians you guys express everyday on this site?

      • Anonymous says:

        You AREN’T CHRISTIANS!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        If you’d behave like Christians we wouldn’t have to.

      • Anon says:

        Thank you! I find the “Christianphobic” bloggers very hypocritical! They can spread their hate all day, but the “homophobes” must sit down an be quiet.

        I agree with Mr. Eden’s stance. I may not always agree with how he expresses himself but he is not wrong here, no matter how CNS would like to paint what he said. Raznovich has been allowed to remain here as an unemployed expatriate and far as I know lives in peace but yet continues to criticize OUR government and how we run OUR country. I would never dream of going to someone else’s country and telling them how to run it!!! Let the Caymanians fight this fight, have a seat and be quiet. Or leave…since it’s so hard to live here.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s hard to abide the ignorant minority that always seek to expel everyone that demands their obliged civil rights. One Caymanian to another, it’s you that needs to sit down and go have a think.

        • Anonymous says:

          So criticizing things is wrong? Where do you draw the line. Should the port protestors shut up too? Or is your point that expats shouldn’t be allowed to speak out – in which case maybe we should add it to the Immigration regulations.

        • Anonymous says:

          Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

          Matthew 7:1-5

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree. Hate speech is wrong. But two wrongs don’t make a right. So those that disparage the religious community for their beliefs or mock them should be censured. However that’s not a get out of jail free card for people who use religious belief to justify rants against other people based on their sexual orientation or belief either.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians have never had an honest and open discussion about the society we want and what price we are willing to pay to get that society. This is largely because of the corruption that has ensured that the country is (and will remain) under the control of large corporate entities and the wealthiest people within our country.

    • Anonymous says:

      In fairness, although it sometimes feels like it, not all of the wealthiest have been playing this game. There are many background millionaires and even a few billionaires that have been shaken-down over the years and declined to participate in this game. They have been quietly keeping their heads down. We need those influencers (some of them lawyers and accountants by trade) to step forward now and flex in the name of community public service, and help us out of this endless corrupt cycle. Dare to dream: even better if some of them could, with their legal knowledge and background, <> actually occupy the chamber where laws are formed! Wouldn’t that be refreshing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dart for Premier! He knows how to run a business and, given his developments be they roads or real estate work whilst CIgs are @&$@, and he already owns half the country – what could be more natural?

  41. Liquid Smoke says:

    There are a lot of Johnny come latelys around here that pose a significant and immediate threat to these islands than Mr Raznovich that need to be deported. some are in fact extremely dangerous to society and are convicted criminals who come here and get bank accounts at banks which deny local felons of that same service. We are better than this Cayman! Those hemorrhaging our economy and putting a serious strain on our infrastructure and importing guns and narcotics need to go first then but that would mean that the MLA Side Ting business would have to stop. Boy these people can come up wid $#%@ eh?

  42. Anonymous says:

    Based on this it is CLEAR they will not be passing any Civil Union Law next year …. The only options are to go to the Privy Counsel and have the UK do it

    • anon says:

      And enforced its will on the people of these islands: Dic-tatorship ?🤷🏽‍♂️

      • Anonymous says:

        You mean gay caymanians getting equal rights?

      • Anonymous says:

        We’re a British Dependent Territory…for most of the last 150 years. We aren’t an independent country and CANNOT afford to viably consider independence with: (a) debt outstanding, (b) lack of governance and accountability, and (c) authoritarian self-interest of current career-thinking politicians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Here is the definition of our politicians

    • Anonymous says:

      Govt likes to waste millions in public funds to be told what they already know they are going to be told to do because they have very little testicular fortitude or the common sense to explain it to their constituents.

  43. Kman says:

    Let’s go and start deporting Anthony Eden as he’s a bitter and really hateful person and he should offer his resignation. As a native born and bred straight Caymanian I’m sick and tired of his distasteful behavior and comments towards gays. His duty is to be tolerant of others yet his ideals and values are so low it’s beyond repair. Take Mac with you too.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Whats the next step eden ?
    Deporting non-christians ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, if they come to impose an anti Christian agenda

      • Anonymous says:

        And that right there says it all “Yes, if they come to impose an anti Christian agenda.” Most of our continually re-elected politicians have acted in a non-Christian way for years. Let’s deport them first then shall we?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, but I think we can all agree that to self-ascribe as a Christian, you need to have actually read/learned/understood the game-changing lessons of the New Testament, which it the part of the Book where Jesus Christ lived. I don’t think the New Testament is the focus for the Anderson Indiana vengeful Old Testament preferring ultra-right evangelical zealots. Their fringe movement (membership: 251,429 (US & Canada); 896,000 Int’l) prefers to gaslight the Jesus’ teachings into non-existence, while keeping his appellation for social cover.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Gay marrage??? Wait till them gay spanish men start coming marring off cayman men! If you think NAU a mess now? And dont start with me about i dont like gays. My only child is gay as a two$ bill and we love her to death. We would not change her for the world!!

  46. Anonymous says:

    If the court is going to not only interpret laws but also create new legislation then we don’t need any MLAs. The danger that exists is that we now have a judicial system that is both political and unaccountable.

    • Stay Woke says:

      The government has admitted, unequivocally, that it is in breach of the Bill of Rights in failing to provide same sex couples with a right to a private and family life through the form of an equivalent legal framework with functionally equal rights to those provided under the current Marriage Law.

      The Courts, both Grand Court and Court of Appeal, have found this breach to be existing. What remedy is available if you have a hate driven Government, unwilling to legislate to address the breach, despite acknowledging its existence?

      This is where the third pillar of justice comes in – the Court has reserved powers to make certain orders, or interpret existing laws in order to protect the rights of minorities when the LA, as is the case here, has no intention on acting correctly, and in accordance with our Constitution.

      The court is the final option for minority rights when you have a government failing its people – because whether you like it or not, LGBTQ+ Caymanians ARE still a part of this community, and deserve equal protections under the law as their heterosexual counterparts.

      The CJ had every right to modify the Marriage Law in first instance, and if you read his judgement yourself you would understand how if got there, legally, through the protective instruments available in our Constitution to safeguard basic human rights.

      If you took the time to reach the Court of Appeal judgment, you would see how they decided to narrowly construe the case law available, so that they did not even have to address the tools used by the CJ to modify in first instance – in fact, they stated that they understood how he came to that conclusion. They didn’t say he exceeded the Judicial power – they didn’t have to touch that point and so one of the Premier’s reasons for appealing wasn’t even clearly answered.

      How is it, that the Government can continue to act in BREACH of the Constitution, and it be condoned by the public? Do you not see the failure in the Court of Appeal judgment because of this continuing inaction?

      Leo was and is entitled to free expression and to criticize the Court of Appeal judgement. Contrast his comments to the hate speech that ensued for 2 days in LA after the CJ judgment back in March/April? Are the members of the LA immune?

      Between the LGBTQ+ responses and the Port project, the people of Cayman should be extremely concerned at the dictator like style of governing that has emerged.

      They are also trying to slip in these changes to the constitution without a referendum which have the effect of reducing the checks and balances in place in situations where the government choose to act in contravention of basic human rights – can no one see where this is all leading?

      I’m not voting for a single individual currently in power – they have shown me who they are which is nothing but a bunch of spineless and hateful individuals, driven by FEAR and corruption.

      • Anonymous says:

        Voters need to Petition Lord Ahmed, and the FCO with vote of “no confidence” to disband this LA, enact SIPL and Marriage Law legislation, and change the Constitution where necessary and call an election for 6 months from now. We’d need half+1 reg’d voters to make that happen. It would be helpful if the artificial limiters on candidacy were removed so that we could actually open the field to retired career-Caymanian Lawyers/Accountants that love the country, can read, understand law, and serve and uphold the people’s faith and trust that has been abused for so long! We need good governance and accountability. There are other trouble areas, like Attorney General meddling/obstinance, that would hopefully get back in line.

    • Anonymous says:

      “we don’t need any MLAs.”

      Couldn’t have said it better

  47. Circles says:

    If only we could deport Eden and cohorts. I’m surprised at Miller’s stance however really really surprised. Kettle black kinda surprised. 😯

  48. StopTheCrime says:

    Anthony Eden creates more atheists with every gay slur and attack… and he doesn’t even know it. Good job, Anthony. Welcome to 2019.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Because calling for the deportation of people who you have political disagreements with is part of the normal political process right?

    These people have no respect for democracy, they will sit down and talk about socialists and how free we are while trying to purge dissenters and arrest their political opponents
    Utter insanity
    Soon they’ll be calling for deportations of non-religious people too, or people who don’t adhere to their versions of fundamentalist Christianity

    • Anonymous says:

      And how many of them are having sex outside of marriage?

    • Anonymous says:

      I thought we had moved on from the “I’ll have you thrown off the Island” days for even a parking space argument . Silly third world village mentality still with us it seems.

      • Anonymous says:

        “I thought we had moved on from the “I’ll have you thrown off the Island” days”

        I’m not sure what could ever have given you that impression.

        • Anonymous says:

          That is part of the problem. Lots of people should be thrown off the Island. Leo, however, is not one of them.

  50. Anonymous says:

    They’d start deporting gay Caymanians too if that were an option

    These people’s hate knows no bounds


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