Premier’s discretion over pay a worrying move

| 11/01/2021 | 63 Comments
Cayman News Service
Kenneth Bryan MP, 16 October 2020

(CNS): Both of the independent opposition MPs have raised concerns about the flexibility that the new parliament management law gives the premier to award ministers and the new parliamentary secretaries additional pay. While public backlash has focused on the severance package that all of the members supported during the passage of the bill, Kenneth Bryan and Ezzard Miller are warning that the ability of any future leaders to set pay could be misused.

Bryan told CNS on Monday that while he had raised his concerns about schedule one during the debate and committee stage discussions of the Legislative Assembly (Management) Law, 2020 in October, those concerns were dismissed.

The schedule lays out the broad parameters for members’ salary grades, which are comparable to the civil service, but it also provides for the premier to boost the pay. All ministers fall in the B1 pay grade and are entitled to an increment for each four year term completed as a minister. But the schedule states, “In addition, at the discretion of the Premier, may earn additional increments on Grade B.”

Government MPs appointed as secretaries to ministers fall into grade D1 but they can earn up to $2,000 more per month at the discretion of the premier, which Bryan pointed out could make members beholden to the political leadership for the wrong reasons.

Bryan said that while he was not suggesting any of the current members or leadership would abuse this discretion, he was worried that the potential was there. He said that during the discussions that led to amendments in the original draft bill, the premier defended the ability of future leaders to increase the pay of government members to enable them to reward experience.

“But I believe this could have been reflected in a pay scale schedule, removing any perception of abuse,” Bryan said. “I am not suggesting that the current leadership has plans to abuse this but I have concerns about what might happen in the future. It presents an opportunity if the wrong person were in charge and I am not comfortable with it.”

He said that the probability that Cayman will be facing another coalition government after the election in May was high. “There is no doubt that this discretionary ability to pay people more could be used as leverage to trade with,” he warned.

Miller also raised his concerns about the same issue during the debate. He said that while he was aware of the public backlash over the severance pay that has been added to MPs’ package, the real problem surrounding politicians’ salary is the lack transparency. He believes this discretion given to future premiers was another way of obscuring exactly how much representatives were being paid, and said the benefits package for MPs should be clear, precise and fully transparent.

“The schedule should be public and the premier should not be able to give certain people extras,” Miller said. People need to know exactly what all MPs are being paid, from the premier down to opposition back-benchers and there should be no discretion, he added.

Although both Bryan and Miller pressed for the discretion to be removed and the pay grades to be made fully transparent, the bill passed with this ability for the premier to set the pay of government members.

Nevertheless, Miller defended his position during the debate that MPs should be properly rewarded. “I have always been an advocate that members… should be properly and adequately paid, but it should be a transparent process,” he said. “Everybody wants to see the best professionals elected to the Legislative Assembly (now Parliament). We cannot ask for …folks to give up their profession to come in here and not be properly compensated.”

Meanwhile, despite public opposition to the news that losing MPs will be given three months pay, Miller said he had not objected to this because past members have clearly struggled to find work after they leave office.

Bryan said he, too, backed the severance pay because there was no doubt that choosing politics can undermine future career prospects. Regardless of which political side members had served on, employers simply don’t want to risk falling out with whoever is in government by employing someone who may be on the losing side, he said.

Like it or not, he said, the community had to recognise that members who may have given up a lucrative career to enter public service can get ‘tainted’ by politics and find it hard when returning to the employment market place.

See Bryan and Miller’s contributions during the bill debate below on CIGTV:


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Comments (63)

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  1. Fair and Balanced says:

    Kenneth Bryan is a bully who believes he can scare other Members of Parliament to give into him, by raising his voice and playing that he’s doing everything for GT Central.
    All that he does in the House is to play up to the listening and viewing public and try to impress them. He is not a genuine person. Sadly, he’ll get re-elected and the monster will grow unless someone in the House stands up to him. I really don’t have any respect for such an actor.

    • Anonymous says:

      “fair and balance”?pshh if you actually took time to listen or watch the proceedings of the House sittings you would see that what you say is actually the complete opposite. Have you seen and heard how they talk to and about him inside there? And what would you prefer him to do? Sit down, shut up and fall asleep like the rest of them in there, especially on the government side? Everyone has their own way/style of debating and Kenneth (like anyone else) gets loud when they’re passions or when they’re trying to wake the members who fall asleep on the people’s money

      • Fair and Balanced says:

        I can assure you 8:41 pm that I have first-hand knowledge of how KB operates.
        He often does not pay attention to what is said by other members speaking before him and then he covers up by starting off saying, I might have missed it but……
        He’s a play actor.
        You can be fooled by him but not me.
        He does not have any regards to the rules of the Parliament and when he’s challenged to abide by the rules, he gets frustrated, raises his voice and plays the victim.
        So, you can go ahead and lap up his antics but not me.
        He tries too hard – tries too hard to impress GT Central instead of being genuine and not play acting. He’s obviously won you over but his tricks and thuggish nature, are not for me.
        I repeat, sadly for the Islands, he will get re-elected so, you can have 4 more years of him.
        He’s owned by Speaker Bush because Bush was a supporter during KB’s brush with the Police a few years ago.

        • Anonymous says:

          I also have first hand knowledge of him. He does try too hard and doesn’t seem very smart. I’m not a fan of his. But if it’s true he had a rough start to life, run-ins with the law etc, he deserves credit for turning his life around. This does not make him a good politician. But perhaps not a bad human?

    • Anonymous says:

      I know you are talking about the Premier though. I smell a “Unity” supporter vote canvassing.

      My mother lives in GTC, and I will tell you something.

      Before the Government even closed the borders and locked down the country, Kenneth personally went around in his vehicle to every house in GTC (as he has done numerous times since he ran in 2017) and personally handed out disposable and rewashable masks; and kept everyone updated via WhatsApp group chat everyday to keep people safe. (Yes, every press briefing, every government announcement, and everyday in between) He also gave personal vehicle help in rescue missions from flooding during the multiple hurricane threats, and provided assistance to food insecure families throughout the pandemic.

      Any bullying you speak of should be met with “Unity” government salary bullying, foxing around, motion blocking, and nasty tactics out of spite.

      Any measure for discussion by Opposition is always blocked while they tirelessly push to accomplish their campaign manifestos four years later, with little avail. (Unless, it’s the COVID national plan last March. Then, it’s good enough for “Unity” to steal and not give any credit for.) Meanwhile, projects for “Unity” re-election are always going full speed ahead, even if the majority of the public says “no” and Caymanians are complaning about negative effects. (Cruise port would have been the same, secretly grateful now though; still nothing on Cayman27 though)

      If you are talking about playing up to the public and scaring MPs, look to the motley crew and the people leading your “Unity” party. Orchestrating the usual election-rushed road paving, appliance giveaways, school construction, and any other box ticking on their personal, public, and private manifestos while strategically doling out breadcrumbs for the next term. (E.g. Pictures handing out water after the earthquake last January; you will see them very soon in their campaigns)

      I find it hard to believe our self-righteous Premier nor our criminal Speaker of the House has mucked up the wheels of his personal luxury vehicle to do any of the same.

      Just so you know.

      • 🙄 says:

        …..and after all that hot air, where is he on the topic of physical abuse and corruption? Handing out free mask and managing a whatsapp group is far from what he was elected for. No one is asking him to fix it overnight but his silence speaks louder than this little sad story you trying to lay on us.

        He needs to go!

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, I hope you are not stupid enough to support any other foreign interest money-laded politician to replace these ones.

          If you think it is bad now, you will wish you knew better now. Those ones actually know how to cover up their donations and handouts, market their holier-than-thou facades and none will be the wiser.

      • Fair and Balanced says:

        NO,i’m not talking about the Premier even though he’s not lily white. I’m talking about the representative for GT Central.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone stop the severance payment ? Especially as this is an election year and almost all will or should probably not be reelected?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Shame on you Kenneth. Please don’t come back down in the East.

    Signed… Central Posse

    • Anonymous says:

      With regards to this article, shame on Kenneth for what exactly? For saying that he does not believe that the Premier should have the power to approve extra money to Ministers? And pointing out flaws and concerns in the Bill?

    • Anonymous says:

      And by the way, you were waiting till Mac was found guilty before you agreed that he had to resign.
      He was found guilty, so step up and do the decent thing…”Decent” you’ll find it in the dictionary. Integrity is too complicated for you.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth go sit down and shut up. You have lost all credibility by not supporting the drunk, woman beater’s removal from office. You ARE just like the rest. Perfume on a pig is still a pig. Too little too late.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ken-Ken, hair falling out bro’?
    Is this what you signed up for?
    How do you sleep at night? Tired of vanishing at the bars yet? I wonder how many times you bump into Alden?

  6. Anonymous says:

    There is no point arguing with expats.
    They already know everything.
    I find it quite amusing. One day, I am going to ask them about the ramifications of electron spin with respect to quantum mechanics and if this possibly affects AI. Uneducated tosspots, most of them.
    Shuffle some more papers, send some more ignorant emails and generally be a nuisance on your cell phone.
    See you in the pub, matey.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Oh Kenneth the only thing that undermines future prospects for losing MLA’s is the dishonorable way they conducted themselves when collecting their excessive pay check. For example:

    – using the peoples money to fight the people on the member’s lucrative port contract
    – supporting by silence and inaction (and additionally in your case voting against no confidence) the beating of young women in their work by your own members
    – refusing to take austerity pay cut and suffer with the people during covid
    – giving themselves LOSER award when they are booted out in disgrace come next election

    But all this is more than offset by opportunities they have created by favors they do for, and back room deals they make with, certain private sector beneficiaries.

    You’re a disgusting lil dude only worried about yourself.

  8. Anonymous says:

    aye…kenny the guy who made an ass out of himself in court recently by defending catron(just read the judge’s comments)…zzzzzzzz

  9. Anonymous says:

    I would never hire McKeeva to mow my lawn out of fear of reprisals from his political enemies.

  10. loophole says:

    So the loophole in the new law means, essentially, that the law is a sham. No suprise whatsoever!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Kenny the ego man knows the heat is on him for his acceptance of the speaker’s disgusting behavior and he is now trying to divert the attention to something else. When I saw his picture I thought he was going to explain why he thinks the speaker’s behavior is appropriate. Kenny is a total disgrace to politics and needs to sit down.

  12. Anonymous says:

    If our Premier can run the country he can be trusted to give Ministers the correct salary

    • Anonymous says:

      Go back to school now while you have time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who said anything about trust? And while Alden is the Premier now, he wont be in few months. So no one who holds that post should be able to manipulate the salaries of Ministers because they will just hold it over the Ministers’ heads and make them into even bigger puppets. If you think there is a corruption problem now, think again or just wait and see

    • Anonymous says:

      Who said he could run the country?

  13. Anon says:

    While I agree that a MLA’s “employability” might be tainted by his political career, that is a choice he makes. No one forces him to run for politics. It is wholly his decision.
    He takes the chance, he takes the consequences.

  14. A regular “Joe” says:

    No wonder why they insist on getting elected, although, Alden said he was making much more money when in private practice
    L. O. L. ?

  15. Anonymous says:

    So Kenneth This is what is borthering you? Really?

  16. WorkForYourMoney says:

    What the “Law Makers” need is adequate Labour Laws to protect ALL.

    Currently people are walking on eggshells trying to avoid Govt and employer collusion (especially when in same club) against them, when those persons decides to speak out on issues as citizens.

    When is the corruption going to be over?

    • Alfredo hernandez says:

      So we elect persons to run our country but don’t trust our Premier to give his team a raise.

      How ridiculous is that. Caymanians tearing down Caymanians and then complaining when others nationalities take Caymanians for a joke.

      Stop the complaining Kenneth and have faith in your own people.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is not about trust my dear and based on the representatives that we have and those who will run, we are just picking the lesser evil and keep our fingers crossed.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are no laws to protect the common people. Those days are over.

      • Anonymous says:

        Our so called constitution advancement is beneficial only to politicians. The electorate cant even fire the housekeepers when they don’t perform their duties, we have to continue paying them, even when they are corrupt, disgraceful and disrespectful. The people have no power or control.

  17. 345 says:

    I hope unna nah falling for this lil script they put together.

    What really irks is the chance his community gave him. He is inexperienced and unqualified but got the benefit of the doubt.He promised effort and integrity,and what did he deliver? The same corrupt dribble and more over, evidence that he is a coward.


    • Anonymous says:

      This is exactly that, a scripted play. In fact the left-right political paradigm that presents an incumbent and an “opposition” is totally fake and has been for most of my lifetime. When I was still in my 40s, I was asleep but no more.
      The government is one machine designed to control the masses and the public faces on the podiums are all bought and paid for by the hidden hand.
      Kenneth Bryan knows a lot more than anyone can imagine. Unfortunately, he is not at liberty to disclose. I am certain that he will be regretting his decision to ever enter politics. I did warn you Kenneth and if I bump into you in a gas station again, I will tell you the same.
      I genuinely feel sorry for you.
      God bless you.

  18. Money don’t grow on trees says:

    Like the rest of us, MPs should try to save some of their salary during their term so they have seed capital or a lifesaver until they get employment. Is it the people’s fault that they lose their seats? 30K severance. Come on!

    • Darlene says:

      With no disrespect the more them get it the more them want it. With no direspect give the garbage workers liveable wages. Long over-due. $5000. Per month. They have been and continue too cry out in the wilderness for help and rescue for years now. With no disrespect because they are afraid too talk for the fear of victimization or being fired from the higher-ups the real power riders. With no direspect maybe a possibility lodge, cartels,mafias,clique,gang or a passie.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree! The most important, even critical job on this rock. I’ll repeat. T H E M O S T I M P O R T A N T job!
        They are also one of the most vulnerable groups in society working in hazardous conditions.

        Not only $5,000/mo, but free healthcare for life, free LT disability, free life insurance, extended vacation time.

        Vote for any person who understand this and starts compensating them properly.

        • Anonymous says:

          If garbagemen are going to get $5,000, then I need at least $10,000. I’m a lawyer but I can throw garbage too, anyone can.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are gonna have a hard time this election. They want to make sure they have funds to cover their stoves and other bribes for votes.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is not the point. Look past your nose, please.

        How would you like it if your boss ducked your pay everytime you disagreed with him or her over black coffee vs. cream and sugar, black or blue pens?

        For those who failed reading comprehension, the concern here is the politicization of salaries, in order to intimidate MPs to follow the whims of the Premier by hitting their pocketbooks directly.

        This way the Premier can give raises as well as cuts, including to himself, and use it to bully MPs to do what he wants them to do, even if it includes cutting your employee paycheck to pad His Excellency’s.

        Sadly, I see a political cult brewing.

        Last I checked, any government official setting their own salary at their own whims only happened in dictatorships. (Food for thought in a “democracy”)

        Also, you talk about Caymanians tearing down Caymanians and then go on to tear down Kenneth Bryan, a Caymanian.

        How ridiculous is that!

        There is a reason Kenneth went from Alden’s assistant to an independent candidate. Politricks and corruption.

        He did Alden’s bidding, and got caught in court for his boss’ affairs and was thrown to the wolves as a result. I thought Alden looked out for his own (I guess red hands don’t go with black suits). The spell broke. Now that Kenneth is an MP, Alden blocks everything he tries to accomplish, and is now trying to groom his new loyal assistant to take Kenneth’s seat in GTC. Hope everyone can connect those dots too.

        Think before you write sir, your ignorance is showing. Caymanians having any say in any majority for what happens here (in our own country) is all on the line, this election only!!

        This was written by a Cay… well you know.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Never mind about the attempted diversion Kenny…you still want Mac to stay or not ?

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realise that the Opposition needed what 7 votes, I think? They already had 6 and it could have been ANY other MLA (now MP) to make the 7th, not just Kenneth’s vote… I am not defending him but people need to understand that it could have been any other MP, even the ones in Government. Also, how come I dont hear anyone bashing the women who should be even more offended?

  20. Anonymous says:

    We become more 3rd world every day. That being said we have a long way to go to be as bad as the USA.

  21. Anonymous says:

    They all have gone TRUMP mad.

    • Anonymous says:

      Trump donates all of his presidential salary to charity.

      • Anonymous says:

        and all his charity payments back to himself (see Trump Foundation)

      • Anonymous says:

        Trump is a wealthy man! Compare apples to apples please.

      • Trump is certainly the greatest... conman to make his way into the WH says:

        While also forcing the Secret Service to rent facilities and golf carts at HIS OWN golf clubs and hotels he likes visiting?
        That would be like the Premier trying to get the CIG to pay himself rent because he has an at home office that he might be able to do work in.

        Every cent of his salary that he has “donated” has been recouped by many times by the sly things he and his family have been doing to rake in money during his not brief enough stay in the White House the secret service payments to himself are just the tip of the iceberg.

        Foreign dignitaries who want to curry Trumps favour have been less than subtle with ensuring they stay at his hotel in DC a few blocks from the White House
        Saudi officials spend a few weeks staying at his hotel and what do you know they get an previously unannounced multibillion dollar weapons deal with the US government

        Trump has brought new meaning to the word corrupt and he has clowns like you thinking that he, a man born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth understands regular people and has made a sacrifice by working in the White House (essentially part time as he spent almost 1/4 of his Presidency golfing and at his own resorts)

        • Rubbish says:

          Unfortunately, your thoughts betray you as a brainwashed useful idiot for the corrupt globalists. Perhaps one day you will be able to exercise critical thinking to form your opinions.

          • Anonymous says:

            Nicely said. Thank God we are not alone.
            In the dying embers of humanity, I see a little truth smoulders. May the Majestic Creator bless you.
            I cannot understand how people decide to override their conscience.

        • Anonymous says:

          “That would be like the Premier trying to get the CIG to pay himself rent because he has an at home office that he might be able to do work in.”

          But that’s exactly what he is doing – he has awarded himself $10K a month – yes a month – in expenses which may be intended to be used for work purposes but for which he needs show no receipts and if he wanted could absolutely say he is paying for the expense of running a home office. BAD example.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which one of them will invite a seditious mob to parliament come May? My bet is Mac.

    • Anonymous says:

      He could be mad or not, I am not a psychiatrist and neither you are. He is a symptom of the deep issues America is facing. It can impeach him, but what it is going to do about 75 mil. who voted for him? They won’t disappear into oblivion and assuming they are also mad is dangerous.

      It was simply necessary for the US to admit the impossibility of unilaterally controlled globalization, abandon the role of the hegemon and move on to a concert of world powers, while simultaneously restoring their own infrastructure and economy, that is, strengthening the national state. This is exactly what Trump was leading to – largely intuitively, but rightly. However, the globalist American elites do not care about the United States as a state.

      The same could be said about the Cayman Islands, except hegemony of course.

      P.S. I support neither Trump nor Biden.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Look and Listen folks, its do it and in a couple weeks they will forget. Sweep them out.

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