Tag: medical marijuana

CMO blames law over problems with hemp products
(CNS): Beauty, cosmetic and other products that contain hemp were removed from local store shelves because of local legislation that bans the consumption, use or possession of any cannabinoid product and not due to any directive from the Public Health Department, according to Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Gent. Even though there is barely a […]

Cannabis ‘gummies’ delivered without prescription
(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Gent is asking medical professionals and pharmacists to follow the law when it comes to the dispensing and prescription of cannabis products, as all forms of the drug are illegal here unless prescribed by a doctor. After a local pharmacy mistakenly delivered cannabis gummies to a young patient without […]

Action needed to get ganja law passed
(CNS): A group of local citizens say that if government does not address the pressing need to change the current legislation prohibiting the consumption of recreational ganja and decriminalise the use of the plant, then will they will get a petition together for a people’s referendum to present to Cabinet by June.

Burglars make off with cash from medical clinic
(CNS): Doctors Express was the victim of a break-in this week when burglars made off with a quantity of cash. The clinic was broken into at around 4:45 Wednesday morning, triggering the alarm and the arrival of the police within minutes of the burglary. The owners of the medical facility said no one was hurt […]

Elvis holding Juliana to ganja promise
(CNS): Elvis McKeever has said he will be holding his opponent in last week’s elections, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, to the commitment she made in the last stages of the campaign to the legal cultivation of medical marijuana. Posting a video on his Facebook page ahead of the swearing-in yesterday, McKeever, who unsuccessfully challenged O’Connor-Connolly for her […]

Doctors Express tab will cost public purse
(CNS): The end result of the unlawful drug raid at Doctors Express by customs and police officers will likely end with a significant tab that will be picked up by the public purse. Even before a court rules on reputational damages and business losses, the private clinic will be claiming “significant costs” as a result […]

Customs targetted doctors, court hears
(CNS): Customs and Border Control targetted Doctors Express to seize legal cannabis stocks last year after the facility circulated an advert announcing the arrival of the medicine through vaporization. Their attorney, James Austin-Smith, accused customs of planning the raid on the clinic, messing it up and then trying to cover it up, all because the […]

Crown’s defence in doctors’ JR on shaky ground
(CNS) A Grand Court judge raised concerns on Thursday about how the crown is presenting its defence to a judicial review brought by Doctors Express over the seizure of their legal medical cannabis last year. On a number of occasions Justice Robin McMillan pointed out to counsel from the Attorney General’s Chambers, that he was […]

Doctors put medical cannabis back on the shelf
(CNS): Almost one year after Customs and Border Control (CBC) seized the legal cannabis that Doctors Express was prescribing to its patients, the medicine has been returned and is back on the clinic’s pharmacy shelves. The raid at the medical practice was triggered by a memo from Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee to doctors […]

Doctors raided over legal cannabis
(CNS): Customs and Border Control (CBC) officers raided Doctors Express, a medical practice in George Town, on Wednesday evening and seized “a large quantity of CBD (Cannabis) oils/vapes”, even though all the doctors at the clinic are registered practitioners. No arrests have been made and CBC Director Charles Clifford has said that because it is […]

Jamaica wrestles with red tape as ganja sector grows
(CNS): The Jamaican Cannabis Licensing Authority is wrestling with the bureaucracy that has come with the change to drug laws in Jamaica, paving the way for a licensed legal medical industry, according to CLA Director Delano Seiveright. But despite the challenges, he said the industry is set to boom and the government made the right […]