Tag: waste-management

Dart duty waiver relates to ‘inherited obligation’

Dart duty waiver relates to ‘inherited obligation’

| 12/12/2022 | 23 Comments

(CNS): A refund to the Dart Consortium of over CI$1 million for stamp duty and land registry fees is related to the purchase of land for the planned ReGen facilities, which was an “inherited obligation”, according to Jennifer Ahearn, the chief officer of the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency. Ahearn said that because the […]

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Dump deal won’t close this year as talks roll on

Dump deal won’t close this year as talks roll on

| 01/12/2022 | 64 Comments

(CNS): The government’s controversial deal with the Dart Group for the conglomerate to take over the Cayman Islands’ waste management and develop a waste-to-energy facility is now not expected to close this year. Speaking in parliament in October, Premier Wayne Panton suggested that an agreement could be reached by the end of November. But a […]

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OAG finds pre-election abuse of public cash

OAG finds pre-election abuse of public cash

| 21/10/2022 | 107 Comments

(CNS): The Office of the Auditor General noted an “unusual spike” in spending by the National Roads Authority during the two months before the 2021 General Election. More than $11 million was spent between the announcement of the early election and the day of the vote, Auditor General Sue Winspear and her team found during […]

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Hew admits dump contract needed work

Hew admits dump contract needed work

| 17/10/2022 | 60 Comments

(CNS): Deputy Opposition Leader Joey Hew (GTN) has accused Premier Wayne Panton of manufacturing claims about the previous government’s deal regarding the dump, which was signed just weeks before the general election in 2022. In a long statement, Hew claimed the delay in relation to the ReGen waste management project should be blamed on Panton, […]

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Panton: PPM misled public over Dart dump deal

Panton: PPM misled public over Dart dump deal

| 11/10/2022 | 96 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton took aim at the PPM on Monday, saying the previous administration misled the public about the waste-management deal it signed with the Dart Group just weeks before the 2021 election. The PACT leader said that far from presenting a negotiated agreement, they signed “an agreement to make an agreement”. Panton said […]

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PPM accuses PACT of sleepwalking into dump disaster

PPM accuses PACT of sleepwalking into dump disaster

| 07/03/2022 | 67 Comments

(CNS): Almost a year ago, less than three weeks before the 2021 elections, the PPM-led Unity government signed a deal with Dart for a waste-to-energy facility, and the PPM, now in opposition, is accusing the current administration of “sleepwalking the whole country into a horrific environmental disaster”.

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Dump on Cabinet agenda but no details revealed

Dump on Cabinet agenda but no details revealed

| 20/12/2021 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Cabinet was updated last week on what’s happening with the integrated solid waste management system, according to the note released by officials summarizing the weekly meeting of government’s frontbench ministers and the governor. But other than noting that Cabinet “approved a guarantee of payment to the Decco Consortium”, no other details were released about […]

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Dart: WTE won’t hurt incentive to reduce or reuse

Dart: WTE won’t hurt incentive to reduce or reuse

| 10/06/2021 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Dart executives have stated that the plan to incinerate and convert the bulk of Cayman’s future garbage into energy will not undermine efforts to reduce and reuse the 100,000 tons of rubbish that the Cayman Islands produce on average each year. The projections for the anticipated increase in waste have emerged from government’s predictions […]

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Dump EIA will take one year to complete

Dump EIA will take one year to complete

| 01/06/2021 | 37 Comments

(CNS): The environmental impact assessment covering the build-out of the nine elements on the current George Town landfill site that will make up the country’s future waste-management facility will take about one year to complete. According to the Terms of Reference document for the EIA, which was released on Monday, it will examine all of […]

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$20M dump works to start but still no full deal

$20M dump works to start but still no full deal

| 13/10/2020 | 63 Comments

(CNS): The Dart-led consortium selected as government’s preferred bidder for the national waste management project over three years ago has signed a sub-contract with government worth over $20 million. But there is still no full deal agreed for the entire project. This preliminary works contract is to cap and remediate the George Town dump, create […]

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Dump deal ‘soon come’, claims minister

Dump deal ‘soon come’, claims minister

| 23/09/2020 | 60 Comments

(CNS): Government is said to be close to signing a deal with the preferred bidder on the long-awaited waste-management project. It has been almost three years since the Ministry of Health selected DECCO and a consortium of waste experts to take on the project, but to date almost nothing has happened on the tender remit […]

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