Tag: World Health Organisation

Anti-tobacco UN treaty extended to Cayman

Anti-tobacco UN treaty extended to Cayman

| 31/05/2023 | 41 Comments

(CNS): The World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) has been extended to the Cayman Islands, the first UK Overseas Territory in the region to request and receive this extension. Cayman officials said that the FCTC, one of the most rapidly and widely embraced treaties in the history of the United Nations, would […]

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WHO calls for science-based  info to curb virus spread

WHO calls for science-based info to curb virus spread

| 23/09/2020 | 59 Comments

(CNS): As Cayman marked another day with no new infections of the coronavirus either in the community or among the more than 200 people in isolation, the World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries to put plans in place to promote science-based information about the COVID-19 pandemic. Cayman recorded 174 negative test resultson Wednesday and has […]

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Week opens with negative COVID-19 tests

Week opens with negative COVID-19 tests

| 14/09/2020 | 16 Comments

(CNS): After losing the COVID-free status last week after three travellers in quarantine tested positive for the coronavirus, Cayman started this week with good news, as Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported on 333 negative tests that were carried out since Friday. The three active patients remain in isolation, along with 230 other people […]

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HSA monitoring new virus after US case

HSA monitoring new virus after US case

| 23/01/2020 | 36 Comments

(CNS): With one case of a new strain of coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV, now reported in the United States, public health officials in the Cayman Islands said they are monitoring the situation surrounding this new respiratory disease, which, it now appears, can be transmitted from human to human. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has […]

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False negative HIV tests raise concerns

False negative HIV tests raise concerns

| 06/03/2017 | 18 Comments

(CNS): The Health Services Authority (HSA) said there have been three separate “false negative” HIV tests from private healthcare facilities in Grand Cayman and they are urging all healthcare facilities to use kits approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). Government health officials said that in three cases, samples believed to be negative subseqently tested […]

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Survey to gauge local grasp of antibiotic resistance

Survey to gauge local grasp of antibiotic resistance

| 07/02/2017 | 22 Comments

(CNS): Local government officials have begun working on a national plan to tackle the growing, global problem of antibiotic resistance. One of the first steps is to measure how much people in Cayman already know about the problem, which is caused by a catalogue of issues, such as the use of antibiotics in food and […]

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Four more George Towners come down with Zika

Four more George Towners come down with Zika

| 13/09/2016 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Another four women with no relevant travel history have been infected with Zika as a result of local transmission, public health officials have confirmed in the latest update regarding the spread of the virus in Cayman. Another female patient, also from George Town, who tested positive in the latest batch of test results received […]

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Poison land saga rolls on as government awaits test results

Poison land saga rolls on as government awaits test results

| 31/08/2015 | 12 Comments

(CNS): Government officials have stated that the current administration remains committed to cleaning up the contaminated land in the Frank Sound area but it is still awaiting test results. The Cabinet Office said that the coordinated effort to address the problems at the location, which was used in the wake of Hurricane Ivan as a […]

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Poisoned land triggers major public health probe

Poisoned land triggers major public health probe

| 03/07/2015 | 28 Comments

(CNS): After a decade-long saga to get government to take the situation seriously, a major public health investigation is finally underway on land that was poisoned with arsenic and other dangerous substances when it was used as a debris site during the post Hurricane Ivan recovery. Government officials revealed yesterday that testing by local and international […]

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Cayman claims low record of food poisoning

Cayman claims low record of food poisoning

| 07/04/2015 | 2 Comments

(CNS): As the world focuses its attention on food safety to mark the World Health Organisation’s World Health Day, officials in Cayman say the islands have a low rate of food-related health scares. The day was described by Cayman’s Department of Environmental Health as an opportunity to alert the public to the importance of food […]

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