Archive for May, 2019

Premier pays tribute to Edward Seaga
(CNS Local Life): Premier Alden McLaughlin has paid tribute to Edward Seaga, the former Jamaican prime minister, who died Tuesday, 28 May, in Miami, on his 89th birthday. McLaughlin said he was deeply saddened to have learned of the passing of Seaga. “He will be remembered as a great and respected Caribbean leader and as […]

Teenager faces list of charges after assaulting cops
(CNS): A 19-year-old man from George Town was charged with a list of crimes after he resisted arrest following an altercation in the capital earlier this week. The young man, who is accused of assaulting two officers, was arrested on Monday and has now been charged with assault ABH, common assault, assaulting two police officers, […]

Political party v. independents
Gilbert Connolly writes: Two years after Cayman’s general elections, local politicians are now debating the merits and demerits of party politics v. independent representative. Premier Alden McLaughlin of the Peoples Progressive Movement (PPM) is leading the debate in favour of a government based on party politics, while members of the opposition are arguing in favour […]

CUC blames substation upgrades for power cuts
(CNS): An increase in the amount and length of power cuts and number of customers affected recently is due to upgrades CUC has been undertaking at various substations on Grand Cayman, according to the power company. With the exception of North Side, customers east of Prospect have experienced above normal levels of outages over the […]

Local jobless rate falls to 4.6%
(CNS): The latest Labour Force Survey indicates that the unemployment rate among Caymanian workers has fallen to a new low of 4.6%, or 996 people. According to the Economics and Statistics Office, the overall jobless rate was down to just 2.8% in the autumn of 2018, the lowest for the Cayman Islands since 2006, when […]

UK territories blamed for bulk of global tax dodging
(CNS): The UK’s overseas territories are largely responsible for the breakdown in the global tax system and helping major global corporations dodge their tax obligations, according to a new report released Tuesday. The British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands are listed as the top three jurisdictions in the world that have “aggressively undermined […]

Protesting students need ‘steering’, says minister
(CNS): Environment Minister Dwayne Seymour implied that students who protested Friday over government’s failure to act on the climate crisis “needed steering on track”. In ambiguous and confusing comments to CIGTV after addressing the crowd of young people, who are, in contrast, very clear about their concerns, Seymour said government must listen to the students. […]

Cops seize over three dozen ganja plants
(CNS): The police seized 38 mature ganja plants after a drug bust on Wednesday at an address in Ranch Road, Bodden Town, where officers were acting on information that ganja was being cultivated in the area. Police gave few details about the drug operation, which they described as intelligence-led and gave no indication that any […]

Cayman needs to be alert to people-trafficking
(CNS): Police Commissioner Derek Byrne has said Cayman Islands law enforcement agencies need to be alert to the issue of people-trafficking, even though it is not as much of an issue here yet as it is elsewhere in the region. Following a number of recent court cases indicating that human trafficking may be the underlying […]

Protection, changing culture sees sharks flourish
(CNS): Shark numbers are now higher in Cayman Islands’ waters than in many other Caribbean islands, research data has revealed, as a result of conservation measures and a shift in attitude towards these critically important reef predators. Although there is still some way to go to ensure that they flourish, local shark populations have benefitted […]

Mosque opens doors to Cayman
(CNS Local Life): An open day at Cayman’s only mosque offered the wider community a chance to learn about Islam and observe the prayers and customs of practising Muslims here in efforts to “build bridges” and dispel common misconceptions about the religion that 1.8 billion people follow globally. About 100 people filled the mosque, which […]