Tourist jailed over 0.09gm of fentanyl

| 04/08/2023 | 18 Comments
fentanyl, Cayman News Service
Lethal dose of fentanyl (DEA photo)

(CNS): A tourist caught at the airport earlier this year with 90 milligrams of fentanyl powder in his backpack was remanded in custody after being convicted in Summary Court of drug smuggling. Adrian Frederick Scales (26) from the United States was found guilty this week by Magistrate Philippa McFarlane, who said he had deliberately tried to enter Cayman knowing full well he was in possession of the illegal drug.

When customs officers searched Scales after he arrived at Owen Roberts International Airport in October, they found 0.09 grams of fentanyl in his backpack. Although this was a very small amount, given the potency of this synthetic opioid, this much could be fatal.

Scales denied the importation charge but made no comment at the time of his arrest to explain the presence of the dangerous drug.

During the trial, he claimed that he was unaware he was in possession of the drug because before travelling he had loaned the bag to someone else. The magistrate did not believe Scales as a result of his failure to claim this until he came to court, which drew an adverse inference from his earlier silence.

Scales, who is understood to be the first person convicted of fentanyl-related crimes in the Cayman Islands, is expected to be sentenced in September. This will allow the courts to consult an expert on fentanyl, given this jurisdiction’s limited experience dealing with it. While a number of other arrests have been made and one couple has also been charged with importing pills, that case is still moving through the criminal justice system.

Over the last year, customs officers have begun coming across and seizing the drug at the airport. CBS Director Charles Clifford recently told CNS that the Class A narcotic is giving cause for concern.

Although only relatively small amounts have been seized so far, Clifford said the fact that his officers have recovered this drug on some occasions indicates there will be more on the street. While the drug is by no means commonly smuggled yet, it is something his agency is paying close attention to, he said.

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Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    sad. very sad indeed

  2. Dorline says:

    Show zero tolerance for the drug!!

  3. Natty Dreads says:

    Yet we had those who have imported larger amounts running around out here still selling drugs and guns supported by their fellow countrymen in gowerment offices ! A purge of the corrupt in government is badly need to stop this crime situation from getting out of control on our streets.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Crack is wack

  5. Anonymous says:

    Not a dealer level quantity but still potentially lethal dose.

  6. Anonymous says:

    that crap will kill ya. put him away

  7. Anonymous says:

    Drug hobbyists beware. Anything and everything terrorizing ERs in North America should be assumed to here eventually. Schools, EMS, Police, nightclubs should have access to life saving Naloxone/Narcan as part of their First Aid kit.

  8. Anonymous says:

    In light of these findings are the emergency services equipped with Narcam?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Good catch CBS!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wasn’t Scales first rodeo IMO

  11. Anonymous says:

    A drug dealer with the name of ‘scales’ 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      The Simulation strikes again

    • Anonymous says:

      04 @ 12:08pm + 25 likes – Who says he is a dealer? User, no doubt. But even as powerful and deadly as Fentanyl is, 90 mikes of it is not going to be “dealt” too much.

      Also, the Courts never charged him as a dealer, so who made you God and designated his as such? Be honest, if you were caught with a spliff, are you happy being labelled a “dealer”?

      Just saying!!

      • Anonymous says:

        “Don’t be half safe.!”

      • Anonymous says:

        Good grief man lighten up. I bet you are the life of parties (yes that is sarcasm).

      • Anonymous says:

        A drug user with the name of ‘scales’. There, happy now it has been politically corrected?

      • Anonymous says:

        @9:50am Joker, he was in possession of a deadly drug that could have killed a Customs agent or anyone who came in contact with it! Sounds like you’re fond of the stuff.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just what we need —- more drugs in Cayman.

      Fentanyl is on all three islands, check around with the foreigners who work in the hospitality industry in Brac and Little – it isn’t just ganja and coke anymore. And yet our incompetent Chief Inspector continues to act if he is already retired.


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