Veteran PPM member surveys public ahead of campaign run

| 02/11/2016 | 49 Comments
Cayman News Service

Lucille Seymour

(CNS): Lucille Seymour, who says she expects to throw her hat in the political ring again to try to win a seat in George Town, is undertaking a survey to find out what the people want rather than telling them what she stands for. Seymour said that as a founding member of the PPM she will be running on their platform. Although she hopes to run in Prospect, where she lives, or Central GT, the area where she grew up, the party has a selection process and she does not know if she will be chosen by party members to stand in the either of the new constituencies.

But keen to get back in the ring, Seymour, who served in the first PPM administration as a backbencher between 2005 and 2009, lost her seat in the election that year. Although she ran on the Progressives ticket in 2013, she failed to secure enough votes to win one of the six seats that were available at the time. With just over 30% of the vote, Seymour came in ninth place, just ahead of Kenneth Bryan, who has already declared his intention to run as an independent in Central.

Seymour said her interest in politics is stronger than ever. “But I do feel the need to give the public every opportunity to voice their concerns,” she said, adding that she was using a variety of tools to facilitate that. She said that this would put her in a better position to offer relevant solutions.

Despite being a member and supporter of the current ruling party, which has claimed to have turned the economy around and improved the prospects of locals, she said she wanted to ensure equality of opportunity and access to Caymanians who live in a country that is so prosperous. “There has to be that the rising tide lifts all boats,” she said.

Seymour said the survey was to help her gauge and understand the views, expectations and concerns of those living in the Cayman Islands.

The survey which is available online here is open until 25 November.

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Category: 2017 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (49)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Lucille, judging by the rate of your replies it would appear you have lots of time on your hands. If you are elected you can keep this and be paid a big fat salary from those who work hard all day every day. It’s a no-brainer, girl, go for it!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ms Lucille I would like to see a reduction in Politicians salarys, because then and only then would we get better Politicians in the ring. Everyone wants to get in there for such a big fat salary. Then we would like to see decent ,honest people on a committee to deal with Disasters such as Hurricanes. Politicians should be kept completely out of it. The greedy gets the assistance while the poor needy and non supporter is left out. Then not to mention those that bids on the repair contracts….

    • Anonymous says:

      Lucille never going to agree to reduce MLA’s salaries. No sir. Increase them, yes but never reduce.

    • Anonymous says:

      And please stop the pension double dipping.

    • Anonymous says:

      Completely wrong 11.30pm…you actually need higher salaries to attract the brighter brains who figure why should they lose there huge salaries or dividends to do something for Cayman? So if you have a real bright lawyer earning $1-$2m a year, why would they give that up for CI$120,000 or so? However they would be highly qualified to do the job…

    • POLITRICKS 101 says:

      “Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.”

      Oscar Ameringer
      (1870-1943) German-American politician, socialist & writer

  3. Anonymous says:

    At least we hope to get Marco back to check those figures and our Cayman Brac Blue eye Boy as his competitor so like to call him.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Lulu, dont pay any attention to all the negative comments. It’s all only coming from a few wanna be politicians and their supporters who are looking for a handout.

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      Thanks for the encouragement. I understand bullying and it takes a lot to knock me down. I am from Shedden Rd and we don’t back down easily. But I am better at face to face. I like visibility it invigorates me and gives me that push to fight for what is just and right. If they are interested in politics then show their face. I can always give my energy to their cause


      • Anonymous says:

        Lucille, I find it most telling that you say you understand bullying, it’s as if you have had some personal experience in this regard, perhaps?

      • Anonymous says:

        Lucille, I love you, but if you want to represent Cayman and the teaching profession please correct your grammatical mistakes. I make them all the time as well, as it is easy to do on a small keyboard, but I don’t have my real name out there for anyone to judge.

  5. Sanya says:

    Ms. Lucille follow yr heart don’t let a few discourage u I fir one vote in BT but my vote is for the best that got this country out of the financial difficulties it was in. Hope my name cones up I’m no coward to write and remain anonymous

  6. Just Askin' says:

    Do gays have rights too?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ms. Lucille is someone who i consider to be a very respectful lady who loves her country is willing to serve in any capacity demanded of her. She is testing the waters by putting forward the survey. Please assist by completing the survey and she will take from there.

    We should never be too quick to judge and cast disparaging comments. As far i am concern she is equally fit to serve and contribute politically and otherwise to the Cayman Islands. Blessed love!!!

    • Middle-class is dead says:

      Ms. Seymour is smart enough, dare I say educated enough, to know by now what her people NEED, not what they “want”.

      She has represented George Town before and may do so again but as I am sure she is an observant woman who knows our history in these islands, she will know exactly where the flaws are and sought to get them rectified.

      This survey is but a kind gesture to be liked and to also see what she can use to get in come next election. As you all should know by now, OMOV has been implemented and will be in effect come May 2017. She only needs to do a bit of work, not too much, to get in under that system.

      But, good luck Ms. Seymour; you will need it to prove that you truly want to make a difference and when given another chance you will endeavor to do as such for the greater good of your Country and all its inhabitants, whether native or local.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi CNS, looks like you inadvertently launched a cheap election campaign platform

    CNS: We will be covering a lot of launching of camapigns in the coming months, and no, it won’t be by accident.

  9. Smithy says:

    Why are you all so uncharitable? Everyone has a democratic right to offer themselves for election. The voters will decide who they want at the appropriate time. One thing I commend you for Miss Lucille is your bravery in the face of such narrow-minded bigotry. Good luck in your quest.

    • Bumper Sticker says:

      Dear Smithy,

      This is not her first time in the political ring; do get a grip of your naivety!

    • Anonymous says:

      Smithy, why you ask? Frankly its farcical. I am sure the lady is a lovely person, but such a see through ploy to get you to answer the “survey” and then get you to think she could actually do anything about what you care about and to do it very publicly on here. Trump would be proud.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if she ever found those “strange Caymanians” she was asking the Director of DCFS about in Finance Committee? As a “strange Caymanian” living in George Town, I can tell you that my family and I would not support you as a candidate in the upcoming general elections. Your mentality is too divisive and we don’t forget.

    • Anonymous says:

      12:11 You must consider yourself strange.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes Ms. Seymour was part of a platform of division and xenophobia. She knew us strange Caymanians only during the election period. Please use your energy Madam to help Pink ladies or some other organisation. No vote from this strange Caymanian George Town voter.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Miss Lucille, there is nothing for you in this next election. People around the world are clamouring for change. Based on your previous stint in the LA, you could not be considered a force for positive change.
    What we need are some new radicals, successful in their own right, not members of any secret societies, honest and forthright, non-political patriots.
    These people exist in Cayman. I have met them and am hoping that some of them will rise up and accept the challenge. As soon as I hear that one of them is standing, I will be down to the office to register.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Oh no not again. Enjoy your retirement and leave the job to someone better qualified than a lifelong civil servant.

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      You don’t know me . I have been more than a life long CIVIL SERVANT. . It takes guts and tenacity to stand up and run for politics. I can help you if you would like to run

      • Anonymous101 says:

        Hmmm … madam, I have to ask: Do you support abortion (killing an unborn child)? Do you support a homosexual lifestyle (you know, the new-black socalled born-that-way civil rights movement that wants to change our governments in the West Indies)? What makes you think conservative folk on this island who values the Family, would be better off seeing you in power again???

        Madam, not to be disrespectful, but these issues may appear as hard questions, but they do carry alot of weight with voting electorate who do have the reverence of Gd in them.

        peace :/

      • Anonymous says:

        Miss Lucille,
        This is precisely the problem.
        Your lifetime of civil service is not what we want.
        We want change.
        Please try to understand.

  13. Sharkey says:

    She would be a benifit to the PPM party , but not to the people. So everyone knows what to do about that. Like someone said enjoy your pension and retirement .

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      My friend I have been a benefit to you and yes to the people. I am not partisan I am Caymanian who strive to help all people who need my help. Perhaps you should join me by filling out the fsurvey to really acquire information to plan solutions for the benefit of others.
      Lulu call me at 9161944

  14. Anonymous says:

    No need for a survey, we don’t want you. There!

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      Then come out and let me help you get there. If you are genuinely interested in making a positive difference in your society come and stand up and put your hat in the ring. Caymanians are respectful. That’s our best quality. The sin of ingratitude is worse than the sin of witchcraft. LULU

  15. Anonymous says:

    Pity there is no depth to this survey, they’re just angling for talking points. Hopefully we’ll be talking about the right things at least.

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      Appreciate all of your comments, each one of us has an obligation to move Cayman in a positive way; the same that we expect from the representatives. The poll is real and would be more alive if the commentators would take the survey.
      To be a true Caymanian is to let nothing push you down . No one ever kicks a dead dog. Caymanians have a face are very brazen, courageous and bold and never hide behind anonymity
      My life to the end will always be about helping others . I am who I am today because of people who were kind loving caring and respected inclusivity. They never stayed on the sideline and practiced not lifting a hand to be the change. Even if I fail in elections it gives me a voice to speak for the voiceless.I would be happy to speak with any commentator who from the bottom of his our her heart genuinely wish to move Cayman into an inclusive equal and prosperous society.

      • Anonymous says:

        But we never hear from you except for election time. Where is all this noise and fight for change all year round? You have not been vocal about any of the matters facing Cayman, if you need a survey to know what they are then you are already too late. Just read the headlines in CNS for the last year and its evident what Cayman faces. Where were you and your comments during:-

        1. The recent Smith Cove fiasco
        2. The legal practitioners bill
        3. the rape and molestation of youngsters in our community
        4. the plight of the unemployed Caymanian
        5. the condescending and despicable comments from the premier regarding the independents
        6. every single new piece of legislation tabled in the LA

        You really need a survey to know what the issues are, I just named 6 off the top of my head and you have been NOTICEABLY silent as a mouse on all of them thus far. The comments on CNS aren’t simply arbitrary vitriol, they are what your community actually feels about you and your lack of involvement. Why would I hire you? What have you actually done or created in my country that means I should pay you for the next 4 years? You wake up each election season, talk about helping others and the strength of the Caymanian people but we have to be strong because people like you are only visible once every 4 years, we are succeeding DESPITE your lack of action. If you cannot list what you have actually achieved (not lip service or intention or blaming others) as I am required to do on my resume if I want a job, then you have no right to expect anyone to vote for you. YOU are not entitled to my vote on the basis of a survey and CNS comment.

      • Lorna says:

        Seriously, Ms. Lucille? ?? Caymanians never hide behind anonymity?? Who do you think all these anonymous posters are?? As a Caymanian, I can tell you that we are some of the biggest hypocrites and cowards that exist! Deceitful bunch of backstabbers. That’s why the same people keep getting reelected!

        • Anonymous says:

          It a deflection of the grandest form to ignore the content of the post and focus on the identity of the poster. If the post were sign “Sincerely, Jane Ebanks” would that have made the content more valuable? Notice, no -one has actually challenged the content of what appears to me to be a very poignant comment. Why shouldn’t we expect our politicians and prospective politicians to be active in our community all the time? Why shouldn’t we ask what their achievements are? I mean, someone asked you that when you interviewed for your job, correct? Miss Lucille is likeable, no doubt there but are we not yet fed up of likeable people who don’t actually achieve tangible benefit? I don’t see bullying in this post, I see lots of question marks and it would be wonderful if Miss Lucille could respond to them so that the people she expects to vote for her can make an educated decision…………

  16. Anonymous says:

    Ms Lucille why not run on your own you stand a better chance .

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      It is one thing I have learn in going to church when Jesus choose the twelve disciples and in life it takes like minds and coordination of effort to propel change. I thank you for your thoughts and do hope you fill in the survey LuLu

      • Anonymous says:

        You clearly did not learn grammar despite having several degrees and being a teacher! I will not vote for someone who cannot form a proper sentence and use the correct tense and punctuation. I also find it particularly loathsome when a person resorts to using church/religion when talking politics.

        I am a voter, but not in your constituency so my opinion really doesn’t matter.

        I would also like to know when the netball association will hold its next election as I understand you have been president for too many years. I would like to see the audited accounts too. Yet another sport here with questionable voting and accounting practices.

        • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

          While we take the mote out of people’s eyes . ours are so filled we cannot see. The netball helps others, no one is barring them from coming forward to serve. Don’t tell me you that you don’t know that Government require audited accounts. You should ask Mr.. Francis for the audited accounts of CINA. By the way, ask the netballers what I contributed to netball last season . Call me I will give you a copy of any document you require financials, strategic plans. My time in netball is not for my own gratification . I do hope that the length of time I have been there I was not anonymous and it helped someone. The netball association is a charity and I hope you contribute to the bus fundraiser we have launched. The need for transportation is so important to the young girls and young women to ensure their attendance and to ensure their safety. We need to raise another $10,000.00 Appreciate any way you can help. Cheque payable to CINA or you can deposit directly to CNB

  17. Anonymous says:

    Tired and clueless just enjoy your pension and don’t embarrass yourself anymore please lulu

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      A failure ignites and enables me to continue to go back and evaluate. Some times the failure is not your doing. But I am happy to go out and defend you my friend even if I fail . But you can help me be successful if you fill in the survey so I can get more empirical evidence to determine evidence polices for us to share in the prosperity more. I need you to help me in this process

  18. Anonymous says:

    If the ppm do not want you and they’re desperate that should tell you something darling

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      They have a process and although I am one of the founders of the PPM they have to follow it.

  19. Anonymous says:

    If the tide is rising you’d better be prepared to swim hard; treading water won’t cut it.

    • Lucille Seymour/ LULU says:

      I am sure you have benefited from that rising tide. help others to do so please complete the survey

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh ms. Lucille. Why bother? You cannot run in Central George Town, because that Alden’s territory. He and Kenneth will be fighting for that one Prospect is Marco’s territory so looks like you “got left” you have been there and done that so just chill this one out! You are a nice lady but you have to realise that it is over for you.

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