Smith Cove to be developed

| 03/10/2016 | 116 Comments

(CNS): Developers have submitted a planning application to build condos on the north side of Smith Cove. The property was owned by Dart and at one time was offered as part of the controversial NRA deal government struck with the islands’ largest developer as part of the land swap but it was not part of the final deal. It is no longer clear if Dart has completed the sale and remains the landowner but an application from Bronte Developments has been made for an apartment complex that will cover around half of the much-loved local beach.

The application by the developers, who also built Oceana and SeaView in the South Sound area, is for 24 condos on parcel 7C70, which can be viewed at the department of planning by the public. Residents in the area who are raising concerns believe formally objecting to the project will be futile because the developers are within the law, and they are urging the public to contact their MLAs or the premier.

Objectors hope to make it clear that the broader community does not want to lose one of the few remaining oceanfront spots to yet another luxury condo development. To secure public access to what has been a traditional local beach spot for many years for the future, residents want government to buy the land and protect it under the law.

A real estate agent who responded to one of the emails about the imminent loss of the area circulated by residents to the public said that the development was being set back in such a way that access to the northern beach, home to the much-loved “jumping rock”, which is on the private land, would remain.

“Developers have intentionally provided an almost 70-foot setback so the public will forever have a right of way in respect of the northern beach and jumping rock,” said ReMAX agent Michael Joseph. “This area is not part of the proposed development and nothing will change in terms of public usage. Notwithstanding that this is all private land, the developers fully understand its significance and are giving it up for the public’s benefit.”

He said less than 25% of the plot is being developed, and despite regulations permitting up to 49 condos, just 24 apartments are planned for the site and public access to the beach will remain unfettered.

See details of applications on the CNS Library

Anyone wanting to object to the proposed development next to Smith Cove should email the department at

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Comments (116)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A project like this is another step in Cayman losing everything it once was. These people don’t care about anything but the dollar.

  2. Anonymous says:

    These guys should read Trip Advisor on Smith Cove..Wonder what people will say a year from now when those ugly condos tower over our little cove?..This is a recorded tourist site on Cayman soon to be destroyed…

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think it’s time we listened to the words of the Mighty Gabby…Michael maybe you heard this growing up..please let your partners listen and try to understand we are not taking this lying down…The beach is mine, I ga bathe there anytime…

  4. The Cayman electorate needs to rise up and save their island paradise for future generations. Only they can wield the kind of power it will take to push away big money and politicians. If they do not, future generations will rightly hold them responsible.

    • Anonymous says:

      To Poster Richard Apple you are so right but it will never happen anytime soon maybe within the next 10 – 15 year when there’s nothing left. Cayman is suffering from the Aesop fable The Miller, His Son and The Donkey syndrome. The moral of the story is “He who tries to please everybody pleases nobody”. This is what has happened here since 1980.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Not a word from the PPM…even with the silly season in full force they still cower and hide hoping no one notices..

    Progressives my backside!

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is the equivalent of mooring a bar at Stingray City. Joseph, the Bronte Group, and anyone else involved risk loosing their reputations if this project moves forward.

  7. Sandra van der Bol says:

    This is so sad. Talk about ‘gain the whole world and lose your soul’ ! It is amazing to me that so many of the ‘powers that be’ no longer know or remember that people need natural, untouched spaces to experience that soul renewal so desperately needed after dealing with the mind numbing demands of ‘life’. Smith’s Cove has been a sanctuary of renewal for many, many generations. How dare you, all of you who are responsible for this travesty, to allow this to happen! No argument can mitigate the reality of this loss of habitat, of nature and nurture, for the people who have cherished this untouched sanctuary for generations.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ms. Corrine must be rolling in her grave now! What a disgrace to her memory!

  9. Anonymous says:

    The land was owned by Stan Thomas before DART.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the monument states the land was donated by the Webster Family to “The People of the Cayman Islands and the Strangers in our Midst.” as Well as some favorite quotes by philosophers…

      Where are the Philanthropists these days instead of greedy developers?

      AL Thompson lives across the street, sits on the CPA Board and welcomes all these developments!?!

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you suggesting that the chairman of the CPA should not permit a lawful development just because it is opposite his house…?….really….? …is that the Cayman that you want to live in…?

        • Anonymous says:

          Unfortunately, it is the cayman we are living in..Even the Auditor General recommended that we disband the Planning Board for the many conflicts of interests but the PPM stood their ground and kept everyone including the chairman…so there you go..that is the Cayman we have to live with..full of corruption and conflict..

          • Anonymous says:

            YES 100% AL Thompson has a huge conflict by owning the supply company for developers (profits in his purse) and sitting on the CPA!

      • SJames says:

        Greedy developers you say!! What about the purple monstrosity by the fish market. It is a national disgrace and the CPA should be ashamed of themselves. How can Thompson stop people using our coves and charge them an entrance fee. Caymanians need stand up to these people.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t anyone think it a little odd that Michael Joseph never told CNS or Cayman 27 that he is one of the owners of this Development?

    He is not just the owner but the real estate agent as well..XXXXXX

  11. frangipani says:

    I am devastated to read this and to know that the ‘swimming cove will be compromised. Can you imagine the complaints by neighbours to police when there is a beach picnic and children are frolicking and being happy.
    We know very well that we will not be able to use the Barcadere in peace. What a pity.
    Speaking of those who approved this development, it should be noted that it was Mr Thompson’s mother who, many years ago sought and won the fight to save Smith Barcadere from developers and why we have been able to enjoy it up until now.

    • Diogenes says:

      Having been at Smiths Cove a couple of weeks ago, didn’t notice any picnics or children frolicking, but did notice a number of adults drinking heavily and having a competition to see who could play the loudest music.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh so that means children don’t play there then.

        • Anonymous says:

          In absence of the LOL button, HAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one.
          I drive past (as many of us do) on a daily basis and see children, groups, seasonal campers, weddings, parties, etc.
          But you have to admit, Diogenes comment was pretty dang funny. Because you can guarantee there will be music and parties continue to be held there.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You know what would have made a greater and much better headline would be that Michael Joseph and his Bronte company were donating the land to the National Trust to keep in perpetuity for the people of the Cayman Islands.

    I see these guys with all their fancy advertising and “make believe” charity at the Pines. From all the millions that they have made in Cayman, show me one thing substantial that they have done to make Cayman better? You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all of the time. Mike you should go and ask those people in the Pines what they think about you doing this?

    There is only so much that greed can get you in life. How much money can one have? Isn’t better to leave behind or even just have a legacy of a good cooperate citizen? Even the Bible says” What profiteth a man if he gain the whole world but loses his soul.” Not that the Bible means much in Cayman anymore…

    Michael, I say you on TV standing there at Smith and talking about how it was when you grew up there. Shame that generations to come will not ever benefit from the natural beauty of Cayman like you did. Your talk in my mind was simply disingenuous and nothing you can do or say would sway me to believe that at the end of the day this for you is all for the love of money.

  13. Papa Doyle says:

    Its clear Cayman that this PPM Government needs to go! Voters need to make it happen soon than later too.

  14. Dark Synergy says:

    And it’ll be washed away at some point like those condos up spotts a decade ago.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Belize still have their beautiful Blue Hole. Jamaica still have their Dunns River Falls, B.V.I still have their Baths, Anguilla still have Shoal Bay, St. Baths is still the place for the in crowd, Cuba has it historic and new. Let them build and they will come is the old cliche but who will come when there is nothing of interest to see? Cayman is fast becoming any town USA. Pretty soon the island will become the background for B rated movies and nothing more.

  16. Anonymous says:

    PPM should be hauled out in front of the Legislative Assembly and flogged if this happens under their watch..

    Too bad we no longer have Statesmen, instead we have “Progressives” who despite the Auditor General’s demand that the Planning Board be disbanded, reappointed it with the same Chairman who previously owned this land and the land to the south of it where he plans to develop his condos as well. Does anyone smell any conflict of interest here. does anyone believe that he and his board will not approve this?

    Alden, get balls man!!

    Poor old Consuelo must be rolling in her grave now..

    • Anonymous says:

      May she rest in peace but sadly her own children refuse to get involved and be prepared to fight this fight, especially in politics.

      Personally these issues of over development spans across PPM and UDP administrations, so until we get a grip on reality that until we elect people not associated with any of these groups and or their real ‘masters’ things will continue to worsen.

  17. Phil says:

    When Smith Cove developed and this beach is taken away by security, then what for the folks in George Town??? Where will we go to swim by shady trees???

    I have to question! Because Smith Cove is the only scenic beach in town we have! Public beach (soon taken by Kempis) can not be compared to Smith Cove!

  18. Fun bring bun says:

    CNS, I know its a journalist’s job to stir things up but seriously, your title “Smith Cove to be developed”? The parcel to the north of Smith Cove is to be developed! Smith Cove is crown land, hence public. And readers, please do exactly that and read the article!

    • Sharkey says:

      We know that smith cove is Crown property . Do anyone know where the boundaries are , and how much property was there and is today ?
      I think that when it comes to issues like this some developer’s are like politicians to get elected / started , but after they get started / elected they do something different.

      What I say , this is the time to form THE SAVE THE SMITH COVE BEACH GROUP and watch the developer like a hawk , because if we don’t our smith cove is going to be on the iron shore .

    • Anonymous says:

      For generations all of the said lands were considered Smith Barcadere. So to those of us who know CNS is right on target with the headline.

    • Anonymous says:

      True, but the parcel to the North includes a portion of what is now considered Smith Cove, the bit on the right as you look at the ocean. If ‘jumping rock’ is specifically mentioned as being on private land then that would be in the middle of what is commonly seen as Smith Cove. Not sure about Cayman law, but if you’ve had 20 years of uninterrupted public access then you have established a public right of way over the private land anyway, at least you have in the UK.

      • Fun bring bun says:

        Yes that portion is on private land. As much as i would not like to see any development there we cant tell a proprietor how to develop his/her land as long as they do so within the planning law. Thats like somebody telling you that you cant develop your land because they use to play in the old big tree out back as kids and they have very fond memories of climbing that tree.

        We as caymanians sold the land, there is no one else to blame. I only wish planning didnt allow certain types of structures along beach front propertie but thats another can of worms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry your wrong. Even the developer admits that the beach on the right and jumping rock are on private property.
      They can do what they want with that area and I am sure if your paying 4, 5, 6 million you will want your private beach

      • Anonymous says:

        Very realistic, at the end when those millionaires buy and own a property there they will secure the beach only for their use. there’s not time to be fouls just built on a different spot James Lagoon please stay in West bay in your corner.

    • Anonymous says:

      Under the Development and Planning Law, the “public” does NOT have the right to object so CNS should check its facts first before creating such a frenzy. This application for 24 apartments is only required to notify owners within a 450′ radius. So, unless the application was advertised in the newspaper, you can’t view the plans. The site is zoned Beach Resort Residential. It is privately owned and there is NO existing registered public access over the site. However, the CPA can and probably will require the developer to set aside a public right of way to the sea, 6 feet of public right of way for every 200 feet of waterfront property. Whether we like it or not, that’s the law. Don’t penalize a developer for exercising his rights to develop his property. It is NOT his fault that Government chose not to accept Dart’s offer to give Government the land for free.

      • Anonymous says:

        ‘give Government the land for free’? Rewrite History Much?

      • Anonymous says:

        You had me all the way up to ” Dart’s offer to give Government the land for free”

      • Anonymous says:

        Give Government land for free??? Maybe Cayman should elect Donald Trump at least if nothing else he can negotiate a deal. Those jokers give everything away then turn around and pay premium price for it. Makes one long for the days of Messrs Orman and Jim leaders with heart of lions and balls of steel.

  19. Anonymous says:

    In other news:
    There was a mother today at the governmental hospital with a seriously sick child.
    She was sent home, because she had no job and therefor no insurance.
    This is the same Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is gut wrenching!! At least help the child. I thought hospitals couldn’t turn away anybody that needed medical assistance. Smh


    • Anonymous says:

      Well if you don’t want to pay income tax in the Caymans what do you expect?

  20. Lo-cal says:

    Great just great! So you leaving access to the beach you say. Is this just until you dont want the loud music or the negro from Winsor Park near your building. Before you laugh just remember we all look a little suspicious to them.

  21. Annie says:

    We are fools. We give up everything that is precious to us make a few dollars for a few greedy men. And what do get in return? Small pox blankets for the masses.

    • Anonymous says:

      Govt. were offered the land but did not buy. Developer bought land and paid stamp duty and obeying planning laws.
      Thank you developer for investing in my country to provide jobs and income to government.
      My fellow Caymanians, stop whining.

  22. Annie says:

    What sell outs. Sickening.

  23. Sharkey says:

    Someone needs to investigate who was the owner of Smith Cove that sold the property to Mr. Dart . You would be surprised to who was the owner and who sold it to Mr. Dart .

    I think that it is despicable for what Government is doing to the Islands and the people .
    Only 25% of the property would be developed , that was said to keep everyone quiet till we put up private property signs and keep out .

  24. Anonymous says:

    It is quite obvious that most people are not reading the article correctly. SMITH COVE is not being developed it is the adjoing property that is scheduled to be developed. Since when are owners of property in the Cayman Islands not permitted to develop their property? Who says that the Dart Corporation still owns this property. As far as I know we are not communist Cayman. And the word Natives is beginning to annoy me. It makes me feel like we are some sort of savages.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the word Natives is used in the same context that describes the American Indians and the Native Fijians, then one should see it as an honour.

  25. Smith Cove says:

    No where for the righteous person to run. No beach for the oppress to cope. No place for the youth to destressed. Money is all heaven and nature & people don’t matter. Its all about the money. Its all about their god.

    What will we tell our kids?

    smh … :/

  26. Caymanian idiot says:

    Which Caymanian sold the land to Dart? Marl road is the man with the big house across the road.
    Stop complaining this land is privately owned, Caymanians are the ones to blame for selling these parcels of land in the 1st place.

    Your still going to be able to use the larger beach and the ironshore.

  27. Anonymous says:

    It’s a good job that the “real estate agent” that responded to your email was Michael Joseph. He’s listed as being one of the Bronte people on their website. Perhaps that should be made clear in the article, particularly as he’s referring to Bronte as “the developers” rather than “we”?

  28. Anonymous says:

    Three men who don’t give a damn.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Alden, I hear you or Roy running in South Sound..Either one of you that want my vote better make sure this doesn’t happen.

    How much more do we as Caymanians are expected to take? XXXXX

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the article, a developer is building on his own land and still allowing access ………what exactly , as you put it , is it that we as Caymanians are being expected to take..?

      • Anonymous says:

        Developer building on his land then government have the right to invoke article 26; or is this just for local people when they want to take your town land?

    • Diogenes says:

      Well, whilst I full agree the Cove should be retained for the public, you need to ask yourself 3 questions: a) who owned it before they sold it to Dart b) how exactly does the public get to use private land and prevent a private owner from having the benefit of their land – sure you would want the public picnicking on your lawn and c) if its so important to tradition and the public to have access – which I entirely agree it is – why didn’t CIG either buy it from Dart before, or do it now?

      • Len says:

        Government could/can not afford to purchase it or do much of anything because of the lack of money. Which, by the way, is caused by the lack of income caused my concessions to major developers.

        Government is quick with two things: Giving concessions and claiming we can not do things because we have no money!

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree with you on this one

  30. PPM Distress Signal says:

    For the political party who got elect on a manifesto of FOR LOVE OF Country the PPM and its political connected minions are either buying up everthing or sell out everthing Something they claim would not happen under them. All we are left with is a JUMPING ROCK! If you voters think its bad now give them another 4 years we will have to take turns living on that same jumping rock.

    • Anonymous says:

      They didn’t state which country, maybe we need to check nationalities of beneficiaries of their policies, then we will get a glimpse of the country or even countries they really represent.

  31. Rightyaso says:

    Marl Road has it that Michael Joseph is one of the owners of Bronte Developments (and, certainly if not an owner of Bronte, deeply involved with the developer in other business ventures).

  32. PPM Distress Signal says:

    The PPM has taken over where the UDP has lagged in allowing this island to be sold out from the top to the bottom all we have left is a “Jumping ROCK” pretty soon we have to take turns living on it If those voters think it is bad now. Give them another 4 years in government and see where you will be then?????

  33. Anonymous says:

    Drama aside, all that stands to be “lost” is the sea grape jungle/crack junkie/pick pocket and feral chicken habitat north of the beach. With a 70 foot set back there’s no public access loss.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Take a look at what they built on the old Seaview site and ask yourself, “Do we really want a pile of **** like that built here?” At Seaview they were allowed to re-write the original plans after consent was given and ignore all the rules so can you really trust them with what is in essence a heritage site?

  35. Sucka Free Cayman says:

    How sad for natives this is what happens when you sell your birth right for nice Tings to those who have come here to take every frigging thing .They leave you a Jumping RocK!!!! Hahahahahaha mann which by the way will jump right off the Drop Off with all Caymanians on it. Rise Caymanians Rise before you go under!!

  36. Anonymous says:

    What’s the issue? Its private land and there will be a set back. How is this any different than any currently undeveloped private land on SMB or elsewhere?

    • Anonymous says:

      Check out what happened at Seaview – they ignored the set back completely and built over the old parking lot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is it there are always people like you who pop out of the woodworks to go “if they could do it, why can’t I?” Didn’t your parents teach you that is never a good excuse?SMB is ridiculously overdeveloped. Rather we should have used it as a lesson- not a precedent for more destructive developments like these.

    • Rightyaso says:

      Because there is no undeveloped land left on SMB. Because once they build and we go there on a Sunday they’ll call the police and complain about the “natives” making too much noise, sitting on their beach, etc. etc. Because it is all that we have left. Because we didn’t realise our govt had let us down again. Because we’re effing upset!

    • Anonymous says:

      So, Mr. Joseph is a Bronte Partner and a ReMax Agent? Interesting. I wonder just how much insider information was garnered to make both the land sale and development happen. This is some amazing bullsh*t.

      PPM is just as much a failure as the UDP. (smdh)

      Without ever seeing the contract, we know/read that only 24 of 49 condos will be built, and the public is permitted to access the beach, for an unspecified, with a additional permit to jump of a privately owned rock. Well, if this doesn’t mimic a proverbial genocide, I don’t know what is – as result of commercial greed and political ineptness.

      • liberty for all. says:

        calling this proverbial genocide is insulting to a real genocide. Just what is proverbial about it? Take your head out of your butt.

        I don’t like the fact that there will development close to the barcadere but I cannot deny the right of the individual land owner to do what they want with their property.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope that Michael Joseph declared that he had a conflict of interest before commenting to the media.

      • Anonymous says:

        Does a lawyer declare a conflict of interest before representing a client , ?

      • Anonymous says:

        He said he represented Bronte. Where is the conflict? Do you even understand what a conflict is?

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s not what the article says. Sounds like he was misrepresenting himself and did not declare an interest in the development when responding to CNS’s enquiries.

        • Anonymous says:

          The conflict is that a CIREBA agent is not allowed to promote non-CIREBA properties so I’m guessing he has been thrown OUT of the organization and is now a private realtor. XXXX

  37. Anonymous says:

    This really would be the icing on the cake for the destruction of Cayman.
    Smith Cove is listed on all the tourist guides trip advisor etc, this is one development that should be stopped.
    Let’s just see how this government and the future government deal with this application, maybe the only way of stirring them into action is to say it is going to be a gay commune might actually see an MLA do some good for once.
    Please don’t let this development

  38. Rp says:


  39. So this little paradise will soon be gone… so very sad. The only natural beach habitat to enjoy will be developed/disappear by the hand of man… people haven´t learnt what it means to saw off the branch they´re sitting on.

  40. Anonymous says:

    At what point does supply outstrip demand? Shame all the nice bits are being sold off privately.

  41. Michel Lemay says:

    Land swap now equals building condos @Smith Cove. Desapointing to say the least. I am for progress but we keep getting the short end of the stick once more for the almighty $$. Thanks for nothing.

  42. Anonymous says:

    So sad, Why?
    I’m only a visitor to Cayman and that spot is quite special to me…this is crushing news for Caymanians. Of all places left, why would the powers that be allow such an iconic beach to be stripped away from your people?? I’m sorry for the true people of Cayman.
    And, not only will they lose a place of timeless beach tradition, but we all know what’s going to happen underwater. I’ve spent hundreds of hours snorkeling & diving within and around the cove, it’s a treasure chest of favorites, including corals. First development, and then misjudgment from soon-to-follow new residents is sure to wreck havoc down below.
    For these two reasons alone, do you not understand the repocussion?
    So sad-

    • Anonymous says:

      “Stripped away from your people” give me a break, this land was SOLD by some Caymanian so he could by a car better than his neighbors, and is now being developed by others who knew better.

    • Anonymous says:

      Panic not dear visitor, Smith’s Cove will still be there, IT is NOT being developed.

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