Archive for September 4th, 2018

New beach signs erected but access issue rolls on

New beach signs erected but access issue rolls on

| 04/09/2018 | 37 Comments

(CNS): The newly formed Public Lands Commission has begun rolling out beach access signs across Grand Cayman as part of efforts to address issues concerning beach access. This includes owners of oceanfront homes continuing to deter the public from using beaches in front of their property. Local activist groups are nevertheless still trying to get […]

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Financial cops warn of investment scam

Financial cops warn of investment scam

| 04/09/2018 | 3 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit is investigating reports of a fraudulent investment company said to be based in the Cayman Islands which is targeting investors in New Zealand.  The FCU said several people have already lost money to this scam, including one who lost more that US$20,000. The police warned anyone considering investing money in Cayman […]

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Utility regulator appoints more bosses

Utility regulator appoints more bosses

| 04/09/2018 | 36 Comments

(CNS): J. Paul Morgan, the first CEO of the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg), has left office after just over 18 months on the job and the board of directors has now appointed two people to act in the post while a recruitment process to fill the CEO post is undertaken. Officials said that Morgan left […]

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Six pit bull mix seized from West Bay owner

Six pit bull mix seized from West Bay owner

| 04/09/2018 | 56 Comments

(CNS): Following several complaints from residents in West Bay about being attacked by ferocious dogs on the loose in the district community beat police officers joined forces last week with the Animal Welfare and Control Unit at the Department of Agriculture and paid a visit to the owner of the dogs. The officers inspected the […]

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Twelve weeks in, no answers in Choudhury probe

Twelve weeks in, no answers in Choudhury probe

| 04/09/2018 | 18 Comments

(CNS): Officials from the UK remained silent this week as the investigation into allegations made against Governor Anwar Choudhury by office and household staff rolled into the third month. Twelve weeks into the probe, Matthew Forbes, who heads the governor’s office, said that he had no further updates on the inquiry, despite earlier direction from […]

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Killer claims diminished responsibility in WB shooting

Killer claims diminished responsibility in WB shooting

| 04/09/2018 | 0 Comments

(CNS): As the director of public prosecutions opened the case against William Ian Rivers (39) for the murder of Mark Travis “Hubba” Seymour (39) outside a West Bay restaurant in January 2017,  she told the jury that the defendant did not deny shooting the victim but claims that he was mentally impaired when he did […]

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LED street lights to cut 195,000 gallons of diesel

LED street lights to cut 195,000 gallons of diesel

| 04/09/2018 | 55 Comments

(CNS): Grand Cayman’s power provider, CUC, has embarked on a major project, in partnership with the National Roads Authority, to replace the street light bulbs on Grand Cayman with LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). Once complete, there will be a total reduction per year of 195,00 imperial gallons of diesel burnt to keep our roads and pathways […]

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The red tape fiasco

The red tape fiasco

| 04/09/2018 | 25 Comments

Gilbert Connolly writes: The PPM government recently had a photo op with Acting Governor Franz Manderson, a minister of Cabinet and several senior civil servants to announce that government was implementing measures to cut red tape in government. Why would the PPM government go to such lengths to put on a sideshow that everyone knows […]

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Who controls fees banks can charge consumers?

Who controls fees banks can charge consumers?

| 04/09/2018 | 0 Comments

I would like to know who has authority and oversight of the fees charged by the banks in Cayman. I suggest that you ask your readers about their experiences.

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