Archive for November 7th, 2019

NiCE opens for Christmas clean-up
(CNS): Government will be hosting a registration session next week for unemployed Caymanians to join in the annual Christmas clean-up. The second and last National Community Enhancement (NiCE) programme for the year, the initiative aims to give work to the jobless over the holidays while sprucing up the place ahead of the festive season. Last […]

No commitment from premier on gay unions
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin welcomed the decision made by the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal on Thursday allowing his government’s appeal against the chief justice’s ruling earlier this year, which legalised gay marriage. But despite the unequivocal direction from the panel of judges who heard the appeal that government must introduce same-sex unions that are […]

Conservation officer injured by suspect poachers
(CNS): A senior conservation officer from the Department of Environment was injured on Tuesday when he was assaulted by suspected poachers in the Gun Bay area of East End. The officer sustained a head injury as he moved to arrest two men, who were believed to be taking conch, not only over and above the […]

Gov’t ordered to legalise gay unions
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Court of Appeal has ordered the government to immediately provide the necessary legislation, equal to marriage, for same-sex couples, after allowing its appeal against the chief justice’s legalisation of gay marriage. “Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden Bush are entitled, expeditiously, to legal protection in the Cayman Islands which is functionally equivalent […]