Police seek witnesses from red car in fatal smash case

| 04/05/2018 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

John Miller III

(CNS): Police are calling on anyone who may have seen the fatal collision in North Side last Sunday (29 April) to get in touch with the traffic officers who are investigation the crash. In particular, they are interested in speaking with the occupants of a red vehicle that may have been overtaken by the Honda Fit Aria just before the crash, which happened around 8pm close to the playing field in Old Man Bay. Police were unable to give a make or model but believe whoever was in that car may have seen the smash.

John Miller III (27) from George Town was killed in the collision after the vehicle crashed into a light pole. Police have still not confirmed whether or not Miller was the driver. Two other men who were also in the Honda at the time survived, and despite one of them sustaining serious injuries, they have both been released from hospital.

The people in the red car and any other witnesses are asked to contact the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit at 649-6254 with any information they may have, or to contact traffic investigator PC Devon O’Connor at Devon.O’Connor@rcips.ky.

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Category: Local News, Police

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No-one wants to see you Black & Blue Or Dead, so how about letting a sober friend drive instead….

  2. I See Dumb People says:

    Boy some of you people are so flipping STUPID! We don’t even know if the man was driving OMG, easy to tell some of you have never experienced or been up close and personal with these tragic matters. Fuhcqeen assholes! Try to put yourself in other people’s shoes FOR ONCE! Then again, we wouldn’t be able to separate or appreciate the smarter, more compassionate and considerate folks if you DUMMIES didn’t stand out!

    • Anonymous says:

      Your anger and ignorance are expressed in your comment.

      Please have a look at yourself.

      He obviously did not care about his own life or others’ lives for that matter.

      He paid the price with his life, this is just the cold hard truth, so accept it.

      We all know that alcohol and speed don’t mix…..if you want to drink, don’t drive.

      You want us to show compassion for people who have none for others?

      Get off your high-horse.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem with drinking and driving is the mourning after.

  3. West Bay Premier says:

    I have to say that there are hartless people living in the society . To know that someone knows what took place and what could’ve happened in the accident , and not come forward to give the Police that information , so that the family can have full closure of his death . Heartless , cruel , inhumane, and disgusting of a human being and shouldn’t be living in our society.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you don’t want to check the cctv then check today’s court docket instead.

      • Speak Now says:

        You are right – he was going to be sentenced for how many offenses? All traffic related.

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be hard to conclude that it is safe to be that witness.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can paint this picture however you want, but you won’t change the fact that this type of behaviour as exuded by the deceased was not only reckless but selfish. He had two other passengers in the car. Obviously he didn’t care about his own life, but the least he could have done was shown respect for the lives of the other two in the car!

      • Anon says:

        Did you or did you not read the article where it very clearly states, “Police have still not confirmed whether or not Miller was the driver.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Sober Driving Today. Alive Tomorrow.

      “Heartless”? No, just realistic.

  4. Db says:

    Do your God dam JOB check the CCTV

    • Steve says:

      Why you making stupid comment? If you think you do a better job than the police then why you apply a job to work for the police!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Let’s be realistic, because we should know there aren’t CCTVs on every lamppost in the Cayman Islands. Those few that are out there spotted a red car around the same time. They may have seen the whole thing (or nothing) and kept going. There are obviously survivor stories that RCIPS want to corroborate.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Check the CCTV!

  7. Anonymous says:

    check the cctv??

  8. Bush Whacker says:

    Check the CCTV?


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