Port extends suspension of director

| 27/09/2018 | 20 Comments
Cayman News Service

Port Director Clement Reid (Photo courtesy Cayman 27)

(CNS): The beleaguered director of the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands, Clement Reid, who has been on required leave since May, had that suspension extended for another three months in August, minutes from the directors’ board meetings have revealed. Throughout the meetings last month the directors were told that police inquiries, which were triggered following a damning report by the Office of the Auditor General about mismanagement of finances and other issues at PACI were ongoing and so Reid’s suspension should be extended.

Minutes from the 16 August meeting show that after extensive consultation with the port authority’s lawyers, it was decided to continue Reid’s suspension. The minutes also reveal that the chief financial officer is currently on extended sick leave, though no details were given about that situation.

Following the firing of four managers just a few weeks ago, in addition to the director’s suspension and the absence of the chief financial officer, it appears that Acting Director Joseph Woods is the only member of the senior management team left standing in one of the government’s most important statutory authorities.

According to the minutes, Stran Bodden, the chief officer in the tourism ministry, had given the board of directors an update on 9 August on the cruise berthing project and the action being taken to address the media attention, though no other details were recorded in the minutes.

Among the many other items dealt with, the board approved the recruitment of 16 people for cargo operations and maintenance staff and $300,000 for the authority to replace some of its aging fleet of trucks.

Correction: This article originally stated that Robert Hamaty’s Tortuga liquor store had been given a five-year lease at the Royal Watler Terminal. Acting PACI Director Joseph Woods has clarified that Tortuga Rum Company’s lease at Royal Watler has been renewed to August 2019. Their lease of space in the Port Administration Building has an option to renew for a further 5 years, and they have notified the port that they wish to exercise that option.

See all of the minutes here

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Category: Government Administration, Local News, Politics

Comments (20)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wheeeee! Extended vacay!

    • Anonymous says:

      Now if we could just get the OTHER half of our wonderful civil service on extended paid leave…

  2. Shortly says:

    Don’t worry you guys ,let’s go higher up the ladder what about the certain marine cop supplying his fareign nephew with the good old high grade ,that’s enough of me it will soon come to light in detail too,hold tight.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I wish people would start looking at other government departments and just lay off the port.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, look away, there is nothing to see. The Absurdistan motto is “Questioning that everything is perfect is treachery”.

      • Anonymous says:

        Absurdistan your tune is like a broken record now! Needs to be thrown away and get another.

        Must be where you come from tho.

  4. Gray Matter says:

    “Then they claim the revenue we are loosing when they increase our baggage pittance allowance” … Just wasting the people’s money paying these losers who can’t keep to the law and budget in what they were hired for. NOW on required leave and still getting full pay. Really!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Soooo…1. Port authority has lost its leadership possibly through corruption and has no apparent new leadership in place. Check. 2. CIG is spinning few facts and much innuendo on a large new and very expensive dock. Check.
    What could possibly go wrong?

  6. Port and lemon says:

    Judging by Immigration prcedents he’s got a long way to go on full pay and perks, before he “retires” with an undisclosed “settlement” and a fat pension and free medical benefits for life.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t realize the situation at the Port was so dire.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know the facts of his case so I won’t comment. Now that’s an original idea!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yay, for extended paid vacations.

  10. Joseph says:

    Would be nice if I could get paid the entire month salary they stole from me when I left!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Maybe he should swap jobs with Gary Wong. Nothing to see here. Move on.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Great…and we would put a $2-300mln dollar port in these hands?!? They can’t even handle the current circus.


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