Caribbean condemns shocking Trump comments

| 15/01/2018 | 415 Comments
Cayman News Service

President Donald Trump

(CNS): Leaders, commentators, pundits and university bosses across the Caribbean have been united this weekend in their condemnation of the alleged insults made by US President Donald Trump about the Haitian people and some African countries, which he had labeled as sh**-holes during a meeting last week. CARICOM issued a statement on behalf of its member states calling the unenlightened views expressed by Trump “derogatory and repulsive”. 

Offering support to the Haitian government’s dignified response, CARICOM said Haitians continue to contribute significantly to the global community, and particularly to the United States of America, and Trump’s insults were totally unacceptable. Around 90 Pan-African organisations and leaders in the Caribbean also declared Trump persona non grata for the racist remarks he made during a meeting at the White House.

The comments joined a chorus of concern from around the region. University of the West Indies Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Hilary Beckles said that Haiti is this region’s mother of modern democracy and the president’s comments were a “brutal bashing of basic truths”.

Haiti’s ambassador to the US, Paul Altidor, said Monday that President Donald Trump’s comments “hurt the country”. He told CNN that “such words shouldn’t be coming out of anybody’s mouth, let alone the President of the United States”.

The racist and insulting remarks were reportedly stated by the president during a meeting at the White House. Although he admitted using strong language during meeting with senators over proposed immigration legislation, Trump has denied making the specific remarks attributed to him.

But Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, who was in the meeting reported on the comments immediately and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who was also present, has indicated that the reports were true.

After fellow Republican Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue, who initially said they did not “recall” what the president had said, later outright denied that Trump had made the comments, Graham came close to calling them liars, saying that his “memory hasn’t evolved” about the meeting. “I know what was said and I know what I said,” Graham said Monday.

Despite a long list of comments since he began his campaign to become the US president that are arguably racist, Trump repeatedly said Monday that he is the least racist person anyone has ever met, his oft-stated mantra in the wake of the regular allegations of racism. The New York Times published a list Monday of all the comments and actions that can be confirmed and attributed to Trump that most would consider racist. There were more than 30 incidents on the list.


Category: Africa, Caribbean, USA, World News

Comments (415)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Found the contard!

  2. Bertie :B says:

    when a child dies in these shithole countries ! their coffin is just as heavy as any childs coffin in the so called western world , why denigrate people when you could help them get ahead , ( BTW , Trump / are you aware that Africa alone is a continent ? you wedge headed Fool .

  3. Anonymous says:

    We are officially at a point in history where one has to publicly declare “I am a racist” to be considered as such – despite the clear and supporting evidence.

    None of this surprises me – and is also the reason why some of us remain steadfast in the position that our group, throughout history, has always been, and remains, isolated with ZERO true comrades in this world.

    Unfortunately, the more people that emigrate to the Cayman Islands from countries and cultures that hold these inherent biases, the more we see the local transplantation of similar societal and economic trends along racial lines.

    We are seeing despicable arguments being forwarded by what are obviously well-educated and empowered people in our society.

    Racism is a disease passed down by generations and contagious to all in its reach. It is literally a cultural aspect of most, if not all, western countries.

    We need to be less welcoming and more cognisant of the evil spirit that has invaded our inherently “warm and friendly” island-nation and challenge it head-on – otherwise we will end up along the same destructive path.

    • Anonymous says:

      Put another way, we are literally at the point where if one person of a particular race criticizes a person of a different race, the person being critical is automatically labeled as a racist. The infantilizing of society.

    • Anonymous says:

      okay so, saying something is a shit hole is racist. I see……..So basically everything you don’t agree with is racist. How dumb are you?

    • Anonymous says:

      In the contrary – it seems that you disagree with someone they just shout that you are a racist – no proof needed.

      So for example, if you call someone of color an a-hole, poof you are a racist! No chance I guess that the person being labeled as an a-hole was indeed acting like an a-hole. This fact is no longer of topic because suddenly it’s all about the “racist”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Western Countries? You should refrain from sharing your stupidity

  4. Anonymous says:

    Ok, nobody should refer to another country as a-hole country, but why is this a racist remark?

    “Race is a concept used in the categorization of humans into groups, called races or racial groups, based on combinations of shared physical traits, ancestry, genetics, and social or cultural traits”

    I am sure that not all Haitian or people in various African nations share the same physical traits (color perhaps – ie not everybody there is black?) etc. It appears that these days anything and everything is suddenly “racist” to bring some sort of weight to the debate.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re using a lot of words and concept but my heart tells me the guy is a racist.

    • anonymous says:

      Trump said that he did not want immigrants from Haiti, but that he would welcome immigrants from Norway. Don’t you think race might be involved in that remark?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, GNP and GDP are racisits statistics, we should ban all statistics professors for being racist.

      • Anonymous says:

        Um no! The likelihood that someone from Norway has a college education or a learned trade, can hold a professional job and can therefore support themselves and their families whilst in the US is probably bigger than someone coming from Haiti fulfilling these requirements.

        Question: If Trump would have said the quota for Norwegian immigrants has been reached and for the time being Norwegians can no longer obtain a work permit, would anyone have batted an eye lid or accused him of discrimination?

      • Anonymous says:

        “Trump said that he did not want immigrants from Haiti” But that NOT what he said!!!!

    • Diogenes says:

      While nothing about the word “shithole” is inherently racist

      I do believe the point being made is that any black majority country in Trump’s mind is a shithole while any white majority country (such as Norway) is completely fine (let’s not forget Norway is a Social Democracy filled with “libtards” as the right would say, so shouldn’t Trump be against importing his enemies?)

      Trump is a 70 year old man, raised by Fred Trump a man with connections to the Mafia and the KKK, Is anyone really surprised that he is likely a racist? Even before these “shithole” comments, Trump and his father have gotten in trouble before for segregating their properties in NY, the Central Park 5 ( there are actual articles that highlight the many racist actions and involvements of Trump, look them up for yourself)

      Remember Trump is German on his father’s side and His mother was an immigrant, (as are 2/3 wives are immigrants) So he has no problems with Immigration except, Immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean ( black people and basically economic refugees in some instances), Immigrants from Mexico, (mostly illegals but Trump doesn’t really seem to care) and Muslims majority countries

      All of Trumps immigration policies focus on preventing Brown and Black people from entering/staying in the US (he can’t overtly say that of course) but look at the policies yourself

      Mexicans, Blacks and Muslims are who his policies focus on

      Let’s not forget that most of these “shitholes” as Trump puts it are the result of European influence (the scramble for Africa, the division of the colonies with no regard for tribal and religious separations of regions etc etc Then after colonial powers pillaged africa for all it was worth they left strongmen in charge ) Haiti was pillaged by France and then made to pay reparations to the French Government, and the situation was only made worse with political conflicts, hurricanes, earthquakes etc

      I don’t particularly care if he called Haiti a “shithole” in all honesty if anyone else said it, this wouldn’t even be on the news and in all honesty he has said worse (Mexicans are rapists, etc, Grab her by the pussy, etc, 2nd amendment people could do something etc) and Haiti isn’t exactly paradise

      But this is coming from the leader of a country where half the country makes 30k or less a year, where the infrastructure is crumbling, where the DoJ and courts are busying throwing PoC in jail for weed while the country ODs on opiods, where people walk into schools and shoot up classes full of little kids. Where white nationalists thrive in the shadows. Where people are starving and homeless on the streets while the government buys more bombs to drop on poverty stricken areas of the world.
      The list goes on and on and on

      With all that said, even if you support Trump you have to acknowledge that the POTUS is the representation of the US, he is their head Diplomat, the Sec of State just follows the POTUS’ orders

      Countries are not going to cooperate with the US if they continue to alienate the rest of the world, Europe wants nothing to do with Trump, Mexico and SA have seen his comments about Hispanics and Latinos (yes there is a difference between those groups) The middle east has seen every fake video and anti Muslim ban he has proposed, and Asia hears him lambaste their cheap labor and ability to outproduce the US factories

      Even now foreign diplomats are being briefed by their governments on the response to the comments and what it means for the US foreign relations

      The right wing wanted anti-PC (sometimes just anti-Correct) and someone who is a normal person, well enjoy the benefits as we move ever closer to nuclear war and a complete break in normalcy, where the truth is crafted by the leader of the country and negative news is considered “fake”, when Trump a man with no morals and no regard for anyone but himself turns on the right wing I wonder who they think will save them?

      • Anonymous says:

        What a steaming load of bull. You had me going for a minute.
        People are starving in the U.S?.. lol, you have to work pretty hard at starving in the U.S.
        The hyperbole is pretty stunning and you know that if you’ve ever spent any real time there.

        The ports of entry sure are busy for being such a shithole.

        • Diogenes says:

          There are also people in Cayman who wouldn’t get a meal if it wasn’t for charities like Meals on Wheels, wake up poverty is all around us acknowledge it if you want, that only works till it’s right in your face
          then again the right has always had a tenuous relationship with the truth,

          Pretending like people aren’t living on the streets suffering from mental illness, freezing to death in the “Richest country in the world”
          The GOP is doing well keeping the populous uneducated and tribalistic (with assistance from some christian sects)

        • Diogenes says:

          You have no response for 99.9 percent of the comment, you take issue with me rightfully pointing out there are people starving on the streets of the US (which is an undeniable fact)

          Then you relegate the rest as hyperbole, what an ironclad argument next time I would suggest a shrill cry of “Fake news” and ‘Liberal Bias”, maybe even loop in the “globalists that are so secretive their secrets are known to all”

          The blind leading the blind off a cliff

          • Anonymous says:

            If this was the forum for comments 10 meters long I would take the time to dismantle each of your hyperbolic observations one by one but you seem smart enough to realize that people don’t stave to death in Cayman or the U.S. I challenge you to point to a single example where anyone from Cayman or the U.S. starved to death for lack of charity or government assistance.
            What do you know about the homeless in the U.S.? Do you know how many people live in government housing in the U.S.? The majority of the homeless are drug addicts that refuse help, get kicked out of shelters for not following the rules, namely they don’t let you in if you’re drunk or high. If someone can’t meet the minimum requirement of not being drunk or out of their mind on drugs then they’ve kind of got right where they were headed. They go into the shelters and harass and disturb the others who are following the rules.
            There are all kinds of assistance programs available to the people that need help, but many refuse help.

            In the U.S. the poor would be considered middle class or even rich in places like Haiti or much of the world for that matter.

            C’mon you really truly believe your simplistic characterizations? You seem to smart for that.

            • Diogenes says:

              I said “starving and homeless on the streets” and then I said “you take issue with me rightfully pointing out there are people starving on the streets of the US”
              Never once did I claim that anyone in Cayman or the US is starving “to death”

              But I’m glad you are taking me to town on an assertion I did not make, the GOP-MAGA crew are always trained to pick apart at arguments even when they are substantively wrong

              Just in case you have forgotten
              But there are people on the streets with no money,with no homes, and with no idea where their next meal is going to come from some of which are indeed starving (unless you are going to argue against that as well)
              Of course some areas and big cities that have extensive systems of homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and social services programs that ensure that anyone willing to accept help will not go hungry
              That is not representative of the whole country

              Yes those homeless people tend to have drug problems or mental health problems, but that doesn’t mean they should be left out on the streets they need rehabilitation not a hot soup once a day and a blanket so they don’t freeze to death

              You seem fine with leaving the troubled ones out in the cold and that is your prerogative but don’t act like I’m being unreasonable that “the richest country in the world” can’t ensure all of it’s people are taken care of at least getting the bare minimum

              If you’re gonna try to pick apart an argument actually put in some effort

              • Anonymous says:

                I’ve read some of your comments. It’s your mindset, your way of seeing things and interpreting them that are sooooo wrong in Cayman. You are merely another sheep hiding behind big words and minimal real world experience

                • Anonymous says:

                  Ok, You got me, I’ll bite, but with your last disappointing comment I feel this will likely be a waste of time so for economy I’ll take your first remark and see where it goes from there and decide if any of your other “point’s” are worth my time.

                  Diogenes says
                  “Trump is a 70 year old man, raised by Fred Trump a man with connections to the Mafia and the KKK, Is anyone really surprised that he is likely a racist?”

                  In the 80’s Trump donated his plane at no charge to fly medical supplies to Haiti.

                  When Floyd Flake the reverend at a 23000 member African Methodist church needed donations, Trump wrote them a check. Again, this is in the 80s and 90s.
                  Democrat Andy Stein:
                  And please don’t discredit the source. The source is speaking directly into the camera.

                  NECO “National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations” Awarded Donald Trump the Ellis Island Medal. An honor given to honor “tolerance, brotherhood, diversity and patriotism”

                  On other occasions and prior to being a politician he’s donated money to groups that were providing assistance to Haiti and Central American countries.
                  He’s also given money to Rand Paul’s effort to provide free eye surgery to Haitians and others. Some of which was prior to becoming a politician.

                  He’s donated to and has been honored by Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow coalition. Trump donated very expensive meeting space to Jesse Jackson’s builders workshop at 40 Wall st. Not the cheapest real estate around. Jackson thanks Trump for “reaching out and being inclusive” “Created a comfort zone for my campaign” “embracing the under served communities”.

                  So to answer your question, it would appear in looking at his record and actions he is clearly not a racist. These are not actions consistent with a racist.

                  It appears that you simply don’t understand Trumps mission. He is doing exactly what he says he would which is pursue an America first policy. If he calculates that bringing in poor, dangerous or otherwise burdensome immigrants is not in the interests of the citizens of the U.S. then his is going to be against it regardless of race, religion or what have you.

                  And please, if your going to respond try to tone down the sanctimony ok? You have no idea what my experiences are.

      • Anonymous says:

        Trump purportedly called Haiti a s-hole country. Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation actually stole billions from Haiti. Which sin do you think is the greatest?

  5. Anonymous says:

    “Poverty Inc.” documentary (winner of over 60 international film festival honors) explains why Haiti remains a shit hole. Humanitarian help that is not so humanitarian after all. Free to watch on some sites.

  6. Anonymous says:

    he is a funny guy

  7. Anonymous says:

    The Trump victory was the sweetest victory of all times. It was like winning the world cup, the Superbowl, the masters, the open, Wimbledon, the heavy weight championship and the UFC championship all in one go, times a 1000 .. precisely for this purpose. Watching the libtards going unhinged at every Trump tweet and CNN meltdowns.


  8. Slacker says:

    The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. So, who has been found guilty of racial discrimination in the housing market? Why, it’s Trump.

    Also, unfortunately, there is increasing evidence of mild to moderate dementia. This is just the beginning and it will get worse.

    Reagan was in the same position but his personality kept him friendly and amiable, allowing others to make decisions. Trump, on the other hand, will become more hostile, aggressive and impulsive.

  9. "Anonymousir" says:

    you get what you vote for …. good job america! says soo much …

    • West bay Premier says:

      CNS , Why do you have to partake in the comments to defend your Article ? You can’t believe what some News Media Reports, it’s known today as fake news .

      CNS: Because Trump’s war against the media, labelling as “fake news” any report that he doesn’t like, is horrifying and has global consequences. Aside from the fact that it is a clear sign of someone with authoritarian tendencies, it is giving the OK to dictators around the world to call journalists in their own country “fake”, which is happening.

      The truth is that there is some very fine reporting going on in the US in many publications. I have issues with some of the TV media but dismissing it all (other than Fox) as fake news is appalling, and Trump’s campaign rallies where he all but called for violence against reporters was something you’d expect to see in totalitarian states, not the leader of the free world. Everyone everywhere should take a stand against this.

      I have the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on in the background and listened to Lindsey Graham, a very senior Republican, give heartfelt support to Dick Durbin and came close enough to calling those who denied what happened liars. He said Trump was “not well used by his staff” – a reference to Trump’s sudden change of position right before that meeting. It sounded like he wants to take his party back from the loonies. About time!

      • Anonymous says:

        CNN ran the story “grab her by the P&ssy” for a month straight, even making panels of “professionals” to debate it. But the truth is, they were trying to keep the world from talking about the wiki leaks emails that showed hillary clinton was ineligible to run for president, because she took foreighn campaign contributions through her charity. The wiki leaks emails also showed that hillary clinton should be charged with treason, because she distributed secret emails and she even told her staff to strip the top secret from the emails so she could distribute them. But….LOOK OVER HERE. …..GRAB HER BY THE P&SSY.

        Then look at CNN trying to persuade voters to vote for hillary cause after all their poles all shows 98% of the votes going to hillary.

        Face it. CNN is entirely propaganda. Just like hitlers WW2 propaganda minster goebles.

        I can make EASILY 4 pages long about CNN and pushing the naritives and NOT the truth. About trump and everything else, that isn’t agreeing with their agenda.

        We live in a time where alot of brain dead people listen and believe everything the tv tells them. And it started around bush

        CNS: Skipping over the treason bit, I agree with you about CNN. One of my major complaints about CNN is that they only seem to be able to cover one story at a time and then cover it to death, discussing single points endlessly. Their habit of getting talking heads to yell at each other is also terrible, and mostly why I no longer watch it. That doesn’t make what Trump is doing right. And I think you should research Goebbels a bit.

      • Anonymous says:

        With all due respect I believe you are missing the point – as a reporter you should report both sides unbiased and not provide your opinion. That’s the whole debate of the “fake news” issue. I can understand that as a reporter the “fake news” issue is unnerving for you, but maybe you should write a view point on that topic rather than defend your opinion in the “news” section.

        CNS: 1) This is the comment section. 2) Reporting lies is not being balanced, it is reporting lies. It is the media’s job to try to find the truth. Seriously, the whole “fake news” thing should be unnerving to everyone.

      • Anonymous says:

        I was watching that two. It was painful watching how some of them would duck and bob trying not to answer the questions. Then to top it off Sara Huckabee was so angry. I thought she would blow a gasket. What a hot mess they have up there.

      • nauticalone says:

        I agree with CNS here completely!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ament to that! America made the right choice! MAGA!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Sigh, sorry to say, you are right. Fortunately, this (and everything for that matter) is just a phase and will morph in the other direction. But for this tiny slice of history, the contard snowflakes will be heard.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you know what Obama’s greatest legacy will be, that America was so fed up with him and his party that they voted for Trump. Good job or not, says something about the other side too.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Look at all the Caymanians on here (yes I know it’s you) calling Haiti a shithole not realizing if it weren’t for foreigners coming here to work and build up your island, this same little rock you all portray as paradise, would be the same shithole. In fact, Cayman would be worse off as 80% of your population are too lazy to do any hard labor and the island barely has any natural resources to mind yourselves. Lord knows the people can’t make anything not thatch. smh

    • Anonymous says:

      I am an expat and I disagree with 11:58 am.

      • Anonymous says:

        Seconded. Expat with mostly Caymanian friends. I’m from a small town and identify closely with mostly Caymanians. We share many of the same small town values even though we don’t share the same heritage. Maybe I’ve been bobotized a little bit over the past 20 odd years as well.

      • Anonymous says:

        Me too!!!
        . . . the ‘shithole’ here is the ever growing Concrete and Asphalt Jungle, which seems to be consuming Caymanians away from employment.
        Crime pays? Not many choices left. . .

    • Anonymous says:

      What is wrong with you ?

    • Anonymous says:

      I doubt any Caymanian are saying derogatory things about Haiti, we know too well how it feels to be discriminated against l

      • Anonymous says:

        Think again cupcake, Cayman might be made up of Black people and people with the same basic history of Haiti (colonial roots, then left to fend for themselves etc) but Cayman is filled to the brim with conservatives who don’t think for themselves and need to pray to their God before they can shit

        They feel they have a bone to pick with the Dems because Obama was black and he made it seem like all black people are democrats

        You won’t find people more strongly against Obama than some of the Caymanians here

  11. Anonymous says:

    the comments section here is truly frightening…. sad days for humanity.

  12. A. Realist says:

    “Leaders, commentators, pundits and university bosses across the Caribbean have been united this weekend in their condemnation………”. Well, of course they are “united” – those positions are now almost universally occupied by left-wingers, whose reaction in denying the truth of the President’s words demonstrates that their retreat from reality is now complete. These people are unrepresentative of the views of the majority, who know that Trump’s description of those countries is accurate.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are known by the company you keep. Papa Doc, Baby Doc, bocoharam all those fine humanitarians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow. You are sooo smart.

    • Anonymous says:

      You know so very little. Carry on “improving” the world in the only way you know.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry please point to these leaders (elected or otherwise) that are “left wingers” ( I’ll wait) also when you are done show me all the liberal policies and controls that have been put in place by the so called liberals

      Roy Bodden who is the President of UCCI is a staunch conservative christian just like anyone else elected on these islands

      Please go on about the universal takeover of the liberal globalists Alex Jones

  13. Anonymous says:

    Trump is an idiot when it comes to statesmanship and diplomacy. Make no doubt about it. However he did not say anything racist. He called out certain countries for being corrupt and lawless which has led them to becoming what they are. To label this incident racism is more identity politics from the leaderless Democratic Party (like when he took office and all the US major networks said he removed MLKs bust from the Oval Office which wasn’t true).

    They need to get their act together and get a platform for the mid terms and 2020 or they will simply solidify Trumps next term as POTUS. We hate Trump is not a platform. Idiot or not.

    • anonymous says:

      You could have stopped at Trump is an idiot……

      • Anonymous says:

        He didn’t “call them out” it was a private meeting about immigration. Little Dick “The Turban” Durban decided to share some remarks to score some cheap political points. End of story

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree – everything is “racist” these days. You can’t disagree with another gender, then you are a sexist, when you disagree with a Muslim you are islamaphobic, if you disagree with a homosexual you are homophobic etc etc. You can’t just disagree because you have a different opinion – it always needs to be made into some much bigger….The political correctness everyone is to uphold is other BS and needs to be put in the garbage.

    • Anonymous says:

      You had me at idiot. F’ing moron (not my words) that one.

  14. Caymanian facts says:

    Ok, they’re not shitholes, they are the armpits of the world!

    • Anonymous says:

      10 tumbs up

    • anonymous says:

      Nobody is asking you to love impoverished countries, the story is about the language used by Trump and the context in which he used it.

      If the USA needs migrant labour to pick their fruits at harvest time, does it matter where they came from or what the current GDP is of their native land? No.

      If the USA needs highly-educated software engineers to work in their tech industry, does it matter what country they once called “home”? No.

      Immigrants do not bring their countries GDP with them to increase/decrease the GDP of the USA. They only bring whatever skills they posses or are willing to acquire while working and contributing to the US economy.

      Immigrants work in a variety of jobs, including teachers, doctors, nurses, and “shithouse” cleaners etc. Many years ago Caymanians went to the USA in droves to work on their merchant ships and other associated areas of that particular industry.

      Today Trump isn’t asking what the immigrants are coming to do, or why they want to come. He is only asking that they resemble him more than Martin Luther King Jr. And BTW, I’m a Caymanian who passes for white.

      Trump is a racist bigot enabled by GOP politicians who stick their heads so far up his posterior sphincter that they are able to tell their supporters that they didn’t hear what he said, and then point to the record levels of the stock market as proof that he couldn’t have said anything racist.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nielsen said Tuesday that she did not hear the president say “shithouse” but said it was possible she missed it. Nielsen said she was “more struck” by hearing profanity from others in the room in front of the president.

      • Caymanian armpit says:

        How do you know how his words were used? You in da meeting?
        Still armpits of the world! Just like swamp, dig city and and other parts of Cayman are! Lmao…

  15. Anonymous says:

    And I support Catherine Deneuve in her statement ” the #Me Too movement had gone too far.”
    “Last week, Deneuve and more than 100 other women in the fields of entertainment, academia and publishing said they reject the kind of feminism that has emerged in the post-Weinstein world that expresses “a hatred of men.”

  16. Anonymous says:

    He did not make a statement. He was just wondering “Why?”, behind the closed doors. Someone had spilled it out to make a big deal out of it. We say a lot of things behind the closed doors.

    • Anonymous says:

      And 2 republican contard lawmakers lie through their puckered lips.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well. If the president of the United States keeps his childish remarks and ignorant viewpoints behind closed doors, that’s good enough for me.

  17. Anonymous says:

    One final point, in respect and response to the many comments in this thread; should Caymanians then regard the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK as “shithole” countries – seeing that so many of their citizens are here with no intentions of ever returning home?

    Because, there is quite a dichotomy playing out here.

    – Who

    *Learn and know your worth Cayman. It is being inadvertently communicated to us on a daily basis. Acknowledge and act accordingly.

  18. anonymous says:

    This shows you what happens when you try to appease a tyrant.

    Nikki Haley announced that the US would be “taking names” of, and withholding aid from those countries that voted against the US in the most recent resolution at the UN asking the US to withdraw its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    A total of 128 members voted in favor of the resolution, 9 countries voted against it (i.e. along with the US), 35 abstained, and 21 countries did not cast a vote.

    After the vote, Haley asked the 64 countries who voted no, abstained or did not cast a vote to come to a Jan. 3 reception “to thank you for your friendship to the United States,” according to the invitation seen by Reuters. DACA not included in any thanks.

    I wonder if Haiti, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, 8 African countries, and the Caribbean countries who voted to appease Trump are happy with themselves now?

    I love the USA, and the people, but it’s time to acknowledge that having a bipolar, menopausal buffoon in charge of the White House is not good for the long-term interest of the USA.

    If you love Trump and think that he is doing a great job then you are a racist bigot. You can deny it, as does he, but the best that we can hope for is that you not pass it on to your children.

  19. West bay Premier says:

    I think that everyone should read , Anonymous 10:10pm comment in a relaxed and unbiased mode so that one can understand better what is happening in the world of Political correctness and biased minded thinking and understanding of anyone or anything . Because one cannot think straight to weigh both sides of the story and come to the right conclusions about the story/article when you’re thinking biased .

  20. Anonymous says:

    Dow breaks 26K, USA energy companies flourishing, oil and natural gas and coal going strong, (no longer bankrupted). Meanwhile, people are starving shithole Haiti and and oil rich Venezuela …. Oh but wait!!, the world coming to an end, Trump correctly identifies shithole countries as “Shithole”

  21. Anonymous says:

    These Countries are being Defended but the facts are true, using the word “sh*thole” was extreme but they are less developed countries and we all know it for a fact.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do tell. What is your point. Is USA a shithole because Switzerland has a higher standard of living? Do tell.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I would highlight the primary and lasting reasons as to why Haiti has achieved its “shithole” status, in the eyes of many, but 99% of readers would roll their eyes and quickly move along.

    Let’s just say, there is a lifelong toll (aka 3rd world debt) for being the first nation of Black African slaves to go to war with their White European captors – defeating and humiliating them in the process.

    Clearly the landmass known as Haiti / Dom Rep, the “Pearl of the Caribbean”, had enough going for it for White countries to mobilise, invade and enslave fellow human beings to extract the wealth to which countries like France, England and Spain rose to economic and political power on the sweat and blood of Blacks.

    This history was never forgotten by the west and during the crossover era whereby the global economy was shifting in terms of industry, fiat CURRENCY, investment and independence, Haiti was directly and effectively black-balled as punishment for the revolutionary achievements of its people.

    Regarding corruption; fools today utter those words as the bask in ignorance to the fact that corruption is supported, armed and financed by countries like the USA and France in order to ensure they receive the most favourable margins in trade. If a nobleman dares pop his head above the surface his credibility is trashed by the mainstream media, the “rebel group” is secretly supported by the “democratic and righteous” west, and he is ultimately taken out. Back to business as usual … “shitholers”.

    (That being said, the ability for the west to get away with the usual tactics have never been harder, therefore the onus is on historically corrupt countries to reorganise the way they do business and we are saying many successful examples thereof on the African continent today.)

    We would all do our children a favour when we arrived at the understanding that 3rd wold corruption is NECESSARY to maintain the superior standards of existence in countries like the USA, UK, and Europe. None of this happened by chance.

    Therefore, the sentiments of people like Trump and those defending him come as no surprise to those who have a proper understanding and appreciation of world history and geo-politics.

    Saddest of all, none of the above matters to the majority – as we are about to witness by way of the responses to this post.

    – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      And now the black Dominicans routinely deport the black Haitians.

      • Anonymous says:

        While the white Irish routinely attack / kill the white Northern Irish (and vice versa).

        – Who

      • Anonymous says:

        …and thanks for proving my last point btw.

        • Anonymous says:

          Taking your comments at face value..which is probably an awful stretch..,

          EXACTLY and neither have anything to do with race! Thanks for making my point you big goof.

          I’ll let the Irish comment on the accuracy of conditions in N. Ireland where evidently it’s a complete disaster and standards are on par with places like Haiti.

          • Anonymous says:

            What you fail to understand is that Dom Republicans DO NOT regard themselves as “Black” as the world generally regards people like Haitians.

            “Race” and racism is at the core of the frictions between Dom Republic and Haiti.

            You will find someone the most grotesque forms of brutal and murderous racism along the border of Dom Republic and Haiti.

            Feel free to try again from another angle though.

            • Anonymous says:

              I see, the “dom republicans” are a bunch of racists…lol

              • Anonymous says:

                Sometimes certain people really ought to stay in their lily-white, cotton-wooled existence and not venture without.

                The ignorance is real. smh

                – Who

                • Anonymous says:

                  And sometimes certain people shouldn’t obsess about and assign motives to people based on the colour of their skin.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Very true.

                    However, if so this thread and news story wouldn’t even exist.
                    But, President Orange knows the strong currency rate of racial politics and is playing people like you like a violin.

                    Anyway, all the most pressing issues of American, British, and European politics is based on race right now – but I am sure you’ll find some amazing way to deny this fact as well.

                    Alt-Right / Neo-Nazis, UKIP, AFD, EDL, Britian First, Jobbik, Austria’s new government, Front National … etc, etc, etc.

                    Enjoy the attempt to the return of your granddad’s day.

                    Lol, ah boy. Sad.

                    – Who

                    • Anonymous says:

                      Couldn’t disagree more, pretty much on every level.
                      It’s your ilk and the mainstream press that continually stoke racial divides. They give enormous platforms to fringe groups like Neo-Nazis or Neo (fill in the blanks) that represent nobody other than their .0001% of the population. I notice you don’t include Antifa or BLM. It is the big mouths on both sides that make headlines and YOU are the one being played like a violin and engorging yourself on the daily bait.
                      The pressing issues for regular folks are paying the rent, food and living expenses and trying keep a little more of their hard earned pay so they can afford to buy little Billy or Tyrone the latest edition of GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip for his birthday.

                      Strange, my social circles are comprised of a wide variety of races, nationalities and economic backgrounds and we all get along and have a good time.

                      But that’s all boring stuff isn’t it. Hardly newsworthy.

              • Anonymous says:

                The way you laugh at the Dom Rep v Haiti identity face-off is the same way others laugh at the N Ireland v Rep Ireland identity face-off.

                They’re both white, they’ve shared the same tiny landscape for hundreds of years, both “countries” talk funny, red hair and dark ales exist throughout – WHY the HECK are they blowing each other up?

                Get over it.
                Move on.
                Pull yourselves up by the bootstraps.
                Get those chips of your shoulders.
                Act civilised already.

                • Anonymous says:

                  I was actually just poking a little fun of the term “Dom Rebublicans” (sic) Honduranians, Cubians.

                  But to your point, well I’m not sure what it is other than race seems to not have much if anything to do with it, which I agree with.

    • Anonymous says:

      You make a very interesting point in your first sentence pointing out that 99% of the people reading would roll their eyes.
      I’ll agree and add that 99% of the people have no idea what the hell you’re talking about and include you in that 99%.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you who. But you are correct- not to many will read this to the end

  23. Anonymous says:

    He’s not wrong.

  24. Anonymous says:

    We have witnessed far worse sentiments by the regular contributors right here on CNS.

    It is sad that the underlying spirit of western politics today (Trump, Bannon, Sessions, USA, UK, Austria, France, Holland, EU) is based on racism and “white-power” leanings – even if not overtly expressed by the silent majority.
    What is most sad is the fact that this reality is inconsequential, defended, and debated into acceptance by the supposed moral regulars – who are about to reveal themselves in response to this very message.

    As an example, 80 years after his reign, Hitler is now regarded simply as a racist dictator, However, when one digs into his background and explores his DEMOCRATIC rise to power, we see many complex aspects surrounding his successes that can lead to fascinating discussion, and dare say defence of certain actions on his part. (Rest assured, these discussions are on the rise today so kindly direct your outrage accordingly.)

    My point is, the long-winded defences regarding the likes of Trump, Farage, Ukip (recent racist comments by the partner of party’s leader in reference to Meghan Markle and Black people in general) will be forgotten by history and the undeniable BASICS of the times will frame the era.
    (These scandals are NOT random coincidences. Instead, they all connect with the underlying tone of modern western politics.)

    Therefore, the question simply becomes; on what side of history do you wish to be?

    – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      Nice soliloquy, but most folks just want what’s best for themselves, their families and their communities. Do you believe that if one African nation that’s of higher economic standing takes on the migrants, refugees, immigrants or whatever you want to call them from a far poorer African nation that they will be welcomed gleefully and with open arms because they all happen to be black people or Africans? Be honest.

      Hell, in Libya, Nigerian refugees are being sold as slaves. (both African nations)

      • Anonymous says:

        Would the Republic of Ireland willingly take in North Irelanders, and vice versa?

        The people of those two white, western “countries” are still hating and killing each other.
        Shithole countries as well?

        Would British people warmly accept an influx of people from Poland and Lithuania?
        Brexit answered that question, as well as many others.
        Shithole countries as well?

        Re: “one XXX nation that’s of higher economic standing takes on the migrants, refugees, immigrants or whatever you want to call them from a far poorer XXX nation that they will be welcomed gleefully and with open arms…”

        That, my friend, is the DEFINITION and BASIS of The United States of America!!

        However, it is suddenly problematic when the issue of race enters the discussion – as proven by Trump’s reported willingness to willingly accept Norwegians.

        You’re welcome.

        – Who

        • Anonymous says:

          Because the the typical level of education and economic standing of Haitians and Norwegians is the same.

          -Who thinks like a child.

          • Anonymous says:

            Who, for a change you are correct on two points.
            1. you’ve made my point.
            2. I didn’t say thank you yet, so for the record. Thanks.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m sure someone who appointed Betsy DeVos as the Secretary of Education really cares about education standards

            Right Wing MAGAmerican logic right there

            • Anonymous says:

              but, but, her brother figured out how to make money by killing people! that makes her purty smart right there!

          • Anonymous says:

            Because Trump is a genius?

  25. Anonymous says:

    The fact is, and the entire world knows it, Haiti IS a shithole, and most of Africa IS a shithole. almost 200K people including women and infants slaughtered with machetes in Rwanda between sunrise and sunset. Yeah! what a wonderful f*ing place to live.

    Libtards and liberal cesspools like CNS keep thinking they finally have the coup de-gras-with Trump. Clearly they STILL don’t understand why Trump got elected.

    Its because people are sick and tired of PC bullshit, and Godless abortion loving liberal scum infecting our every aspects of life with their sick world views, where anyone that dares to disagree with them is a racist, bigot misogynist.

    Trump defies the media with un PC truth bombs and they can’t stand it.

    • Anonymous says:

      On the contrary I think the media love it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Re: “Godless abortion loving liberal scum infecting our every aspects of life with their sick world views…”

      So says the God-filled individual.


      – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      Shithole countries don’t necessarily spawn shithole people. That’s the gap in white privileged cognition that is missing. Condemning entire nationalities in sweeping (incorrect) statements is not becoming of the leader of the free world.

      • Anonymous says:

        Vegas odds says immigrants from developed nations will be far less likely to become social burdens to the already overburdened tax payers of the host nation. And that is the cognition gap of the typical 3rd grader or sophomoric adult.

        • Anonymous says:

          You sure you want to make reference to “Vegas” on this nationally and racially charged discussion?

          Why not do like Trump and draw on Norway as well?

          The similarities will be lost on most readers.
          Therein lies the deep-seed bias and ignorance.

          – Who

          • Anonymous says:

            Does anyone have any idea what the hell who is talking about? What is this Abbott and Costello?

            Can someone explain to “Who” what the colloquial term “Vegas odds” means.

  26. Anonymous says:

    But those countries ARE s***holes. And you ALL know it. Especially those that have left to live in the US and everywhere else. Why don’t all those with picket signs return to their S***hole countries and get rid of their corrupted government and FIX it??
    I googled photos of some of the countries mentioned and unfortunately they don’t have a lot going for them. The trash and deforestation, sewage and offal in the streets… Who needs to say more…

  27. Anonymous says:

    he was only joking

    CNS: So he did say it then?

  28. Gray matter says:

    Haiti is a S*%#hole.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Of course our own “leaders” would not chime in. They’re “worldly” when they choose. Actually I correct myself. They think they’re worldly but don’t have a clue. Nevermind.

  30. Anonymous says:

    He Did Not say that. No one has any proof he did nor did anyone other than a reporter from the “mainstream” media claim that he did. More FAKE NEWS. I see CNN has never covered the 10,000 free eye surgeries of Haitian people Trump paid for. Look it up!. Does this sound like a man who doesn’t care?

    CNS: “No one has any proof he did nor did anyone other than a reporter from the “mainstream” media claim that he did.” Where on earth do you get your information? Watch Dick Durbin here

    Trump didn’t finance that trip to Haiti but he was one of the donors, yes. Interestingly, it took place during the Republican primaries in which both Paul Rand and Trump were running. Rand’s campaign was in the ditch by that time but he and Trump were going after the same far right vote and the Haiti trip got him out of the way. See the video here:

    Rand Paul, a very conservative Republican, is now using that trip as “proof” that Trump is not a racist. He has not denied that he said those words though.

    A full account of the meeting is in today’s Washington Post.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who really believes CNN anymore, CNS???? Give us a break!

      CNS: It’s a video of a man talking – which was covered by every major news organisation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Precisely CNS. Every major news organization is controlled and therefore can not be trusted. Anyone that uses CNN or other Mainstream Media Organizations as a legitimate source should be banned from the internet all together lol…

        – Who that is?

        – Me
        CNS: It’s a man – Senator Dick Durbin – talking. I’m not asking you to listen to any media’s reporting, just listen to what he says. I posted it in response to a comment that there was no claim that Trump used those words other than from the media. The steady attack by Trump and his minions on the media is another discussion.

      • Anonymous says:

        Rand Paul has no doubt been called a racist as well for the crime of being a conservative so let’s ignore that in his spare time he goes to places like Haiti and gives the gift of sight to hundreds of people at no charge.

        Trump also gave more than once to Rand Paul’s missions before either of them were candidates. Trump was a private citizen.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS, Dick Durbin is a political enemy. How is his statement proof? At most it is “evidence” and there is similar type evidence the other way. That’s a fact. But we know where you’re coming from despite your lack of an editorial page.

      CNS: OK, explain why Lindsey Graham is making it very clear that Durbin’s account of the meeting is correct.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lindsey Graham, aka Lindsay Gramnesty is an excellent politician.

        I think Graham is agreeing that the sentiment is accurate if not the exact wording.

        So, what’s the big deal? Lindsey Graham said essentially the same thing as have many others in the past using different words. Graham used “hellhole”

        A president or politician should be asking why it’s a good idea to import poverty.

        I’ll agree that Trump doesn’t help himself with his choice of words, but seriously…

        What a stupid argument this is.

      • Gray matter says:

        He is hurt that TRUMP beat his ass and is still a sore looser …. Simple. There is the answer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Washington Post and NBC, those fair and balanced news sources!!!

  31. Anonymous says:

    Many of the illegals in the US obviously agree with Trump’s view of their governments.

  32. Anon says:

    Most latin american, carribbean, and african countries ARE backward hellholes. Cayman, largely because it has enjoyed the blessing of more balanced demographics, is an exception. Vacuous virtue signaling is evil. It does not help anyone. The first step in eliminating hellholes is to admit that they exist.

  33. Anonymous says:

    he’s saying what others are thinking. Lets face it, Any of you making comments below, would YOU personally go into downtown haiti and walk around? Ya…..didn’t think so.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not me! That place is a real shithole, thanks to Hillary Clinton!

      CNS: Hillary Clinton caused the earthquake? That woman gets everywhere!

      • Anonymous says:

        C’mon CNS; We all know Haiti was a shithole before the earth quake, but they had a chance to have a fresh start with all the money that was raised for disaster relief. Sadly it ended up lining the pockets of a few wealthy people like Hillary Clinton, and the country remains a shithole. So yes we can fully blame Hillary Clinton and anyone else who robbed those poor souls!

      • t says:

        CNS – I believe Anonymous is referring to the Clinton Foundation and the fundraising efforts that they made for Haiti that never actually helped Haiti.

      • George Bush Jr. says:

        According to the Haiti Sentinel, when he was president, Bill Clinton negotiated deals with former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide that “effectively render[ed] Haiti incapable of feeding itself.” Clinton later admitted, “It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked. I have to live every day with the lost capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did,” BBC News reports.

        Paradoxically, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Clinton was asked to lead the UN’s Haiti Reconstruction Fund while Hillary oversaw U.S. aid to Haiti. WikiLeaks later revealed emails between Hillary’s State Department and the Clinton Foundation which appeared to show that those earmarked as “FOB” (friend of Bill) and “Wjc/hrc friends” received special attention.

        ABC News reports contributors to the foundation and friends of the Clintons benefited from the reconstruction. In addition, a garment factory run by a Korean firm in an industrial park which cost $400 million of global aid, including almost $175 million in U.S. taxpayer money, underdelivered in promised jobs. ABC discovered “the Korean firm became a Clinton Foundation donor and its owner invested in a startup company owned by Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff.”

        Six years after the earthquake, people remain homeless, with fewer than 1500 homes rebuilt, and many rebuilt again because of poor workmanship. The ABC investigation found that at the same time, the Clinton Foundation said it ‘facilitated’ the construction of a luxury hotel in Port-au-Prince, owned by a man who donated $10 million to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

        Moreover, Newsmax reports Hillary’s brother, Tony Rodham, “was on the board of one of only two companies that received a ‘gold exploitation permit’ in 2012 from the Haitian government – a first in over 50 years,” which caused an uproar in the Haitian Senate when leaders discovered “the royalties to be paid to the Haitian government were at least half the standard rate at 2.5 percent.”

        And Democrats are “concerned” about what Trump allegedly said?

        If they are going to condemn Trump for speaking the unvarnished truth about craphole countries, then maybe it’s time to talk about how Democrats, by way of the Clintons they worship, helped Haiti remain one.

        • Anonymous says:

          Finally, a voice of truth! Thanks for setting the record straight. Name calling or theft? Which is the most repugnant crime?

      • Anonymous says:

        No CNS, if you were paying attention you would know that the Clinton’s pretty much own Haiti.

        CNS: No they don’t, but I’ll agree that they are not without blame in Haiti’s woes. Here’s a really good balanced article about the Clintons and Haiti. It highlights, and is very critical of, their role in the current mess without the right wing hyperbole:

      • Anonymous says:

        Nah, didn’t cause it, just profited from it in a very shady way.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Clinton foundation built a beautiful modern clothing factory for their cronies. They built it with earthquake funds earmarked for Porto Prince who desperately needed relief in food and basic human needs.
        They built the factory hundreds of miles from Porto Prince in an unaffected area
        and turned it over to donors of the Clinton foundation, the contractors who built it were also foundation donors. Crocked Hillary.

  34. Anonymous says:

    The hate and racism against Trump is an eye opener for all those who believe browns and blacks cant be racists.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you implying that black and brown people hate Trump because he is white

      Please, don’t be daft

      • Anonymous says:

        Too many whites are being taken advantage of by the greatest hoax that they are the ones that hate, when I see the hostile opposite everyday. Who is committing most of the crimes in all countries?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Many “black” caymanians and jamaicans that i know like this guy. Believe it or not.
    They ignore his racist comments, but are only focused on his religious comments.
    The guy believes absolute nothing and takes advantage of the ignorance of people.
    You get what you asked for.

    • E. Nygma says:

      Really the Right wing that is ever present in Cayman likes Trump?

      Say it ain’t so

    • Anonymous says:

      Many “black” Caymanians and Jamaicans fail to grasp the mechanisms of neo race politics.

      However, if you opt to base your perspective on the ignorance of others then have at it buddy.

  36. Anonymous says:

    To be fair, Haiti is far from being paradise. If only we had the balls to ban the spawn coming in from our $@&#hole neighbor.

  37. Anonymous says:

    If you are selfish or mediocre then Trump is your man.

  38. West bay Premier says:

    The way I feel about this last piece of fake news about President Trump, is that the left don’t like President Trump and can’t wait to distort any an everything the man would say . The leftwing fake News media has been out to get him from the minute he became President. And the Democrats don’t want to give President Trump a chance to do anything and to take the people from being dependants of the Government because If he lift the People out of poverty the Democrats would loose
    them and their votes .

    This story I understand that there was only a total of four men present including Trump one of the men has denied that Trump said those words and Trump has also denied it , so of course the other two men went straight to the media with a story about the conversation and it just kept growing from there .

    I will not repeat anything like this story unless I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth regardless if I like him or not .

    • Anonymous says:

      Your Last drop of legitimacy is now gone
      2 Senators 1 GOP, 1 Dem have both said he said the comments (Durbin and Graham)
      Now the 2 other GOP senators story has gone from “I don’t recall” to “Gross Misrepresentation” and you think that the entire news media is colluding to bring down the Trump Presidency. The Senators waited for a recording to surface and since one didn’t they likely took the risk and now have begun lying

      Think about it, one side changed their story and one side stuck to their guns, who is most likely to be lying

      Not to mention the fact this is coming from a man who admitted to saying things like this before “Grab them by the Pussy, I don’t even wait” (their is actual audio good luck denying that one) and then he has come out saying it was just “locker room talk” and then months later AFTER ADMITTING AND APOLOGIZING for the event he denied it to members of Congress and Cabinet

      The Man is a serial liar

      CNN, MSNBC and the NYT didn’t make Trump say that, he said it himself Trump is Trumps own worst enemy wake up and smell the lie you have been sold

      • Anonymous says:

        You are quoting CNN, MSNBC and NYT as credible news outlets????? No wonder you can’t get the story straight!

  39. Anonymous says:

    We like Trump….he just says it how it is.

  40. nauticalone says:

    Trump is a disgraceful person and should be shunned / ostracized by all, especially those in positions of leadership.

  41. Anonymous says:

    He’s a dickhead people. Always has been, and will most likely continue to be for a few more years.

    • West bay Premier says:

      Pot calling the kettle black again. Stop living in a biased world so you can see it in a fair and ballance way .

  42. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think anyone is really surprised. The biggest surprise is that so many people voted for him. That’s the worry.

  43. McCarron MCLAUGHLIN says:

    Too many politicians try to be politically correct. Something the truth hurt. Dick Durbin is a fraud, he should have conforted Trump when supposedly made the vulgar comments and not wait for cameras. He has a clear agenda against the POTUS. Sad from all sides.

  44. Anonymous says:

    I call on all in the carribean to protest and stop going to the US. The condemnation of Trump is a call for all to not deal with the US and stay in our own countries and only consume are own products. And for all those in the US who are condemning the President, they need to authenticate their virtuous condemnation by moving to Haiti. We are above the common US deplorables and US citizens against Trump need to move to the more virtuous carribean nations.

  45. Anonymous says:

    They should apply their energy to actually improving their peoples’ lives instead of just talking endlessly. This is simply a case of reality intruding on pc politics. Refusing to notice or acknowledge the existence of shitholes (or no go zones for that matter) doesn’t make them go away.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Soft bigotry, when certain races and groups are infantilized, patronized and pandered to in order to score political points and make sure certain groups stay in a perpetual mindset of victimhood.
    That’s racism of the worst sort.
    You certainly can’t argue that places like Haiti are doing well, so let’s make it about race.

  47. Anonymous says:

    taken out of context. He should have just used “corrupt nations” that steal from there own like CIFA members did.

  48. Anonymous says:

    *”Harsh language” is present though only used to highlight a point*
    Come on CNS,

    I love y’all but you are killing me with this overly sensitive censoring of “harsh language”, I understand if you put a little disclaimer near the top saying “Harsh language is present etc etc” but really if you’re going to bother writing an article about this and this man in particular you might as well use the word, use the quote in its entire uncensored form.

    Every major news source has been either reporting it as said, or not reporting it at all, live TV interviews and debates feature analysts and correspondents loudly and clearly quoting him verbatim

    This whole “gentle and polite society charade needs to stop” one of the reason why Trump is able to get away with smearing the media as a whole is because he makes people feel like he is one of them he uses the language of normal people ( shocking to some I know, but the vast majority of persons curse on a daily basis)

    I’m not saying you need to flood your articles with vulgarities just to be hip and cool but, this is the type of PC, pearl clutching that makes the media look bad

    You do it in comments that are posted as well, (quite arbitrarily I might add), one day shit gets through and another day it “S—“, for the love of God let the curses through or ban them altogether

    We all know people who curse, we all have cursed, we know that the vast majority of words used are not a big deal, there are appropriate times to curse and there are times to show restraint but what makes, “fuck” any more vulgar than “sex”, what makes “shit” worse than “excrement” they mean the same thing is dick

    If trump had said excrement-hole countries I bet it would be uncensored even though it means the exact same thing

    Not to mention the whole reason vulgarities are used in such a way is specifically because people are raised and told they are taboo and should remain unsaid

    It is completely fine for someone in school to say excrement but if they say shit, they should be punished? the hysteria around the words is why they are used in these ways

    Polite society is all well and good but in the real world people use less than polite language
    Just a fact of life

  49. Anonymous says:

    Please know that there are many Americans that also condemn his comments!

    • Anonymous says:

      A very large majority I would say.

      • Anon says:

        The poll taken of the American people stated 76% thought his comments were very inappropriate, so yes the majority of Americans condemn his remarks. The Fox crowd on this site is very disturbing and do not represent the American people. Remember, he did not win the popular vote by 300,000 votes; something that seems to have been forgotten somehow.

    • Anonymous says:

      Americans have become hypersensitive. Trump didn’t make THE statement. It was a conversation behind the closed doors. He doesn’t speak politically correct language, because he is not a politician. This is all to it.
      P.S. I can’t stand him by the way, but let mass hysteria not to rule our lives.

  50. Anonymous says:

    world leaders need to unite and say trump is not welcome in their countries…..

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s funny. Seem that what Trump been saying about USA. Some people are not welcomed. but they just don’t get the hint. If we continue bringing in all the junk we soon be a crap hole of the Caribbean very soon. Those politicians keep pandering to that one set that is determined to make Cayman turn into a little Parish of where they come from. Such a sad state.
      Now they saying he such a bad person. Hoo boo hoo.
      When are the snowflakes gonna stop crying and realize he is President?
      Those are the same corrupted Caribbean leaders are who have those Islands in such a crap hole state. sticks and stones, ahh you know the rest.

    • Anonymous says:

      The UK can’t say that because it is sucking up to everyone to minimise the self-harm of Brexit. Human rights abusers, dictators, the whole lot are being wined and dined to satisfy the whims of the alt-right UK nationalists who a desperate to doing anything to trade less with Belgium.

    • Anonymous says:

      Need to unite and FEED their countries of starving people.

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