Tag: email scam

Scammers use CNS logo to target candw.ky users

Scammers use CNS logo to target candw.ky users

| 07/12/2023 | 2 Comments

(CNS): Scammers who have got their hands on a list of Cable and Wireless candw.ky emails used a CNS logo on Wednesday to try to con people who still use those accounts. The fake email had nothing to do with this media house or the daily emails we send to our signed-up readers with the […]

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Police urge businesses to tighten email security

Police urge businesses to tighten email security

| 18/10/2023 | 4 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS is increasingly concerned at the level of sophistication used by international fraudsters targeting businesses in the Cayman Islands through the use of business email compromise (BEC) frauds. The police are urging everyone to tighten up email account security and set up multi-factor authentication where possible. They are also warned that victims of […]

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Scammers ask for cash in grant con

Scammers ask for cash in grant con

| 24/07/2020 | 1 Comment

(CNS): The police are warning that scammers are using the cover of government grant offers to part people from their cash in at least two different email cons. Cybercrime officers said the scams invite people to apply for government grants, requesting a deposit of around CI$100-125, along with personal ID details, to process these claims.

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Scammers use cops’ email to phish

Scammers use cops’ email to phish

| 14/02/2020 | 3 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS is urging the public not to click on a fraudulent email currently circulating that purports to come from the Financial Crime Unit and instead forward it to them. The police said that no one has yet reported being conned in this scam. The email suggests that a police complaint has been filed […]

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Local loses cash after login info hacked

Local loses cash after login info hacked

| 22/11/2018 | 5 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS Financial Crime Unit is urging people to use a different password for each website they log into and to change the password immediately if any of those websites are hacked. The FCU said they had been made aware of an incident where hackers were able to steal funds from a person in […]

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Scammers using CIG email to con people out of cash

Scammers using CIG email to con people out of cash

| 11/06/2018 | 7 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS has issued a public alert on the latest phishing email scam circulating in the Cayman Islands that is using a government address to defraud money from people. The email address is being used to send scam emails requesting payments from properties and business owners which they claim are taxes due to the […]

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Scammers steal cash from local accounts

Scammers steal cash from local accounts

| 07/11/2017 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Two residents have reported substantial unauthorised withdrawals from their accounts apparently resulting from the latest scam email circulating locally purporting to be from local banks. Both of these reports of theft are currently under investigation by the RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit, which is warning residents once again to beware of phishing emails. In this […]

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Email scam cites immigration to lure victims

Email scam cites immigration to lure victims

| 15/08/2017 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Government officials have issued a warning regarding an email being sent to immigration customers in which scammers are posing as the local Department of Immigration to suck people into a phishing effort. Officials warned those who receive the email not to open the link, as it will harm computers and networks.

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Financial crime cops warn of fraudulent online ads

Financial crime cops warn of fraudulent online ads

| 31/07/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS): Fraudulent advertisements on the internet have become a daily reality and most people are well aware of the dangers about giving out information to unknown entities offering untold riches. But the RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit is reminding local job hunters to be careful of scam ads being posted on a local classified online website. […]

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Fraudulent email on election scandal circulating

Fraudulent email on election scandal circulating

| 31/05/2017 | 9 Comments

(CNS): Officials are warning that an apparently salacious but totally fraudulent email that purports to be from Supervisor of Elections Wesley Howell is not coming from the Elections Office email servers and that anyone who recieves the email should not forward it or click on the links. The email claims that a candidate in the […]

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Immigration warns customers of scam email

Immigration warns customers of scam email

| 11/04/2017 | 4 Comments

(CNS): A scam email circulating that purports to be from the Cayman Islands Department of Immigration is loaded with malware and will harm computers, government officials have warned. The phishing attempt has been going out to various clients with the immigration suggesting there has been a change in regulations, but the public is urged not […]

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