Savannah and GT suffer early power failure

| 12/01/2018 | 42 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED: Many people from the eastern side of George Town, Prospect, Savannah, Bodden Town and as far east as Frank Sound woke up to a power outage Friday morning. CUC has now confirmed that the power outage impacted customers from South Sound to East End. The power cut happened at 7:20am and officials said that power was restored to all of the 14,337 customers who were impacted by 8:27 am, some 67 minutes later.

CUC said more details about the interruption to supply would be released later as crews were still investigating its first major power cut of the year.

As customers’ morning preparations for school and work were disrupted after the outage, the company issued a short advisory on its website, stating that crews were working to fix it.

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Comments (42)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I lost both my fridge and dishwasher because of that freakin surge….&#$@%

  2. Anonymous says:

    Back in the UK for 6m after Cayman for 14 years. Number of power cuts in that time ….zero. Monthly bill… around CI30 pm equivalent.
    Fibre broadband of 10 meg and a landline … no problem that will be about CI30 pm equivalent too….
    Satellite TV with about 200 channels including sport and box sets…ok a bit more expensive at about CI58pm….
    Feeling of not getting ripped off…priceless!

  3. Anonymous says:

    CUC provide a first class, first world service. Moaners can easily reduce outages by supporting a large increase in pricing, but of course these are the same moaners that gripe about their monthly electricity bill.

  4. Anonymous says:

    CUC will no doubt quote reliability as 99 point something up time, but what they fail to realise is that electrical power is an essential service and multiple redundancy is a requirement for an essential service. We pay top dollar for this service and expect top service but we do not get it.

  5. Anon says:

    We have a home 600 feet from the ocean in the Daytona Beach area. The power goes out all the time here as well. The continual strong breeze, salt spray and hurricanes age the equipment much more quickly than in more mundane places. Bottom line is that Cayman is just as “first world” as Daytona.

  6. Iggy says:

    Why doesn’t the CAYMAN ISLANDS GOVERNMENT hold this company accountable? Give them some competition and you will see how they pull their socks up! Fine them for every power loss due to a frog or iguana excuse. This is pathetic!

    • Anonymous says:

      Screwed up my computer and hundreds of others too I would guess….costly repairs to follow.
      Will CUC reimburse costs…?

      • Anonymous says:

        You should have a UPS for your computer and surge protectors for your other electronics. CUC cannot solve problems like frogs, snakes, iguanas, crazy drivers, lightning strikes etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        Short answer, no.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why should they? If you do not take the basic steps necessary to protect your computer, then your stupidity or parsimony is not the problem of CUC.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Damm cuc,almost gave me a frikken heart attack,woke up to find my power off on a Friday,was sure I had a few more days to pay,smh.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Why aren’t CUC subject to fines for outages? As like in most 1st world countries?

  9. Tut alors!. says:

    Please wait for CUC’s explanation, it could be the vehicle examiner again.

  10. Anonymous says:

    How about you put an outage in my bill CUC??

  11. Anonymous says:

    CUC you’ve got the power………….most of the time

  12. JTB says:

    Third world service, first world prices

    That’s some sweet deal CUC has with the government…

    • Yeap says:

      Thank the man from the East for that deal.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think we’re living in World 1.1, where there is an outage every few months (or, if you’re unlucky enough to have a localised problem with the T&D network, every few weeks). Not World 3 where the power is not on often enough to call the lack of it an outage. To put it another way, your complaint is a first world complaint about living on a first world ISLAND, with the best uptime figures in the region. We have the best of a lot of things in the region and should be thankful for that, and yes it costs money.

      • Anonymous says:

        So, I guess we should be happy that our crap service isn’t crappier? We are not those islands. We do not market ourselves as such. You want us to be Belize? Then we gots to drop some prices ASAP to compete on that pitch.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cold shower was nice this morning. Thanks CUC.

    • Anon says:

      I no longer take warm showers in order to save energy. My heart hurts for you. NOT!!

      • Anonymous says:

        You should sell your computer to save energy as well. Go off the grid you damn hippy! We won’t miss you. x

    • Anon says:

      Our home on the Brac doesn’t HAVE hot water unless we heat it in a pot. Since the “cold” water comes out of the tap at 80 degrees F it hardly matters! If we take our shower in the PM hours the water is even warmer from the sun heating the wall. Try living in Southampton, London, New York, or Chicago for a month. You’ll soon be beggin to return to your “cold” showers in paradise isle!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Leaf on the line? Helpful putting this info on the website when we have no Internet because of the outage. Nice touch.

    • Anon says:

      Ever heard of a cell phone with a car charger? Now who is 3rd world??

      • Anonymous says:

        Not everyone has data on their phone so plugging it into their car, if they even have one, will do diddly in regards to their lack of internet access.

    • Anonymous says:

      My data was not working either. Anyone else with this issue. I have postpaid Flow. So annoying.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Pathetic third world quality of basically everything here. Mixed with greed and christian fundamentalism.
    Interesting to observe, but sad for the people that have no choice but to live and suffer here.

    • Jotnar says:

      Only someone with either no experience of the third world or a misplac d sense on their own importance and entitlement could say Cayman has third world quality in basically everything. Try visiting Haiti, or even the BVI, and cry me a river. You didn’t have power during breakfast – how sh$t your world truly is. My heart bleeds. Get a sense of proportion before you compare yourself with people who have no power at all. Twat.

      • Anonymous says:

        Haiti and the bvi were struck by a hurricane.
        Cayman has all the funds to properly maintain infrastructure,but lacks brains and knowledge. And rely on a faith to fix things.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you don’t like it, why do you stay?

  16. Anonymous says:

    In the middle of bathing, lights out!! CUC sucks.

    • Anonymous says:

      And even though the electricity went out the water in my shower kept flowing and was still hot since a power cut does not instantly cool the water in my old style hot water heater tank. The window in the bathroom let in plenty of light so no problems finishing the shower and having a quick shave. So the morning routine almost was unchanged.

      I did, however, have to light the gas stove with a match since the electric lighter wouldn’t work. Talk about First World Problems.

  17. Susan says:

    3 powers outages in Red Bay in the last 3 weeks??? Waz up CUC??

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree, we’re also in Red Bay….getting tired of resetting clock radios, microwaves, stoves, pool pumps, fridge settings and rebooting security systems.

      Bloody hell man!!! ?

      • Anonymous says:

        8:05am If your security system has a UPS or battery backup you shouldn’t need to reboot it.

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